I do believe God is at the helm and and Hes more than had enough the time for Him to act has come. Just to be clear about this, Im a Christian. Those that deal with tribunals or those that are risen before? Hi Dennis! Do you know what loosh is? Constructed using a 750mm diameter, crawl thru drainage tube, which has been professionally cut and joined to the entry panels using a clamping system. We are about to learn so much, I think its going to be mind-blowing. Translation: Well, in one place you have to store the yellow stuff and America is as good as the moon.But if we do not overestimate it again, we must remove food speculation from the stock exchanges and then the hunger in the world will be able to be eliminated. We are not to take as gospel anything we hear from anyone, myself included. I do not think we will get all of the money promised at once or it would shut down the economy but we will not be scrimping from one day to the next anymore. Local tour guide Aurelia Madeira explained in 2020: We know that where there were Templars, there were tunnels. Wonderful. The love of money is the root of all evil the Bible quotes in 1 Timothy 6:10. I've used it plenty of times: (Wikipedia) It's ok. One gets used to it. MURDER, MURDER, MURDER for centuries is the Jesuits in the name of their POWER & CONTROL, Not Jesus Kingdom. Tell those facts to Catherine Austin Fitts, she probably will not believe it. That way you can keep your spirits and your faith levels high. Under pressure, Pope Clement V disbanded the order in 1312, but its sudden reduction in power inspired the rise of legends. Mark Taylor told this prophecy on page 11 of 12 of Taylors 21 Prophecies. I pay no attention to what anyone else says about who or what I likeI make up my own mind. MonkeyworksYou Tube. etc. https://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/mt_weather.htm. New video shows smoke billowing from beneath the White House after massive explosions were heard emanating throughout Washington, D.C. Over 200,000 children were rescued, 1000s of bodies were recovered and mass arrests were made during the military operation. There is every chance that Rakovski had a link to the main Vat-Jer tunnel and what you heard was more than possibly it being destroyed, which is wonderful, dont you think? Knights Templar unmasked: Underground tunnels found at society's 'Vatican' stronghold THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR had a stronghold in Portugal, dubbed the "Vatican" of the secret society - and. It helps us learn consequence of action as new souls need to understand before making their ascension. So theydidnt want to save starving children, in fact youll find out soon they were trafficking and sacrificing them as well. Fort Knox depository had 147,341,858 Troy ounces secured in 2018. They might ban me but wont be the first time! This Dr. title in front of his name isnt how its done. No-one has been left out of this Globalists tyranny. None of these stories ever was backed up with factual reporting. #gold #ancientaliensThere was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City.Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem.The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 kms).The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water.Source: https://marilynjwilliams.com/more-gold-than-you-can-imagine-found-in-the-tunnel/#:~:text=Running%20from%20Vatican%20City%2C%20and,underneath%20both%20land%20and%20water.Please support our channel: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1418750688315793/1418750728315789/Please subscribe: https://rumble.com/register/Ufomania/ufomania-merch: https://teespring.com/ufomania-merch#pid=2\u0026cid=2397\u0026sid=frontFollow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidufomania/Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011047567870Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/maniaUFO There are Med beds being set up for release after Nesara is activated. If you think for one minute the government has not had us enslaved for decades, then you really are nuts!! Elizabeth Tudor came to an agreement with the Vatican Italian Black Nobility and Jesuits to receive their idea of World Government, no longer in Venice but transferred to London, 1517 to 1600. Another theory is that the Annunaki aliens created humans to mine gold. It is sad to see disagreements from people who have not done any research for themselves. https://marilynjwilliams.com. By the time I hit the groundi had Hashimotos disease. Thank you Father for all these blessings. I feel your pain John! The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. That might sound like it would never be, but thats not the case. I may be right or we could both be completely wrong only time will tell. Ive seen things you would not believe. Some banks will take your money in your bank account due to their false legal permission to do so, given them by courts and legislatures. Rabbi Berger claims that the Catholic Church constructed a tunnel underneath King David's Tomb, ignoring the Jewish religious claim to the site and endangering artifacts and catacombs dating back to Biblical times. And if I hear it more than once I know it is legit usually. SO all you people who are sceptic, have no faith, faith in Jesus and HIS Father! Thank you Armida for sharing with us knowledge from the actual area. The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). Translation: It is confusing and not easy to believe, although I am not interested in the gold, that you can not eat either, because I think if someone is hungry he needs a piece of bread and a sip of clean water that should be there for everyone in the world. And we are here as on a darkling plain But you do have to be prepared to ask the HS to lead you into all truth and He will even if its different to what you may have been taught. There are many, many courses that are promoted online which are fully recognised. Hi Mitko, I have only read this article now, presented by a International Press show called Connect the dots which is one of our best truther canals in Germany. the weight of gold is 1206 lbs per cubic foot. Hi Debbie, Thanks. It is geoengineeringwatch.org.They get a slew of chemtrails in some places in the world. Somewhere in the modern city of Acre lies their command center, and possibly their treasure." Wikimedia Commons Researchers found a new network of secret tunnels buried . Housecleaning? Thank you for transcribing Gene Decodes work. Thanks again! His people have gone on to their rewards for centuries with Acts 2:38 and living dedicated Holy lives in His care. The unawoken still think the virus is still here, still wearing their masks and think the Ukraine is being attacked by the Russians which is in fact all the same country. Ive seen pictures of these tunnels and one with creatures inside that military decimated. Truth is a hard nut to crack but that is life. 4 Min Read Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 "malnourished, caged and tortured" children from tunnels beneath New York City's Central Park. