Steven Trollinger Suche erweitern. All those struggles, I learned from them, and I grew! A great example is in "Bismuth" and throws something at her and yells, "Look out!" In the transition from the pilot to the series, Steven underwent only two significant changes: the removal of the gold ring around his gemstone, and the gemstone facet being flipped right-side up. 1990-2012. This Gem version of Steven is insistent that he is not Pink Diamond. 9. During a brief moment when the possibility of death is very real, Steven expresses no qualms about dying in Peridot's company. Later, after Steven has transformed back, Lion greets him with a warm, friendly lick and allows Steven to embrace him and cry into his mane as his master/charge finally lets out his emotions. They eventually find a way to connect, and Lars gets on better terms with Steven. "Fragments" shows a new level of Steven's abilities as he fights Jasper in his pink state, showing increased strength, speed, and the ability to fly. He lets her go, but not before telling Sadie and Shep they make a good couple. Greg is Steven's main go-to for help on regular human affairs, and Greg understands how to help Steven in ways the Gems can't, such as in "Steven's Birthday" when he takes baby Steven for a drive to calm him down, just as he'd done before, and in "Gemcation" when he comforts Steven over his fear that his friendship with Connie is ruined. Fortunately, after she explains that she was simply scared of her parents not letting her see Steven again, he forgives her. It seems to happen when they dance together while thinking about their feelings for each other. When the Robonoids attack, Lars nearly has another panic attack, but Steven comforts him, saying that it was okay to be afraid. When he tries to escape, Aquamarine freezes all of them in her wand's tractor beam. After coming to this realization, he does everything in his power to help Steven turn back to normal, telling him that whatever he needs, he'll make it happen. It appeared that as time passed Monster Steven decreased in size; this could be seen that after appearing as tall as the Crystal Temple, he later looked only a few meters taller than the Diamonds. Steven became friends with Lapis in "Mirror Gem" when he is given a mirror by Pearl, which turns out to not work. As he discovers more about his mother and the effects her actions had he starts to show anger and guilt towards her over what she did. However, she shows a deeper affection than most for Steven, admitting to watching Steven once he has fallen asleep. In the decades since the height of his Hollywood fame, Seagal has been an outspoken supporter of Putin, who granted the 70-year-old film star . Upon refusing to resort to the use of the Breaking Point, he continues his attempts to reason with her and upon being forced to destroy her physical form, shows his respect for her by promising to tell everyone what happened, giving her closure before poofing. The top 15 best passers in the world as of 2023: Global ranking In "Everything's Fine", Connie calls Steven just after he returns from Homeworld, but he dodges her questions about his condition and ends the call, much to her concern. Because of his tendency to help people, Steven also pushes Lars to his limits, almost unintentionally ruining his friendship with Sadie in "The New Lars" in an attempt to help him. When Jasper first arrives on Earth with Peridot and Lapis, Steven seems immediately aware that she could not be reasoned with or befriended. Nephrite | Albite | Gem Cave Creature | Big Bird | Larimar | Invisible Gem Monster | Lighthouse Gem Monster | Slinker | Great North Gem Monsters | Grossular Diopside | Monster Steven, Other Answer (1 of 5): Steven Universe has some pretty wild inconsistencies with how their characters are drawn, but this is a good size chart: (found on r/stevenuniverse and created by u/yuunohu) If we crop out everything except WD and Steven, and then stack Stevens on top of each other until they r. Steven had his first meeting with White Pearl in "Legs From Here to Homeworld". There are untagged spoilers on this blog. He has been able to converse with her on equal footing since they first met and he listens to and absorbs everything she teaches him, showing that while Steven's intelligence is as deep as Connie's he lacks the breadth of her knowledge. Jason Voorhees' height, when played by Ken Kirzinger in Freddy vs. Jason was 6'5", making him the tallest actor to ever embody the silent killing machine. As shown in the aforementioned episode, Garnet is usually open to letting Steven attempt things that Pearl may not, indicating that she has more trust in him than Pearl. Steven knows that Blue and Yellow Diamond are dictators but in the song "Familiar" he acknowledges the two love him which is why he hopes to change their authoritarian ways. