Which of the following statements is true regarding - Course Hero According to Cline (2002) love becomes a problem when: D) accepting her fear and helping her to avoid cats whenever possible. Which of the following is true of the term EI? yi=0+1x1i+2x2i+3x3ii, yi=y_i=yi= weight gained, in pounds, during freshman year, x1i=x_{1 i}=x1i= average number of meals eaten per week, x2i=x_{2 i}=x2i= average number of hours of exercise per week, x3i=x_{3 i}=x3i= average number of beers consumed per week. D) ethnic minority, 1) Some studies suggest that babies placed in full-time child care before __________ of age are more likely to display insecure attachment in the Strange Situation. All of the following are questions to ask yourself when attempting to shift your anger form an emotional level to an intellectual level except: 1) Most neurobiological research has focused on children who fall at opposite extremes of the __________ and __________ dimensions of temperament. The client's brain images show atrophy of cerebral neurons and enlargement of the 3 and 4 ventricles. b. express them constructively 1) In a 2003 comparison of the temperaments of Russian and U.S. babies, Russian infants were C) expressions of love Explanation: The emotion is a set of biological states and is associated with the nervous system. B) activity-level; attention-span a) emphasize emotions, along with more cognitive aspects in performing their jobs page 164, 22. page 155. Solved Which of the following statements is true about - Chegg B) empathy The five facets of job satisfaction measured by the Job Descriptive Index are __________. Jorge's temperament is classified as e) Attitudes are hypothetical constructs. Which of the following statements is true about emotions? e) personality and objectives. (a) Conflict arising from personality differences between team members can hurt team performance (b) Highly effective teams do. Mexico4. C) recall that crying as an infant got them immediate adult attention. B) Children of depressed fathers tend to become overprotective parents. A) Dogon [Solved] 1- Which of the following statements is true about emotions d. the role of culture is only important if the individual has an internal locus of control, b. culture plays a key role in moderating our expression of emotion. B) slightly e) Fear, Examples of _____________ include pity, envy, and jealousy. A) physical caregiving Which of the following is the most effective method for a caregiver to encourage a wary 18-month old child to play with an unfamiliar toy? Most emotions are instinctual and universal We usually respond to a particular event with a single emotion We experience emotions holistically Emotions are distinct events that we can identify Recent research has found that emotions are either basic or learned. B) the adult personality. b) Self-conscious emotions come from external sources. b. repression A) social A) the quality of attachment. C) joint attention. The Affective Events Theory suggests that employees__________. d) role models. b) ethics and objectives. 1) Which of the following mothers is more likely to have a child who is better at understanding emotions? 1) Elevated heart rate and blood pressure, a depressed immune response, and reduced digestive activity are all outcomes of His interests range from the philosophy of wine to Chomsky D) threats to parental health. Correct answers: 2 question: Which statement is not true about emotions? Title Page i. A) show a mild decrease in saliva concentrations of cortisol across the day. page 161, 14. A) mother's feedback. A) a social smile. b. feeling discounted or ignored A) entitlement. page 161, 15. 1) Baby Winnie recognizes her mother's smell, voice, and face, but does not mind being left with an unfamiliar adult. c) Embarrassment Use the following table, which shows the top Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Jermaine as being: Three-month-old Zoey looks up at her mother and smiles. C) goodness-of-fit How would you feel? By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. b) Organizational commitment B) higher; negative emotion; positive emotion page 179, Human Relations Chapter 5 Interpersonal Commu, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Estate Planning: Chapter 7 Quick Quiz Questio. 1) When June's father enters the room at her child-care center, June breaks into a broad, friendly smile. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? China1. b) Guilt The account at your current bank would pay interest every six months. a. we choose to love the wrong person Marisol shares a nurse-caregiver with ten other infants. Most emotions are experienced as dramatic and long-lasting events. D) emotional self-regulation. Which of the following statements about emotions is/are FALSE? B) withdraw into a make-believe world. Argentina } & \text { 10. 1836. \text{New building permits} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ D) secure. a) The fear category may contain alarm and anxiety. d. suppress the feeling, 18. Brazil1. Chile } & \text { 9. Which of the following statements about self-conscious emotions is TRUE? 1) Three-year-old Kaylee wet her bed one night. Which of the following statements is true about personality? A C) scaffolding. For each of the following cases, identify whether the economic variable leads, lags, or is coincidental with economic movements. 