What a great ideawhy don't we [all] start a revolution and surely some company out there will duplicate the stuff and make us all happy. Do you think we could start a fan club???? If I could just go back. I googled chum gum hoping to find it on the market again, but instead I found a fan club that I can feel very comfortable being a member in! I miss you, Chum Gum. I've been looking for it for years!! In fact, I realized that I have had chicken bones candy; and while it does include coconut, there is also a peanut butter inclusion. Unfortunately, they were as messy as they were moreish, thanks to the low melting point of the chocolate. We would get a couple of pennies and walk about a half mile to buy some. Best gum ever!!!!! We have a novelty candy store in New Hope, Pennsylvania. (*The town may have been Steinbach, Ebelsbach which rang a bell for me. I will post the link here when he sends it. I would love to have it back on the shelves. Candy-coated gum from Frank H. Fleer & Co. (and later the American Chicle Company), called Chiclets, can be found in advertisements from The Saturday Evening Post going back to 1906. Glad to know I am not the only fan. The commercial used to feature fruit falling throug the ceiling and landing on people making them go bonkers. I too remember Chum Gum and just like some of you when I mention it to people they look at me like I'm crazy. My experience was in the 50's and 60's, though. Oh, well. no one around here remembers it either! Yes I am old!!!! Bought them every year. This brings back sweet memories to me. I too remember Chum Gum and think back to my younger days. My mom would walk with us to the neighborhood candy store and we would purchase it along with turtles, bazooka joe bubble gum, Wish they would get the recipe and reintroduce it! I'm 38yrs.old and only found it in Woolworth stores in the Chicago area.I can still taste that juicy soft flavor in my BUDS.Hope a manufactor can bring our good old CHUM GUM back!!!!!! Tootsie Roll bought Fleer 12 years ago, and today makes Dubble Bubble, another old Fleer product. Rob Lambert, thanks for all the info you have shared about this product. The Harmful Side Effects of Guar Gum | livestrong 6. Richardson Brands, however, owns and produces Beechies, the Chiclets-like candy-coated gum Beech-Nut made years ago. After the flavor wore off, the sting would last for hours on your tongue. I grew up in the Boston area and we would buy this at the penny-candy store. i grew up in grand forks,n.d. Time-warping back to October, 1971, found another newspaper ad mentioning Chum Gum, Dubble Bubble and Razzles as suggestions to give trick-or-treaters on Halloween. I believe it has been permanently discontinued, Oh My God!!! It seems everything that it ever really good is discontinued. Ate both pieces myself, amazing bubbles. I am 61 yrs. The Sunday Milwaukee (WI) Journal had a supplemental ad section for Treasure Island, a discount chain store operating as a lower-budget retailer under the JC Penney umbrella. Two sticks for a penny. that is what me go to this link is it tasted so much like it. Bet I could have a large market for it. Interesting comments on Chum GumThanks for the history Rob Lambert. Chum Gum - made in the 1960s/70s. 38 Discontinued Candies People Desperately Want to Return I'm 54 and over the years have looked for Chum Gum. For the longest time I could buy it at a shop in my hometown of Kenosha , WI. My Chum Gum days go back to the early 60's in Junior High. Chum gum was the best!!! The world's most popular autocomplete game. I should be able to find them today. I used to find it and steal him WONDERFUL Chum Gum!!! I grew up in Minnesota in the 70's and remember Chum Gum so well. By the way Mack, if we're all losers what are you doing wasting your time reading our comments? Great tasting molasses and chocolate candies were included in candy corn mix now boring, only sugar,no DISTINCTIVE flavor. Whatever Happened To Chiclets? - Mashed.com I am glad everyone at this site remember it. Chum Gum was the best gum. Am I way off base? Looking for Chum Gum for a friend of mine who will be celebrating a special BD in August and wants to find it. Certs. We would split the money we got( .10 to .15 cents) and then hit the penny candy. A case of Wacky Wafers given to his TA got him home for our wedding. Remember how much of the penny candy and gum was unwrapped. Anybody remember these? But there are a lot of other choices on that website that will bring back memories, at today's prices. Fifty cents would get me a whole bag. How I wish.someone would bring it back before Iam gone. Please bring back the Milkshake candy bars again. MY SIS AND I MISS IT. Bar none the greatest tasting gum ever. The rumors