And there are underwater bases. WASHINGTON101. 35 20 N., 118 40 W. Trona35 45.5 N., 117 22.6 W.-several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak. There was a door that would normally be closed that matches the features of the ocean floor, and it was wide open, and this is where submarines go in, go to a lake that is in Nebraska. Growing up in the Indian Wells Valley is very challenging. [7], There are two different modes of transportation. At the time, the closest most anyone would get to a B-2 without clearance was a flyover at an air show. These Underground bases get prominent play in dark rumors 30 east of Yuma, AZ. George Air Force Base, CA saucer base21. On CO side of NM border, Dulce area, possible entrance on a private ranch which has been some point of speculation. Not too long after I started this position the Gulf War began. The facility is an integral part of the gigantic, but shy weapons test, development, and evaluation ecosystem that spans all 50 states and is essential to maintaining America's combat edge over its adversaries. ), The DUMBs recycle air from time to time. ventilating the air out of an underground base makes a trumpet noise almost like a tornado siren. some of these trumpet noises people are hearing on a wider scale in the skies are actually an energetic shock wave coming from the Sun, the sound is coming from energy coming from the Sun interacting with our upper atmosphere.[2], Multiple whistleblowers have revealed that the casinos themselves are intimately involved with the military-industrial complex, if not directly owned by them in many cases. One goes north toward Delta, CO and Colorado Springs. (760) 939-3160. 300 pages, color, paperback. Possible super huge underground base found! I think these human incubators will become a thing someday. One day I was dropping my wife off at her workplace on the base and one was flying over very low with its gear down. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Army Is Spending Half A Billion To Train Soldiers To Wage War . WHERE ARE THEY? . There are many things in that area that are classified to this day, but there are a few things I can talk about what without landing in prison. This airspace is known as R-2508 Special Use Airspace Complex. [21]It used to be an NBC facility. It is the Center of control over MAJIC and the "Space . The machine's software broke the data down from that tape much like the 8715s had done, except it was capable of handling more data and the overall system was way less expensive and cumbersome than the 8715 system. NEW JERSEY74. From Ontario Airport: Take Interstate 10 East from the airport, then proceed to Interstate 215/ 15 North over the Cajon Pass; exit Highway 395 North stay on Hwy 395 all the way until you reach the Ridgecrest/ China Lake Blvd turnoff. OREGON90. When that thing shot it was amazingly loud and concussive even while cocooned in the bunker. A minimum of lighting is used and the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all. Online you can see videos and photos of U.S. AIRFORCE jets or planes SPRAYING CHEMTRAILS and years ago on one YouTube video RUST COLORED CHEMTRAILS, I found out its claimed that is DESICCATED BLOOD. Theres only a small percentage, globally, that are a part of this underground network. New York Metro area87. WEST VIRGINIA103. The Primary Underground facilities in New Mexico consist of 3 enormous underground bases in: 75. Later in the week, the F-117s could be seen flying in various places on the ranges. T-pad is the area where surface information is sent for recording from the various range and radar devices located around the range complexes. In 2019 Straight told me he possessed Secret Service clearance to view videos of VP Mike Pence raping a little boy. to the north of Taos Pueblo84. two sites: one on Rt. Military . VIRGINIA97. China Lake California Earthquake . One of the really cool things about China Lake is the Electronic Combat Range that is located east of the main base some 30 miles called Echo Range. 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on military map as airspace area R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. These city-sized bases can hold millions and millions of people, whether they are mind-controlled, enslaved NWO World Army Soldiers or innocent and enslaved surface dwellers from the towns and cities ofAmerica and Canada. The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) and satellite control over slaves. In 2021, mainstream news reports began to reveal the truth about the 2,100 kids. The map shows an underground base and a tunnel going into it at a place called 29 palms. Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort. AT & T maintains an underground facility at Fairview, KS.52. Run by the NWO along with demonic beings, the CIA is there, and Wackenhut Security. Basically, this Underground Base is 8 cities on top of each other! ], KENTUCKY SHERIFFS OFFICE: STEPHENSON MURDERS MAY BE CONNECTED TO DELPHI MURDERS (INVESTIGATING TRUCK DRIVERS & DNA), STATE OF INDIANA DECLARES DELPHI MURDER CASE CREATES SERIOUS AND IMMINENT DANGER TO THE PUBLIC, There arent many left to speak for the dead Author Veronica Swift pens letter to Rep. Jim Jordan #LetJessieSpeak, SEAL TEAM 6 BLACK OPS IN OHIO [JOURNALIST FILES LAWSUIT AGAINST GOV. . the underground tram system goes under the ocean. You may think there isnt much out there while traveling north on Highway 395, but the range facilities are filled with radar sites, target areas, and an occasional lone laboratory with some strange engineer who hasnt seen daylight in four days hanging out most the week by himself. Page 304 , FLORIDA44. [7], When they were first developing the subterrenes, they just drove the drill uninterrupted for long distances at a constant speed so that the glass tunnels would be of a uniform density. There were many other interesting things about working at China Lake, but those two stand out in my mind just because they were so unique at that time. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base . Thomasville, 30 50.2 N 8358.9 W, FEMA, regional center, they train groups in Search and Destroy missions for when Martial Law is imposed. Do you know if they do have these iris-type of metal things that could be used like that, that open and close for air ventilation? Marines carried out t raumatized children, some of . The recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico, around the China Lake underground bases in Nevada and California, in Kumamoto, Japan, etc. In other words, it appears that the heavy train & tractor-trailer activity indicates something besides mining. However, the roads are often speed limited to 45 and even 25 in some areas in the strangest places where there is absolutely nothing. The following was posted on the GAB account of Timothy Charles Holmseth, today. Level 3 everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jumpsuit uniform. Post navigation - Daily Street News The Navy estimates more than $2 billion in repairs are needed to repair facilities damaged by a pair of earthquakes six weeks ago at its vital hub for air warfare research, development and testing . Aviation_Intel. and south of Benson St. Park of the Columbia Gorge.91. . One is in British Columbia, CA. Before we go on, remember that the China Lake base is close to Edwards and Nellis, both notorious for their underground cities such as the infamous Area 51. Underground Bases, Missing Children, Extra-Terrestrials - What You Need (And Ive had insiders like Jacob, from the space program, tell me that there are these air apertures on these underground bases, and they can partially open them or close them and then ventilate air through them, and its like blowing into a trumpet and getting this big, resonant sound. I have had the opportunity to debrief some people who have been in the lower reaches of some of these facilities. Watch the video below: Function: Research of mind related functions, genetic experiments, mind control training, and reprogramming. Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Nord Stream Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter. Super Hornet flying over Armitage Field which lies at the center of NAWS China Lake.. A-6Es about to get loaded up with Mk20s during Operation Desert Storm.. Armitage Field may be the center of NAWS China Lake but the range facilities span for miles in multiple directions. Weather Mod & China Lake Connection: Part 1 - The Secret City However, after Biden stole the 2020 election, mainstream pushed a narrative that blamed the disappearance of the kids on Trump. The enormous complex radiates under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other sites. Theyve done that and created several submarine bases. Thankfully, Randy Smith, a civilian employee that worked at China Lake in a unique capacity for years, has offered to share his recollections about a place that he learned to love not just for its remote beauty and 'unique' technological sights and sounds, but also for the esprit de corps among those who work there, often under tight security restrictions. Serves as a UFO base, biological experiments, production center for small-grey drones. Pentagon, Arlington, VA-100. In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. ?, deals with secret aircraft. These are located in the Exhibit Hall of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors. Evidence: Biden Administration Used Closed China Lake Military Base to White Sands, 3222.8N 10628.8W, a major hub for research, tied in with Dulce & NORAD, HO for NASA /military shuttle flights, radiation research ctr. . Alamosa, 37 28.1 N 10552.2'W W- reported saucer base 37. Straight said the military relied on intelligence prepared by Marcella Crandall . Required fields are marked *. Red Willow Co. near McCook, NE, NEVADA65. . . The Continuity of Government facility intended since 1962 to house the United States Congress, code-named Casper, is located on the grounds of the prestigious Greenbrier resort. The Message for Humankind. Cosmic Disclosure. Also:Do You Live Near Any Of These FEMA Camps? Alamosa, 37 28.1 N 10552.2'W W- reported saucer . . A great asset when doctors and hospitals wont be availableany more given the current situation. Very . If You Think We Are Done With Masks, Lend Me Your Ear, Natural Survival Medicine You Can Find In The Forest, America is going to be destroyed by fire! I became involved in testing on HARM, Harpoon, cluster munitions, SLAM, and even a little-known project called Tacit Rainbow. This bunker had various bits and pieces of shrapnel and aluminum panels lying around in front of which I thought at the time was rather odd. Klamath Falls, ORsince Sept. 95 this has been a base for many NWO groups including the Air National Guard, FEMA, CIA, FBI, Spetznaz, and Page 306 MOSAP training base. When it happens, it will be too late to stop it. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this author. The site in Paradox Valley can be reached via Hwy. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. I got to be there one time when they were executing a test. Its located near Brooks Lake. IDAHO48. While it appears to be surrounded by mountains, it is actually a hologram that conceals a massive base built deep inside the mountain.[1], According to Emery Smith, there are about 300 underground bases in North America alone. I would say it got within an either of a mile of us when the roar of the CIWS was heard from outside the bunker. Are you going to be a rabbit in the headlights, or are you going to stand up and say enough is enough? It sounded like a cross between a mean weed eater from hell and the Millennium Falcon. Of course, we had to be back about a quarter mile in a firing bunker to keep us safe. China Lake: When a quake hits a secret area - Capitol Weekly China Lake, mind control and weapons research 16. the Taos area underground facility. I worked for the contractor that oversaw processing the data on those tapes using Honeywell tape machines and converting them to digital tapes for processing on the VAX mainframes by data technicians or for the flight test engineers in charge of the test projects. Some people said it was a hoax, but there is an opening for an underground base system that submarines use off the coast of California that was, I believe, caught on a satellite image. Eglin AFB, 30 40 N 86 50 W- Orion saucer base since 1978. It goes to Australia. til 240th St. and goes to Ave R-8. List of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) Its also located North of the lakebed way out in the desert. PENNSYLVANIA93. 5. Arming the Fleet: The Compelling Story of a Secret Navy Base in the Weve been building underground bases since before [WWI] that were pretty impressive. Commander, Navy Region Southwest > Installations > NAWS China Lake The speed it obtained in such a short time was nothing short of astounding. Tinwiki: China lake, page 1 - Military Underground Bases In The USA - Complete List - May 30, 2022 Plattsburgh (near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 4940N 7333 W- two saucer bases in this area. The installation is located in the Western Mojave Desert region of . but other things going down there, as Corey can also relate to of working on different types of devices, such as different types of vehicles, number one, space vehicles; also, the medical stuff I talked to you about in the last episodes, with all the storing of cloned bodies and whatnot. China Lake NAWS - Naval Facilities Engineering Command Experiments were done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original forms. Safford, near Safford11. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base18. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. The guns were mounted on each side of a bunker with the controllers being inside the bunker. This event may not seem much, but it was very impressive to see at the time.