886891, Anonymous 08/06/22 (Sat) 08:24:19 PM No. 887021, Anonymous 08/08/22 (Mon) 03:19:42 AM No. /pt/ - Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #71 - The Creature Both totally have nothing to do with her inability to pick an appropriate stylist and colourist or her inability leave her piercings alone as she always changes the jewelry asap and then puts cheap shit in. 883375, Anonymous 07/14/22 (Thu) 08:21:25 PM No. I saw this on Twitter it's old but it's someone who knows Taylor saying they are begging her not to, >its been 3 1/2 years of just hurting myself, I have to stop, >my heart problems are not caused by drug use, we checked drugs off the list a long time ago, >brb gonna stay up partying and writing long walls of text for 2 days straight, >taylor sitting in the background scrolling on her phone 99% of the time saying i know i got ya etc everything relating back to her, she admits that that is her go to way of relating to others, > admits she was so depressed and isolated for 9 months, >Peed in cups in her room and lined them up in the room, > didnt shower for MONTHS or brush her teeth, >says shes been talking to jonny but he didnt get back to her, > digging through her bag says she needs to find a cigarette, > constant double speak accidentally says well we were drinking when kassi says shes nauseous may have to puke, > Kassie talks about i cant do X and drink then catches herself, > From their chat they are bad on a meth binge and crashing, > take about how just took a sub and that maybe it is making her nauseous, > yet also claimed she just started taking them again which, >kassi asks If she has to cover her boobs, Taylor says no she used to go on there all the time with everything hanging out intentionally, > 1 actual fan pops in says hi she cant be bothered to get out of bed and come back to cam until they go smoke, >finally gets out of bed after awkwardly sitting there waiting for kassi to comeback from bathroom, >says theyred going to stream tomorrow (today 15/july) to get used to filming, > lots of effort to hide hands and elbow ditches when she did finally stand up, >also kassie talked about how long she takes to make her face not look like her face and taylor agree but not necessarily to totally her face but wanting to look better, >Also kassie is staying at her house and has been for this whole time since bf issues didnt elaborate on her living situation further Okay screenshots storyboard incoming pics go top left across like reading bottom right is end enjoy the clownfish bites and grease i guess, >Has a heart monitor for mystery issue that makes her unable to set up lighting and camera for filming because it makes her "too tired", >Is not "too tired" to go to shows, bars, etc. I know JC is with a new girl but how likely do you think it is he and Tay will get back together? 883862, Anonymous 07/18/22 (Mon) 04:24:03 AM No. 883010, Anonymous 07/12/22 (Tue) 03:06:03 AM No. 888122, Anonymous 08/15/22 (Mon) 11:56:41 PM No. 883428, Anonymous 07/15/22 (Fri) 05:15:53 AM No. 887235, Anonymous 08/09/22 (Tue) 06:22:08 PM No. 883513, File: 1657922109750.jpeg (1.35 MB, 2402x3600, 7FAD98F4-D0FE-45E4-AE9B-F579E5), Anonymous 07/15/22 (Fri) 10:12:45 PM No. Dunno if I linked it right, but i found a tiktok doctor that I'd bet money is where Ms. Heartrate is getting her POTS info. 883087, File: 1657644611709.jpeg (379.21 KB, 1125x699, 