of old fans are that no other gum has been able to compare to this delightful option, although its not for lack of trying. So im just thankfull that i got to taste chum gum and i will never forget the taste. . it tasted so good. I've often ask people if they remember Chum Gum and no one knows what I'm talking about. I remember the commercial well. Might have been associated with the discontinued candy section. I used to buy it at Allen's Grocery. They were classic chewing gum and are missed! I was lacking money as a child so I only got to enjoy these products a handful of times. //-->, Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures. Amazon.com: Chum Gum theres an emty spot in me. "Wrigleys" might have come close. I used to lick the white off and then put the gum in my mouth. Thriftys in Lynwood, Ca. Retro Candy Vintage Candy Sweet Memories Childhood Memories Nostalgic Candy Penny Candy Chums Old Ads Candy Store Those were the good ole days! I am 45 and I chewed that stuff in the 70's in Chicago where I was born. Fleer Company eventually turned their focus to toys and trading cards but their Dubble Bubble brand remained strong. I tried Jr Caramels but they are not the same they are too soft and gooey and Milk Duds are too hard LOL, can we get the marathon bars back? Armilda. The 70's were the best of time. Professor Dumbledore loved the muggle sweets! Unlike the howling mess we call the 21st Century. I am from Lockport, IL and I, too, couldn't make anyone believe that I remembered Chum Gum! The smell, the taste - best ever. old and remember the great flavor the gum had, I can still taste it today, I also bought a gum called devil gum, does anyone remember that gum? Someone's got to get this gum produced again. Here's a wild one! Not only did this have the most fabulous flavor, but it had such a wonderfully smooth texture - not all gritty and sugary like regular bubblegum. i can still taste that gum, which had a flavor all it's own, sweet, peppery that still reaches me through the ages With THIS many people on a thread reminiscing about a childhood confection, think how many others are out there? I was in my teens the best time of my life. I remember Chum gum and got some in the mid 70s in Folsom at an old town general store,on a family vacation. Is this something that is still available to get? My brother and I would collect pop bottles in the 50s and early 60s. Fleer made it. As a German might say, that was really gte BIER!!! Bubble Gum Eggs from Arcor, Individually wrapped. I've NEVER run across anything similar to that in all my years. Does anyone know of anywhere that these retro bars can be found? he would share it with me all the time. Google - How to make gum? I think there were 3 pieces for a penny. I am know 47 and haven't seen Chum Gum in at least 30 years. Found it in other stores in Chicago and suburbs Til the 70s Best gum all my friends chewed it and all remembered it and miss it. Chum Gum was great. have looked for it for years. My dad owned a little country store with a big glass case full of penny candy on the bottom shelf and candy bars on the top. Orange County, CA in 1960's-early 70's. Maybe the makers of Chum Gum put a special ingredient to make us want it, kind of like cigarettes or something! I used to get it at only one grocery store in Las Vegas, NM. Where did those days go. The Fleer name is now owned by a company known as Upper Deck, who had previously made a huge offer to the company and had been declined. WE HAD CHUM GUM IN SC, TOO. From the moment I arrived all I could think about was when I would be allowed to walk down to the corner gas station. Per "oldtimecandy.com, the company that made Chum Gum (they don't confirm who the manufacturer was) discontinued it. I am 56 years old and have been searching for it for years. Used to lick the powder off each piece before I chewed it for hours! Please Bring MY CHUM GUM back. Everybody write to Fleer and get them to bring back Chum Gum. Is Guar Gum Healthy or Unhealthy? The Surprising Truth Chum Gum was made by Fleer, also makers of Dubble Bubble, from around 1950 until 1971. I have been serching forever. My favourite candy its my trademark when nurses see me they ask for a cert please bring back. Do you know what company manufactured them? I remember the gum in pink too but blue was better!!! I grew up in FL, and I remember climbing up on the kitchen counter and standing on my tip toes to reach the shelf in the upper cabinet where my mother kept a box of Chum Gum! I would buy it if I could find it. Beets. PLESE BRING THIS GUM BACK. I love all of you, my wife thinks I'am nuts. Elementary school. The best gum ever for blowing bubbles. Good bye Chum Gum. Love the flavor,the color, its softness. Bubble