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And that's what I thought I was. By submitting the form, you acknowledged that you are or over 18 years old and you will follow local policies and laws. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ASSHOLE, Still doing around a pack and a half. And thus the circle goes around and around. The best one was the last. How to Beat Addictive Thought Patterns During Nicotine Withdrawal, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, fiery determination and indefinite patience, Dynamics of smoking cessation and health-related quality of life among Canadians. Did you ever try "holding in" once in a while your cravings so the next cigarette you smoke feels better? Do you feel like you have lost part of your innocence since you started smoking? I started smoking at the age of 13, very intense, with 5-7 cigarettes a day. Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. My granny is a sexy woman of 53 yo. Perhaps it was.I quit smoking on June 12. It was almost an unspoken code between us; I don't talk about your habit and you don't talk about mine. It is as if my entire life was deliberately built around cigarettes. All rights reserved. I'm loving every second of it, I can see myself slowly becoming a full time smoker. So once, I remember it was on a Saturdaymorning, she gave me my first puff. And about a week later she caught me but she told me she knew I was smoking . I thought since I love him so much I shouldn't subject him to it and therefore, secrecy was a necessity - out of love, of course. If you want to email me a good address to use is - all my love P. Full flavor cork filter 100s Marlboro or Winston. I did. And I'm kind of worried that I'm going to keep smoking more, because I enjoy them so much. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. I had been keeping the habit a secret from most of my family. Anyway I started smoking socially again as that was the only way I could handle him smoking, I know that many people on here will think I am off my rocker and maybe I am a bit weird but for some reason while I was with him and I was smoking too I could tolerate the disgusting habit. But, I don't know, I found the buzz kind of fun. I thought smoking away from my hubby was a sacrifice I was making (see how nice I am? He does not know how I cry myself to sleep for being such a horrible wife. She tried her aunty's cigarettes and turned into a smoker. Anyway i couldn't get used to them and was going to throw them away when my wife said she would try one. How is it like to get your nicotine fix while being given the utmost pleasure by your boyfrfiend? I want to do this so badly! A combination of police officers, motivational speakers, and teachers passed out flyers, coloring packets, and fun activities that revolved around the prevention of smoking in adolescents, and the teaching started when I was in elementary school. I was obnoxiously crabby if he got up in the morning before I could sneak a cigarette and shower before he woke up. The duty free cigarettes were gone in less than 2 weeks, so we set a date, the end of the month, which was 3 weeks away that that was when we would both quit. We love when women change or do things to feed our fetishes. My husband wasn't a smoker when we met. He's smart, thoughtful, kind, and sexy - I love him. Meet Amanda B. Amanda started smoking in 5th grade, and by the time she was 13 years old, she smoked every day. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. I felt naughty and sexy, and he kept telling me how sexy I looked. He's gained weight and doesn't cycle much these days either. You could tell she was a full blown chimney woman who completely loved heavy cigarette smoking. Me 23F and my bf 24M both have a smoking fetish, we love to fuck and smoke, I find it so hot, Me 23F and my bf 24M both have a smoking fetish, we love to fuck and smoke, I find it so hot . It's a FIVE year old post you dick head. The first 5 or so years of smoking is FANTASTIC. Was it because of your boyfriend? My story is the same. Life has been a bit crazy. Here's a little story from a guy who reads this blog, his name is Rick, so I thought I would share it. When she's not smoking a cigarette she's craving one cause she has an uneasy feeling every moment she's without her cigarettes. So I took one out and started smoking it and from that day on I have smoked them . She also got a really fun loving, who gives a fuck attitude. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. I entered "smoking is great. I didn't hesitate in letting her have one which, over the evening, became a couple more. I decided to do it. She says "What's one more bad habit ? I am now 44. She is young, pretty and so sexy. About a month later she texted me and said she was going to buy a pack. She ate up the attention and I saw the window open, telling her she should get them longer and either the same polish or, yes, red, and that I'd even pay for them. What the fuck is wrong with you stupid cunts that bring these old post back to life again?. Like one sweet young woman I saw come out on her break and immediately she starts puffing away on this long strong cigarette and blowing these huge exhales of thick rich cigarette smoke. Do you sometimes miss the days when you did not need to "start your day chaining a few cigarettes"? And she lit up a cigarette for us to share. I smoke about a pack a day now. When I talk about quitting smoking: Category One is often