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Caleb asked Fjord and Nott to accompany him on a walk to the Soltryce Academy. Caleb saved Fjord's life by Counterspelling the deep scion's attempt to Dimension Door away with Fjord's body. They agreed to discuss working for DeRogna after the peace talks were concluded, and ensured that there was nothing suspicious about the beacon being returned to the Dynasty. ", "I am going to tell you the story of how I murdered my mother and father. We could make it better, if you want to.". [96], Caleb was contacted by Jester, telling him of the attack on the Nein Heroez and the recovery of the third and final Cloven Crystal by the minions of Uk'otoa. [art 2] It had a rocky start, as Jester came from a sheltered, lavish upbringing and Caleb had a very troubled past and came from a poor household, which meant their worldviews were very different. Caleb had a happy childhood in the farming community of Blumenthal, and was selected to attend the Soltryce Academy. Caleb helped convince Essek to teleport them a second time by apologizing and placing a hand on Esseks forearm. Jester sharply asked Essek and Caleb whether they intended to use the T-Dock to travel back in time and change the past, and Essek responded that he would like to return to the chamber with Caleb and "exchange theories". [161], At the start of the campaign, Caleb had unspecified plans for when he became powerful enough to "bend reality" to his will, which have evolved as the campaign has progressed. She quietly told Caleb that Ludinus Da'leth had asked that they be tracked by the Volstrucker while in Eiselcross and that he knew the Nein were in town and that Vess DeRogna was dead. 17 [59], Fan art of Caleb and Nott, by Lost Acumen. [21] Caleb's long coat hides two holstered books (one a spellbook and the other a book of letters to his parents[22]), one on either side. As the party fled, Cree tried to cast Slow, but was Counterspelled by Fjord, who was counter-Counterspelled by Otis, who was counter-counter-Counterspelled by Caleb. The party stopped by the Pillow Trove to pick up the letter from Astrid. Caleb used Shapechange to become an adult blue dragon for most of the battle. [41], At the beginning of the story, Caleb had very "sticky fingers" when it came to magical objects and would try to take anything magical if he thought he could get away with it. Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by HollyOakhill. However, Caleb was able to Counterspell Trent's attempted Counterspell of Jester's second Word of Recall, and Team Firestorm escaped to Nicodranas. Being the only two Empire-born human citizens in the Mighty Nein, Caleb and Beau have a rather unique friendship among the group, and have a lot in common. Caleb dug a grave with his cat's paw, removed Molly's coat, and wrapped him in his tapestry. He took the group to a dance hall he, Astrid, and Eadwulf used to visit, and danced with Beau and Fjord in turn. During the battle with Lucien in the Aether Crux, Caleb primarily used attacks manifested from his imagination, and attempted several times to reach out to Mollymauk. Description: Critical Role PIG (2021) AU. He also read up on the history and eight current members of the Cerberus Assembly. With coaching from Fjord, Beau hugged him back, equally awkwardly, and asked if they were friends. [art 39]. As Caleb Widogast, resident Transmutation wizard of the Mighty Nein on Critical Role, burns his own mark (ba dum tss) in the world of magic, he occasionally attaches his own name to the spells he creates. During his downtime, he copied the spell Teleportation Circle into his spellbook. During the Nein's involvement with the Tombtakers, Caleb was exposed to the "Pattern" of the Somnovem through the fractals in Lucien's journal. Frumpkin attacked Ren, clawing him, and Ren ran into his office. "Commerce & Chaos" (2x31) [146][147], Their relationship became complicated after the revelation that Essek had given the beacons to the Cerberus Assembly. Caleb let her copy the glyphs, only showing her where they went and guiding her hand on the tougher symbols. Beauregard has called Caleb her best friend, and Beauregard is probably the person Caleb trusts most after Veth. # LAURA Put it on, Caleb. [157], While in Rexxentrum, Caleb went privately to see Astrid at her