1) Paternal availability to children is fairly similar across SES and ethnic groups, with one exception: __________ fathers spend more time engaged. c) The type and duration of emotions are consistent across cultures. C) high-SES \text{Industrial production}& \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ C) lower; irritability; agreeability China } & \text { 1. Dr. d. all of the above, 31. b. experiencing negative emotions is always unhealthy. 1) In a study of children reared in extremely depleted Romanian orphanages, the longer they remained in the orphanages, the e) The magnitude of the person's agreeableness; the magnitude of the person's self-efficacy, b) The degree of a person's perceived control over the situation; the magnitude of the rewards involved, ________ is the degree of loyalty an individual feels toward the organization. B) have temperamental characteristics that change frequently, depending on social and family influences. d) Self-conscious; social A) the environment; persistent nutritional and emotional deprivation D) It is common and does not interfere with children's development. A) she uses social referencing to comfort Amy. A) Aina will never develop deep ties to them. Britney is using Select one: A. 4. C) involved in more conflict B) It subsides as the new mother adjusts to hormonal changes in her body. c) personality and mood. D) different cultural beliefs and practices. Philippines\begin{array}{|lll|} A) resistant A) secure; resistant Which of the following statements is true about conflict in teams? C) fearful children may be unwilling to be observed. b) Humans in certain cultures have emotions, while in other cultures they don't. c) Emotions communicate people's intentions to others, but not their states. c. Emotions can differ in intensity and duration. True According to four-drive theory, the drive to ______ counterbalances the drive to ______. Reassured, Rose relaxes and responds to the new adult. pages 156 & 157 7. 1) In Australia, infants who spend full days in government-funded child-care centers A 2. Which one of the following statements is true about emotions? Most D) a startling sound. C) emotional self-efficacy. Clarissa puts her arm around Amy's shoulders and pats her. D) delayed social-referencing skills. B) wait to intervene until she has become extremely agitated. Hi this is pastor Ken, thank you for joining me for this week's Monday Marriage Message.Don't Go It Alone Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. B) make-believe play with siblings China6. The combination of high job involvement and organizational commitment creates, what the Gallup Organization has called, __________. PSY 340 Child Development Final NAU (CH. Thesis statements do all of the following except - Brainly.com a) Awareness; open a) Deep acting is hiding your inner feelings and forgoing emotional expressions as a response to display rules. C) low; high Italy10. e) Managers should consider satisfaction and performance to be two completely independent work results. a. there are individual differences in how people grieve e) Matt will never leave his company to pursue another position. A) avoidant attachment. Thailand10. B) avoidant Is this important? A) a secure base. e. All of the above b) values Give specific dates and . B) Young children are unable to experience more than one emotion at a time. c. take risks B) 12 months Philippines. \hline {\text { Apples }} & {\text { Oranges }} & {\text { Nuts }} \\ D) 60, 1) Studies of child-care quality in the United States found that __________ percent of child-care centers and family child-care settings provide infants and toddlers with sufficiently positive, stimulating experiences to promote healthy psychological development. B) are universal in humans and other primates. b) Believing one's opinions count. Miss Kennelly shows 14- and 18-month-olds broccoli and crackers. e) attitudes, Social emotions refer to __________. Topic 9-15 Practise Exam Questions Flashcards | Chegg.com c) Self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. \hline \text { 3. Which of the following statements about emotions is NOT true? O c. Emotions are influenced by biological foundations and experiences. d) Social emotions and self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. b. emotional debt In which of the following is Sarah engaging in? Find the output for each sector that is needed to satisfy a final demand of $25\$ 25$25 billion for electricity, $15\$ 15$15 billion for natural gas, and $20\$ 20$20 billion for oil. Question 14 5 5 points Which of the following statements is true about c) The attitude-behavior linkage tends to be stronger when a person has had experience with the stated attitude. D) Provide warm, supportive care and make appropriate demands when approaching new experiences. b) Attitudes are acquired from the same sources as values. A) a lack of empathy for another's emotional needs. 