supportive, but a little disappointed they won't be able to bum off me anymore when I'm drunk. Hi filling our lungs as much smoke we can, Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. Either I am very good at hiding this or he really doesn't want to know, because it has to be obvious, doesn't it? That made me suggest "We should get these done at the salon..Longer would be hot on you", and she took the offer. I promissed myself to become such a beautifull woman. Do you remember the woman you were in 2017, and did smoking really change anything about her? I smoke when I'm full. About 15 months ago, I started seeing a new guy. I never saw it the way I just described it until the last few weeks. He is a bit of a fitness fanatic. I could see her from where I was working, she stood out in the cold before going into the office puffing away on a Marlboro Red full flavor cork filter 100 cigarette. The next day she was sitting in the garden in front of her house. I asked my mother for help. skinny and exercise every day but still not physically fit, Rejected from uni and feeling kind of down. I watch her and get extremely hard. Nice storyits a pleasure to be able to guide someone to the pleasures of becoming a smoker. At one point, everyone in the house smoked. Read our. I asked everyone I could think of for advice. People who fucking love cigarettes from the moment they started. Well, how long can you last without having your first cravings? Thinking of your relationship with smoking as a toxic relationship can help you see just how manipulative nicotine isit plays tricks on the body and mind, convincing us that we need it to feel pleasure. I don't want to burden my family with the cost and pain of a debilitating smoking-related disease (like my father).. It just feels awesome! I love being a smoker. Do not try to inhale. I love popping lots of thick rich smoke rings. What will the next one be, I wonder? This became a revelation of who I have become, the kind of wife and mother I have been. It's a FIVE year old post you dick head. I do this every time I travel for work. my story of how i started smoking. ha ha), but now I see it for what it really was - a way to prevent him from having an opinion about it. I really like my sense of identity as a smoker and the way I look with a burning cigarette between my lips. About 15 months ago, I started seeing a new guy. I love having my girl sexually smoke for me. If you like me after reading this, that is wonderful. I recently married the most amazing man in the whole world, "Jeremy." We connect, communicate, understand and love everything about each other. I was kind of freaked at first. With no pesky, lingering smoke to give away my . I am always running to the store for everyone foranyreason, in order to sneak to the gas station and buy cigarettes, and then smoke in peace for a few minutes. I was dating an ok woman, not gorgeous but attractive, who was so into me that one mention that I liked long, polished nails sent her to the manicurist to get tips and polish put on. Utterly selfish and devoted to my addiction. It was better to never let the subject come up at all. Did smoking change your personality by making you more confident or more sexy? I realize now that my reasons for smoking at that age have twisted themselves into reasons why I was still smoking 16 years later. I noticed that, slowly, as time went on, I was pouring more and more drinks at home - one weak drink for me that I would sip on all night and one or more strong drinks for him. My life is sooo ******* sad, ask me anything. I still love him to bits and would love to get back together with him, but whenever I see him light one of those cancer sticks my heart sinks, I feel sick and I could actually cry and he has even said to me that 'you would be more forgiving if I cheated on you', I probably would be more forgiving for that to be honest. Kick him to the curb. "Being quarantined is a great opportunity. I have done a lot of rotten things during my relationship with nicotine, things that are shameful, things I can't take back. He'd . Do you feel like you are some mature, classy, sexy lady whenever you smoke? Once I started college, I wasn't pretending to like the bitter taste anymore. My mom, sister, and I moved to the east coast from California, and I started smoking a couple of months after that. Nicole Kidman reveals she started smoking to fully transform into the character of Lucille Ball | Daily Mail Online Nicole Kidman, 54, reveals she started smoking to transform into actress. I began when I was 13 and smoke a pack and a half a day of Benson and Hedges. She said that our kids' number one fear is us dying. I'm loving every second of it, I can see myself slowly becoming a full time smoker. I sat in on a Maggie Dent conference once - Maggie is a child developmental lord who basically teaches you how to understand your children's brains in a way that gives you so much more compassion for their behaviour. I thought I really lucked out. Big wow from me. @youlovemil. Tired of putting the things to your mouth. Suddenly, it became clear to me and I made the biggest decision in my life. I'll smoke anytime and anywhere. Abstract. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By then, I really enjoyed the deep inhales, pulling the smoke down into my lungs. Practice makes perfect, so you have a more textured awareness of what is unfolding. I would rub them on my fingers and chew on one. Its not even that he likes to watch me smoke, we get turned on by the thought of me wanting to harm myself. How did you go from just enjoying your first inhales and dizzy sensation to craving it and needing a smoke every hour? Copyright 20052023 I'm both prisoner and jailer because I'm the only one who holds the key to let me out. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. And nothing better than a smoking b******* when she smokes a 120. It annoyed me at first, and I never thought I would try, so I began trying to smoke a little less, but he eventually. Life has been a bit crazy. Give her 20 minutes and it wears off, she becomes completely broken anxious nervous and irritable where the only thing to fix her is to once again pop a ciggie poo in her face latch on suck like a vacum then blow smoke like the wind cause her cigarettes are her best friend. I wouldn't like to quit, I think I would feel like I had lost something very dear to me. I met a guy last year (we're not together anymore) we fell in love and he tried very hard to make me stop smoking. Anonymous She wears leather gloves, boots, lingerie I would only smoke a few each night, but as the weeks went by, I could see it was going up. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? Women smokers experience more complications of pregnancy, including miscarriage, problems with the placenta and premature delivery. He wasn't asking me to really smoke, just pretend with unlit cigarettes.So I did that a couple of times, and he seemed to enjoy it. I was smoking between 1 and 2 packs each day (the larger number on weekends and holidays). Her long strong cigarettes are everything she wants and needs, she takes huge drags blows a lot of smoke and can often be seen with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. I too am so adicted to way i smoke very proud of my smoking needs attentive the way i watch other women smoke it just turns me on so much cant help myself erom smoking 2to3 packs a day and trying to smoke a carton ps do i qualify as to be a smoker love from a smoker smoke em babyyyyyyyyyyyy smoke them beyond the filter dont ever exhail, Thats honest smoking im opening to feel sexy im addicted. So I kept smoking. i got her to try and she is now a smoker like me. She allowed me to smoke openly since that day . Outside of our adventures ahe rarely smokes My next door neighbor seduced her other neighbor, a guy who was into bicycling and was a verbally obvious anti-smoker, to start smoking with her (it's a long story). I am just beginning to realize what life with me must have been like for my family --constantly distracted, spending most of my time scurrying around, making sure they are settled, catering to their every whim because if they are involved in something else, I could go outside, thinking thatsurely they wouldn't look for me if their every need was met? In a short time she was smoking a pack a day then a pack and a half and in 2 years time she got up to smoking up to two packs of Marlboro Red full flavor 100s a day. the fact that he literally got canceled for smoking a blunt is insane . I read the articles about smoking cessation at I am becoming a heavy smoker. We've know each other for quite a while but only just started dating about 6 months ago. Most women will do anything to please their men. Was also with an on again, off again gf (one of those women you just can't shake in your life), and she'd do her nails gold or sometimes white. I am 42M and she is 23F. And as my husband slowly starts to smoke more and more, he doesn't seem to worry about quitting either. Does becoming a smoker make you feel desired more often? Sometimes she does it while blowing me, riding me, and other times I do it from behind slowly and pause while she inhales and exhales. Anyhow, I inhaled too much and coughed liked a bitch. I realize now that my reasons for smoking at that age have twisted themselves into reasons why I was still smoking 16 years later. That is when my life changed for ever . It becomes so ingrained in the lives of those who smoke, that people come to believe they can't live without it. I am tired of keeping secrets, I am tired of pushing people away, I am tired of being ashamed, and I am tired of being sorry. at the local hotel a few towns over about once or I only mentioned it one night at a bar we were sitting at, and within 3 days, she had hot, sexy, almost 3", dark burgundy nails for me. For the last few years, I spent all the energy I had planning my smoking around my husband. I've thought how could anyone love smoking cigarettes (Marlboro full flavor 100s) more than me. Picked her up, took her to a different salon, and got her nails done more than 2" (I wanted them longer) and a sexy, dark blue that looked black. Smoking together on a place where people could see us. If I think about that too much, I have to smoke more to calm down. Everything is just right for her when she's having a cigarette. She smokes a lot, maybe 1.5 packs a day. I'm even more scared about telling my parents. I have started smoking about seven times. At first she tried to tell me not too but the next day I was eating breakfast when she came home and to my surprise she slid her case over to me and said it was OK. I got my frist puff from my granny. I had smoked half a pack in half a day! What's it like to become a full-time smoker? I feel like I am waking up out of some kind of fog. It happened so slowly and I see that my mind was playing all sorts of tricks on me. It is incredibly hot and sexy for me