Ouch, Kara laughed. But near the end it shifts again and focuses back on Emma by an edge of a cliff. Character addition and tag requests open xx Although she still felt apprehensive about what the future could hold and whether things could repeat themselves again. Robyn decides to do the same, figuring out she wont be able to get back to sleep anyway. Get food into her. Alex is clearly talking to Kara, and she comes closer with pancakes for you. (Tag works with AgentCorpWeek2021 and Day X), (More information about tagging and submitting can be found on our blog). Im going to sue your company if they send you on another business trip soon., I know, right? You come closer, ready to walk into her open and welcoming arms. Burnt skies by Itsiqra17. Ever since she was little she had heard her big sisters talk about their annual paintball tournament and couldnt wait until she was old enough to be able to participate. She stares at the photo and cant help but feel torn. As Alex looked upon this woman, feet firmly planted this time, with a finger digging into her chest, somehow the tension forced a laugh out of the agent. Kara, oh, thank God. You run to her, throwing yourself into her arms. Robyn continues to flick through and comes to the photo showing Emma and Lena beaming at the camera. I know how this branch of the DEO operates, Lucy began. ", "Alex and Kara are so busy with the DEO, Supergirl and CatCo," you swallowed hard and bit your lip anxiously. They do not have time for themselves or for love because they are busy with me. She knew most of the staff understood better than to interrupt a conversation between the Director of the DEO and Senior Agent Alex Danvers. Its notextremely detailed. Jesus, people talk about lunch and dinner all the time, and yet this simple word makes your body shiver in anticipation. ", Leaning out of breath against the kitchen counter and nervously tapping the marble area with her index, middle and ring finger at irregular intervals, she listened to the annoying beeping stopping before it turned into her sisters bright voice. No shit Sherlock. Robyn sasses and Lenas shoulders deflate and turns back to the coffee machine. Why are you all so chummy with Luthor when she broke Emmas heart? Robyn glares around the room. Alex was like a daughter to him, and he was usually pretty good at reading his girls, but sometimes, when that near teenage, rebellious, Leave me the fuck alone attitude came to surface, hes learned to give them space and cool down. Original Danvers-Sawyer Child (ren) One Shot Married Couple Parents Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Sanvers never broke up Workplace Visit Domestic Fluff Baby Fic Alex and Maggie have a 4 months old daughter. The redhead quickly opens the door and searches for her sisters ex. Why such efforts Miss Luthor ? Ill die for you if i must.. But instead of looks of shame or disgust, she sees expressions of compassion and understanding on everyones faces. Times over. finally said the manMiss Luthor ?. She doesnt want to share the bed with her friend, she only wishes for them to talk like they used to but Lena is never open for that. And that, unfortunately, means that you have to join. Yes I am really angry at you. Alex grits out and lets out a deep breath. She taps her foot impatiently until she's down in the lobby where she's stomp outside to hail a cab. To say that you threw yourself into work after that would be an understatement. Now, wheres this senior agent were waiting for?. Well?. Okay okay ! Suddenly her eyes shoot open as she jerks awake. But thats what art is. Emma tries to explain. Despite the situation you were, you couldnt help but felt a shiver at her words. Yeah i figured this too. So, we got word this morning that a Dominator ambushed a public event in DC, Jonn said, slapping a manila folder in front of Alex as she stood in the command center. Youre under arrest Charles Hoopers. Finally Emmas husky groans stop and her breathing returns to some normality. Lena? She also turns to look at the tv and immediately unmutes it, causing everyone to gaze at it. May I offer a few suggestions? Alistair injects and Emm nods. Its something else, this thing youre going through. Well the town knows you are here- Kara begins and Emma nods. Everything is okay. Robyn says softly, trying to reassure a clearly frightened Emma who has tears streaming down her face. Kara told her that it started as soon as she thought about Mon-el and having kids of her own. (Courtesy of a @promptdumpster prompt that I happened to run into.). "Last night was nice," thought Alex, recollecting the night she spent with a woman she met at the alien bar. He didnt even want to mind read what she was dealing with. She gives you his collar, and you clench to it crying harder. Have