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Yep countless thousands are definitely stupid enough to believe. We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City. Kind of hard to do if many books went missing under the vatican along with all that gold. 6000 different maladies. Almighty God will cause a stock market crash bankrupting many corrupt businesses upon corrupt New York City criminal stock exchange. Hi Billie! Did the Cabal get to him too ? You may ask why that would be? they also owned and control every major mainstream media of the world to control the official narrative to scare billions of people of the world into taking their lethal injections for their depopulation agenda. i read things like that but i dont believe it. Trump & Alliance will never win over the people if not seen & nothing is seen. Still, my guess is that it could be true as Ive got to the stage that nothing would surprise me anymore! Hi GS! There is much more to the Vatican than just being the home of Saint Peter's Basilica and being the smallest country on earth. Thank you for sharing that. But historian Daniel Jones previously debunked this myth during an interview on Dan Snows History Hit. The report in Iran's Tasnim News comes amid tensions in the region and Iran's increased enrichment of uranium. Tutti a 10 km di profondit It has taken a real search throughout scripture and to see with new eyes that has opened up the way for me. Many people have signed NDAs so I cant see whats off there neither. Whether it happens on these dates or not, I also believe there will be a stock market crash at sometime. As many say, it is for the children, and Im with you on that. Yes, Im aware of this these days Im always searching thank you. Thank you for alerting me. In 1492, Pope Alexander VI finished the wall in its current form as seen today. Exactly Michael. Essentially they just imagine the tunnels into existence. Its mine I left it there, just forgot where I put it. Much is given to us who have our eyes open so we can comprehend a little of what is going on, while those who have still been sleeping can be drip fed with reality. Some believe the order may have once carried the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, two items central to Bible scripture, yet never found. As for me, I dont claim anything I simply research and share what I find. Yes I agree to your last response. During this period they found the underground tunnels, the gold and the scrolls/books etc. Dig into your own research and see for yourself. Medieval Erdstall tunnels dating back centuries have been found in . I too was taught in such a way even though I still have many, many questions. Underground . Hi Jim, Thank you! thanks alot for posting ! Hmmm. If you would like to know about the Jesuits, Catholicism and why they hate the KJ Bible. Been studying them for 4yrs now. I had read that their underground library is 15 miles long and there are stacks and stacks of books in there. The message of Revelation? Please put the link up so I can watch the video, More Gold than you can imagine. Italy. The House of Lords that owned the British East India Company wanted to keep gargantuan profits from soil resources in India, China and North America in only their control. I too want to wake up from this nightmare like it never did happen ! There is SO much happening all the time. It is a level of evil people will soon be awakened to.. Yes, you read that right. There are too many people relating their different stories, whether in the government or in the truth community. I am convinced also that our God can and does protect everything for us. WWG1WGA. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption good people seek to empower others, evil people seek to get power over others. These underground tunnels even helped local Templars evade a Moorish siege in 1190. Many draw attention to the order's early occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and what relics the Templars may have found there. It was short and strong, only abput 2 seconds. https://marilynjwilliams.com/australia-a-powerful-beacon-of-light-for-the-world/, https://wakeup-world.com/category/contributing-writers/dane-wigington/, https://marilynjwilliams.com/understand-revelations-current-events/, https://earthquaketrack.com/quakes/2020-05-01-11-01-39-utc-4-5-10, How they connect wicked secret underground cities, https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2v94c9, https://www.koin.com/mystery-wire/tunnels-secrets-include-military-uses-underground-networks/, https://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/mt_weather.htm, https://rumble.com/search/video?q=Charlie%20Ward. Where are they? Where ignorant armies clash by night.. London's deepest tunnel will also be its least-seen. I guess we just have to make sure we are enjoying the journey along the way. One Talent (approx) in todays value is $1,176,050 so if this amount is multiplied by 666 Talents its close to 800M per year x by 40 years thats a mega hoard + he had gold and diamond & other precious metal mines in Africa, the Philipines, India and other countries. Stone Age tunnels have been found that stretch thousands of miles all the way from Scotland to Turkey. Blessings!! Those who wish to be on his Insiders Club pay 11 euro per month and he has publicly stated that if there is any money over, he will give it to his son. Can you walk around the Vatican for free? Thank you. If he was really behind that he would definitely be guilty of genocide! Visitors can see the new underground areas through guided tours booked through the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, a non-profit governmental body that manages the Western Wall. It was stockpiled in various places, hidden from the worlds view. No, I cant retract the statement. And we are here as on a darkling plain Hi Marilyn, We know the destination but not all the little twists and turns we have to take to get to that destination. There is a lot of jealousy over Charlie and therefore the trolls that come against him. I really like Charlie Ward. Some interesting info here thank you. Covid was just the start, these evil bastards had much more in plan for the world. 34 Quadrillion in gold. Never-the-less, Ive been searching through the many Charlie Ward videos to see if I could find where he speaks of it. It looks like we are walking along the same path. and went for 150 miles. Though small in size, this place of worship was also used as a burial place for the Knights and is believed to have served as an important site for underground Templar initiation rituals over the centuries. Hi Jeanne, The reality of the Military in charge is a Fantasy, although it is probably real, we just dont see one little thing.