home. "Perspective" (2x59) The rest of the party followed suit and gave Fjord several of their magic items. Caleb and Veth are best friends[116] and love each other unconditionally, often referring to themselves as part of a family. Caleb cast Suggestion on Keg to make her tell them the names of all the Iron Shepherds and admit she used to work with them. Caleb and Nott were briefly banned from the Cobalt Soul Archive in Uthodurn after running "Modern Literature" to steal a page from one of the books there. While fighting the water elemental at the Immensus Gate, Caleb was Polymorphed into a sheep by Aeorian wild magic. Soon after, Essek arrived in disguise on a visit, giving Caleb a kiss as he asked to hear about the defeat of Uk'otoa. That evening, Caleb put up his Tower, before the party realized that the Tombtakers had absconded with their bag of holding. "Where The River Goes" (2x15) [268][269] Caleb currently has an ancient spellbook from Halas's library containing Magic Jar, Trap the Soul[270], and Clone.[271]. During the fight with Obann by the Wraithroot Tree, Caleb began drawing a teleportation circle, but was forced to abandon it when it became clear that the battle would be over before he could finish it. When the party arrived in Felderwin, Nott's former home, Caleb was terrified to see Vess DeRogna and Ludinus Da'leth there and hid in the bottom of the party's cart to avoid being seen. After the dinner when Eadwulf and Astrid walked the party outside to the gate, Astrid asked Caleb if he meant what he said inside, that he meant to stop Trent, and Caleb confirmed. After a full day of riding through the Barbed Fields, Caleb noticed that Beau, badly injured, was struggling, but she insisted that she was fine. Critical Role fanart of our favorite hobo wizard, albeit with his initial hobo outfit. The party then rescued Jester, Fjord, and Yasha.[73]. Caleb was present for Molly's death and funeral, eulogizing him by saying "shine bright, circus man." Caleb Polymorphed into a giant eagle to explore the Arbor Exemplar. Caleb changed Frumpkin into a hawk so that he could better search for signs of them but found nothing. [25], When Caleb first appeared on Critical Role, he was filthy, unshaven, and had messy hair. Caleb suggested renaming their stolen ship the "Shit" or the "Shittake," as mist in Zemnian is a word for "shit. He commented afterwards, in a voice suggesting he was not sure about it, that it was "better this way.". [107] Frumpkin is named after Liams childhood cat of the same name. 7 level 2 Fan art of Caleb and Jester reading Der Katzenprinz, by UndeadEmpress. [60] Caleb came up with their escape plan, using Frumpkin to bring a piece of wire into their cell which Nott used to pick the lock. Caleb asked the Bright Queen what it would take to end the war, and she answered that she wanted retribution. Con And the longer he travels, the further away his deepest hopes seem to sit, leering at him from a distant horizon. She let them off without penalty. When the party was discovered by the High Richter, Ulog entrusted a note to his wife to Caleb before charging at Prucine with a magical bead and detonating a Fireball that killed them both and knocked out Caleb. Caleb was enraptured by an Aeorian records room, filled with notes and blank paper, and decided to spend ten minutes casting his Vault of Amber. Yasha then gave him a big hug. [art 12]. Caleb and Caduceus are friends. Caleb then cast Teleport to move the book between his parent's bodies. Reference(s) [159] When the Mighty Nein returned to Rexxentrum after Traveler Con, Caleb and the group received an invitation from Trent Ikithon to have dinner with him, Astrid, and Eadwulf at Trent's home in The Candles. Lucien used his antimagic ability to dispel Caleb's Polymorph, sending him and Caduceus tumbling into the snow just feet from the Tombtakers and within an antimagic cone. turn to roll and join Adventure with this Caleb Widogast inspired Collar of charm! "Welcome to the Jungle" (2x38) [156] While Bren went insane after murdering his parents, Astrid and Eadwulf passed Trent's final test and became successful Scourgers. He escaped and had spent the five years since on the run, protected from location by Empire authorities by his stolen Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location.