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Sword of Might - Southern isle, Demon caves, in a chest Sword of Dreams - The dreamworld, head west after entering, its in a chest in a cave. The vampires near the farm will ask for elephant garlic (side quest no.18). Explore the area and you will be assigned a number of quests by the people here. Visit the northern kingdom forests and then into the mines. Buy the spell as it would help you to find where you had parked your boat. Enter the first chamber, you will have a choice between a bag of silver coins and sun block cream. Restore King Lionel life in Oldwood R. Its time to get some skills for him as well. Buy the elven statuette from the pirate. Walk all the way around to point 12 in that map. The answers to the note are: I hold the sun, the moon, twilight and day rise-Blue, I bring love to your heart, roses to your cheeks-Red, My light fills your days with warmth and joy-Yellow. Select it from the inventory and you will find the speed of your party leader has increased. Here you can use items, use or see character skills (e.g. Now walk back to the point from where you exited the wilderness and walk northwards. You will find the bean seed has grown into a tree. If you didnt learn all the skills for advanced students (both for Lars and Rhen), get it now as by this time you must have reached at least level 15. Then again exit the cave through the other end. Now we shall explore the desert area. Automatically there are changes made as per which goody you have installed. While replaying you will know that what would happen if you talk to someone which can trigger some unexpected events, so you may like to finish the other quests before you proceed. The gauss shield spell can be learnt by Lars and gives protection against strong enemy spells. He will give you a golden goose. Return to the Thais again and marry off some more characters (you will need the wedding rings for that). Fight when you are asked to. Enter the first pillar and go up the ladder. You need a dreamers tear to turn on the rainbow bridge, this is for another quest (side quest no.47). Give this golden goose to Lor in Dirkon and talk to him again. He will give you another quest (side quest no.34). Now go to the necromancer and buy the soul pendant for Teijal. The chest beside the sun shrine yields a traveling rune to the Aveyond. Rhens siren call is effective. In the following area, WALK to your right side first. Explore the area and talk to everyone. He could have been born a hero. When you reach a bifurcation, walk to your right. You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. Walk outside the dormitory and you will find Lorad waiting to test her. When you reach a house with a save point, then it means you have arrived at Oldwoods. 3. Follow it till you reach two sets of stairs, climb them and keep following the footsteps till you see a mule express. They cast sleep spells so equip proper accessories just in case you face them. A new member will join your party and a new quest is added (side quest no.30). Then again Walk to route to the east. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. He will give you a world map. Go down a bit and you will see another cave, enter it and you will see that it was the same cave from where you exited via the hole. Elinis succubus works wonders. Now refer the map to go to Wormrot. Maps-If you need help finding things, you can use these maps, which were created by tiniponi. The dizzy doll and sleep flute also works well. The trick is: 1) Equip Lars with the Cloak of Invisibility. Party Members; NPCs; Talia Maurva; Rhen Pendragon; Ean Okho; Mel Darkthrop; Boyle Wolfbane; This time take the right passage. gameboyman56. Return to the dragon in southern isles and voila, you have a new flying vehicle! Aveyond Ultimate Walkthrough | PDF | Menu (Computing) - Scribd Take the right path. If you land up in the Ale Storage room then rummage the room for a full cask of ale. Exit the cave and follow general Binx. If you chose weapon goody then you will find the best armors and weapons in you inventory, equip them on your characters. Rhen wakes up in her room. For that visit the veniara islands to the man behind the bars-pirate john. He is Harald, the principal. We need to return to Sedona in order to do it. You will also find some other items in his shop. At this level you cant fight him. We havent explored the area yet, so lets do it now. Enter Rhens room and you will find that its size has increased. The Elite Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined the necromancer guild then you can join here. Get back by three screens. Give Gretchens gift to Hilda. Go to the palace, heal up and save, then talk to the queen and ask for her