Gum & Chewing Gum | Old Time Candy And like many of you here no one that I know remembers it. It very well could have set the stage for that soft, pink bubble gum we all know and love. A friend and I in Silver Spring, MD would take my 25 cents allowance (in 1952) and buy about 50 sticks of Chum-Gum and chew all sticks at once to see who could blow the biggest bubbles. Beets have 2.8 grams of protein per cup or .5 grams per ounce. I CAN STILL TASTE IT! Have you ever heard of these. Thor was my favorite. Detroit, MI during the 60's at a place called Clem's Candy Store on Fenkell Avenue. I am so glad I found this website. The flavor lasted ALL DAY. The pure flavor of juicy fruit is gone. I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF IT BUT IT CAME IN THE SAME SHAPE PACKAGING AS BEEMAN'S OR BLACKJACK. That was my go to at the local market and I always saved the green apple for last! That wasn't the case with Black Cat Bubble Gum. Worst decision to make on candy maker. It came in a 5-stick pack that was white with the words Chum Gum in Navy Blue with some red highlights on the pack. I grew up in Memphis, TN. Not to mention the thousands of dollars lost , this is a detriment to your company so my advice would be to the people what we want & bring them back ASAP !!!! I am 50 years old and grew up in Dothan, Alabama (extreme southeast. Used to visit that Topps store with my mother, as a kid. Best years of our lives that I will never forget. It's so comforting to know there are others who feel the same way. One of my grandaughters has taken on the nickname of chiclet. Along with Banana Splits, they were true classics! (Sigh), I grew up in upstate NY and LOVED Chum GUm. We used to turn in soda bottles so we could buy it. !I CAN'T IMAGINE WHAT IT TASTES LIKE BUT I STILL REMEMBER THE TASTE OF THE GRAPE GUM THEY USED TO MAKE. I remember going by Brookside, a Mom & Pop store, daily gong and coming from school. Hardly the case. You can make some handy chum blocks doing this. $169.99. As someone said, the flavor didn't last long but the gum had so much elasticity and blew the best bubbles ever. They don't make em like they used to. Beech-Nut Gum You can't find it officially anymore, unless you want to pay $37.49 for a decades-old pack on eBay. That long-forgotten name popped right out of my cobwebbed memories. The BBE, Best Bubble Ever. look on ebay just type Chum Gum and you will see someone is selling 1 stick for $7 plus $2.5 for S/H. lol. I grew up in Berwyn, IL and my sister and I lived on Chum Gum! it had that cold feeling when you first started chewing it. Their familiar logo is on the picture in this link. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. So nice that I am not imagining how good Chum Gum was and would order a box of it right now if I could find it. Please? it was a hot cinnamon flavored gum, I think it was made by the same company. Like everyone here I loved Chum Gum and thought I was the only one who remembered it. Chewed it daily growing up in Youngstown, OH during the 60's. I love Chum Gum!! For its part, Fleer did little to promote Chum Gum over the twenty or so years it was sold, focusing more on its flagship product, Dubble Bubble. They were in a white pack that blue writing with individual pieces. The idea was to create a tasty gum that would blow really great bubbles. Share across the isle in a diverse world and bring us together with CHUM GUM! It was the best gum ever made. If I'm not mistaken there was three pieces in a sleeve. $1.62. It's great to hear all these stories. I was looking for the Marathon Bar. And yes, just like someone before me said, right next to the hot dog gum. Also miss marathon bars.nothing today comes close! Butternut candy bar. Does anyone remember when Planters Peanuts (the 5 cent package) offered the enticement "You could find a nickle , dime or quarter in this package"? They would kill the market and make a lot of us so happy. I am 51 and have been craving this gum, chum gum the best ever made, 2 sticks for a penny and nothing else compares. Tears filled her eyes as she was just beside herself when we gave it to her. Today, gum is sold in a variety of shapes and flavors . Sometimes I can still smell it. I found a box on Ebay from the 50s, but could not imagine eating something that old.lol. In addition to that, we also love the Brachs cinnamon tree nougats for the same reason. Walter took a recipe that had been founded in 1906 and adjusted it to create this delicious gum. I talk about Chum Gum atleast once a month. I used to ride my bike about s mile to Campbells Drug store on the corner of Atlantic blvd and ocean blvd. Bring it back !!! My boyfriend thinks I am crazy and has no idea what I am talking about.