8325A889-13CB-467D-A702-F4DDF5), Anonymous 07/12/22 (Tue) 04:51:49 PM No. 884683, Anonymous 07/22/22 (Fri) 02:50:28 PM No. 884126, File: 1658231776642.png (857.08 KB, 828x1792, DF3F7937-C295-4058-B5E0-53A708), Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 12:22:25 PM No. 882500, File: 1657259228914.png (539.41 KB, 750x1334, B2923606-5A27-4A00-ACFC-CE6FDA), Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 05:48:09 AM No. 885394, Anonymous 07/28/22 (Thu) 11:53:10 PM No. I personally would pay good money for that, Gruesome twosome were out together again. 883803, Anonymous 07/17/22 (Sun) 09:50:08 PM No. 882483, Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 05:06:22 AM No. 887159, Anonymous 08/09/22 (Tue) 05:16:20 AM No. 883695, Anonymous 07/17/22 (Sun) 05:28:12 AM No. 887828, Anonymous 08/13/22 (Sat) 10:09:03 PM No. 883260, Anonymous 07/14/22 (Thu) 12:29:12 AM No. 884641, Anonymous 07/22/22 (Fri) 03:34:41 AM No. /pt/ - Taylor Nicole Dean and Jennifer "Mama" Dean #69 - Revenge Of The 883328, Anonymous 07/14/22 (Thu) 01:02:45 PM No. 885822, Anonymous 07/31/22 (Sun) 01:20:47 PM No. 884206, File: 1658258226003.png (3.06 MB, 828x1792, 13744973-6B5C-4411-A838-EA058E), Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 07:21:03 PM No. 887084, Anonymous 08/08/22 (Mon) 04:41:09 PM No. 888436, File: 1660823256893.png (2.79 MB, 828x1792, 0A6D4109-DC88-416D-9E71-6FFFA0), Anonymous 08/18/22 (Thu) 12:31:06 PM No. I want more milk, but mostly because taylor has a timeline with being too old to appeal to children and thats almost up. 886286, Anonymous 08/03/22 (Wed) 03:39:15 AM No. 883374, Anonymous 07/14/22 (Thu) 07:28:25 PM No. 888066, Anonymous 08/15/22 (Mon) 07:46:45 PM No. 885256, Anonymous 07/27/22 (Wed) 08:15:38 PM No. If her heart rate was constantly high all the time she would be monitoring it via an app or pulseox, and she would be photographing said high heart rates to show off. 882641, Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 11:40:30 PM No. 883349, Anonymous 07/14/22 (Thu) 04:42:57 PM No. 887425, Anonymous 08/11/22 (Thu) 06:44:18 AM No. 884060, File: 1658201136019.jpeg (541.14 KB, 1125x752, 8EFF753F-5DF9-4A82-99A9-0DFBE2), Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 03:32:04 AM No. 885826, Anonymous 07/31/22 (Sun) 06:44:11 PM No. 884218, Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 08:05:42 PM No. FoRmEr JuNkIe hErE and yall need thicker skin if that spoon pic really outraged or. either still at Taylors or just hanging out again, I have yet to post about this and I wasnt gonna even do it til I saw how bad some nonnas are spazzing over it, but: kassi is relatively pretty, besides the clown/whore makeup, isnt take-home liquid methadone given to junkies in little metal lockboxes. 888700, Anonymous 08/20/22 (Sat) 01:24:11 AM No. take care nonnies! 889162, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 03:47:15 AM No. 885775, Anonymous 07/31/22 (Sun) 02:01:24 AM No. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her. 887965, Anonymous 08/14/22 (Sun) 10:56:26 PM No. 884879, Anonymous 07/24/22 (Sun) 12:07:34 PM No. Struggling to film it without showing your track marks? theyre working together to kill the rest of her audience so then she wont have to worry about making vids i guess. she always uses technicalities in her long rants. 