"If a person was denying it, he would say, 'One of . I suppose it's ok to let children scream in restaurants and theaters as well? Most of you posters here are complete idiots and voiceofthenight is the biggest moron of them all. We didnt realize it until after the end, Tom Klebold said. COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL massacre - WikiVidi Documentary. ERIC AND DYLAN 4 LIFE! School officials, law enforcement, and the adult community learned a lot after Columbine and are doing a better job of detecting trouble. Sue Klebold decided to speak up now because she wants to tell other parents the signs she missed and what she would do differently. its hard to take anything a grieving parents says objectively and we can of course have compassionate understanding for that but also realise it may differ from the reality of the situation, which must be painful. ", Dylan: (interrupts) "We did what we had to do. Columbine High School Shooting: Victims & Killers - HISTORY COLUMBINE, pisode 3 : l'impact sur la socit, 3. So he called me and offered to go to the school in hopes of negotiating with Dylan. Sue Klebold. Now, she spends her time advocating for suicide prevention and mental health services. And then later on, how was he able to conceal his mental state so successfully? Sociopaths are born, but people who remain sociopaths as they age: either missed puberty; or had bad parents. I wanted a contribution to help us understand why it happened, so that it would never happen again. Dylan is wearing a black baseball cap on backward, exposing a "B" embroidered in white on the back of the hat - the Boston Red Sox logo. Dylan Klebold (Dylan Bennet Klebold) was born on 11 September, 1981 in Lakewood, Colorado, United States, is a 20th century American mass murderers. Good thing I did because Dylan hasn't exactly risen to a level of responsibility in my absence. Boston: Pearson. It Always seems like he didn't give a damn about them, in his writings and in the Basement Tapes. One particular incident was uncovered where Dylan and Eric (the other shooter) were surrounded by a group, pushed around, called slurs, and had ketchup sprayed on them. It is actually a lot of conformist bunk to serve the status quo. "He said, 'One of the boys my son shot said Dylan was a nice kid,' " Berg says. But you also can't argue with success. crap. This is my story | Sue Klebold, (Video) Sue Klebold: My life as the mother of a Columbine killer (EXCLUSIVE) - BBC Newsnight, (Video) Chris Morris friend of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, (Video) COLUMBINE SHOOTER: DYLAN KLEBOLD'S MOTHER GIVES FIRST TV INTERVIEW ! Gotta go. , What was the deadliest school shooting? The teachers at Columbine all seemed incredibly disengaged. Dylan Klebold had been accepted by the University of Arizona and planned to attend this fall. What happened isn't their fault. "Doctors" can profit, too, financially, when their names are attached to certain "studies.". Yet, despite a happy upbringing, Dylan still did what he did. His father Wayne was a U.S. Air Force transport pilot . It would drive me insane to have my kids behave like that, but some people are utterly oblivious to the cacaphony and strife being caused by their children. In this difficult, jarring talk, Klebold explores the intersection between mental health and violence . I read recently that neither set of parents ever spoke publicly or to the media. It's still about management. Very few people really care. Maybe he needs to go home. I havent done anything for which I need forgiveness, Susan Klebold said. . These two need to be gutted and hung out for the vultures. Weren't they in a small group of rebellious kids? Bit of a warning, it's a PDF file. You can criticize psychiatry without being a Scientologist. But she focuses greatly on the lead-up to that day, hoping to shed light on what happened to her son in order to help someone else see signs in their own child while they still have a chance to intervene. Some psychopaths are obsessed with money or power, but when you combine psychopathy with sadism, you get an Eric Harris. When early word came that the Trench Coat Mafia may be involved in the shooting, Tom ran downstairs to look for Dylans trench coat, which he couldnt find, Lozow said. Were not qualified to sort this out. His mom was trying to find the best fit for him, but I suspect it ended up being more difficult for him), and both enjoyed violent video games. Teachers did nothing. End of story. Remembering Isaiah Shoels, the black Columbine victim They crowned a queen, they crowned a king. Guns and weapons? . Really just the gerden variety sociopath stuff? [quote]The teachers at Columbine all seemed incredibly disengaged. He was easy to raise, a pleasure to be with, a child who had always made us proud (Klebold, 2016, p. 61). Rare interview with Columbine killer Dylan Klebold's parents Parenting is the ultimate denial of responsibility because it is always the OTHER PARENT'S FAULT. I've always felt sorry for Dylan, who seemed so lost and depressed. A Further Examination: Sue Klebold's case study of her son, Dylan Klebold. Thats Something that stands out about Dylan anyway, the Lack of Emotion regarding his parents. They have grown up to be (somewhat) upstanding members of society, but I don't see how it is so easy to go from knowing your kid is making crank calls and setting off amateur pipe bombs to seeing him as a psychopathic murderer. r54 is right. Who is "limiting" the discussion to the brain? Dylan's mother, Sue Klebold, confirmed to radio host Terry Gross on "Fresh Air" Tuesday that she is Jewish, and her now ex-husband, Dylan Klebold's father, is Lutheran, and said her son . I knew he was off, different. Dylan was a depressed teenager with many mental issues. I guess it's my generation. Ignore them. She has spent the last 15 years excavating every detail of her family life, and trying to understand the crucial intersection . It is absolutely the parents vault. Another migrant here from the other Columbine thread who's reading Cullen's book--. I don't believe that Tom and Sue were annoying parents. Susan