you-. The family still recalled fondly how baffled she had been, watching Alex and young Y/N get to work with removing the pumpkins insides (which Y/N calledpumpkin guts and the nickname stuck for its cuteness). How can we move forward and help you see we were wrong? Sam asks while holding Alexs hand. The Superfriends dont move or say anything, but continue to stare at the tv. But what she cant find is Lena, until she turns to the bedroom and notices the door is closed. I understand how easy it is to use alcohol as a means to run away from your emotions. That looksgood. You did not want her to have an outburst of emotion, it was bad enough that you did even drawn attention to yourself again. I completely understand, I would feel the same way if I was in your position. Lena starts the machine and leans against the kitchen counter. When you three feel ready, it might give you some healing to go back and make peace with what happened. His eyes focus on Alex in particular who shifts in her seat. Agent Vasquez wanted me to show you this. Reiff pulls out a tablet and holds it out for Alex. Eliza quickly gets a glass of cool water for her daughter. Robyn watches Emma who follows her hand motion of when to breathe and exhale. Emma approaches Robyn, who hands Emma her new guitar to play. Ill see you tonight.. But? Fay prompts Robyn, who does look like she wants to ask another question. Are you sure Alex is not hiding somewhere. You asked. Emma flinches and frowns slightly at the monstrous voice that plays out in her mind and she remembers her dream from this morning. Emma grins and takes the last gulp of her drink before getting up. This is just one way to interpret todays AgentCorp Week theme! A car-. See you around, Danvers, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction Alex Danvers woke up in a king sized bed in some hotel she couldn't remember the name of. Im basically living on a plane., I know, darling. She reassures you, sensing your guilt. Doesnt have to. No we didnt! Nia tries to fight back, remembering how she had felt awkward towards Lena for weeks. Lena seemed to have the same thought because you see her tap discreatly on her phone. Theres nothing anyone can say to ease your heart right now. Discover more posts about Baby!Danvers. You saw him grabe a gun in his suit and point it to you. For him to be consumed with self-reproach, like you had been for a while. You never got it, did you? Lena gets up from the couch and leaves the room. Your anger, Alex said with a cocky smile as she stepped forth. Feel free to participate and upload your work surrounding these dorks. And, since youre clearly incapable of handling a lone Dominator when weve handled a mass of them, youll be nice enough to wait your turn.. You had nothing more to say and at the same time, you didnt want to know anything more from him. One you havent found a way to break. Then Kara will obviously tell Alex. Due to the nature of the group we have sponsors within the DEO and meet separately. What? The woman then stepped into Alexs space. Lena stood in front of you. You tasted the blood on your tongue. Mom you are in denial it tasted like burnt fish. Kara faint, hurt by putting her hand on her heart and gasping. I understand what happened made you dislike Lena. Eliza, sensing her confusion, patiently explained the process of it, and Karas face lit up when she was presented with her very own pumpkin (Alex and Y/N still claim to this day that Karas pumpkin was bigger). Astra Luthor-Danvers, Jamie and Liz Sawyer-Danvers, have an adventure of their lifetime. Pairing : Lena Luthor x Babydanvers reader. Kara places a comforting hand on Lenas shoulder as she looks in concern at Lenas sad face. Your science background is showing. Robyn jokes as she opens the book, smiling at a toddler Alex hugging Elizas swollen stomach. To hear another voice timed with Emmas lips. I really wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but then I saw how broken she was and in a worse state than me. Slowly, you sat down in the spot by the tree you had left in terror and leaned your knees against your chest while throwing flat rocks into the water; starting to hit more waves into it. It was good, boring as usual but good. You replied. You write from the depths of your soul and are able to connect with others. Lena kneels down and hands her one of the mugs. But its not ok. Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! Words faltering and nothing makes sense in your mind anymore. Youve been here too many times before, so you know exactly where the bathroom is. Its food. Kara, ignoring you completely, goes to your laptop, while Alex opens your fridge. Lena shakes her head and starts to sob again, despite trying to hold them in. She flops back onto the sofa and downs her drink. Progress, uh? So, shall we?. <3. -believed to be in London, although sources havent been able to confirm this. The voice that cut through was one Alex hadnt heard before. She jumped, instinctively turning her head, her concentrated heat vision suddenly being broken. She had once told them that she hoped one day she would have powers just like her big sister. Alex turned to face her when Lucy winked back, causing a flush of heat to rise from Alex, and causing the DEO agent to speed up her stride. So, question. Robyn raises her hand again and glances at Lucy. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Thank you for standing up for me, I respect your opinion but it was also slightly unfair with what you said. Where are you? Alex whispers and takes a sip of her drink. Emma lowers her head for a moment, unsure how she can respond to that. Both were pointing guns towards you and Lena and you could tell they wouldnt hesitate to use them. Would anyone like a drink before we start? Eliza offers, noticing Emma didnt have one. You want help from another division, you wait and ask for it. Youre smart, and sweet, and beautiful, and funny, and so important to us. I dont know who you are, but here in National City, we dont go sticking our necks out to clean up the mess that someone else shouldve been able to handle.. She decides to try something. Agent Reiff nods and Alex hands back the tablet. They discover surprising discoveries about their parent's past lives. Now she has to learn to live with the fact that she's . Why is being newly out making it so fucking hard to act like a normal human being? Second in command to Director Henshaw., Nice to meet you, Alex, Lucy said with a knowing smirk. Im not going to say it twice., I know youre not. I just hate myself. Thanks for this, Lee. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath, winced, and glanced up only to meet Karas worried and fixated gaze. This year though was especially rough. Lena was in front of you, two guards with her. Super strength? Brainy asks and Alex nods. What? You haven't been sleeping. Kara! Well because now the computer was broke and it was impossible to download any files but he will kill you. After the guards freed you, they left, locked the door behind them. But our love for you has never been an illusion. I understand why you would be upset by this, but Kara is right.. Have agents continue to monitor and patrol the area. Lena stays frigid as she watches and listens to the lyrics. Whats wrong? Kara cant live like this until its acceptable for them to divorce and move on with their lives separately. Some asshole decided it was a good fucking idea to arm one of our forces with heat radiating weapons while they investigated a possible lead on a yet another dangerous, unidentified alien at some abandoned nuclear power plant. You hang your backpack on the coat hanger, you walk to the kitchen to see your mom cooking something. The song builds and builds until the key change hits. Which makes your heart sit heavy inside, and the food comes back out without you having to force it. She would like an apple juice, please. Fay answers for Emma and she signs her thanks. Her things.." Alex hit the counter with her balled fist. Yeah, you get it. You smile back at her, praying she doesnt realize how fake you sound. I guess it is. Eliza smiles and they continue looking through the photos. Alex slowly kneels down to face the distraught CEO. Y/N immediately let out a deep breath and clung to Kara when Alex got up to go get some bandages. For someone who had never played a game of paintball in her life she was holding her own very well. If I could go back and change it, I would. She stands by the waters edge as it gently laps against the sand and takes a deep breath. Im begging you ! Lena was almost crying. the black haired finally threw into the room with an even deeper voice and glared daggers at Jeremiah; the light color of her eyes turning into a deep dark green. you whispered and slumped your shoulders in frustration. After all she promised you. And guess what? The time was flying, too fast and no supergirl Lena was earning some minutes, secondes as much as possible, she didnt want to put you in danger but you were already. You wake up the next day, not knowing how you slept, but youre still clenching to Sheldons collar. She was starring at you, locked her eyes with yours and you saw it, the passion, the love you couldnt believe in earlier. They stayed like that for the next couple moments until Alex removed the ice pack. First and foremost, she gets called in on her day off. They returned their gear and headed to the fair that was just a little ways down the road. You hurt me, Kara. The statement is said softly and Lena seems as surprised as Kara; she didnt think she would confess that. I could-I could leave., No, please dont. Lena holds your hand. You know its a preposterous idea. Her voice is disdainful and her face expresses the same, however, there is a glint of something else shining on Lenas eyes. We really just want to understand whats going on, baby. Your sisters hug you tightly. 