One of the first-ever Nxivm classes [then called Executive Success Programs] From l-r Kristin Keeffe, unknown, Keith Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Toni Natalie.And it could have been at the moment when she received Anthony Ames email, when she received what might have been her last warning. No. She appears to have broken off her engagement and is spending a lot of time with Tyga. You are missing an opportunity to stand up for what is right! On Sept. 22, 2017, some three months after I first published news of DOS in my Frank Report story Branded Slaves and Master Raniere, Anthony Nippy Ames, husband of Sarah Edmondson, made what I believe was an effort to save Nancy Salzman from destruction. Comes with box which is in good condition with minor tears and bending on top lid and bottom. I believe Keith picked you because he knows you lack what it takes to stand up to him. The cults unraveling is now the subject of an HBO docuseries called The Vow. Join Sarah Edmondson and Anthony Nippy Ames to talk about things that area little bit culty. The recent events have not altered my thought object of Keith. Dont stress. Thats the good part of it. Look at what AA is saying in his letter. I am sure you are familiar with the Jim Jones massacre where 900+ people drank cyanide laced Kool-Aid killing all 900+. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. But the good part of that lesson is that if somethings happening in your life, you can reflect: Okay, whats my role in this? Keep reading. Anthony Nippy Ames is still married to Sarah Edmondson. I will try to republish it soon. There is, I suppose, a moment of destiny in everyones life when there is a crossroad where the path one takes will dictate the whole future of that person. Editors Note: This letter surely is part of Nxivm history. Or in their case: a whole bunch of culty. Do you think Nancy didnt like the lifestyle she was living. Sarah Edmondson and Anthony Nippy Ames fell in love in a cult, though neither of them knew it at the time. Even if Keith has the billions to abuse in his defense, the branding of womens vaginas and Allison Mack spewing Gandhi quotes is a hard thing to overcome in the eyes of the public. Before ultimately cutting off all contact with NXIVM, he attempted to confront Keith, Nancy Salzman, and her daughter Lauren Salzman, asking them to stop participating in the abuse of women. Are there ways you interact in your relationship that feel like holdovers from your time in NXIVM, and how have you worked to overcome them? Scientology at least had Chick Corea (R.I.P. Like most of the people who got sucked in, the message of We are going to save the world! resonated with Nancy. Ha ha ha. She may not have any fight left in her. The past is written and the extent of what was done, the wasted time and money, loss of dignity, etc., isnt simply fixed by ratting people out when shit hits the fan. His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like Captive by Catherine Oxenberg, Scarred by Sarah Edmonson, The Program by Toni Natalie, and NXIVM. So, where is he today, and are he and Sarah still together? Anonymous, As compelling as the argument, What if youre wrong? might be in NXIVM community, it is a flaccid approach in the real world. How Fashion Designer and Mom to a 2-Year-Old Mary Furtas Gets It Done, Im just much more adult, calmer, and more diplomatic with people. Criticism increased in the wake of Bennetts publication, The Book of Virtues, a compilation of moral stories about courage, responsibility, friendship and other examples of virtue. They have two children. S: For him to go, Oh, thats just indulgence he was using that as an excuse to pull away. On Sept. 22, when Nippy sent the email to Nancy, the New York Times had not published their story [Inside a Secretive Group Where Women Are Branded was published Oct. 17, 2017] that would spark federal law enforcement to take a serious interest in the possibility of prosecuting Raniere and others. Had she heeded Ames warning, there is an excellent chance she could have cooperated with law enforcement and been spared being charged. Thats neat. Any way this situation plays out, you will be the one that sat by and defended, fortified, and even inspired ugly behaviors. You in? I know for sure Sarah would have said no. Six months from now will come soon. Maybe the breast cancer will balance the books for her, I sympathize with AAs plight and outrage who said now that he is away from KR he will pursue justice with the same alacrity I pursued justice through SoP. How many women does Keith need to abuse for you to say something? Were you there? We feel like we should also mention that before Nippy completely cut off contact with NXIVM, he sent an email to Keith and Nancy Salman, asking them to stop participating in the abuse of women. But, before that, he drove to Lauren Salzmans place (Sarahs best friend, the woman who recruited her, and their sons godmother) to record one final conversation. , Awesome, Youre All Set! From that point anything goes. This password will be used to