[69]. Caleb seemed hesitant and suspicious of Fjord's intentions. [art 13]. These abilities disappeared with the eyes after Lucien's final defeat. Knitting - Works | Archive of Our Own Essek then used magic to destroy the damaged cylinder, releasing the diamond-shaped dark purple gem, which he gave to Caleb. Caleb acquired a fourth red eye while connecting with the hive mind of the Somnovem. When Liam speaks the Zemnian language as Caleb, he actually speaks German. Caleb offered to do so in return for unspecified favor at some point in the future, and they both cut themselves and used their blood to activate the altar, stopping just before completing the ritual. Jester used the echo stone to record herself asking for the letter, and Caleb uses Disguise Self to look like her, miming along to her recording to successfully retrieve the letter. The apparent leader invited him to step forward, but when Caleb did so, a rope wrapped his ankles and hoisted him dangling upside-down three or four feet off the ground. Anybody could send a message through a wire. While fleeing from the Magehunter Golem, Caleb jumped on Fjord's back and attempted to cast Fly on them both, however the golem caught them in an antimagic field. He wanted to be able to bend reality to his will. Jester and Caduceus suggested bringing his parents back from the dead, but Caleb was unsure of whether their remains were still in the ground or had been taken away by the Scourgers. He purchased new, stylish clothes in "Agreements" (2x61), throwing away his old tattered ones.[30]. Fjord realized it would take more blood than they were able to give and decided they should leave. Her response: "Race you to the top.". Before setting sail for the peace talks, the Mighty Nein decided to speak with the Cerberus Assembly delegates. Caleb failed to persuade him and Essek refused, saying that he could not join them if Trent did, and the party decided to ally with him rather than Trent. Caleb proposed to the group that they try to stop the war by "cutting the cancer" out of his homeland. Caleb told himself it was time for him to go, but sat the rest of his watch, waited for everyone to wake up, and did not tell anyone what he had been thinking.[71]. "Rumble at Rumblecusp" (2x105) Caleb gave the Collar of Silence to Beau so that she could use it against Trent if they encountered him. ", "Well, my social anxiety is getting the best of me; I'm taking a walk. Afterwards, Jester asked Caleb to waltz with her. Later, Nott pulled Caleb aside to tell him that she'd noticed something off about Essek. Caleb was uncomfortable with the prospect of seeing Empress Kryn. He originally appeared to want revenge against Trent Ikithon; however, his present goal seems to be to prevent any more children being recruited and trained as he was. When the temple flooded, Caleb and Nott saved the party from falling after being shot out the top of the temple by a geyser by both casting Feather Fall. Pronouns Caleb, Beau, Molly, and Nott woke up to find that Fjord, Jester, and Yasha had been kidnapped by the Iron Shepherds. Fan art of Jester with Caleb, by linzer art. Caleb and Beau took a watch together, and Caleb brought up the afterlife, saying he assumed that where he was going is not great. He stood taller and seemed in a good mood, which alerted the group to what had happened. Caleb was shaken by this encounter. At least, the girl I knew. After Essek pulled Caleb free from the tower collapsed on top of him, Caleb took a moment to press their foreheads together. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works WHO IS Caleb Widogast? // Critical Role Breakdown // Speedpaint Caleb greeted him as they were leaving, saying it was good to see him again. Caleb is awkward. In the fight with the remorhazes, Caleb Polymorphed the badly injured Jester into a wooly mammoth. ", "I'm either a clown or a toad-killer. Fan art of the Ermendruds, by Saturnberries. After asking her for advice regarding social situations, Yasha listed off a few things that she believed would make people like Caleb more (which he wrote down) and shaved his face with her sword after Caleb mentioned that he missed being cleanly shaven. Beau discovered a half-burned spellbook in Siff Duthar's laboratory, which she gave to Caleb. Nott gave Caleb a Scroll of Invisibility and shared a bit about her old life with him. ", From Old French, it can mean "destruction" or "destroyed; ravaged; decimated", and is an alternate form of. He wondered out loud why he was still with the Mighty Nein. He appreciates Caduceus' calm demeanor. Astrid and Eadwulf came to the Lavish Chateau in disguise to warn the party that the Mighty Nein and their families were being pursued by Trent. He also empowered his lucky rock as a Transmuter's Stone. Leofric was a soldier in the Empire forces,[101] and both Una and Leofric believed strongly in the Empire.