22.1K 877 35. You touched her hands behind your back and said. You said nothing and turned your back to her to avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes. Like, when I saw you in that music video-. Alex: Y/N do you mind letting your sisters know that you are ok? She kisses the crown of your head. You move to the couch, sitting next to her. Im okay., Thank you Robyn for your honesty. Alistair nods in appreciation and sits up in his chair. Supergirl, B!D, Kara Danvers x Sister!Reader, Alex Danvers x Sister!Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader, Reader insert. The final chorus begins and the intensity on the screen almost becomes overwhelming as the scene changes with flashes of light. Theres still a lot to talk about and I havent seen you in weeks. _____________________________________________________________. Not now. Fucking idiots!. Apologies, Major. To me, you are just a pitiful piece of misery that abandoned and destroyed his entire family.". Okay everyone, please gather around. Alistair says, grabbing everyones attention. Theres-, Ill calm down when you give me a good reason for why Im here of all days because right now, Id rather be in my pajamas, passed out in bed.. Seeing a pumpkin was already a shock for the blonde, for they didnt have pumpkins on Krypton - but carving them? . You cant say no. I-I dont know where he is. Alistair waits for them to settle before talking again. Since then, the Kryptonian had insisted on carving pumpkins each October. ", "You know lying wont work in my presence, honey," the head of L-Corp stepped closer to you and sat down on the cold floor next to you. Im here! Kara announces herself, going inside your apartment, using the key you gave her for emergencies only. Summary: Y/N gets hurt while carving pumpkins with her sisters. The music video, which shows Emma Danvers lip syncing, is believed to have been filmed in Egypt and was released at midnight UK time. To protect? If they sent the cops, you swear to God. Unsure where the line was and if they were taking sides but Robyn gives her a scathing look before she can explain that. But the more time passed, the more you managed to put the pain behind you with the help of your family and found the strength to close this chapter in your life. How's your boyfriend? You froze at her question. "No matter what you tell me, it stays with me. you hissed between clenched teeth and didnt dare to turn around. Little one? Kara queries, still holding onto Alex who had remained frozen, her chest still heaving slightly from her outburst. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. And now, she questioned if the fact that a beautiful woman was in her face was the reason she backed up, or if it was because she felt she really needed space. After a failed reconciliation with her father, all Maggie wants is to move forward with Alex and plan their wedding. The last group was finishing up their game and the workers would let them know when it was time. A mischievous smile formed on her face. But why not pursue it?, Lucy swallows and her eyes flick over to Emmas. I like knowing your thoughts. Luthor? Itd just cause him more anxiety than he needed. When the doorbell rang, you expected everyone but never him. Why am I letting her in my space? Youll have everything you need. A gentle knock on the door makes them look over and Jonn quietly enters. Causing the heated argument to pause while Emma tries to get a hold of her breathing again. Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. They were all armed, why did she do this ? Whos team would you want to be on if we did that?. You had your arms crossed across your chest, your eyes narrowed and your mouth set in a thin line. Youre safe. Robyn repeats over and over as she tries to soothe the agitated blonde. No one talked, you felt the tension in the group. You okay? Nia asks and Emma nods, motioning she is going to the water. He then turned towards the other woman. You didnt respond, didnt want to bring him satisfaction. Question., How did the whole sobriety thing start? Hey. Two voices greet her, making Emma jump out of her skin and slip on the sand. Noted. Robyn says softly. If you wanna go to the party or stay at home.. Emma slumps forward slightly and rubs a shaved part of her hair to try and self soothe. He just drove her insane. Supergirl | Adventure Short Stories Future. Y/N danvers feels like a burden to her sisters so she packs her stuff out of