Heartleaf philodendron is commonly grown in hanging baskets, dish gardens and as groundcover in larger planters. Depending on how the light shines on the leaves, the Philodendron plant can look dark green, light green, or bronze. This variety of Alocasia looks pretty standard, with heart-shaped green leaves and long stems. The Alocasia is a plant species native to the subtropics of Asia and eastern Australia. Conclusion. The length of a heart-shaped leaf ranges between 5 to 7cm. This plant loves sunlight so put your Philodendron in a sunny location with bright, indirect light. The plant is appropriately named, as the leaves look and feel like velvet fabric, with tiny little bristles all over it to create a super soft texture. So, whether youre a beginner or an experienced plant parent, you can easily grow one of these dazzling plants. Philodendron Florida Beauty Varieties. Anne Russel Viburnum. Coming from subtropical and tropical regions, Philodendron plants need high levels of humidity. But it can also make for a beautiful indoor plant. Many of the 480 species of Philodendron plants are popular houseplants thanks to their large, green leaves. As Caladiums are tubers (new growth comes from a tube as opposed to a node on a vine), Caladiums do not grow to be very tall. The leaves are heart-shaped with meaty white veins running over them, making for an outstanding contrast between the colors. Provide it with well-draining soil for aroids, regular watering every 7 days on average when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry and ample humidity of >60%. Ideally, a bright room with a window covered by shutters or thin curtains would be best, but your plant should be fine if kept out of direct light. Alocasia Yucatan Princess . On the left side of the photo above is a Pothos leaf and the right side is a Heart Leaf Philodendron leaf. The plant is placed at Buddha temples all over the country. They will just require extra attention, like regular misting with a spray bottle or placing a wet pebble tray close by. Dont keep this variety in full sun. Here we'll help you learn everything you'll need to know to keep your plants thriving! However, the soil needs to stay moist between watering. Fertilize your Philodendron plants once a month during the growing seasonspring and summer. Green Thumbs Garden. These striking plants are one of the most popular house plants and will add an exotic flair to any household. Lets look in more detail at the various types of Philodendron plants that are suitable for homes, offices, and other indoor spaces. They love warmth, humidity and water, but like to dry out between waterings. Watch the leaves of your Philodendron carefully as they will let you know when they need more or less light, water or moisture. This easy to look after houseplant is loved so much because it will tell you exactly when something is wrong. The Polly Plant is probably the most common variety of Alocasia. These tropical plants can grow up to 18 inches tall, making them stunning and compact ornamental plants. The Philodendron Birkin is a stunning variegated type of philodendron with leathery dark glossy leaves. However, variegated Philodendron plants need bright, filtered light. Due to the rarity of this plant, it is highly sought after and can be quite . It requires a well-draining potting mix and moderate watering. philodendron, (genus Philodendron), approximately 450 species of stout-stemmed climbing herbs of the family Araceae, native to tropical America. These flowers grow straight upwards on a long stem. Compared to climbing Philodendrons, the upright species are slow-growing. Better known as the black magic plant, the leaves are a dark shade of purple, almost black, and have an intense shine. Coming from the subtropical regions of Asia and eastern Australia, these types of Alocasia can be demanding due to their high humidity requirements, probability of spider mites, and the need for regular Alocasia repotting. Water any type of Philodendron when the top layer of soil has dried out. Water with room temperature water. Philodendron sagittifolium Synonyms: Philodendron tanyphyllum, Philodendron sanguineum, Philodendron lancigerum, Philodendron tuxtlanum, Philodendron lancigerum, Philodendron daemonum, Philodendron ghiesbrechtii Formerly incorrectly identified on this site as All types of Philodendron plants thrive in medium to bright light. It has oval-shaped, split leaves that look similar to those of a . The Alocasia originally comes from South East Asia but was commercially grown in Hawaii, where it got the name Alii, meaning king.. Because of its growth pattern, regular fertilizing with a weak solution will help the plant put out impressive foliage. The ideal location for Alocasia 'Polly' and Alocasia amazonica is actually a greenhouse where humidity and temperature can be controlled. It has a unique peach-pink variegated foliage, and each leaf is unique in shape. They have a rough-looking matte finish that can have them easily mistaken for a fake plant. The heart shaped leaves of philodendron Micans have a velvety feel. Their stems do not need much support to be stable. Known in its native land of eastern Australia as the Cunjevoi Lily, Alocasia Brisbanensis is a tall-growing Alocasia variety with a height of around 6 feet and leaves that can reach 2.5 feet in length. 