sign into all, 39 Pairs of Sneakers to Upgrade Your Wardrobe, Im On the Hunt for the Best Sunscreens Without a White Cast, I Inherited Millions From My Mother, and Everyone Knows, Are There Any Healthier Alternatives to Gel Manicures?, 6 Stand-ups Analyze ChatGPTs Attempts to Steal Their Jobs, Julia Fox, Paris Hilton, and More of the Bestest Party Pics This Week. Anthony Nippy Ames, a former Ivy-League Quarterback and actor, was a major part of NXIVM at one point. Stolen Youth Continued: Zachary Heinzerling on Larry Rays Cult, Stolen Youth: Daniel Levin on Larry Rays Cult, Darkness Unveiled: Sochil Martin Exposes LA Luz Del Mundo, The Antidote: Diane Benscoter on Getting Victims Out. It didnt read to me like he was trying to appear as if he cared for her.. More that he was calling her out on her bull crap. In fact, they have even expanded their family and are now proud parents to another beautiful boy who they have named Ace. I didnt know how to get out, and I started to put the pieces together. And he did NOTHING to them. Contact Frank with tips or for help. In his 12 years with the organization, he rose steadily up the ranks as a teacher, built centers in New York and Vancouver, and even met his now-wife, "A Little Bit Culty" co-host, Sarah Edmondson, there. All of this, along with the former members stories and experiences, is highlighted in The Vow. And, one such is that of Anthony Nippy Ames. While I did not have much contact with Nippy, he did share with me important information during the summer of 2017, when Frank Report was the only place online that was writing about Nxivm and DOS. How do you people judge? Pumpkin time with my pumpkins . I believe living in Vancouver verses Albany hid a lot of what was going on behind the scenes. 7 hours ago, by Lindsay Kimble Otherwise, it is just the bleats of ignorant sheep. As with most criminals, the wrongdoing does not normally start big, it is a process in which little by little the morality and limits are push and justified. Hopefully, this is for real. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. He spent 15 years in Nxivm, making it the biggest part of his life. The subject line of the email reads Letter for Nancy, When I took my first intensive I was reading a book by William Bennett calledThe Death of Outrage. Care Schmare. And then to destroy what youre working on and not having anything really to build and being in scramble mode, not knowing where youre going to earn money or what youre going to do next thats hard. Her endgame is certain death. We were walking around thinking that we had the best thing in town we have the best tools, the best method for personal growth, says Edmondson. Unfortunately, it got her hooked at the waist to Raniere. To accuse my wife of theft, fraud and mischief is an act of violence masquerading as principled. In recent years, the pinnacle of motorsports has gained an unlikely audience of new enthusiasts. Did you have an acceptance letter? The building has been compromised many times over the years. by Sarah Wasilak All Rights Reserved. Once we figured out what was going on and that it was the medication, I said to him, Why was that so hard? He confronted Lauren Salzman and others and worked to actively tell others about it. In fact, their vows were written by Keith Raniere himself, who had originally penned the words for Mark Vicente and Bonnie Piesses big day. Keith sleeping with all of these girls is an abuse of his position and a conflict of interest. . The public is and will continue to be outraged. Were trying to build a new type of intimacy and a new type of communication based on empathy and humaneness. While each episodethey try to address the fundamental question about when does devotion turn into abuse, it is also meant to be a place for healing. In his 12 years with the organization, he rose steadily up the ranks as a teacher, built centers in New York and Vancouver, and even met his now wife, "A Little Bit Culty" co-host Sarah Edmondson there. Edmondson was a struggling actor in Vancouver in her late 20s when she enrolled in a series of self-improvement seminars called the Executive Success Program (or ESP), eventually becoming a high-level teacher and recruiter. Nippy, who had had a strong role in the Nxivm mens group, the Society of Protectors, was flabbergasted to learn that there was a secret womens group, and that his wife, Sarah, had joined it and had been branded on her groin with Ranieres initials [and as he and many thought at the time, Allison Macks initials.]. Email:, Copy: Keith Raniere, In defense of Sarah Edmondson and Anthony Ames | Frank Report. Everything We Know About the University of Idaho Murders. But now, it seems as if they have got a routine down and have made a permanent home base in Canada. Use your power for good. Some of my biggest regrets being in the company are the things I missed. All the while you assume a moral superiority in the process. Sarah Edmonson and Anthony "Nippy" Ames were doing okay in life. She is more to blame for it than just about anyone. A LITTLE BIT CULTY. All Rights Reserved. Shes not stepping up? I told him the Albany narrative how people were asking, Whats actual the bad thing? His response: Get away from those people, this never ends well. I hope this letter isnt too late. Do more people have to die? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google S: Hes been a little down. Remove the problem. Nxivm was in disarray at the time. Sarah had caught herself yelling at a clueless female jaywalker or something and Anthony concurred NXIVM was about the opposite of female empowerment, enslavement, and that its trainings were misogynistic. His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents. Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. It is believed Mr. Ames sent his email to several Proctors and Greens in ESP. Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premieres on May 22, 2022.,_Jr. They have two children. Nancy Salzman now faces years in prison. Does another girl have to go into pre menopause at age 27 (India Oxenberg)? Like, even just the similarities between the sociopathic behavior of both of our respective leaders and the names of the different ranks that you have to climb, she says, adding they were able to find the humor in this dark content.. During Paris Fashion Week, Anrealage used technology to make colors appear. When people speak of Anthony Ames and his role in Nxivm for good or bad, let it be remembered that, before it was too late, he gave Nancy a chance to escape, to reach out and try to avoid what was to happen next. S: There was a lot of tacit pressure on us. Imagine what else he found hot. Furthermore, if there is not a place in our society; if we have yet to earn a process where a woman can go who has been through these abuses (yourself included), peoples outrage will inspire one be formed. They met there while taking self-improvement workshops, and got married in 2007 by leader Keith Raniere. And, I dont even know what Allison Mack is supposed to be. Or just cheese? I was thinking and feeling things in a totally different way. Many of us know that and this is the reason so many of us are holding out hope for Nancy to do whats right whatever she thinks that is. Theyre here to help people understand, heal from, and avoid abusive situations one little red flag at a time. Stop justifying it! Case 2:20-cv-03619-PSG-E Document 38 Filed 10/19/20 Page 1 of 9 Page ID #:879, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT This will put him on Ranieres shit-list of people who Clare Bronfmans money must be used to destroy. Isnt it crazy that it was sexy to a certain Vanguard who set it all up? Unfortunately the knife is lost, but all other pieces are included. The fact that we got together and then decided to get married against that kind of showed that we didnt listen to them. And I think a lot of our healing has just been fully extricating ourselves from all of that. KARs brand and, failing that, Clares criminal charge frame-ups, etc. Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083 Nevertheless, I suggest turning that question on yourself, and really consider you might be wrong. A dermatologist weighs in on at-home devices. WATCH MORE MARKETING PODCASTS - to this week's episode on The Radcast! Yes, it was a closed system of information and, in hindsight, everyone that has left admits they we were ALL duped by Keith. You and everyone defending Keith do. N: I think the hardest thing for me and I dont know if this is an effect of being in the cult per se, but Ive always had a tendency to measure my self-worth by my capacity to provide and perform. Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083 Around the same time as Jeffrey Epsteins infamous arrest, another billionaire was going to court for similar appalling crimes. They both left NXIVM after Edmondson revealed to Ames that she had been branded with Raniere's initials. Here's How NXIVM Helped People Overcome Tourette's, The Allison Mack Trial Is Near: Her Journey From 'Smallville" to Alleged Sex Trafficker. This episode is sponsored by Better Help. In my opinion. It is never too late to start over. We suffer socially and professionally because we will forever be associated with these behaviors. Aside from women being branded, I have seen emails and texts between Keith and what I perceive as little awestruck girls. Powered by VIP. As time went on, Sarah and Nippy had their fair share of troubles, but the one thing that they always agreed upon was their love for each other and the fact that they wanted their son, Troy, to grow up in NXIVMs communal environment. The comedian and Chase Sui Wonders are kissing in Hawaii again. Something the cult always lies about. I suppose Nippy had some fondness for Nancy and, therefore, he sent her the following letter. Doesnt that sound like the kind of intellectual speculation Vanguard would say? But, after my 16 day, it was clear that law doesnt uphold justice (a belief that has been enforced by the recent abuses of power by Clare [Bronfman] and her billions, and Alexs [Betancourt] trumped up charge against Toni Zarattini.