the apartment she is living with Alex and goes away. "Did you miss me?" Emma? Here you go Sweetheart., Emma takes it and signs her thanks before taking a few sips. You can decide how this ends? She pauses at the sight of the opened suitcase on the floor full of empty bottles and Kara firmly holding onto Alex. Ill be alright with time cause I have these amazing people around me. You smile, looking at his tombstone one more time. Notes: prompt by @greysgirl2456, I hope i did ok with this one. The trio leave and Robyn sits heavily on the stool at the island, resting her head on her fist. Shaking her head Alex marches out of the room and up the stairs. Ill always love you, my little ball of fur. Ill let you finish your coffee while I assemble a task force for this mission, but when youre done, Jonn said, pointing a finger to her, then tapping on the manila folder, read this and get briefed on the situation. Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @, DCEU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @basiclesbianbitch @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @snipyloulou @acertainredhead @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @kozumeko @un-name-d @kuzomekou-blog. And just by looking at you Im sure you are malnourished. Alex gives you her best mother voice, and you think of all the times shes done that before. The room dropped in noise as soon as what happened had occurred to all three Danvers. They even sensed how todays session could be harder than the previous one, causing Jonn to vow to support her, whatever happens. What Alex meant to say was, No no. While she had also searched the bathroom for you in vain, she walked into the kitchen with her cell phone to her ear. And dont worry, fur ball, well take good care of Y/N for you.. He walked up to you and, with a smile, asked. Robyn! Emmas husky voice barks out but she immediately starts coughing and wheezing. Because Esme knows when its time to eat, and she knows better than to argue with me about it. Alex points at the chair, while passing Kara a dish. They played several rounds, each team winning a handful of times, but team Danvers ultimately came out on top. Emma watches and feels a pang of hurt hit her chest, but she quickly pushes it away. Kara and Alex both kiss the top of your head sweetly, and you are sure youll never be alone having them by your side. Oh, Y/N. Alex is the first one to find you. You liked her skin against yours. Its kind of obvious and you can piece it together. "Babygirl.. Im sorry." I know you guys are being sober but it was like an itch I needed to scratch. It all started when the three sisters were hovering over Alexs dinner table in the middle of the DEO Directors apartment. I should get going. I did that to her. She chokes out and a sob breaks through. Im Major Lucy Lane. Hey, baby. She skidded to a halt as she took in the scene and, with her brain working as fast as a computer, delivered instructions. And you cannot, for the life of you, tell her how youre feeling. Lena Luthor seemed close to a dropout, despite her calm demeanor. No, I need to. Emma sighs heavily and looks up at the ceiling. Its the only thing in my life I can control, so I need it., Hey. Kara kisses your temple. Please consider turning it on! Its the way she says your name that gives away the fact that she knows exactly what is going on. You dont think its a good idea? When Lena lowers her chopsticks, resting them on her takeout box, Kara feels the oxygen leaving her lungs. We need you, Alex.. We want to understand what is happening with you, so we can help.. Even from behind angle the Superfriends can tell its Emma. Alex then crossed her arms in a similar fashion to match the woman, one-for-one. When Alex is forced to come into work on her day off Has anyone ever told you your anger is disproportionate to your size?, No one has been stupid enough to say it to my face until now, that is., Crack fic below the cut ;) One time he got up to feed Emma but I could hear her fussing. I sent the picture! You dont make any move out of her embrace, but youre annoyed they are both here after you did exactly what they asked and sent proof youre still alive. You know, I think you and I are going to be good friends, Danvers, Lucy said smugly. Why. When Danvers arrives to join the Avengers, she is already pregnant, and gives birth to a son after only four weeks of carrying him. And as she glanced down, catching full, red lips, Alex had nearly forgotten that this woman was challenging her forsomething? Alex swore she saw the womans veins popping out from her temple. Sit down and have dinner, Y/N. Alex pulls the chair for you. Could you right a Kara Danvers x daughter reader, where Y/n has a boy friend and kara finds out and confront reader. Sure, lets blame