2. The Naugahyde type of Philodendron is also called the pigskin plant due to its thick leathery leaves. Another of the interesting Philodendron cultivars is the Prince of Orange. This Philodendron plant gets its name from the large coppery-orange leaves that emerge from it. In conclusion, philodendron leaves drip water due to the natural processes of transpiration and guttation. For more information on how tocare for your Alocasia plants, please read our full guide. The leaves can be so dark that theyre almost black, featuring orange and red accents along the stem. Always water your green, leafy plant by thoroughly soaking or drenching the soil. Howbeit, in domestic habitat, the plant usually reaches a length of around 90cm (35 inches). Some leaves have even been reported to grow over 3-feet long. Unlike the Philodendron, the Alocasia prefers filtered light or partial shade. You should aerate the soil to ensure efficient drainage. This plant starts small but will grow to be rather big. Despite growing considerably tall and large, they dont require much soil space to flourish as their roots dont grow very deep. Adapting your environment to these conditions can always be done, and ultimately shouldnt deter you from trying to bring either of these fantastic plants into your home. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Location. And it isnt hard to keep them healthy, as they are a low-maintenance Alocasia, especially when kept indoors. This indoor plant is an excellent specimen evergreen leafy plant. Leaf Color. Even though Alocasias like humid climates, their watering needs are less than you would think. Bacterial leaf spots and blights can occur at the same time as fungal leaf spots and differentiation can sometimes be difficult between the two. With almost 100 varieties of Alocasias, choosing your perfect match can be overwhelming. One of the most elegant and minimalistic Alocasia varieties, the Zebrina features smooth, light-green leaves on tall, zebra-striped stalks, resulting in a plant that has a lot of pizzazz. Keeping your African Violet's blooms going indoors can be a challenge if you aren't setting yourself up for success. The Xanadu features smooth leaves and possesses a silk-like reflective surface while also having symmetrical lobes up to 16 inches (40 cm) long and 12 inches (30 cm) wide. The sometimes beautiful and sometimes bizarre combination of spathe and spadix known as the inflorescence, and sometimes referred to as a flower, is a distinguishing feature of all aroids. Also, whole leaves can remain rolled and . The Philodendron will grow in low-light environments, but the vibrancy of its leaves may fade. The plant got its name after the fragrant flowers it produces that resembles the calla lily flowers in that it has a pale peach spathe and a spadix. It can also be a great plant to shade smaller plants around it. Like nearly all of the most popular houseplants in the UK both of these species are members of the Araceae family of tropical plants. Both of these plants would make fantastic additions to any houseplant collection, and all indoor gardeners should consider both, but which one you choose will ultimately depend on if you can support the plants needs. Alocasia Dragon Scale is undoubtedly my favorite Alocasia, and one of my most treasured houseplants. Crocus, gladioli . This Alocasia dragon scale, commonly known as the dragon scale, is noteworthy because of the scale-like textured foliage. These are usually noticeable by the nodes where the petioles, i.e., leaf stalks, will grow. This fast growing vining Philodendron has variegated heart shaped leaves that have lemon and lime green colors. But dont feed them in winter as this can lead to an accumulation of salt and ultimately damage their foliage. here see at the bottom some growers post their experience. The leaves of Colocasia are seen to droop downwards. The veins and the mid-section of the leaves are dark-green, and the rest of the leaf is a silvery, light-green. The information will help you tell the differences between the various philodendron types. You can prune this climbing plant to encourage bushy growth and prevent floppy, leggy plant growth. While the leaf texture is the same as the Black Velvet, the Frydek grows taller, reaching a height of around 2-3 feet, with leaves that are 18 inches long. Alocasias grows from a corm, while a Giant Philodendron has a regular root system. Dark alocasia leaves often have light or white . Its large glossy green lobed leaves capture attention as this large houseplant reflects light to brighten up a room. While this plant can be tricky to find, its a breeze to take care of as it doesnt need a ton of light or a ton of water. 14 min read. The thick woody stems seem to arch in different directions, giving the plant a unique appearance. The silver dragon Alocasia has a soft velvet feel and matte finish. Along with the plant descriptions and pictures, scientific names will help identify each species of Philodendron. Apply a well-balanced liquid feed through the spring and summer frequently or small amounts of granular feed. It also has a distinctive slender tiphaving a similar look to a beetroot plant. Alocasias are prone to pests, specifically spider mites. Philodendron Imperial Green Care: A Complete Guide for Beginners, Philodendron Birkin light Requirements Everything you need to know. Types of Philodendron with Names and Pictures. They are, however, a lot less forgiving of overwatering which makes them susceptible to fungal infections and common pests. Fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune in the spring. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, care, and progress of Alocasia plants. This Alocasia variety is the perfect example of the wide range of choices when it comes to Alocasia plants. This variety of Alocasia is very susceptible to pests and plant disease, so it requires some extra care and attention to keep healthy and happy! Put it under the required conditions and give it the recommended Philodendron Florida Ghost care.