1) In adopted children with longer institutional stays, the volume of the __________ is atypically __________. a. c. feeling powerful and in control D) Rhesus monkeys reared with terry-cloth and wire-mesh "surrogate mothers" clung to whichever mother-substitute held their bottle and fed them, regardless of the substitute's softness. Empathy is the ability to make someone feel differently than what they should. 20. A) sympathy. These researchers are studying the concept of: Blanca rarely holds her baby Joey and tends to respond to his needs in an angry, irritable fashion. 1) One criticism of home research observations of temperament is that b. men are more likely than women to express positive emotions Mood can be defined as a frame or state of mind which can be emotional, joyful; in an organization, employees with a positive mindset and good mood are more innovative and skillful as these impact. C) a friendly stranger. 3. C) involve injury to or enhancement of our sense of self. 52. Clarissa has reached a stage of cognitive development where b. everyone experiences stages of grief C) infant temperament. a. suppression c. a loss or the threat of a loss An emotion is referred to as anything that does motivates an individual. D) tend to be less active, irritable, and vocal, and better at quieting themselves. Based on research, which of the following suggestions would you give the Yoto's? Solved Which of the following statements about emotion is - Chegg 1) Parents with a(n) __________ internal working model of attachment tend to idealize their own parents without being able to recall specific experiences. 1) As a preschooler, Virgil experiences negative emotion intensely and has great difficulty inhibiting his feelings. \hline \text { 2. \hline \text { 6. All of the following are do's and don'ts of effective emotional expression of anger except: a) organizational citizenship behaviors e) cognitive; affective. d. inborn tendencies, c. a loss or the threat of a loss. b) social emotions D) emotion-centered coping. The four perspectives in the balanced scorecard are (1) financial, (2) customer, (3) internal process, and (4) learning and growth. It is possible to experience several different emotions at the same time. The __________ emphasizes that the broad function of __________ is to energize behavior aimed at attaining personal goals. D) cannot control the intense anger that often arises when an adult rejects their demands. B) his fear interferes with daily activities. B) Fathers in many cultures, including Australia, Germany, and Japan, devote more time to physical care and expressing affection than to playful interaction. This temperamental characteristic correlates with d) Matt psychologically identifies with his organization. These emotions appear in the first six months of the infant's development C. They include emotions like surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust D. You have to express your feelings in an appropriate way without lashing out in anger. How much interest will you need to earn every six months to match the CD\mathrm{CD}CD ? d. all of the above, 29. A) from a middle-SES family with strong attachments to several caregivers. Kaylee's self-evaluation is most strongly influenced by her A) Until recently, the field of OB has given the topic of emotions little or no attention. b) mood D) he is only afraid of birds in specific situations, such as when playing soccer outside. e) an individual's feelings based on information internal and external to himself or herself, b) an individual's feelings based on information external to himself or herself. D) 3 to 6 years. B) resistant. C) 35 to 40 c. the ability to use information about your own and other's emotions to guide your thinking and actions A) associate photographs of different facial expressions with emotions in the same way. B) regulated self-expression. e) cognitive, The __________ component of an attitude is a specific feeling regarding the personal impact of the antecedents, while the __________ component is an intention to behave in a certain way based on your specific feelings or attitudes. Chapter 10: Emotional DevelopmentQUESTION 11. Answer;Thesis statements do all the following except include feelings and emotions Explanation: Thesis statements do all the following except Include feelings and emotions cos a thesis statement is an author's idea about a topic that can be supported with valid evidence such as facts, expert testimony, research, and valid texts not feelings. Marcus is displaying characteristics of __________ attachment. C) preoccupied B) have a higher rate of secure attachment than infants informally cared for by relatives, friends, and babysitters. Silas is engaging in __________ type of behaviors. C) operant conditioning. B. Behavioral expressions of emotions do not always match the emotion one feels. B) 20 to 25 after 202020 minutes? D) do not experience separation anxiety when separated from their parents. C) basic emotions are more complex than self-conscious emotions. Stress, or the body's response to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response, is always bad for the individual. Petty is studying c) cognitive dissonance. A) show temperamental characteristics that researchers have not yet classified. A) attachment.