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Manila: National Museum. Wood, G. L. (1957). Madrid, 1895. Cayat, G. C. Manuscript on Kalanguya Cultural Communities. Lulu Publishing. Kami can be good or bad. (2021, September 20). Sepa, the Centipede God, was a protective fertility deity whose worship began in the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE). Page 151-152. A. San Antonio, Juan Francisco de (1738). North Atlantic Books, 2010. The Bukidnon of Mindanao. Page 22-23. Asiaweek, Volume 12, Issues 1-13. Springer International Publishing. It is yellow-ish gray and usually has no more than 15 pairs of legs. Banig: spirits of the hillsides and caves; Mun-apoh: deified ancestral spirits who are guardians and sources of blessings provided by the living; they are respected, however, their blessings could also be turned into a curse, Dadungut: divinities who dwell in graveyards and tombs, Makiubaya: divinities who watch over the gates of the village, Binudbud: spirits that are invoked during feasts to quell the passions of men, Kolkolibag: spirits who cause difficult labor, Hidit: divinities who give punishments to those that break taboos, Puok: a kind of Hidit who use winds to destroy the dwellings of miners that break taboos, Hipag: spirits of war that give soldiers courage on the field of war but are ferocious and cannibalistic, Llokesin: the god of rats who figures in the myth of the first orange tree, Bumabakal: the rejected corpse divinity of the skyworld; his dead body resides on top of Mount Dukutan, where his bodily fluids cause boils, Kabigat: the god who sent a deluge which flooded the earth; married to the goddess Bugan, Bugan: a goddess married to Kabigat; her children are a son named Wigan and a daughter also named Bugan, Bugan: daughter of Bugan and Kabigat; stranded on earth after the great deluge, and became one of the two ancestors of mankind, Wigan: son of Bugan and Kabigat; stranded on earth after the great deluge, and became one of the two ancestors of mankind, Dumagid: a god who lived among the people of Benguet; married a mortal woman named Dugai and had a son named Ovug, Ovug: son of Dumagid and Dugai; was cut in half by his father, where one of his halves was reanimated in the skyworld, and the other on earth; the voice of the skyworld's Ovug is the source of lightning and sharp thunder, while the voice of the earth's Ovug is the source of low thunder, Bangan: the god who accompanied Dumagid in claiming Ovug from the earth, Aninitud chalom: deity of the underworld, whose anger is manifested in a sudden shaking of the earth, Aninitud angachar: deity of the sky world; causes lightning and thunder when unsatisfied with offerings, Mapatar: the sun deity of the sky in charge of daylight, Bulan: the moon deity of the night in charge of nighttime, Milalabi: the star and constellation deities, Pinacheng: a group or class of deities usually living in caves, stones, creeks, rocks, and in every place; mislead and hide people, Fulor: a wood carved into an image of a dead person seated on a death chair; an antique which a spirit in it, who bring sickness, death, and unsuccessful crops when sacrifices are not offered, Inamah: a wooden plate and a home of spirits; destroying or selling it will put the family in danger, Dugai: the mortal mother of the split god Ovug; wife of the god Dumagid, Humidhid: the headman of a village in the upstream region of Daya who carved the first bulul statues from the haunted or supernatural tree named Bongbong, Unnamed Shaman: prayed to the deities, Nabulul and Bugan, to possess or live in the bulul statues carved by Humidhid, Wife of Namtogan: a mortal woman who the god Namtogan married when he stayed at the village of Ahin, Kabunyan: the almighty creator; also referred to as Agmattebew, the spirit who could not be seen; the mabaki ritual is held in the deity's honor during planting, harvesting, birth and death of the people, and other activities for livelihood, Lumawig: the supreme deity; creator of the universe and preserver of life, Bangan: the goddess of romance; a daughter of Bugan and Lumawig, Obban: the goddess of reproduction; a daughter of Bugan and Lumawig, Kabigat: one of the deities who contact mankind through spirits called anito and their