South Kitsap School District Salary Schedule, Articles W

If they aren't? Maintain full control of the vehicle when driving on icy surfaces. Since there is no way the bridge can trap heat; the bridge temperature will drop fast, and the bridge will freeze shortly after the surrounding air temperature hits the freezing point. You should turn the retarder off whenever the road is wet, icy, or snow covered. Avoid speeding. Avoid slamming on the brakes because your car has no traction. Step 3: Once you've swerved clear of the deer, steer back into your lane. Our goal is to educate the public about their legal rights. happens when water remains between the tires. Release the parking brake only when you have applied enough engine power to keep from rolling back. However, the act of God provisions may absolve them from liability. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. So, now you know the road is most slippery during the first 10 to 20 minutes after the first drop of rain falls. . Watch your tachometer, and shift up when your engine reaches the top of the range. c. Loose fuel connections Slippery roads are dangerous to drivers, so it is essential to follow these safety tips. d. a half-hour break for coffee will do more to keep you alert than half-hour nap, Which of these statements about drugs is true? c. use of drugs can lead to accidents and/or arrest Decreases the distance that you look ahead of your vehicle. This is when many road surfaces are most slippery because moisture mixes with oil and dust that has not been washed away. However, Noah drove 60 km per hour, exceeding the suggested limit. C Watch for break lights from slowing vehicles. d. Radial and bias-ply tires can be used together on the same vehicle. When driving in rain the road becomes the most slippery? Many roads have lane markings that tell when you cannot see far enough to pass. Roads and walkways can become slippery at any time of the year with ice, snow, rain, or even heavy dew. b. never do it without down shifting first You must park on the side of a level. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Find out what's right for the vehicle you will operate. As a result, the normal heat and friction created is decreased, leading to a surface that is more slippery than when dry. is a group of online professionals with extensive experience in the personal injury industry. Soft tissue injuries include scrapes, cuts, and damaged cartilage. d. all the above, Which fires can you use water to put out? Whats The Difference Between Dutch And French Braids? Only when the vehicle does not require placards. Answer (1 of 9): Things you can do before you get on the road: 1. A speed that is appropriate for pavement is too fast for mud. You can almost always turn to miss an obstacle more quickly than you can stop. What is hardest to see at night when driving? C Backing toward the right side is very dangerous because you can't see as well. What should you not do if your vehicle starts skidding? Regularly check on them before leaving your house. A) Within 250 feet of the vehicle B) Within 500 feet behind the vehicle . You should never drive _____, you should avoid sudden steering and braking, and you should always signal your intention to turn or change lanes. Wiki User. b. steer to the right a. If you are driving on an icy or slippery road and have to stop: A. Slow down, remain a safe distance. However, the 57-year-old driver died from his injuries. Which of these is a good thing to do in this situation? When roads are slippery, you should: A Stop and test the traction while going up hills. Back injuries cover paralysis, ruptured discs, and nerve damage. Step 2: Turn the steering wheel with both hands. The 12 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents. What distractions can increase your driving risk? Cruise control is a great way to get from point A to point B with minimal effort. b. designed to prevent damage to vehicles Brake hard to avoid hitting it. 10-12 seconds On the freeway, maintain a 3 second following distance. b. Under-inflated tires Which of these is a good thing to do in this situation? All of the above. 2 When it rains the road is most slippery within the first? What is hardest to see at night when driving? Follow the manufacturers instructions to ensure your tires are in good condition. On a slippery road, you must adjust your driving speed to fit conditions. d. unbuckle your safetly belt before impact so you will not be trapped inside your vehicle. It then increases the chances of losing control over their cars. It is very important to use this braking effect when going down grades. This is especially true in the morning hours, when the cold winter sun hasnt had time to warm up the pavement yet. You should never be driving faster than 45mph in any vehicle when roads are icy not even on highways! Impact injuries happen when a persons body connects with a blunt object, such as a window or dashboard. When driving on a slippery road you should not use? Pull over and wait for the rain to subside, or until visibility is restored. Schedule trips for hours that you are normally asleep c. involves locking the wheels for short periods of time 6. c. the vehicle does not require placards Steering in the opposite direction from what other drivers expect you to do. The Insurance Information Institute (III) reported that wind and slippery surfaces caused 1,138 traffic deaths in 2020. 2. d. all the above, On which fires can you use the "ABC" fire extinguisher? Which of these best describes how you should use the brake pedal on a steep down hill grade? B. Where should you place the three reflective triangles? Retarders keep you from skidding when the road is slippery. What should you do when the road is slippery? Step 1: Maintain . Question and answer. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. With pavement anywhere from 140-160 it will begin to get soft. Correct: 4 or more seconds. 1 Answer. d. all the above, As the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) goes up, what happens? On packed snow you should cut your speed in half. The road you are driving on becomes very slippery due to glare ice. There is an area of low topography southwest of Yellowstone National Park. Your speed, certain road conditions, and tire tread are some factors that contribute to hydroplaning. After an accident, some people may avoid leaving the house and attending events because of the emotional distress they experienced. Two sharp turns. . Use Engine Speed (rpm). 2. Drivers are legally responsible for employing reasonable care while on the road. What is the first thing you should do if your brakes fail? In the legal sense, damages refer to the compensation for loss of injury caused by another persons fault or negligence. What are retarders on a commercial vehicle? a. This is when many road surfaces are most slippery because moisture mixes with oil and dust that has not been washed away. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Retarders serve to slow vehicles, or maintain a steady speed while traveling down a hill, and help prevent the vehicle from running away by accelerating down the hill. What happens if you try to open a file for writing, but the file or device is write protected (sometimes called read-only)? In other words, what are x(0)x(0)x(0) and x()x(\infty)x() ? When driving in rain, the road becomes the most slippery right after it starts to rain. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. If you back and turn toward the driver's side, you can watch the rear of your vehicle by looking out the side window. What should you do if your vehicle skids? If the road is slippery or wet, adjust your distance to _____. Overbraking: Braking too hard and locking up the wheels. Leaving the road is always more risky than hitting another vehicle. Unlike dry roads, where you can see the area where you are driving, wet pavements tend to conceal these blockages. D. The low topography southwest of Yellowstone formed when North America moved over a hot spot. On a wet road, you should reduce your speed by about 1/3; On packed snow, you should reduce your speed by about 1/2; When the road is slippery, it will take longer to stop and it will be harder to turn without skidding. a. if the wheels are skiding you can not control the vehicle You must drive slower to be able to stop in the same distance as on a dry road. The strong pull reduces the tires grip, which has already decreased due to slippery roads. Downshift to low range (labeled as 1) in case of automatic transmission and low gear in manual transmission. Remember to do the following if your vehicle skids: Aside from the reduced friction due to icy roads, there are several reasons why slippery roadways are dangerous. Keep driving, if you can safely continue. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Score 1. Overpasses, including bridges, freeze faster than roads because they have no insulation. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You can reset the test and retake it as needed. Question. Slow down and shift down to a speed that you can control without using the brakes hard. b. use your brake lights to warn drivers behind you Before Starting Down a Hill. 7 Tips for Seeing Clearly While Driving at Night. a. not enough weight on the front side Apply brakes in a normal manner. Pavement can become very slippery within the first 10 to 15 minutes of a rainstorm because the rain causes oil in the asphalt to rise to the surface of the road. Submerged roads make it almost impossible for drivers to prevent hydroplaning. Drive 20 to 25 mph under the speed limit; . We are an information center and not an attorney or a law firm. Turn the steering wheel gently in the direction you want to go. Study the driver's manual for your vehicle and learn the operating rpm range. Become antifragile | T. . You should have full control of the vehicle at all times when driving on slippery roads and the cruise control has been known to cause vehicles to lose control and even hydroplane. To prevent skidding on slippery surfaces, you should: A. They remove snow, raindrops, and frost to provide good visibility. To reduce the risk of skidding, you should avoid fast turns or stops. A Sometimes it is hard to know if the road is slippery. 3. Some vehicles have retarders. Retarders help slow a vehicle, reducing the need for using your brakes. b. brake hard as you leave the road C. Turn on your headlights and windshield wipers. Which of these can cause fire? Explanation. What is the first thing you should do when making an off road recovery? It is when the tires lose their grip on the road due to standing water. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. When the road is slippery you should: Avoid making fast turns and fast stops. Most automobile safety experts agree that hydroplaning is most likely to occur at speeds greater than thirty-five miles per hour. The same gear you would use to climb the hill. Q: Retarders keep you from skidding when the road is slippery. In this example, all elements of negligence were present. c. is only a problem if the vehicle is overloaded a. a four-inch diamond-shaped hazardous materials label on the container When the road is slippery, you should keep much more space in front of your vehicle. 4. d. whenever you become sleepy, Which of these statements about staying alert to drive is true? a. Loads that consist of liquids in bulk do not cause handling problems because they are usually very heavy 2016-12-14 03:41:16. . Which of these would tell you that a shipment contains hazardous materials? b. Amphetamines ( "pep pills" or "bennies" ) can be used to help the driver stay alert