insists, "I haven't done anything for which I need forgiveness." People that want to pretend that the parents were just innocent distant bystanders who had no responsibility for anything that happened are repulsive. Columbine Shooter's Mother: I Carry Him 'Everywhere I Go, Always' - NPR.org (They said no.) Serious victim mentality with both of them. Bedwetting, firesetting and cruelty to animals. Sue received a number of letters from people whod gone to Columbine who were more surprised that a shooting hadnt happened sooner than that one had happened at all. It would be satisfying to blame the parents. Eric David Harris - a Columbine site Dylan Klebold Interview ( Enhanced Footage ) - Morbidly - YouTube The people who run gifted programs are often special ed teachers who just got assigned that particular duty, and have the attitude that being smart is its own reward. Dylan's house google earth - forumotion.com Find it interesting Tom would say he was Dylan's best friend. Dylan: (predicting his parents' feelings of regret) "If only we could have reached them sooner, or found this tape. "This was murder," he said. ", "R77, there are people who don't have feelings.". I don't think I can categorize Dylan's relationship with his parents as bad or good, because Dylan was incredibly disturbed teen and clearly had a skewed perception of reality. (21 at the time). i dont particularly envision tom to be the type of parent to humiliate or pressure his sons. They've got a son who's very bright and makes good grades, yet he hasn't applied to college and has made only a half-assed attempt to enlist in the Marines (I think he made only one phone call to a recruiter). He was a sociopath and needed drugs and a really good psychiatrist. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 13 people on April 20, 1999, before taking their own lives. They lie. ", Dylan: (talks about how his parents taught him to be independent and self-reliant) "I appreciate that.". When someone is in a store, that is not their own private property. As the mother of Columbine High School shooter Dylan Klebold prepares to speak out in her first interview since the gruesome 1999 shooting massacre, a survivor of the attacks has . Harris was excelling in classes in the year leading up to the murders. "Mrs. Klebold had her hair done the day after the shooting". Dave Cullen, in a radio interview that I've been listening to, is very quick to point out that psychopathy doesn't equate automatically with murder. Apparently his meds caused an issue with a military enlistment, but wouldn't a caring parent sit down with their kid and figure out a Plan B? Eric, on the other hand, was a psychopath, Cullen concludes, and he spends 400 pages convincingly making his case. How are parents supposed to know everything that goes on in their children's minds? (Stephanie . I hated her for a few years but its not a clear depiction of the totality of our relationship. Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful, Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958, Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet. I also agree with R7. And society does not want to deal with real problems, so it easier to label people, and just forget about the whole thing. Even after he broke into a car and stole stuff, there was no monitoring of his time spent making pipe bombs or firing guns or playing video games that glorified killing. But Sue and her husband didnt know what the signs they were seeing meant. Even still, he seemed happy and had a handful of close friends. ", Eric: (shrugs) "My parents might have made some mistakes that they weren't really aware of. I don't think it's fair to either demonize or absolve them, but from studies of psychopathy, even the best parenting can't make that be turned off. They made sure to know who their kids were spending time with, and made sure they knew and felt that they were loved. Brooks Brown, now 31 years-old was a senior at Columbine during what was considered to be the worst school shooting in U.S. history. It's always about management. Now everybody expects the schools to fix everything for them. Klebold was depressed and fell under Harris's influence. Sue Klebold, mother of Columbine shooter Dylan Klebold, poses for a portrait on Feb. 23, 2016. Dylan kept talking about college, about his future. At the same time, the father must have believed that his son's future was still bright. 6. (The OP was looking for books on personality mirroring and other techniques sociopaths use). I'm sure they still live in Columbine and are active in many community functions, especially the PTA. No scientist knows this absolutely. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. His father, who had been in the military, was strict with Eric, and actions in that house had consequences. They could still have been on the outskirts of the school. Per the other Columbine thread, I'm in the midst of reading Dave Cullen's "Columbine." When the clerk told him "Hey, your clips are in." I believe it was either a sibling or playmates. If only we would have asked the right questions." What a twat. Columbine killers' diaries offer chilling insight - NBC News When I was in high school, my mother knew everyone I went, who I associated with, what I read, what I had my room, etc. She hyped it up as a must see and an insight to what really happened. He did it in contradiction to the way he was raised.. [quote]Did Harris or Klebold have any siblings? Goodbye. Opinion: I Taught At Columbine. It Is Time To Speak My Truth. She's spent years excavating every detail of her family life, trying to understand what she could have done to prevent her son's violence. It is also true that environmental stimuli can make the difference between a kid with "problems" and a kid who becomes a "monster." Attacks seem planned in advance, with the shooter expecting to be killed or planning to commit suicide in conjunction with the attack. The glaring one that Americans seem unable to see is the huge amount of available weapons in the US. "In the very . Empathy; not so much. I just wanted to apologize to you guys