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To lose that many military, cops, politicians and citizens murdered by gangsters is phenomenal. The underground trade of weapons to Mexico is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annuallywith American guns used to kill tens of thousands of Mexicans each year. Build the wall. Drug cartels have been using monster type armored cars for about 15 years these recent photos clashes in tamaulipas between cdn and cdg they use m82 m017 barrets also m2 machine guns and 40mm grenades this doesn't happen very far from egle pass texas or mcallen texas . They know how to pull the wool over your eyes.". Blood Gun Money: How America Arms Gangs and Cartels. So, thats bad, thats a horror. Damn Democrat Pipeline! Declare Eric Holder a domestic terrorist and arrest him. Weapons and jewelry seized to alleged leader of "El Cartel del Golfo" Jorge Eduardo Costilla Sanchez, aka "El Coss", are presented to the press in Mexico City, on September 13, 2012. Guns Drive Cartel Violence in Mexico. By the way, where were these officials when the Obama administration was running guns into Mexico as part of Operation Fast and Furious? Bullet holes are seen after a battle between the CJNG and Los Viagras cartels in Aguililla. Say hello to our favorite little Al Pacino movie: The Brian De Palma classic from the '80s that has cemented Tony Montana, his little machine gun friend, and Michelle Pfeiffer's stunning slip dresses in cinema history. "It's hard to pinpoint exactly where we think a particular load (of guns) we seized was going,"Lestrange said. The recent California shooting was done by a maniac who drove for almost 12 hours to commit crime. Besides, the Belgian five-seven was supposed to be the ultimate status symbol], Tijuanas Director of Public Safety, Marco Antonio Sotomayor, says most of the guns flowing into his city come from north of the border. I got a phone call one day on the shop line, and a guy was looking for a Barrett .50 cal, which is not a crazy weapon in terms of how available they are.". Till then, fuck you! The cartels then use their members or contract with associates to serve as"consolidators.". Mexico has very strict restrictions on weapon. In the absence of sane border security policies, Guerra said, drug cartels decide who crosses, and people in their organizations use the children to enter the U.S. LMFAO. Earlier this month, theMexican government sued U.S. gun manufacturers in federal court, accusing them of fueling the violence. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers with an Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team were screening traffic headed out of Laredo on the Lincoln-Juarez Bridge in October when they noticed a bundle under the carriage of Vasquez's SUV, secured with black ties. You have entered an incorrect email address! Why Mexico Is Right to Sue U.S. The article, titled, "The U.S. Must Defeat Mexico's Drug Cartels", . This story has been shared 164,095 times. Roger Clemens makes surprise appearance at Astros' Spring Training, Hiker captures 'once-in-a-lifetime' photo of wildlife at Brazos Bend State Park, Houston Rockets poised to reap benefits from Eric Gordon trade, Texas congressman's breaks with GOP could lead to censure, Proposed Texas bill gives tax cuts to heterosexual families only, These bites won big at the Houston rodeo's foodie awards, Heres how you can watch 'Daisy Jones and the Six', Here's what Lina Hidalgo carb-loads before a long run, Houston police ticket man for feeding homeless people. Earlier in the week, more than one . While we're busy patting ourselves on the back, you can pat too by voting here and here. If not, they should be left alone. John Boch, you said: The California Maniac could just as easily bought a second hand gun and instead of killing people with it could have made handsome profit by selling it and more like it to Mexico because he is not connected by paperwork to what he is selling. They also discoveredmore than 10,000 rounds of ammunition hidden in an ice chest in the gas tankand inside the spare tire,court records show. Email us here. Typically, the purchaser turns the guns over to a broker who takes them across the border to Mexico, where such weapons cannot be bought legally. The government accuses gun makers and suppliers of knowingly flooding the market with firearms attractive to drug cartels. weapons to Mexico. Mayor: HISD has two optionsclose school or be taken over, Rare photos show 2 ocelots crossing South Texas road, Willie Nelson pays lovely tribute to another country legend. Never heard of Fast and Furious? Bushmaster describes the AR-15 rifle, a civilian version of the U.S. military's standard-issue M-16, as intended "for law enforcement, security and private consumer use." Its a very symbolic weapon in the narco world and for the narco esthetic, Grandmaison said. A handgun covered with gold and money sized to alleged financial agent of the drug "Cartel del Golfo", Manuel Alquisires Garcia, aka "El Meme" and also know as Agustin Sanchez Morua, are shown during his presentation to the press on September 12, 2011 in Mexico City. Coke was originally supposed to make you smarter or something. Hell, our source might have sold El Chapo that very rifle. But it has expanded operations in the majority of Mexico's states. 