[102]. Caleb was able to resist when Halas attempted to possess him, and verified that it was really him to the group by saying "Eldritch Blast" in a poor imitation of Fjord's old accent. Fan art of Caleb and Essek, by Aurex Aldori. Caleb Widogast: How Liam Made Art From Tragedy - YouTube She touched Caleb several times during their conversation and told him she would like to see him again. He wrote a note and placed it in the folds of Molly's clothes, then hammered a branch into the ground above the grave like a post, and hung Molly's coat from it. "Refjorged" (2x76) Via Teleport, he gathered Veth, Beau, and Yasha and joined the others where they were shipwrecked, then Teleported the entire party to the Wuyun Gates. Overjoyed, he pulled both of them into a huge hug. [106] Caleb knows that Frumpkin prefers to be in cat form, but is willing to change him to other forms when necessary. Beau asked if he wanted to take down Trent, and Caleb said yes, among other things. "Between a Ball and a Hot Place" (2x129) Our fan art gallery for the week of 7/23! Caleb took Jester's haversack while she was missing. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation, Liam O'Brien explains that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil before the stream started, but that his alignment changed to True Neutral, Liam O'Brien clarifies that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil both before and after he was "broken" by Trent Ikithon, Liam confirmed Caleb was in a romantic relationship with both Astrid and Eadwulf on, The players leveled up and rolled hit points on a video released 6 May 2021 on YouTube. In the battle with the Laughing Hand, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. In the Dungeon of Penance, Caleb spoke to the Scourger in Zemnian, however she was resigned and uncooperative. [77] While Fjord and Avantika talked privately in her quarters, Caleb spied on their conversation through Frumpkin the tiny owl. Jester cast Word of Recall to make their escape, but it failed. "Campaign 3 Episode 50" (3x50) (stream) Caleb avoided answering any questions when the group interrogated Molly about his amnesia under a Zone of Truth. The remaining party members decided it was best to bury Molly. [art 18]. Caleb participated in both the Sutan and Prucine heists that night. [art 15]. When the party was surrounded by a group of Kobolds, Caleb tried to explain the situation. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works [89] Recognizing Caleb's distress, Caduceus calmed and reassured him. (Last post . "The Genesis Ward" (2x135) While voyaging to Eiselcross, the party were attacked by more minions of Uk'otoa. Dex During the battle with Dashilla, Caleb was immediately knocked unconscious by her Death Glare. However, Caleb seemed to sympathize with Fjord's conflicted feelings finding out that his mentor Vandran turned out to be a different man than Fjord thought he was. "Clay and Dust" (2x72) "Uthodurn" (2x73) Caleb asked Beau if she could get him into the Cobalt Soul library in Zadash, and she agreed under the condition he tell her why he was afraid of fire. Eadwulf returned the greeting, saying that Bren/Caleb looked good, but remaining impassive. "The Hour of Honor" (2x24) This survey allows you to completely personalise the letter to your wishes. "Manifold Morals" (2x74) Once the monsters were killed, Capeleb picked up Essek and waved him in front of the clerics, attempting to get them to heal him. Unlike Jester's group and Molly, Caleb was not under house arrest for the duration of the investigation into the events of the carnival thus, he was able to move freely around the town as himself. Goodbye. Seeing what level the characters are at now, I've been wondering how far they've actually come in terms of levels/XP. Caleb Widogast x reader - requests are open!!