for any crap this might instigate as far as (inaudible) or something. [quote]No, they hated the gay boys almost as much as they hated the jocks. Washingtonpost.com: Shooter Pair Mixed Fantasy, Reality Dylan Klebold Character Analysis in Columbine | LitCharts The owner (a woman) had no qualms about going up to people with a screaming child and saying "You need to take ze child out to ze car vare he can calm down. Looking back on the textbooks suggested traits of school shooters, weve already seen above how Dylan does actually map onto many of them. The pair . Dylan: "Hey mom. Dylan Klebold was 17 when he and Harris,18, carried out their long-planned attack on the high school about 13 miles south of downtown Denver. As Dylan entered adolescence, he became a bit more complicated. When Your Child Kills: The Parents of Criminals - The Daily Beast We are not violent.I would never do a shooting even though I work in an office with a bunch of former jocks and homecoming queens that haven't changed since they left school and are still as awful now as they were then. You have no right to disrupt someone else's place of business. Differences And Similarities Between Harris And Dylan Klebold That's the first thing. Dylan was behaving differently, getting in more trouble, not always acting like himself. Dylan Klebold's father, is Lutheran, and said her son . As much as it sucked I knew deep down that it was just a stage and that it wasn't real. As the son of a geophysicist father and a mother who worked with the disabled, his upper-middle-class upbringing and well-meaning family didn't seem like contributing factors to his eventual killing spree. I worked as a dishwasher, then busboy then waiter in a German-American restaurant years ago when I was growing up. Here, let me get your coats for you. It didn't help matters any that our father was an abusive asshole. They often have an interest in guns and weapons, with easy access to firearms, and have often repeatedly made clear their violent intentions to others (usually peers). ", Dylan: "They gave me my fucking life. As I often do, Ill leave the author the last word on why understanding the process her son went through is important: Dylan was vulnerable in many ways unquestionably emotionally immature, depressed, possibly suffering from a more serious mood or personality disorder. Her recounting of the details of Dylans life, combined with what we learned about school shooters in general, paints a picture of how this particular child ended up committing one of the most infamous massacres in American history. . There is every likelihood that not a single teacher at Columbine cared enough to pay attention or, even if they did, knew enough to know what danger signs to look for. They will live on forever !!!!!!!! Dylan seems to have been a very unhappy person. You're far too stupid to ever see that though. [quote]You have to ignore a whole lot of what is wrong with society to limit it to a bogus discussion about how some people have "brains wired differently." I must say, that rings true to me Id personally say it was because I was so self-sufficient and trustworthy as a child that my parents had no idea when I was going through (relative) difficulty in adolescence. This is true. Its exactly people like you that caused this massacre to happen in the first place. We've never left. If a kid is screaming endlessy, you remove the child from the area. Tonight, an interview with Sue Klebold, Dylan's mother, is set to air on the ABC news-magazine . Dylan Klebold's mother did an interesting TED talk, https://youtu.be He had friends, but felt as if he were a burden; he wanted love, but the girl he was interested in didnt know he existed. A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy - Goodreads He was steady enough on his feet to run, but not to stop himself from losing balance and falling, which he did, forehead-first right into the metal bed frame. KleboldI started reading the Columbine book, how does he try to explain Klebold? He went to his senior prom and based on his journal had a wonderful time, and was invested in his future to such an extent that he chose a college and made a trip out to Arizona to look at dorm rooms with his father. Forum Reputation : 52. There was a documentary on Netflix or somewhere in which she t. He was one of the teens behind the Columbine High School Massacre in 1999. The term "psychopath" was in academic use by the early 1910s, and the definitive work on psychopathy was published in 1941. Sue Klebold is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the two shooters at Columbine High School in 1999 who killed 15 people before ending their own lives, a tragedy that saddened and galvanized the nation. VOTN, I have Cullen's book but have not yet started it. Unfortunately, we only have her word today as to what went on in the home. For not seeing that, I will never forgive myself.. It wasnt deemed something that needed further attention. It was weird. Brooks said the Klebolds agreed to the interview after an exchange of e-mails initiated by Tom Klebold, who was angered by Brooks April 24 column. I think we can value Sue's words more than Dylan's words in this one. VOTN, they used to think blood-letting and reading the bumps on people's head was science, too. So I'm gone. You have to ignore a whole lot of what is wrong with society to limit it to a bogus discussion about how some people have "brains wired differently." Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 13 people on April 20, 1999, before taking their own lives. IIRC, they both had psychiatric attention. They do not have a moral center that can be reached. In my defense, R78, everyone knew I wrote the best hand. multiple newspapers and media outlets in the days after reported dylan and his father having the kind of relationship where, when dylan would come home from school, they would share a snack and read the sports section of the newspaper together. Dylan Klebold, along with his friend Eric Harris, shot and killed 13 people and injured 23 others in April, 1999 in Columbine High School, before they turned their guns on .