24 of 29 25 of 29 A handgun covered with gold and money sized to alleged financial agent of the drug "Cartel . We were a large store you meet these border patrol agents coming to pick up extra stuff. November 23, 2022 Contact: Phone Number: (571) 387-3831 For Immediate Release Debt Collector and Drug Distributor for Cartel Connected, Violent, Drug Distribution Ring, Sentenced to 10 years in Prison Previous slide Next slide Handgun in leather holster Plastic bag of fentanyl pills Move slider to item #1 Move slider to item #2 ", After a couple weeks of escalating sketchiness, they reported the straw purchasers to the ATF, who immediately showed up to shut this shit d-, Sean Rayford/Getty Images News/Getty Images, Nope! MEXICAN drug cartels are using high-powered sniper rifles which fire bullets the size of cigars to take down police helicopters. Last week, the Treasury sanctioned two Mexican businessmen and four Sinaloa Cartel members in connection with the illicit methamphetamine and fentanyl trade. By Ioan Grillo Bloomsbury: 400 pages, $28 If you buy books linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission from . Its all too easy to legally ship a batch of guns to a South American Corrupt Government that just happens to have some come up missing and they get sold to drug cartels for big bucks. *awkward shrug*, Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images. In Michoacn, the global powerhouse Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin, or CJNG, has been engaged in a long and deadly battle with Sinaloa and other rival cartels. Given the record number of murders there last year almost 36,000 Mexicans could certainly use some self-defense tools. It is also the native land ofruthless Mexican cartel bossRubn Oseguera Cervantes,a top U.S. target with a $10 million reward for information on his whereabouts. The Hearst survey of court cases found these weapons among the top 10: The Belgian-made FN Herstal Five-SeveN: Some versions of this pistol hold 10 rounds; others have a 20-round capacity. View of gun butts made of gold, diamonds, emeralds and rubies to form the Mexican flag, in Culiacan, Sinaloa state on July 12, 2011. Sorry not in todays world American guns have some of the shittyist workmanship that I have ever seen compared to the U.S. guns that were made in the distant past and even those were often nothing when compared to finely made European guns. Well, crap. This article would have you believe the American guns are coming from civilian sources.. one point left out of the article is that the cartels also like American hand grenades. A 9mm browning pistol has the diamond encrusted initials of LMJ. Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images News/Getty Images. Cartel gunmen armed with AK-47s purchased in Arizona overwhelmed the police, killing eight. Mexican Drug Cartels Agree: American-Made Guns Are the Best, Mexican drug and crime cartels prefer American-made guns. Dear Mexico: clean up your own house before telling us how to take care of ours.. Automatic guns and rocket-propelled grenades follow drug trade routes back to China, Guatemala, and the black markets in Central and South America. ", Yvonne Hemsey/Hulton Archive/Getty Images. Why wouldnt *that* be the most obvious area to apply enforcement pressure, instead of law abiding gun owners hundreds or thousands of miles away on the far side of the country? The weapons are sold to the cartels, often for three or four times the original price. The Hearst survey parallel the findings of a Violence Policy Center report from 2009 documenting 21 gun-trafficking court cases involving 1,700 weapons funneled to Mexico, as well as a federal law enforcement report this year, based on 2,921 guns recovered in Mexico and traced to original U.S. purchases between December 2006 and November 2010. Latin American criminal gangs have embraced social media and messaging platforms to spread narco culture and sell drugs. Now its used by more than 70 security agencies across the world, according to Barrett. WASHINGTON Convicted gun smuggler John Phillip Hernandez of Houston was likely not the kind of customer that Bushmaster Firearms International had in mind when he purchased 14 of the company's .223 caliber AR-15s at Houston area gun shops in 2006 and 2007. And we're on commission at the time, so all of us involved are like sweet! But the weapons that Hernandez and his associates purchased ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartel pistoleros, including the Bushmaster .223 that was later used to kill four police officers and three secretaries in Acapulco. Straw purchases for others are a violation of federal firearms law. Cartel forces seized a major regional capital city in broad daylight and defeated the national armed forces in open battle. Houston pitmaster goes viral after hilarious TV interview, Houston is ugly, and I've never felt more at home, Astros GM Dana Brown has more praise team's top prospect, Turner: TEA is giving Houston ISD two optionsclose school or be taken over, Two ocelots were photographed crossing a road in rare South Texas sighting, Willie Nelson's new album is a lovely tribute to a fellow country legend. It's made it easier than ever to drive to any Texas gun shop and legally stockpile guns, whether or not the customers belong to a Mexican cartel. We'll sell those guys so many guns they drown in them!" As far as American guns being the best. For thecartels, the M82 has also become a status symbol. We know theyre being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana. [Theres no way for people to buy guns like those in California, either; they are not ban compliant], In 2018, the homicide rate in Mexico hit a record high of 35,964, spiking 12 percent from the year before, according to the countrys National Institute of Statistics and Geography. All wars are fought with weapons, and the guns used to murder tens of thousands of people in the Mexican War on Drugs mostly come from America.From handguns,. That sounds great, but the agent working with our source and his store told everyone that the charges wouldn't stick: "Our agent was pretty candid with us: He let us know the guys doing it had been arrested. Its a weapon of war, added the official. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Video shows gunman nonchalantly shoot homeless man execution-style in broad daylight, NJ man tried to board plane with handguns, AR-15, Taser, phony US Marshal badge, Parolee flaunted ghost gun on social media before weapons arrest: feds, Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed can keep gun at home: judge. Hesometimes loaned his SUV tohis employees and his relatives and argues that one of them could have hidden the guns, Martinez said. Thousands upon thousands of firearms are smuggled into Mexico from the U.S. each year. Scarface stars Pacino as the indelible gangster and charts his rise as a Cuban immigrant-turned-cocaine cartel captain . Newsweek, the defunct print magazine, reports that Mexican drug and crime cartels prefer American-made guns to use against their rivals and innocent Mexican civilians. You try and keep it as normal as possible; you don't want to spook him because then everything's shot as well. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We were placing special orders with Barrett because we couldn't keep up demand. I'm like, 'makes sense, he's a military kid.' This is how the cartels get the vast majority of their arsenal. Ban assault weapons, high capacity magazines, body armor, silencers. Pass universal background checks, end loopholes: gunshow and Charleston. (PS, you may want to arm your Civilians so they can fight the cartel) So same basic rules as slinging coffee at Starbucks, only with slightly higher stakes if somebody doesn't buy your fake smile. Mexico is suing US gun makers, arguing that millions of American guns have illegally flowed across the border and fueled homicide rates. The federal report also concluded that of 2,921 traced guns, 1,470, or 50 percent, were from Texas. A recent report reveals 60 percent of all confiscated weapons in Mexico are seized in the three states of Tamaulipas, Guerrero, and Jalisco, with 7 out of 10 weapons confiscated coming from the United States. Even ballistic helmets were seen in use. Mexico: 18 bodies found after suspected drug cartel gun battle The bullet-ridden bodies of 18 men were discovered in Zacatecas state after apparent confrontation between suspected. leaks of official weaponry bought by the Mexican military. They want the firearms only in the hands they want so that they can execute their plan. See I figured they were big fans of German guns, going back to that huge illegal arms contract HK won for the cartels awhile back. A gold plated pistol and jewelry, allegedly seized from Manuel Alquisires Garcia, aka "El Meme," sit on display during his presentation to the press of in Mexico City, Monday Sept. 12, 2011. This, by the way, is the Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle: It costs between $8,000 and $10,000, and it can literally put a bullet through most light tanks. He likes tacos. Did they buy ammo? Those Ma Dueces & full auto Norinco Type 56 carbines arent coming from America, duh], In addition to weapons from the States working better, Mexico cartels view firearms as status symbols, retired DEA agent Jack Riley told The San Diego Union-Tribune: It is really important to these criminal organizations, who stay in business by the threat of violence and through the use of violence; and the tools that they prefer to do that with are American-made guns. [whats the status symbol aspect have to do with anything? The Mexican government estimates that more than half a million guns are smuggled from the U.S. each year, arming Mexico's deadly cartel wars. How does the cartel feel about branded accessories? After his arrest, Diaz told agents with Homeland Security Investigations he was paid $5,000 upfront to smuggle "fierros," Spanish for "iron," which he understood to be guns,across the border. Holder and Obama spoiled the Mexican Cartels by sending them all those quality US made weapons while they ran the show in Washington. The Insider: Reggie Yates - Episode 2: Mexican Army: War Against Powerful and Violent Drug Cartels | Crime DocumentaryThe Insider: Reggie Yates - Episode 1: . No secret, everyone knew it, too. Moodys says these cities may see prices drop up to 10%. Officials in Mexicowhich has just one gun store and issues fewer than 50 gun permits ayearblame lax U.S. gun laws and the prevalence of gun shops in Americafor the bulk of weapons that allow cartels to flourish. "It's a horrible epidemic, but it . "Operation Wide Receiver" was a subset of the overall project, centered around Arizona. In summer, a command intercepted a dozen tourists after being mistaken for members of a rival cartel. (Hollie McKay/Fox News) Moreover, a total of 28,741 recovered weapons . After paying the piso and traveling throughCoahuila, Diaz still wouldhave faced a 14-hour drive south toMichoacn. And how many bad guys did they get? Diaz, who lived in Union Gap, a three-hour drive fromSeattle,tried to cross the border northwest of LaredoonInternational Bridge 2 on May 5, 2020. Or perhaps Newsweek went out of print before the Fast and Furious story broke. Many interesting behind-the-scenes bits have happened during the 20 years of telling tales about our favorite trailer-park residents, Bobs never bought Christmas seals he told me he wouldnt know what to feed them, Below you, an entire other world operates. Are ticket costs pricing Houston Astros fans out of Opening Day? How in the hell can any society withstand such incredible violence and not crumble? From 2006 to 2013, the program expanded until it exploded into the stupidly named "Fast And Furious" scandal.