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Actor. Her hand alone is bigger than Opal (3 Stevens tall). His gemstone is still located where his navel would be, though it appears much smaller due to his massive size in this state. Steven's added arsenal of powers in his pink state is also similar to is Meliodas' Berzerk state and Assault Mode. Furthermore, he has also been shown to be able to fuse with other Gems as well, as he first fused with Amethyst to form Smoky Quartz in "Earthlings". In "Bubble Buddies", he calls Lars his "BFF" while Lars openly makes fun of him. Peridot seems to take the gesture extremely well and is on much better terms with Steven by the end of the episode. Because we're both not like anybody. During this, she becomes shocked to learn that Steven never told the Gems about going to the hospital, and is even more shocked when he reveals that he shattered Jasper and nearly did the same to White Diamond. Things you wanted to keep secret. He has also felt that he will never live up to the standard set by his mother in the eyes of the other Gems and is one of the reasons he is training harder to master his powers and combat skills. Regardless, Steven is willing to defend Rose, like when he snapped at Lars for insulting her. Peridot reports the progress of her mission to her, omitting the interactions of the Crystal Gems. "Kevin Party" shows him confronting the harm he did when he reunites with Connie after a few weeks apart from her and apologizes to her for giving up and brushing off her feelings. Sadie is one of Steven's friends who, unlike her co-worker Lars, is friendly, considerate, and affectionate towards Steven. 64. Oh my gosh! Rose then reassures Steven that she didn't make Steven just so she didn't have to deal with her guilt and that the tape she left him is proof that she wanted him and let him exist. What's the maximum height mobs can fall from without dying? Steven rejects the offer but affirms that he won't try to talk to her and Peridot out of it if they don't feel safe on Earth. Steven then attempts to convince her that Rose turned into him and how he has her powers, but "Eyeball" disregards this as another trick. He can either repeatedly create and pop these bubbles in rapid succession, or charge one bubble to have the pop deal more damage and break shields, however, this makes the bubble take longer to pop. When Steven's gemstone is removed from his body, he splits into two entities: one fully human, the other fully Gem. The Pebbles, although referring to them as Pink Diamond, appear to appreciate Steven as well. The Spirit Morph Saga: Archimicarus Lisa Plinkman Wind Lizard, Groups: Light Army Blue Monsters Green Monsters Indigo Monsters Orange Monsters Red Monsters. Rose's absence left a particular void in Steven's life, having to grow up without his mother. How messed up is that? Steven first meets Aquamarine while looking for some of his friends who have gone missing. It is shown that Steven respects her as he always listens whenever she speaks. Dieser Button zeigt den derzeit ausgewhlten Suchtyp an. figurines than in the show. Like his guilt over Rose, he tries to keep these worries secluded in his heart and to not think about it, convincing himself he had no other choice. In "Coach Steven" she's about 10 Stevens (40 ft) tall. Upon deactivating it, Spinel is once again hurt by Steven's reaction; she claims he only needed her for the Injector, and did not want to be her friend. In "I Am My Monster", Greg comes to a realization that whenever Gem stuff happens, he runs away and that Steven has every right to be angry since he didn't protect him. At first, he is unnerved by her violent talk and intimidating stature, and since then he has been terrified of her. His face has a pig-like nose, dark eyes with small pink pupils and a mouth of sharp teeth. He keeps this hidden deep down inside of him and rarely expresses it. She lets him have the first hit and as the fight goes on, she has Steven back into a corner where she down talks him on how he always tries to help others when in reality, he's the one who needs help. At the end of "Everything's Fine" and during "I Am My Monster", he transforms into a giant Kaiju-sized monster after coming to the conclusion that he is one. Steven Universe: Future | Steven Battles Jasper | Cartoon Network UK In "Hit the Diamond", Steven is quick to hug both the Gems when Garnet unfuses, but is distressed over the two ignoring the game to flirt with each other, leading him to give them a pep talk/scolding, which both of them listen to. His genuine kindness, sincerity, and capacity for empathy let him inspire friendship, trust, and love from most of the people he meets which enables him to mend others' inner turmoil and reach others who are otherwise closed off, noticeably in the cases of Peridot and Lapis Lazuli. He has also started coming to terms with suppressed trauma that he has built up over the course of his years of adventures and near-death experiences with Gems. Eyes. Their friendship has been getting stronger, and they are trusting each other more, although in "Too Far", he is visibly upset (or embarrassed) at her calling him a "hybrid abomination". He is the monstrous form of Steven Universe after giving in to his inner turmoil and turning to the dark side. Garnet, who thought Steven was a fusion like herself, unfused to get him to do the same. Steven later reunites with Lion and Connie at Kevin's party, and following his reconciliation with the latter, Lion forgives him as well, as he allows Steven to ride on his back again as they and Connie leave the party by his portal, and by "Lars of the Stars", he is shown to once again be under Steven's care and on good terms with him. He just wanted to meet his mom at first. Later, when the Gems and Greg, along with the recently arrived Diamonds and Spinel, all start to break down and blame themselves for Steven's transformation, Connie returns with Lion and gives a speech explaining that