886216, Anonymous 08/02/22 (Tue) 09:58:14 PM No. I wonder if this is also just on their normal nightly drink menu as it was a monday but still. 889347, File: 1661322921117.jpeg (335.96 KB, 1125x887, 3A34E340-C20F-4C3F-9447-9929B9), Anonymous 08/24/22 (Wed) 12:39:58 PM No. YaLl r soooOoOOOO anNoYiNg! 885989, Anonymous 08/01/22 (Mon) 03:41:15 PM No. 886970, Anonymous 08/07/22 (Sun) 02:59:13 PM No. Shes gonna speed run becoming homeless. 883774, Anonymous 07/17/22 (Sun) 06:19:37 PM No. Thats all you do for porn, maybe film yourself moaning occasionally. not to be dramatic but i live in texas and there is no way she stayed up for 4 days walking the streets and going to bars and shows in this heat without drugs. 883863, Anonymous 07/18/22 (Mon) 04:24:38 AM No. 882928, Anonymous 07/11/22 (Mon) 10:28:46 AM No. you either want to help them live to find better days or you don't. You won't cure their addiction by refusing to give money. 884655, Anonymous 07/22/22 (Fri) 04:46:19 AM No. Honest to god, who the fuck writes this many long ass posts about their hair. 883939, File: 1658164262276.png (243.57 KB, 641x439, 1_6nqVYCuUimFYVOBo5-KFCA.png), Anonymous 07/18/22 (Mon) 05:57:09 PM No. 885050, Anonymous 07/25/22 (Mon) 09:37:02 PM No. 886498, Anonymous 08/04/22 (Thu) 09:37:04 PM No. 882633, Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 10:28:14 PM No. 883023, Anonymous 07/12/22 (Tue) 04:26:22 AM No. And she's at the bar again with her methhead friends for the third night in a row. 888469, Anonymous 08/18/22 (Thu) 04:28:44 PM No. 885770, File: 1659231395778.jpeg (297.92 KB, 1988x1125, F6DF7203-6932-4584-85AE-9A06B9), Anonymous 07/31/22 (Sun) 01:37:44 AM No. 882287, Anonymous 07/06/22 (Wed) 06:22:43 AM No. Dumbass. 885845, Anonymous 07/31/22 (Sun) 07:49:49 PM No. 889742, Anonymous 08/26/22 (Fri) 05:43:08 PM No. 884207, Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 07:40:46 PM No. 882191, Anonymous 07/05/22 (Tue) 09:38:06 PM No. 885630, File: 1659144008861.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1125x1989, 913EF645-B61B-40B0-8B63-E6466C), Anonymous 07/30/22 (Sat) 02:20:52 AM No. you seriously think you make sense and it's just sad. 887217, Anonymous 08/09/22 (Tue) 05:11:35 PM No. 889277, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 10:21:08 PM No. 882415, Anonymous 07/07/22 (Thu) 07:36:19 AM No. 888187, Anonymous 08/16/22 (Tue) 08:31:23 PM No. Hey Taylor, hows the video going? 883492, Anonymous 07/15/22 (Fri) 08:14:03 PM No. 882520, Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 07:12:59 AM No. 882496, File: 1657258345492.png (3.77 MB, 828x1792, DF25DBDC-F6B3-407E-AADD-212CA8), Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 05:33:20 AM No. 885606, Anonymous 07/30/22 (Sat) 01:20:09 AM No. notice the last text to betsy "i need a pick me up". 883778, Anonymous 07/17/22 (Sun) 06:20:12 PM No. 889165, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 04:23:40 AM No. >Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally coming, >Posts about having a video lined up, but it never appears, >Supposedly 9 months into her sobriety as of 2/2/22, >Supposedly the marks on her hands are from her fish biting her, >Out drinking with Aggy the soundcloud rapper, >Started following Jonny Craig again on IG, >Posted a pic of herself at Aggy's with her boob fully exposed, >Denies getting back with JC; claims she hasn't looked at his account in years. I'm sorry. 