ancestral spirits, Balitok: one of the deities who contact mankind through spirits called anito and their ancestral spirits, Wigan: one of the deities who contact mankind through spirits called anito and their ancestral spirits, Timugan: two brothers who took their sankah (handspades) and kayabang (baskets) and dug a hole into the lower world, Aduongan; interrupted by the deity Masaken; one of the two agreed to marry one of Masaken's daughters, but they both went back to earth when the found that the people of Aduongan were cannibals, Masaken: ruler of the underworld who interrupted the Timugan brothers. Gugurang: the supreme god; causes the pit of Mayon volcano to rumble when he is displeased; cut Mt. Learn Religions. Kurita: an amphibious animal with several limbs and lived on land and sea; haunts Mount Kabalalan, and slayed by Rajah Solayman; Tarabusar: a humongous human-like creature who lived in Mount Matutum; slayed by Rajah Solayman, Pah: a bird of prey as big as a house and whose wings caused darkness on the ground; lives in Mount Bita and slayed by Rajah Solayman at Mount Gurayn, Monster of Mount Gurayn: a seven-headed monster at Mount Gurayn, who was slayed by Rajah Indarapatra, Wife of Rajah Indarapatra: daughter of a local ruler who hid in a cave due to the number of monsters in Maguindanao; married to Rajah Indarapatra and gave birth to their children; they were entrusted to her father, the local ruler, after Rajah Indarapatra returned to Mantapoli, Tohan: the supreme deity who is perfect, having no defect; can cause and stop earthquakes and pestilence; later also called as Allah by Muslim converts, Sun Deity: divine being depicted in an anthropomorphic form as a flaming young man; angels serve as his charioteers, Moon Deity: divine being depicted in an anthropomorphic form as a beautiful young woman; angels serve as her charioteers, Jinn: beings who live in the atmosphere which serves as a buffer zone between the skyworld and the earth, called Oraonan a Lantoy, known for possessing a garden of flowers and vegetables, Walain sa Letingan: the princess-goddess living in a skyworld region called Magoyeda a Selegen, Papanok sa Aras: children who died prematurely and were transformed into birds of paradise living in the skyworld region called Sorga, Houris: heavenly maidens blessed with eternal beauty and perpetual virginity, Lumpong: a large animal who carries the earth; accompanied by a small shrimp that sometimes claws on the earth-holder from time to time, causing the phenomena of earthquakes, Sakar: a monster in the underworld where disrespectful children are trapped in its belly, Walain Katolosan: the goddess who owns the amulet Sikag a Makaombaw, Tonong: divine spirits who often aid heroes; often lives in nonok trees, seas, lakes, and the sky realm, Apo: benign tornado and waterspout spirits; a classification of tonong; they are the ancestral spirits tasked to kill or drive away evil spirits, Sakit: maligant harmful spirits responsible for diseases; a classification of tonong, Saitan: malignant possessing spirits; a classification of tonong, Inikadowa: the benign spirit double or guardian of a person, who is with the person when the baby is born; a classification of tonong; the placenta is their manifestation, Tolos: a class of tonong who inhabit the sky realms; prayed to, especially in times of battle and protection for quests; referred to as gods, Pinatola a Tonong: the ancestor of all unseen benevolent spirits; a tonong who takes the form of a gigantic crocodile at sea, a garuda in air, and a giant on land; a guardian spirit of Diwata Ndaw Gibon, Pinatoli i Kilid: a tonong who takes the form of a gigantic crocodile; the guardian spirit of the king of Bemberan, Diwata Ndaw Gibon; clashed with Ladalad a Madali, grandson of Gibon; later gave valuable information to Madali; during the battle of Madali and Pirimbingan, Madali was aided by Pinatoli i Kilid against Pirimbingan's spirit guardian, Magolaing sa Ragat, Magolaing sa Ragat: a tonong of the enchantress Walain Pirimbangan; took the form of a gigantic crocodile, Sikag a Makaombaw: the intelligent and independent tonong (spirit) living within the Sikag a Makaombaw amulet, regarded as the most powerful amulet of all due to its ability to grant its