while they are partly to blame for it, Steven's condition and prior suppression of his feelings are also partly due to Steven always putting others before himself and that they all need to help him now just as he has always helped them before. After offering her the foot of her limb enhancer suit, Steven becomes the only person Peridot allows into the bathroom after she locks herself in. Spouse. This doubt Steven feels towards Rose is further developed in "Storm in the Room", where he feels uncomfortable by Rose's painting in the Temple. He is relatively short with a thick, stocky build. Putin bestows friendship award on U.S. actor Seagal But he soon realizes that the room made Rose exactly how the Gems portrayed her to be: the perfect, loving being. The fact that Yellow rarely smiles, let alone laughs, shows how comfortable she is around "Pink" (Steven). Steven also helps Sadie to strengthen her relationship with Lars in "Island Adventure". After explaining why they took Steven leaving so lightly and assuring him they'll always be there, Amethyst see Steven off a second time, and delievers a tearful "Later, bruh" before his departure. About how amazing you were, that you were so kind and loving. Aquamarine says she'll let the Diamonds know about her prisoner, and then asks "Rose" how she looks, to which Steven replies "Awful, small, and mean!". When they are not together, Steven expresses some confusion as to who and what Onion is, being unsure if he is even human in "Marble Madness", and is sometimes made uncomfortable by him. Spinel sought out revenge on Steven due to him being the descendant of Pink Diamond, as stated by his broadcast, and she was jealous of the fact that he, or "Pink", now had new friends that were not herself. In "Bluebird", Aquamarine fuses with "Eyeball" so the two of them can get their revenge on Steven for him changing Homeworld for the better causing the both of them to be cast out and forgotten. In "The Trial", it is shown that although Blue Diamond wants Rose Quartz to suffer for shattering Pink Diamond, she also wants Steven to present his case before his sentence. Steven's name and appearance are based on Rebecca Sugar's brother. Now, they've come to Earth for their revenge! In "Beach City Drift", it reveals that his negative experience with Kevin in "Alone Together" as Stevonnie carried over to Steven full-force, being one of the few characters in the series Steven possesses hostility towards. In "The Future", Lion warps Connie to see Steven and is last seen with them as they make plans to meet up while Steven travels around the world and eventually settles elsewhere, with the two intending to use his warp powers to maintain their relationship. On the sides of his head are a pair of long, angular horns that point upwards, as well as a similar-looking pair of short, curved tusks on the sides of his lower jaw. While he is later seen eating a fish in "Fragments", it is unknown if this means he had, at least at the time, abandoned his vegetarian diet altogether or if he is a. Spinel | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom Uncontrollable age-changing could also potentially be caused by his emotions like most of his powers. Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond, Fusion Gems: Fluorite Rhodonite Estimated ship dimensions: 0.7 inches length x 6.9 inches width x 9.9 inches height. "I Am My Monster" shows Steven's complete emotional meltdown as he, now transformed into the monster he sees himself as, goes on a rampage as the Crystal Gems and later the Diamonds, Spinel, and the Cluster tries to keep him from hurting anyone and find a way to change him back. Spoilers will be present! I finally know the truth. Steven Universe: The Movie. Keep your hands off my Connie! His basic attack is creating a large bubble in front of him that will offensively pop to damage enemies. Steven: Jasper, I'm going alone. October 29, 2020, was one of the exceptional days: That's when Portuguese surfer Antnio Laureano might have surfed a 101.4-foot wave. Steven also filled Sadie's place in Beach-A-Palooza in "Sadie's Song", after realizing how he and her mother had ignored her feelings toward singing. Due to possessing Pink Diamond's gemstone he shares most, if not all of his unique abilities with her. She also acts like an older sister to Steven. On a similar note, Steven's name if he were a girl, Nora, was a name almost given to Rebecca before she was born. "Prickly Pair" shows that Steven is somewhat frustrated with Amethyst's growth and maturity, believing that she is only "acting" mature. When Peridot asks if the others are with him, Steven tries to lie by shaking his head "no" until he nods "yes" with an apologetic shrug. It is also implied that he is now officially in a relationship with Connie as they kiss just before he leaves, and they make plans to meet with each other during his travels and her college tours with help from Lion beforehand. Before Steven leaves the Beach house, he blocks the Gems off with a barrier, stating they can't help him anymore, which goes for Jasper as well. oh hail nah they c rrupted my buddy ol pal stephen universe :pensive:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. The prime example is during his conversation with Connie about a family gathering in which Connie mentions the concept of a nuclear family, which makes Steven think that she thinks the Crystal Gems are radioactive. Aliens: Beetle Aliens Bird Blob Aliens Ungulate Aliens Worm Aliens Flower-Like Aliens Minor Alien Characters, Camp Pining Hearts: Paulette Percy Pierre Peridot reveals that it is a direct line of communication to the Diamonds. homestead high school staff. When Steven's power starts growing out of control due to him still being hurt by her declining his proposal, she quickly realizes the problem and convinces her mom that he should have his space, promising she'll be there for Steven whenever he's ready to talk to her. This way, to find them, simply use format " [Gem] + [Gem] + [Gem] etc." Unless it is a Ruby/Sapphire fusion without the other, Garnet will be used (same with Stevonnie). Steven then attempts to comfort her again, as Spinel decides she has created too much damage and must leave. In "Bluebird", Steven is enraged when Bluebird Azurite takes Greg hostage and cuts off his own hair to escape. He then organizes and officiates their wedding, showing his love and support for them and their relationship. Monster Steven is the corrupted body of Steven Universe and the titular main antagonist of the Cartoon Parody episode, "I Am the Monster". Blue visits Steven in the prison tower after he is imprisoned there for fusing with Connie and attempts to get him to apologize. I Am My Monster | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom Because Alexandrite typically only forms in dire situations, Steven has rarely interacted with her. Huh. . In "Change Your Mind", Peridot puts her gem on the line to distract White Diamond so Obsidian can climb up the Diamond Mech. Due to feeling like he's not needed anymore, Steven agrees so that Peridot won't leave him behind. how tall is ultimate waybig? : r/Ben10 - reddit Peridot then attempts to give herself up, but Giant Ruby explains they were looking for Jasper, to which Steven chimes in and lies about her being on Neptune. Of course, this does not go as well as he hopes and he almost gets crushed by her. Steven has shown to have some abilities of a regular Gem, but sometimes has little control over them due to not receiving enough training. She also attempts to stop Steven from freeing the bubbled Crystal Gems, but fails and is attacked by Blue. She also sees a future where if they show their sadness and cry, Steven may want to stay for their feelings. It is more saturated in color than Rose Quartz's gemstone. During the play, he waves to her while she is encouraging him. First meeting her after she rescues him and Steven Jr. from the Big Bird, he is somewhat intimidated. Steven looked up to Lars very much and wanted to be accepted by him, even once saying he did not mind suffering third-degree burns to receive a high five from him. I'm supposed to make everything better!You can! When Nephrite emerges from the water, she is delighted to see Steven again, showing she retains her memories of him while corrupted. Jobs Personen Learning Verwerfen Verwerfen. It (Creature) | Stephen King Wiki | Fandom Your middle name is cutie pie. This is since they are fusions with either a Gem, who use "she/her" pronouns, or Connie, a human female. She asks if he is "My-Dad" again, he says no, and she flies off. In the final episode "The Future", which takes place a few months later, Connie visits Steven via Lion, and it's revealed that Steven has opted to leave Beach City to travel and eventually settle down at his own place, with the two planning to meet each other during his travels with Lion's help. When he refuses and attempts to reason with her, Blue instead attacks him with an energy blast. It appeared that as time passed Monster Steven decreased in size; this could be seen that after appearing as tall as the Crystal Temple he later looked only a few meters taller than his fellow Diamonds. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. Pearl acts more like an overprotective mother (since he is Rose's child) to Steven. Originally sent to Earth to aid Peridot on her mission, she became corrupted after fusing with one of the Corrupted Gems that she had held captive in "Earthlings". Using this formula and a list of Mob Healths, you can figure out the maximum height from which each mob can fall while staying alive. Fortunately, both Peridot and Connie reaffirm their bonds with Steven by each episode's end (Peridot after apologizing to Steven for putting so much pressure on him, and Connie after fusing with him into Stevonnie and winning a skate competition). This triggers Steven's pink state for the first time which helps him win the fight, impressing Jasper. His first attempt in "Cat Fingers" was disastrous, temporarily turning him into a cat monster. Robonoids | Bismuth | Holo-Connie | Marty | Frybo | Strike. Fusions are alphabetized. In "Kevin Party", Kevin invites Steven and Connie to his party in the hopes that they can make it an event that everyone will remember by fusing into Stevonnie. During the construction of their . Monster Waves of Nazar - NASA . The actress, 44, opted for a long-sleeved, white collared dress, that featured gold buttons running up the centre. Steven has shown with Connie, Amethyst, Pearl, and Garnet that he does not need to dance to fuse, only requiring physical contact and an emotional connection to his partner. Gem Type. Monster Steven is an enormous hot-pink humanoid saurian or wingless draconian creature with white-pink spikes protruding from his back and elbows and four spikes on his face (it has a little look a like to the legendary Pokmon Palkia), two of which are like tusks and the other two like horns. He then requests that if Jasper would be interested in teaching, not at Little Homeschool, but him, seeing as their fight helped him learn something new. Li'l Butler: Li'l Butler Mr. Money Mrs. Money Daughter Money Dirtbike Money Steven has made an effort to befriend Blue and Yellow Pearl. monster steven height I'm afraid right now. The entire Gem Warship detonating ("Jail Break"). Steven is therefore unsure of what to feel about her despite wanting to, which is rather difficult for him as everyone else knows how to feel about her. 