884705, Anonymous 07/22/22 (Fri) 05:46:02 PM No. 884072, Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 04:31:08 AM No. 882427, Anonymous 07/07/22 (Thu) 06:58:05 PM No. 889252, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 07:29:23 PM No. 886473, Anonymous 08/04/22 (Thu) 06:14:44 PM No. 883819, File: 1658100019553.png (980.55 KB, 828x1792, 03DBBE79-2349-441D-AA31-842751), Anonymous 07/18/22 (Mon) 12:28:48 AM No. 884659, Anonymous 07/22/22 (Fri) 05:50:06 AM No. 887219, Anonymous 08/09/22 (Tue) 06:17:50 PM No. I dont care enough about her excuses to TLDR this, sorry. I know youre probably reading this. 889082, Anonymous 08/22/22 (Mon) 11:12:43 PM No. 884223, File: 1658261468921.png (1.79 MB, 1125x2436, F742080A-D660-4079-B356-775206), Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 08:36:00 PM No. I only did meth once vs on twitter.. so fucking stupid. 882554, File: 1657289076322.png (622.62 KB, 828x1792, 34EF5FF4-361E-49A9-8177-D95ABC), Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 02:07:38 PM No. How did she go from waking up in pain, needing a doctor, saying life isnt functional like this to saying this is actually the best Ive ever felt! 888710, Anonymous 08/20/22 (Sat) 02:21:42 AM No. Just like every other genius totally original idea of hers. 884114, Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 09:51:18 AM No. 882840, Anonymous 07/10/22 (Sun) 06:36:28 PM No. 885207, Anonymous 07/27/22 (Wed) 03:13:43 PM No. 887148, Anonymous 08/09/22 (Tue) 01:54:32 AM No. 884674, Anonymous 07/22/22 (Fri) 02:09:41 PM No. Once she moves out, the OF will start up. 888433, Anonymous 08/18/22 (Thu) 11:25:20 AM No. 885729, File: 1659217290873.png (3.52 MB, 828x1792, 201C5E76-D64E-4AFD-92FE-38149A), Anonymous 07/30/22 (Sat) 09:46:24 PM No. 889380, Anonymous 08/24/22 (Wed) 04:37:01 PM No. in before this dumbass says she has POTS when she really just has heart damage from drug use. i bet taylor lurks/posts in JC & Skid's thread as well as prob lurks lol cow in general 889230, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 07:22:20 PM No. 884650, Anonymous 07/22/22 (Fri) 03:54:09 AM No. She made a new friend last night, dude was at the bar, posts exclusively about heavy metal, alcohol and masturbating. Show a few animals. 885926, Anonymous 08/01/22 (Mon) 08:16:57 AM No. 885095, Anonymous 07/26/22 (Tue) 05:29:35 AM No. 882259, Anonymous 07/06/22 (Wed) 03:48:47 AM No. 883469, Anonymous 07/15/22 (Fri) 04:56:48 PM No. 884868, Anonymous 07/24/22 (Sun) 06:51:16 AM No. 884362, File: 1658342752323.png (2.42 MB, 828x1792, 7FDDFB23-0F86-4E2E-9AAF-20A12A), Anonymous 07/20/22 (Wed) 06:48:21 PM No. We all know she can't resist munchie attention. 889210, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 02:13:06 PM No. 888013, Anonymous 08/15/22 (Mon) 12:48:14 PM No. 883994, Anonymous 07/18/22 (Mon) 11:07:07 PM No. 886626, Anonymous 08/05/22 (Fri) 02:41:13 PM No. Yeah theyre fine but my heart might explode if I take care of them, >I accidentally did meth when my dealer mixed it in with my other drugs, >posts 400 amphetamine-fueled word vomit insta stories that no one's gonna read or give a wet fuck about. 888457, Anonymous 08/18/22 (Thu) 03:53:17 PM No. Taylor Nicole Dean is a YouTuber who garnered online attention with her "All My Pets" viral video. 