wielder authority over all tonong, Salindagaw Masingir: a tonong of the hero Awilawil o Ndaw; acts as the guardian-spirit of the kingdom of Kaibat a Kadaan, Walain sa Lekepen: a goddess courted by the hero Bantogen, Diwata ko sa Magaw: spirit of destruction; a tolos or deity, Minoaw a Minepen: powerful spirit of the sky; a tolos or deity, Naga: dragons who repel evil spirits; a specific huge Naga is said to encircle the world, Arimaonga: a giant lion who causes lunar eclipses, Gabriel: an angel who reported to the supreme deity the overpopulation of the kingdom of Mantapoli, which resulted in its transfer and the creation of Lake Lanao, Malakal Maut: the angel of death; takes the souls of someone after three to seven days from the falling of the person's leaf from the sacred Sadiarathul Montaha tree in the realm called Sorga; appears either a handsome prince or a grotesque monsters, depending if the soul he is getting comed from a sinner or a virtuous person; punishes the souls of sinners until final judgment, while lifting up the souls of the good onto heaven, Tonong of Lake Lanao: there are many tonong of Lake Lanao, who are invoked during certain rituals such as the kashawing rice ritual, Aya Diwata Mokom sa Kaadiong a Lopa: father of the three rulers of the three kingdoms from the Darangen; a half-tonong and a half-human, Daromoyod an Olan: mother of the three rulers of the three kingdoms from the Darangen; a half-jinn and a half-human, Rulers of the Three Main Kingdoms from the Darangen: all three are siblings, Diwata Ndaw Gibon: a semi-divine hero who ruled the kingdom of Iliyan a Bembaran, which was a favord abode of the tonong; had two sons with his head-wife Aya Panganay Bai, and a total of five daughters from five other wives, Awilawil o Ndaw: a semi-divine hero who ruled the kingdom of Kaibat a Kadaan, Dalondong a Mimbantas: a semi-divine hero ruled the kingdom of Gindolongan Marogong, which possessed the enchanted river Pagayawan that refuses to flow without the presence of thunder, Aya Panganay Bai: married to Diwata Ndaw Gibon, who she has two sons; came from a place known as Minangoaw a Ronong, Tominaman sa Rogong: firstborn son of Diwata Ndaw Gibon and Aya Panganay Bai; succeeded his father as ruler of Iliyan a Bembaran, Magondaya Boisan: secondborn son Diwata Ndaw Gibon and Aya Panganay Bai; expanded the kingdom of Bembaran together with his brother-king, Tominaman sa Rogong, Pasandalan a Rogong: son of Tominaman sa Rogong, Bantogen: son of Tominaman sa Rogong; he courted the goddess Walain sa Lekepen, and was assumed missing by his people, leading to a search journey; returned with Madali to their kingdom, Ladalad a Madali: son of Magondaya Boisan; went into a journey to rescue his cousin Bantugen, and all those who first came to find Bantugen; can become invisible with the aided of his guardian spirits; aided by his grandfather's guardian spirit Pinatoli i Kilid who clashed with the Walain Pirimbangan's guardian spirit; shapeshifted into a woman to take the amulet of the goddess Walain Katolosan, foiling the plan of Pirimbangan, Walain Pirimbangan: an enchantress from Danalima a Rogong who imprisoned Bantugen and all the leaders of Bembaran who rescued him; aided by her guardian spirit, Magolaing sa Ragat, Maharadia Lawana: a man with eight heads who was banished for his bad mouth; tried to kill himself, but failed upon the intervention of the angel Gabriel, Kapmadali: a hero who battled Pinatola a Tonong, Pilandok: a cunning man who tricked various people from a blind man to a kingdom's ruler. Indigenous paraplegic divinity: The story of Namtogan. University of Chicago Press, 1968. Is there something troubling you that you cant quite get a handle on? Halupi: Essays on Philippine Culture. The Isneg Farmer. Ancient Beliefs and Customs of the Tagalogs. Bikols of the Philippines. Felipe Pardo, archbishop of Manila (1686-1688)Carta sobre la idolatria de los naturales de la provincia de Zambales, y de los del pueblo de Santo Tomas y otros circunvecinos. The Katipunan of the Philippines. Dwata (general): the general term for the gods; Fu Dalu: the goddess of the abaca; speak and guide weavers on how to create patterns and designs, which are remembered in dreams, Muhen: a bird god of fate whose song when heard is thought to presage misfortune; any undertaking is immediately abandoned or postponed when one hears the Muhen sing. 4, Special Issue: Cebuano Literary Studies: Double Marginalization and Speaking Back: A Reading of Three Post-Colonial Texts. U.P. WebThe mayura named Citramekhala is associated with Saraswati, a deity representing benevolence, patience, kindness, compassion and knowledge. Mckenzie, D. A. Muyco, Maria Christine M. 2008. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Kaptan: the supreme god and sky god who fought against Magauayan for eons until Manaul intervened; ruler of the skyworld called Kahilwayan; controls the wind and lightning; Maguayan: the god who rules of the waters as his kingdom; father of Lidagat; brother of Kaptan, Dalagan: the swiftest winged giant, armed with long spears and sharp swords, Guidala: the bravest winged giant armed with long spears and sharp swords, Sinogo: the handsomest winged giant armed with long spears and sharp swords; best loved by Kaptan but betrayed his master and was imprisoned under the sea, Maguyaen: the goddess of the winds of the sea, Magauayan: fought against Kaptan for eons until Manaul intervened, Manaul: the great bird who dropped great rocks upon the battle of Kaptan and Magauayan, creating islands, Lidagat: the sea married to the wind; daughter of Maguayan, Lihangin: the wind married to the sea; son of Kaptan, Licalibutan: the rock-bodied son of Lidagat and Lihangin; inherited the control of the wind from his father; initiated the revolt against one of his grandfathers, Kaptan; killed by Kaptan's rage; his body became the earth, Liadlao: the gold-bodied son of Lidagat and Lihangin; killed by Kaptan's rage during the great revolt; his body became the sun, Libulan: the copper-bodied son of Lidagat and Lihangin; killed by Kaptan's rage during the great revolt; his body became the moon, Lisuga: the silver-bodied son of Lidagat and Lihangin; accidentally killed by Kaptan's rage during her brothers' revolt; her body fragments became the stars, Adlaw: the sun deity worshiped by the good, Bulan: the moon deity who gives light to sinners and guides them in the night, Makilum-sa-twan: the god of plains and valleys, Kasaray-sarayan-sa-silgan: the god of streams, Suklang-malaon: the goddess of happy homes, Maka-ako: also called Laon; the creator of the universe, Makabosog: a deified chieftain who provides food for the hungry, Sidapa: the goddess of death; co-ruler of the middleworld called Kamaritaan, together with Makaptan, Makaptan: the god of sickness; co-ruler of the middleworld called Kamaritaan, together with Sidapa; he is a brother of Magyan and Sumpoy, Danapolay: the god who supervises the other deities who answer to Sidapa and Makaptan, Sappia: the goddess of mercy originating from the island of Bohol who empties the milk from her breasts onto weeds, giving the origin of white rice; when milk ran out, blood came out from her breast, giving the origin of red rice, Tan Mulong: guardian of a spirit cave where souls may be imprisoned; has a spirit dog with one mammary gland and two genitals. Hes also invoked against the Uncreated One in its serpent form, reinforcing Sepas ability to protect mortals against everyday snakes. Watch a caterpillar, inching along. Philippiniana Sacra, Volume 37, Issues 109-111. Page 46. However, once you overlook the post-coital cannibalism of the praying mantis (which seems to happen mostly in a laboratory setting), they are also connected with finding ones way. He was sometimes referred to as the centipede of Horus but was also closely associated with Osiris. Ilongot Life and Legends. Image by James Hager/Robert Harding World Imagery/Getty Images. Kabunian: supreme deity and chief among the high ranking deities above the skyworld; Afunijon: also a general term referred to the deities of heaven, which is also called Afunijon, Mah-nongan: also a general term for deities who are given animal sacrifices, Ampual: the god of the fourth skyworld who bestowed animals and plants on the people; controls the transplanting of rice, Bumingi: in charge of worms, one of the eleven beings importuned to stamp out rice pests. Guadalupe Fores- Ganzon,Luis Maeru,Fundacin Santiago (Manila, Philippines). Rajah Indarapatra: ancestor of