lamp. Keep walking to the west past the waterfall and enter another cave that you see towards the north. Get the acorn from the chest after you enter this area. Keep walking to your right and on your way get the chest from the area shown below to get 1 cassia leaf: Carry on till you come across a switch on the wall. Exit the cave; here the troop of four monsters provides the maximum xp (7500) in this area so you can fight them to level up. Climb up to face your first boss-Nanghaithya. Its quite linear so make your way to the temple. Walk to the signpost of the eastern isle and go south from there. Get down the ladder, cross the bridge, then down another ladder, follow the dirt path and then down the next set of stairs; you will see a cave beside an apple cart. Start looking for the dirt piles. You will see another chest. Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? Go through the door in the middle. Now go to the entrance of Veldarah. Buy as many healing and regenerative items as possible, heal up and save before you go to the Stronghold temple (inside demon caves of southern isle desert). The house beside the old woman has a book page lying on the ground in the inner room. Released: 24-Jan-2008, File Size: 18.1 MB. He will allow you to take the torch. This is your first quest which you will find in your journal (quest no.2). Use the Dreamers Tear on the shrine stone and a rainbow bridge will form. The merchant will ask for the merchant card; show the merchant card to the trader, he will let you pass. In your inventory click on the lamp to enter the Lamp world. See what happens. It will yield 10000 gold pennies! Buy the hand held mirror, bird cage and the priestess ring from the shop with the key mark. Proceed towards the north of the village and you will come across another chest containing haunch. Talk to the man with a back pack and sell the vampire corpses. Go through it to find leyrvos lamp. Get back one screen and go down the shorter second ladder to collect the elixir from the chest. In the next area walk along the path and enter a cave to your right. Cross it and head to the eastern direction, through the path between forested trees till you reach another ladder. Press it and get back one screen. You are on the world map again. Overview; Media; Forum; Aveyond: Rhen's Quest. He will join your party. It would have yielded something else if you didnt dig up the rune in the wilderness of Eastern Empire. Levels-Use this goodie to give all active party members a 30 level increase. I wont give the details of exploration but will give you the items retrieved from chests and dirt piles. Since youve discovered the magic kettle from the Blasted Lands, now you can return to Veldt and give it to the alchemist. Category:Walkthrough | Aveyond Wiki | Fandom Cross the bridge again and walk northwards along that path and enter the cave passage. If you talked to the boar in the wilderness but didnt kill it then go to Veldarah to the necromancer Derez. Dont go to the mines as if you complete this quest the mine will collapse and you wont be able to retrieve the blue chest. However I shall mention what you would get from all the chests in total from both the wilderness and the caves (this way you will enjoy the game and its dungeons without rigidly following the walkthrough)- 1 haunch, 20 gold pennies, 40 gold pennies, 10 wild berries, 1 apple, 25 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 60 gold pennies, 1 quail egg and a black oak staff. It will lead you to a chest containing 1 chain mail. Take up the northern path now and walk along the dirt path until you are transported to the world map. You will find footsteps on the snow and the screen shaking after every 5 seconds. Now go to point 10 of map Z. you will end up in the lamp room. Gold-use it for 100,000 gold. This goodie is included in the later part of the game and need not be downloaded. Collect the other items from the area which you couldnt collect before (example chest, book page, etc). Dont enter the pet shop for now as you already have the red slippers with you. Enter one of the houses to find Teijal. A few notable features: Recruit minions Aveyond 1, Rhen's Quest Build B Walkthrough | PDF - Scribd Give it to the vampire. Give the stinkrot root to Gretchen. You will find Talia waiting for you. Now go to the house behind the place where you met Lars for the first time. That will allow you to heal your party for free in his tavern. The skill list and their functions are as follows: The areas in the wilderness are quite easy and I would recommend to explore it in all possible directions. Use the take the rune shortcut to Aveyond. Get back one screen and exit that cave. One has elixir and the other yields mandrake. Dig the spot to