'Steven Universe Future': Creator breaks down final episodes - Los Hi. Steven's new power surges could be referencing the trope of characters who struggle with their inner power, like, Steven's transformation being inflicted according to his emotions is also similar to the transformation of the. It was only Connie's sensible nature that stops him from going down a bad road and balances his resolve. Steven asks Peridot into a truck to discuss something, locking them inside, he questions her about the object. However, it is later revealed that, after coming to understand Earth's life and . Steven ascends the injector to talk to Spinel, and they fight until it becomes apparent she has lost her motivation to destroy him and regrets her actions up until that point. Steven later calls her the most mature Crystal Gem in that episode. "Back to the Moon" and "Bubbled" cause Steven to have even more doubt on what he thinks about Rose after learning she shattered Pink Diamond during the Rebellion, first mentioned by "Eyeball", then confirmed by Garnet later on. It was further cemented when Greg completely misses the point after Steven's outburst when he compliments Steven for standing up to him instead of realizing some of Steven's points and the things he did miss out in his life; as Greg compliments Steven, he completely ignores his father, deleting a picture he'd taken of his middle school photo and demonstrating a loss of respect for Greg. In "Bubbled" Steven encounters "Eyeball" while drifting in space marooned in his bubble, and she is angry at him for sending them in outer space and for tricking her. Humans: Connie Maheswaran And yet in "Cry For Help" she's 19 Stevens (76 ft) tall. This is shown further when she acts excitedly when Steven gives Amethyst his video games as a parting gift, even threatening to delete his save files. You think I'm so great, I'm so mature, and I always know what to do, but that's not true! !!! Steven did not know how to feel about Peridot when they first met, but he seems to want to befriend her in "Marble Madness", approaching her without fear and even trying to have a friendly conversation with her. USA Distributor of MCM Equipment monster steven height Later, in "Change Your Mind", Steven successfully manages to meet with White Diamond a second time. when he sees her, she appears very childlike, but he is at first shocked, seeing that she is a Gem, most likely from Homeworld. In "Three Gems and a Baby", it is revealed that Steven first saw Ruby and Sapphire when he was only a few months old. That's a big dynamic for Steven as the show goes on. Steven quickly realizes how destructive Sugilite is, but does not seem to have any real issues with her and even looks forward to seeing her destroy the Communication Hub again, despite her attempts to destroy Pearl for having left her behind. Steven is fully aware that the Gems have portrayed Rose as a perfect and loving being, but he knows there is much more to her. This also displays a ruthless and darker Steven as he hones the destructive side of his powers with Jasper's training. Episode: s02e06 Sworn To The Sword. She proves this by telling him the only times where he's won facing her was when he either had help from the other Crystal Gems or when he is Fused with someone. All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman. Stop it! You may be looking for. However, while there, the Rubies discover Amethyst was shapeshifted as Jasper, and engage in a battle with the Crystal Gems. Steven Universe: The Movie shows Steven at his most mature, having grown into his role as the new Pink Diamond, though he is also shown in a slightly negative light; specifically, he is shown to be very single-minded and inflexible when stressed, as he becomes so focused on saving the Earth and reclaiming his "happily ever after" that his attention is on trying to get the Crystal Gems memories back instead of focusing on the regenerated Spinel, and he is too focused on that task to notice that he manages to set Spinel off again after she deactivates her injector. Steven Trollinger on LinkedIn: Inside Relativity Space's monster However, when Steven revives him, Steven shows much more devotion and care to Lars, and he the same. On an exceptional day, surfers can catch a wave towering around 24 meters (80 feet). The two meet again briefly during Steven's trial, as "Eyeball" is an eyewitness and testifies against Steven, explaining that he is Rose Quartz and threw her into space, showing she still has resentment towards Steven. The two reconcile at the end of the episode, but as revealed in "Joy Ride" Steven felt uncomfortable talking about his mother with the other Crystal Gems for a time, having believed that they partly blamed him for Rose's absence.