882833, File: 1657474616147.jpeg (259.96 KB, 828x1792, 98412B79-FC56-4971-A4D2-B4AF5E), Anonymous 07/10/22 (Sun) 05:38:23 PM No. 883818, Anonymous 07/17/22 (Sun) 11:20:19 PM No. She has been reading all of the thumb thumb comparison posts and is now showing us her drug-emaciated body. 885333, Anonymous 07/28/22 (Thu) 06:29:56 PM No. 883256, Anonymous 07/13/22 (Wed) 10:38:40 PM No. Lmao. I cannot imagine why. its 110 here and it just as hot at night when she out. 887841, Anonymous 08/13/22 (Sat) 10:15:33 PM No. Previous thread: >>787925The basics:>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. 882532, Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 12:07:42 PM No. This makes NO sense. 884310, Anonymous 07/20/22 (Wed) 07:48:55 AM No. 884112, Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 07:49:13 AM No. 882998, Anonymous 07/12/22 (Tue) 12:58:03 AM No. I know anons go back and forth on the heart damage as a result from meth. 883477, Anonymous 07/15/22 (Fri) 05:21:36 PM No. similar to the Vice video, you never can tell how much of a massive MTF looking creature she is. 882990, Anonymous 07/12/22 (Tue) 12:42:53 AM No. 889173, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 04:43:49 AM No. 886022, Anonymous 08/01/22 (Mon) 03:55:38 PM No. 883993, Anonymous 07/18/22 (Mon) 11:03:15 PM No. Her friend was riddled with fresh tracks a few weeks ago. 882444, Anonymous 07/07/22 (Thu) 11:51:05 PM No. 885155, Anonymous 07/26/22 (Tue) 09:30:21 PM No. Please create a new thread and post a link to it. 885975, Anonymous 08/01/22 (Mon) 02:41:52 PM No. 883516, File: 1657923165640.webm (5.43 MB, 862x1714, From kassitololcow.webm), Anonymous 07/15/22 (Fri) 10:14:12 PM No. this is the only reason she has "exposed" him. 889017, Anonymous 08/22/22 (Mon) 04:24:26 PM No. 883481, File: 1657906069309.png (2.69 MB, 828x1792, 95BBACDB-DFBC-4E45-933E-2EB6CE), Anonymous 07/15/22 (Fri) 05:45:42 PM No. 885557, Anonymous 07/29/22 (Fri) 06:37:25 PM No. 882624, Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 10:19:13 PM No. 886330, Anonymous 08/03/22 (Wed) 07:51:20 PM No. 884400, File: 1658356634039.png (1.92 MB, 1080x2444, StitchIt_20222007063344_538.pn), Anonymous 07/20/22 (Wed) 10:38:31 PM No. 882477, Anonymous 07/08/22 (Fri) 04:35:11 AM No. 884075, Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 05:07:49 AM No. 884205, Anonymous 07/19/22 (Tue) 07:17:06 PM No. 883554, Anonymous 07/16/22 (Sat) 12:53:01 AM No. 886477, Anonymous 08/04/22 (Thu) 06:17:48 PM No. 883925, Anonymous 07/18/22 (Mon) 03:38:27 PM No. 889110, Anonymous 08/23/22 (Tue) 01:22:04 AM No. almost like a precept to whatever bullshit flows out next. 888736, Anonymous 08/20/22 (Sat) 01:51:44 PM No. 882832, File: 1657474550855.jpeg (454.28 KB, 1800x1800, AA40D94E-017C-4FBB-BD58-817809), Anonymous 07/10/22 (Sun) 05:36:56 PM No. >Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be back with her animals living at her mothers house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother. . 883283, Anonymous 07/14/22 (Thu) 02:10:08 AM No. 888070, Anonymous 08/15/22 (Mon) 07:49:26 PM No. 885733, Anonymous 07/30/22 (Sat) 10:57:24 PM No. 886146, File: 1659410583496.png (1.69 MB, 828x1792, D684A681-4D90-429C-B970-14F897), Anonymous 08/02/22 (Tue) 03:23:04 AM No. meth-fueld sperg -> disappear -> delete once realizing how methy she sounded -> asspat herself about sobriety -> bring up jonny -> post selfie -> disappear -> repeat, whenever taylor lies about "first time being online in WEEKS" it's so obvious she's lying.