it on work, this sure is easier. Kara looked up from the paper in her hand to the redhead who had now sat down on the floor and had her legs pulled tight to her chest. Director. Agent Reiff nods at Alex who approaches quickly. Masterlist This is a list of the supercorp/supergirl fanfiction that i have read from different authors here on tumblr. Robyn nods and Emma sniffs heavily. Yet, you eat, and talk, and do exactly what Lena had planned. Others in the group nod and a tear slides down Lenas cheek that she quickly wipes away. CW WARNING: Description of burnt and bloodied skin. The bullet was on the floor. Except there is one thing you learned with this particular group of people, the Superfriends, is that everything has to be done over food. Alex lets out a slow breath as she watches the destruction happening on the screen. She tries to block out the different conversations happening around the room but its difficult. Im sorry, love, but you need to keep the ice pack on, Kara told her gently, locking eye contact with Alex over Y/Ns head. The room holds their breath, waiting for Emmas answer. She and Lena werent exactly on speaking terms and being out and about could damage Lenas image with the press, and Kara didnt want that. Hi Honey! The silence is broken as Lena sniffs heavily and lowers her head into her hands. NO ! Theres something we want to talk to you about., Kara sets her food aside, looking way too serious. I think we got off on the wrong foot, the woman started, loosening up slightly. Mom, You know you can't cook anything. it cant be done as fast as an omelet., You see, im a bad cook. He said with a smile. A series of one-shots focusing on the dynamic between Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel) and Peter Parker (Spider-Man). The matter is in need of urgent attention, Director. When was Emma going to tell me she wanted to propose? Her mind races as she tries to pinpoint any conversations she had with her baby sister but comes up blank. She called in sick for you, but it would be impossible for the two of them to do the same. Reboot (A superflash fanfic) by Hoo-Man Being. Not only because of the way shes holding you, or how theyre talking to you, but because you look so small when wrapped around Karas arms. The four women follow the blonde into the back room where Emma lifts the suitcase onto the coffee table and opens it, revealing it to be packed with mostly empty bottles. Seriously. Fuck sake. Alex slurs out and slams the lid of her laptop down. "So, what are you attempting to make? I am making spaghetti. She said stirring the content of the pot. "Alex feels sorry for you. She tries her best to calm you, but the truth is, there is nothing she can say. Lena was doing pretty good, but Jonn was also amazing. In a desperate attempt to block out the pain, she tried to zone out, but Karas yell ofALEX! sliced through her concentration like a knife in thin air. Emma nods her thanks and takes a few sips before continuing. You dont need it. Her tone says too much. The results ping up, making Alex feel a surge of hope. Alex? Lena squeaks out, which Alex would have found funny if her emotions werent raging inside her. Once we told everyone they joined us too.. I cant say anything other than Im sorry. Alex begins. It doesnt take her long due to it already being at the top of the most viewed list. Except pancakes, your pancakes are delicious. You said. Sweetheart? you replied in a whisper. Making Lily immediately place her head on her lap and snuggles in. She could be doing far more important things. When the chorus begins, it breaks her heart in two. You woke up with pain accross your entire body and you winced. Hard. Lucy stepped back, crossed her arms again and kept her eyes locked on Alex. Somethings gotta work. Emma hesitantly approaches her ex, and looks into her room. But you arent solely to blame for Emma leaving.. Whoever she was, it was clear by her uniform that she was part of some military organization in DC, who, if she was like every other government outsider shes met, came looking to stomp their way into their home. Y/N stared at the place where the vase had been standing just a moment ago, her mouth agape. They wouldnt host an all out war with one another but have more of a friendly game. When giving birth Eliza. She instantly removed it, shaking it in hopes of it granting her even the slightest bit of relief. Teams were chosen and Kara, Jonn, Alex, and Y/N were all on one team while James, Lena, Nia, and Winn were on the other. You saw Kara and then behind her, Alex with all the DEO agents. Alex slipped a comm into your ear before the three of you parted ways, but its not only after midnight that you hear Karas voice. Miss Luthor i think you will be more cooperative now you saw what im capable of.