both tonong and the Maranao; a child of heaven who chose to be reincarnated as a mortal son of the ruler Nabi Bakaramat; Rajah Solaiman: went into a journey to slay Omakaan, but was killed by Omakaan, Laughing Woman: a woman who told Rajah Indarapatra what not to do to kill Omakaan, Omakaan: a man-eating monster who multiplies when cut into pieces, Kalalanagan: also called Princess Condor; all her previous husbands except Inodang died because she is the source of mosquitoes, which come from her nose, Inodang: the last husband of Kalalanagan; burned Kalalanagan to prevent more deaths, but some of Kalalanagan's mosquitoes escaped, which means Kalalanagan still lives, Turtle and Snake: friends who went into a race, where the patient turtle won, Lapindig: husband of Orak and Odang; upon finding his wives' death, he tightened his waist to stave off hunger and became the wasp, Orak: wife of Lapindig, killed herself after Odang's death, Odang: wife of Lapindig, accidentally died due to a quarrel with Orak about cooking and transporting food for Lapindig, Semsem sa Alongan: a magician; husband of Anak, Anak: wife of Semsem sa Alongan and youngest daughter of Sultan sa Agamaniyog; died due to a plan of Potre Bunso, where Anak was grounded by stone doors due to her failure to ask permission from Ring of Fire, Sharp and Pointed Metals, and Flowing River; her long hair became the leaves of the sapinit, Potre Bunso: jealous sister of Anak's good fortune, Dayang Dayang Mangilai: the goddess of the forest and one of the two supreme deities; married to Umboh Tuhan. Kabunian: the supreme deity and the origin of rice; Moon Deity: the deity who teased Kabunian for not yet having a spouse, Child of Kabunian: the child of Kabunian with a mortal woman; split in half, where one part became lightning and the other became thunder, Matono: a brave woman who adventured into the underworld and saw the causes of poor crops and earthquakes; she afterwards reported her studies to the people of the earth; during the kosdy, the people pray to her to not permit the rice, camotes, and other things to grow down, but to cause them to grow up, Kabigat (of where the water rises): journeyed into the underworld to retrieve trees which became the forests of the middle world, Kabigat (of where the water empties): taught Kabigat (of where the water empties) how to safely get trees from the underworld, Masekn: ruler of the underworld with green eyebrows, red eyes, and a tail, Kabigat (of the east): a large man in the east who adopted Bangan, Bangan: son of Otot and adopted by Kabigat; a kind young man who loved both his father and foster-father; shared gold to the world though Kabigat, Otot: a large man in the west who perished due to an accident, while travelling with his son, Bangan; a tree of gold rose from his burial, where Kabunian fell the tree and all gold on earth scattered from it, Sun God: the deity who pushed up the skyworld and pushed down the underworld, creating earth, after he was hit by a man's arrow during the war between the peoples of the skyworld and the underworld, Labangan: a man who was got the first grain of rice used by mankind from Kabunian, Wife of Kabunian: the spouse of Kabunian who bore their child, which was split into two and revived into lightning and thunder, Two Blind Women: two kind blind beggars in hunger who were driven away by their neighbors; fed by a woman who came from a rock and an old woman; one was given a sack or rice, while the other was given a bottle of water; when they returned home, they decided to replant the rice and distribute it to the people, while the bottle of water gushed out streams which also aided mankind, Delan: deity of the moon, worshiped with the sun and stars; congenial with Elag; during quarrels, Elag sometimes covers Delan's face, causing the different phases of the moon; giver of light and growth, Elag: deity of the sun, worshiped with the moon and stars; has a magnificent house in the sky realm called Gacay; retreats to his home during nights; giver of light and growth, Pandac: deity of the stars, worshiped with the sun and moon; giver of light and growth, Cain: the headhunter creator of mankind; gave customs to the people; lived together with Abel in the sky but separated due to a quarrel, Abel: prayed to when wishing long lives for children; lived together with Cain in the sky but separated due to a quarrel, Keat: personification of lightning, depicted as the road of Cain and Abel, Kidu: personification of thunder, which follows Keat, Oden: deity of the rain, worshiped for its life-giving waters, Betang: unpredictable shape-shifting spirit-creatures living in the forests or wilderness called Gongot; youth and softness are their properties, while they can also alter a human's sense of time; they may take the form of a white dog, a large deer, a horse with a hanging tongue, a naked woman, or beings with grotesque shapes, whose attributes range from long arms and legs, small heads, oversized feet, fur bodies, to hairless bodies; they may also enter a person's dreams or paralyze a human, Gaek Spirits: spirits in the Gaek magic plant used in relation to hunting and fishing; the naw-naw prayer is given to them, Unnamed Supreme God: the supreme god who tasked the primordial giants to initiate the creation of many things, Buni: possibly the name of the supreme god, Aran: one of the two primordial giants tasked with the creation of many things, Abra: an old god who controls the weather; married to Makiling, the elder, Makiling (the elder): the goddess gave birth to Cabuyaran, Cabuyaran: the goddess of healing; daughter of Abra and Makiling, the elder; she eloped with Anianihan, Anianihan: the god of harvest who eloped with Cabuyaran, Saguday: the god of the wind who is one of the two gods preferred by Abra to be his daughter's spouse, Revenador: the god of thunder and lightning who is one of the two gods preferred by Abra to his daughter's spouse, Bulan: the god of peace who comforted the grieving Abra, Amman: the god of the sun, where the sun is his eye, Makiling (the younger): granddaughter of Makiling, the elder; she is guarded by the dog god Lobo in the underworld, Lobo: a god who was punished to become a large dog guarding the entrance to the underworld, Unnamed God: the underworld god who punished Lobo, Sipnget: the goddess of darkness who requested Ang-ngalo to build her a mansion, Asin: ruler of the kingdom of salt, who aided Ang-ngalo in the building of a white mansion, Ocean Deity: the goddess of the ocean whose waters slammed the ediface of salt being built by Ang-ngalo and Asin, causing the sea's water to become salty, Apolaki: the name of a deity, which later was used to refer to the supreme deity of Christian converts, Ines Kannoyan: beautiful maiden who became the lover of Lam-ang; aided the resurrection of Lam-ang, Horned Presidente: a presidente of a town who wished to have horns to frighten the people under his rule and keep them under his control; his wish backfired as the people perceived him as worse than an animal; he continued to demand to be the ruler despite his people withdrawing their support, which eventually led to his death, Agueo: the morose and taciturn sun god who is obedient to his father, Ama; lives in a palace of light, Bulan: the merry and mischievous moon god, whose dim palace was the source of the perpetual light which became the stars; guides the ways of thieves, Anito: spirits who lurk everywhere; capable of inflicting pain and suffering, or of granting rewards, Gods of the Pistay Dayat: gods who are pacified through the Pistay Dayat ritual, where offerings are given to the spirits of the waters who pacify the gods, Urduja: a warrior princess who headed a supreme fleet, Rizal: a culture-hero who, according to tradition, will return to aid his people in their struggle for victory and genuine freedom, Malayari: also called Apo Namalyari, the supreme deity and creator, Akasi: the god of health and sickness; sometimes seen at the same level of power as Malayari, Kalasakas: god of early ripening of rice stalks, Kalasokus: god of turning grain yellow and dry, Damulag: also called Damolag, god of protecting fruiting rice from the elements, Anitun Tauo: the goddess of wind and rain who was reduced in rank by Malayari for her conceit, Great Creator: the god who created all things; used to come down and talk to people before the great flood; rules the earth through Tigbalog, Lueve, Amas, and Binangewan, Gutugutumakkan: the supreme deity, possibly the name of the Great Creator.