find a star orb for Lars. Carry on till you come across a mushroom creature sitting there. Ace_Anderson (Topic Creator) 13 years ago #2. You will see a statue of an elf. He is pirate john. It has two flame spells. Walk to your south and youll reach another cave after sometime. Walkthrough for Aveyond?? - Aveyond: Rhen's Quest - GameSpot Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. On your way you will see a wild boar, if you kill it and bring it to Tiberius, he will pay you with gold pennies and the quest is complete. Enter the cave entrance. Go to the Sandstone caves into the area which we named as Toad. You will find Tiny there. Buy it and refer the Aveyond map to locate Lambchops treasure marked as L in the screenshot below: Take your path to cave 1 from the teacup town, enter it and take the exit to the right side; you will end up in front of cave3 of the map. It contains an elixir. Return to Veldarah and then to the cursed city of Ejindro. You will find yourself at no. Now go to the peninsular trade route (see highland map) and try to enter the passage. Or else you can give the statue to the militant squirrels in the highlands. You can talk to Danny in Sedona beach. First grab the two chests on the east to find 900 gold pennies and the belt of hippolyte. I will give screen shots of the rooms so that you can find the way which leads to the boss. Talk to Tiberius and Alora, you will be given two quests, but you can accomplish either of them not both (will be discussed later). Pass through the door to face another puzzle. Take it and go to the ice caverns. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up upgrade your weapons and armors from the weapons shop. Exit the cavern and open the chest to find bronze sword. I sleep by day, feast by night, Im allergic to the sun, what am I? Rub the lamp and see what happens. (NOTE: whenever you reach a new place, dont forget to buy new weapons and armors). Find your way to Ghedahre through the Halloween Hills. mobile walkthrough. Stand on the blinking cube in the center of the room. Find your skudder and set off for the southern isle (refer world map). Fly to Thais (see the world map) and enter the Blasted Lands. Hello traveler! Go to your left first. You will find Danny next at Sedona. Explore and talk to your party members and open the chest to get the speed crystal goodie. 3) Rub the genies lamp in your inventory. Enter it and follow the left route. I would personally recommend you to take the sun block cream as it would help a member get recruited in your party, whereas you can only sell off a bag of silver coins. You will find a horse carriage parked there. Watch the conversation and go to Aveyond. Follow the path, on your way you will find a solitary quail egg on ground; pick it up and carry on till you reach a river from where the road bifurcates into east and west. you get the bottle in a junk shop in sedona (eastern isle). Kill the spiders and collect items/gold from the corpse. Use the sleeping dust on the ogre and rescue the priestess. Dont go down, take the north-western path and keep moving till you reach a bridge. Now we need to complete these side quests one by one: Go to the tea cup town and talk to Lambchop. Use the slide thrust spell to knock them off at once one at the time. Our walkthrough will give you the tips and tricks needed to defeat the evil Ahriman in no time. Buy some traveling runes to veldt. The following area has no chests and the route is simple, just follow the arrow direction in the map below: On to the next area: Here point 5 harbors a red chest containing Blood orb for Lars, it is recommended that you retrieve this final orb for him. Dont cross the bridge, keep walking along the path till you come across a chest. In Ghedahre, go to the house where the vampress was looking for a ghost to haunt her house. From there, go south till you see a chest. The spot marked as T in the map hides another treasure-dark helmet and dark armor. Take him to Aveyond and choose your reward-6 diamonds or dizzy doll. Carry on to the other end of the cave while picking up the apple from the chest on your way. The northern area yields a chest containing cutlass. She will give you an empty cask of ale. Walkthrough Category page. Finding the missing Truffle in Caves. Now we will advance for our next quest. Open it to get a pick lock (you have already purchased one). Now you got an important instrument-use this shovel to dig up graves as well as dirt piles which look like the one marked in white, to find items. Enter the cave he takes you to and collect the sleeping dust. She will be delighted to get the ghost boy and will reward you with 20,000 gold pennies. This is the thieves cave. Become a hermit- Rhen will spend the rest of your life in wildwoods and nobody will ever hear of you again. Proceed inside and explore the region. We need go to the squirrels hideout in highlands. Give him the bottle and he will give you something to be delivered to the snow queen. Return to Clearwater and talk to Danny and the game ends. He will join you at the same level as Rhen is at. Ean's best friend Iya suddenly disappears, and his . Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest | Aveyond Studios Collect the haunch from the chest. The music pack includes real flutes, harps, trumpets and more! From there go to Tea cup town. Walk two paces down from the bone file; Press enter or action button, you will discover the treasure shown in the treasure map retrieved from the library. The old woman sells dragon location spell, we will come back to her later. Return to veldarah and talk to Levus again, who is with his true love in the garden. And voila you will see no monsters in the stronghold temple! Upgrade your partys armors. Go through the cave passage onto a new area. Take the passage to your left and get a chest containing 100 gold pennies. Make Rhen sleep on her small bed in dads room. He is a mini boss, though not related to the main quest. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. He will ask you to stake a vampire and bring back here to register you in the adventurer club. You will find a small castle immediately to your north. If you choose the first option, then you have to return to Devins cottage in the wildwoods and the game ends. 4) Then go to Aveyond and dig up the dirt pile to retrieve mugwort. The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. See the various spots marked on the map to collect the following items from this area- magic kettle, 1 cover balm and 3300 gold pennies. You will find three people standing at the extreme right corner. Enter the Sandstone cave. After defeating him collect Eitheras soul and go to the stronghold temple of Demon caves in the deserts of southern isle (refer the map of demon cave). Head outside the tea cup town and follow the northern passage to your left. Walk along the path, get the haunch from the chest and pass through the entrance you come across. Then continue walking from where you left off. In order to get the good deed done you need bee wax and mirror. The buildings all appear to be in a state of neglect, and two benevolent ghosts wander the area. Go into the cave and follow the path till you find a chest. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest wallthrough - YouTube 0:00 / 9:42 Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest wallthrough Disoo 3 subscribers Subscribe 88 views 1 year ago Let's play Aveyond 1: Rhen's. 1. Be ready to face your next boss-Tawrich. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest is a top-down role-playing game that challenges you to be a savior one more time and fight off all sorts of demons and monsters. a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:section_title;s:12:Aveyond Tips;s:12:section_body;s:111293:. Enter the house to find a chest containing 390 gold pennies. Welcome to Halloween hills. The priestess is captured there. There you can dig up the dirt pile to find a cassia leaf. You have to key in an answer to a question and if its the right answer, the gate unlocks (please make sure that the spelling is correct and there is no space between words; if by mistake you key in a wrong alphabet, press escape to delete). First we need to go to the Dream castle. Talk to the woodman and see what happens. 3.From the Title screen, select New Game. From the entrance head east till you reach a double waterfall. Talk to Oracle, she will give you four options, which would decide how will you make Rhen lead her life to the end. Exit the cave to the other side and climb up the ladder beside you. Point 11 in the map yields nothing; go to the lower right side of point 11 to open another chest-it has 1 elixir. Cross the bridge and walk straight east into the cave. You will reach a sign post. Remember the location of this area as Toad (for future ease of recall) because you will need to come back here later. Fight the toad and get her back to the fairy prince in memory caverns. The man with the backpack sells useful items. File Size: 45.62 KB, Released: 24-Jan-2008. Enter the cave which you find while exploring-it will lead you to two chests-one yielding cassia leaf and the other mandrake. If you chose level goody then you will find that the levels of your active party members have increased by 30. The chests from this area yields haunch, apple, 300 gold pennies and 150 gold pennies. The chests here yield covey balm, plate armor, chain whip, 150 gold pennies, haunch, 300 gold pennies and 600 gold pennies.