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Academic Search Complete. This is done through the use of motivational appeals, rhetorical devices, and expressing to the audience a purpose. Web. These struggles cause full time assistance and usual doctor visits. The reason why Gehrig was doing so bad and why his body was failing him was because he had Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). In his speech Gehrig says, Who wouldnt consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Cavicke, Dana, and Patrick J. OLeary. 3 (2007): 1251. Besides the use of pathos, King uses repetition to enhance the effectiveness of his argument. Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech is a powerful and emotional address that was delivered This event proved to be a difficult subject for many Americans especially since King became a very influential figure. htm&. It is even more flabbergasting to imagine that Gehrig knew that his death was soon, yet he had the courage and humility to go upon this podium and speak about how lucky and blessed his life has been. Words 336. Group Rhetorical Essay Assignment Activity (50 Point AA), Easy to extract files (Zip files see below), English Grade 11 and 12 Honors/AP Language Test Prep Practice. Lou Gehrig Speech Analysis 332 Words2 Pages The speaker that I have chosen for my G.A.S review would be Lou Gehrig's farewell address for the baseball committee. Being a sports enthusiast, a memorable speech comes to my mind. He begins his speech by saying, Fans, for the past two weeks you have This is part of a bundle pack which contains full-unit materials over the rhetorical triangle. Of all the players in baseball history, none possessed as much talent and humility as Lou Gehrig. On the outside, having ALS seems like a terrible curse; however, Gehrig states the opposite, and resolutely maintains a positive attitude. Due to the rapidly changing America, in his farewell address, Ronald Reagan expresses the need for unification of America, and Americas culture. Lou Gehrig was the only son of two hardworking German immigrants. Lou Gehrig was a professional baseball player with the New York Yankees from 1923 to1939 and delivered one of the most unforgettable speeches. Lou Gehrig's speech, Farewell to Baseball Address, delivers an emotional punch to the gut as he explains about how lucky he is to have had a wonderful life with some amazing people. Gehrig firmly used ethos and pathos to state his case. Rhetorical Analysis Unit with Sticky Notes, Ethos, Pathos, Logos: Understanding Rhetorical Appeals, 50 Argumentative Essay Prompts for Secondary ELA, My Favorite Speeches for Rhetorical Analysis, 15 of the Best Questions for Teaching Literary Analysis. Gehrig's use of pathos is further enhanced by his delivery, Another important rhetorical device that Gehrig employs in his Farewell Speech is, logos, or the appeal to reason and logic. This shows that he is thankful for his parents for investing in his life and making him became s famous legend in baseball history. Lou Gehrigs disease); Lou Gehrig would never play baseball again. On July 4, 1939, at the Yankee Stadium a man conveyed a standout amongst the most moving and powerful addresses. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis affects the brain and spinal cord nerve cells. People across the nation looked up to this man, before his Luckiest Man speech, because they wanted to possess similar qualities as him. Dont Lou thanks his wife, coaches, teammates, and even in-laws for the love and strength that they have showed to Lou through the bad break that he got. At the podium, Gehrig took advantage of the opportunity in front of him, and he delivered a speech which still resonates with many people today. He was giving a very powerful speech that included metaphors, rhetoric devices, and SOAPS. The Presidents loss of emotions creates an assuring tone that, Rhetorical Analysis Of Lou Gehrig's Speech, Imagine how devastating it would be to be unable to play the sport you love because of an illness. On April 4, 1968 Robert F. Kennedy began his political campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in Indiana. I plan to do my rhetorical analysis on this very speech. Gehrig delivers this speech on a day of celebration towards him while coming to terms with this new diagnosis. In the second paragraph, Gehrig uses repetition and the phrase sure, Im lucky to express how blessed he feels that he has had the opportunity to associate himself with certain men throughout his career. gratitude. Evaluate a(b(n)) for a(b) = 3b and b(n) = 2n - 5 when n = 5. This man was Lou Gehrig and he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which was later given the nickname, Lou Gehrigs Disease. In this optimistic speech, Lou Gehrig describes how living with a deadly disease can still be enjoyable so that he can display, Throughout the course of American history, there have been copious amounts of famous speeches, spoken by many different people. These individuals include Stephen Hawking, Jim Hunter, Steve Gleason, George Yardley. Always regarded as one who could pull through anything, Gehrig finally made it clear through this speech that battling this disease was going to be the hardest battle yet and it would prevent him continuing to do what he loved which was play baseball. Lou Gehrigs Death. Not only was Jackie impactful in the game of baseball, but he was a Jewish icon, in the U.S. Military, and played a huge role in Civil Rights Movements. Lou Gehrig is looking on the positive . To start off John F. Kennedy was giving his speech during the inauguration, talking to the citizens of America. It is more than obvious that MLK tends to tug at the heartstrings of his listeners with his emotionally charged language essential to his success. In spite of Gehrig's hardships all through life he stayed devoted to baseball, faithful to his fans, Despite his recent diagnosis with ALS, a neurological disorder with no cure, Lou Gehrig is able to maintain a positive and inspirational tone through his use of positive diction in order to stop his fans from pitying him because he still has so much to live for. In June 1939, Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS which is when the condition started becoming known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Therefore, he was no longer able to play baseball, a sport in which he played 2,130 consecutive games. Though this guidance is not often followed, Washington had good reasons for giving it. The man that was known to everyone as the Pride of the Yankees, on this very day, showed how courageous he was by giving a passionate speech to his fans that was filled with sarcasm, emotion, and pride. I think that trying to find a connection to the current day situation of ALS would be an interesting twist on what others have said about the speech. He went further into stating that no one can judge effort nor see it displayed on film because everyday people have to bring it. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) Rhetorical Analysis Of Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech, Professional baseball player, Lou Gehrig, in his speech, "Farewell to Baseball Address," sheds light on his baseball career and why it was coming to an abrupt end. Ethos Logos Pathos Appeals In this heartfelt speech, Lou Gehrig expresses his gratitude for all of the positive things that have occured in his life, despite his recent diagnosis of ALS, in order to convey that he is still lucky even though he is now unable to play baseball. George Herman Ruth was an important figure in 1920s American history because he gave millions of people hope during the Great Depression, saved baseball from the Black Sox Scandal, and he became known as the best player in Baseball American history. 9 Apr. Each one of us can leave a mark in this world and that is all conducted by effort. Lou Gehrig is considered one of the most under-rated sports players of all time. Gehrig was diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (a.k.a. That was what happened to the legendary Lou Gehrig. The body of Lou Gehrigs speech is arranged based on two main tactics. Teaching rhetorical analysis is one of my absolute favorite units to complete with my students. Lou Gehrig was one of the best baseball players to ever play the game. Gehrig appeals to pathos, ethos and uses repetition in order to thank the fans and convince the public that he is not to be pitied. After establishing that he will do whatever is necessary to protect the rights of the students and connects with the Arkansas people by addressing the fact that his decision wasnt based on his personal beliefs, Eisenhower shifts his focus to validating the citizens feelings of anger and feeling slighted. I think that analyzing this contrast will be very interesting. Gehrig was elected to the Hall of Fame that December. He stressed the importance of national unity. Gehrig played baseball for the New York Yankees from 1923 to 1939 (Biography). 24 May 2012. He is addressing the crowd gathered for the Home Plate ceremony at the Yankee's stadium. Introduction a. Hook: Quote from ESPN article about Gehrig speech: ESPN staff writer Steve Wulf shares the background of Yankee great Lou Gehrig's funeral, where "his Episcopal priest said there would be no eulogy: 'We need none because we all knew him'" (Wulf). This statement is an example of logos, as it uses logical and scientific language to explain the, reasons for Gehrig's retirement. For example on Babe Ruths 60th home run (when he broke the record) he hit a home run on the very last pitch. He was substantially more gifted on the baseball field as opposed to conveying speeches. American Rhetoric: Lou Gehrig Farewell to Baseball Address. His father, Heinrich, often had trouble finding work and had poor health. I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for.". Graduateway.com is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd Lou Gehrig was able to write a successful rhetorically effective speech. Lou Gehrig used pathos and repetition to encourage and thank all the fans and spectators that have supported him throughout his career. Fifteen days later on July 4th, 1939 Lou Gehrig flew to Yankee stadium in New York and gave his famous, Farewell to Baseball speech. Please use the Rhetorical Analysis: Writing Tools & Tips'' to help you before you begin writing. Cross), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Give Me Liberty! Football Increases The Risk For Lou Gehrigs Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. That's why fifteen days after his diagnosis Gehrig was standing at home plate in Yankee stadium telling all baseball fans of his retirement due to illness. Robert Kennedy, putting his political aspirations aside, advises the Indianapolis African-American audience not to retaliate to Martin Luther King, Jr.s assassination with violence, but with prayer, understanding, and love as Martin Luther King, Jr. taught. Some people are great athletes; others are great humanitarians, but Roberto Clemente combined both characteristics in one, dynamic package. She knew about his career over in Oakland and how he was an average player so she wasnt the biggest, Diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig (Under the yankees baseball organization) continued on to deliver one of the most famous speeches in sports history, and aimed himself towards his fans and family. The main point of the speech was for people to remember the great legacy he had and his life. Imagine a young boy and his father going to the New York Yankees ballpark on a warm sunny day. Study Resources. Who knew that with so called, Americas Pastime, he would play such a huge role and make such an outstanding impact on this great nation. getting worse. Lou Gehrig Speech Analysis Imagine a young boy and his father going to the New York Yankees ballpark on a warm sunny day. Pathos is also established in the introduction of his speech when Pausch is explaining his cancer and how he only has months to live, which is easy for many people to relate to considering there are numerous people who have received the news that their loved one has a short period of time to. Name __Mathias Schaffhausen_____ Period 6th_____ Directions: Use Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech to complete the rhetorical analysis charts below. Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus Many key elements contributed to the emotional appeal of Gehrigs speech; first, he was finally addressing the reason why he was retiring from baseball, which was because of a life threatening disease known as ALS. More than that, however, he is remembered for his kind heart and winning attitude. My present condition is due to hard work, and that condition is not a bad one. A man who had played baseball all his life had been told that he will slowly start to die within the next few years. The main rhetorical element that Gehrig utilizes throughout his speech is pathos. It sets a very powerful and emotional tone for the audience because during the speech. Registration number: 419361 One of these legends was a man named Babe Ruth, a home-run hitter with a total of 714 home-runs during his career(1). Athletes Prone to Lou Gehrigs Disease. never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. This statement is Barry Bonds, a former African American player, said he wouldnt have had even the slightest bit of courage if it werent for Jackie Robinsons amazing legacy. Lou, however spends the entire speech articulating the blessings that he has had throughout his life. Rather, the Farewell Address is a Presidential tradition, started by George Washington, that every president takes part in before leaving office. In addition to shocking the country, Washingtons Farewell Address set a precedent for presidents to come. And like The Gettysburg Address, it is short. Lou Gehrigs play that season started to declined though due to his concern for his mother while she was in surgery. Although not the main star gehrig pushed himself to be one of the greats and on of the most well respected men in the MLB in his quote "Let's face it.