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You people are all shit out of luck. Jordan Belfort: [Naomi slaps Jordan and he slaps her back]. Why don't you do me a favor. Naomi Lapaglia: This Martin Scorsese hit film stars Leonardo Dicaprio, Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie in lead roles. Pop off to the bathroom, work one out any time you can. Fugayzi, fugazi. with updates on movies, TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes podcast and more. What are you, a fucking owl? it's partly due to dicaprio. Nicholas the Butler: Babe, I spoke to the lawyers again today. Jordan Belfort: It was obscene, in the normal world. Right, exactly. Naomi Lapaglia: Champagne. It wasn't even a choice. Jordan Belfort: [reacting to market crash] Mmm, baby. It turned out the British weren't too different from the Swiss. GET OFF THE PHONE! Jordan Belfort: I'm talking about this. Donnie Azoff: What are you, a fuckin owl? Naomi Lapaglia, Oh my God! The Wolf of Wall Street streaming: where to watch online? Act as if you have unmatched confidence and then people will surely have confidence in you. Pop off to the bathroom, work one out any time you can. Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, you're gonna be pulling up at a red light, in your beat-up old fucking Pinto, and that person's gonna be pulling up right alongside you in their brand new Porsche. Now that I'm under federal indictment with an electronic bracelet around my ankle, now you decide you don't fucking love me anymore. You be telephone fucking terrorists! Jordan Belfort: No, I'm not fucking letting you near my kids! 101 Marianne Williamson Quotes That Will Enlighten You, 50 The Alchemist Quotes To Make You Follow Your Dreams, 195 Best Cobra Kai Quotes (Seasons 1 5), 70 Attack On Titan Quotes That Will Inspire Greatness, Your email address will not be published. Why why why god, why would you be so cruel as to choose a chain of fucking hibachi restaurants to take me down! Act as if you have unmatched experience and then people will follow your advice. I don't drink anymore. Donnie Azoff: [to Jordan after the incident] And eviscerate your enemies. Trained professionals to guide you through the financial wilderness. Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: And if anyone here thinks I'm superficial or materialistic, go get a job at fucking McDonald's, 'cause that's where you fucking belong! Honestly, I'm not bullshitting here, this is one of the nicest boats that I've ever been on. It took 90 minutes for these fuckers to kick in but once they did, *pow. Donnie, this isn't this isn't funny, you gotta untie me, buddy. I can't go down there, Jordan. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Donnie Azoff: But it wasn't a poisonous silence. BOOK I, inside the restaurant young Strattonites carried on their time-honored tradition of acting like packs of untamed wolves., [Aunt] Patricia smiled, and we walked in silence for a while. Look, I know you're not following what I'm saying anyway, right? I felt horrible. That's right, I forgot. Okay? Say hi to Rocco and Rocco! The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Quotes Showing all 117 items Jordan Belfort : Let me tell you something. Go to a trading floor on Wall street. Power. If you have persistence, you will come out ahead of most people. They're bald - they're bald from the eyebrows down. Yet Jordan Belfort: I got a couple of mil' comin' in like a week. And I choose rich every fuckin' time. Jordan Belfort: Are you behind on your credit card bills? Jordan Belfort: a depend on what exactly? Naomi Lapaglia: You probably had to pay them in cash with your hands! There is no such thing as bad publicity. A New York stockbroker refuses to cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, corporate banking world and mob infiltration. The year I turned 26, I made 49 million dollars, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week. Jordan Belfort, You see money doesnt just buy you a better life, better food, better cars, better women, it makes you actually a better person. Donnie Azoff: Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stock-broker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government. An I.P.O. Not only is it motivating but the dialogues are hilarious, the acting is excellent and the cameo by Matthew McConaughey always makes me laugh. Oh come on, baby. Theyre not buying shit. Alden Kupferberg, Who? Jordan Belfort: Brad: Huh? Yeah. Who's Venice? Naomi Lapaglia: If you agree to the divorce right now, I will allow visitation. Alden Kupferberg: The Matthew McConaughey's Wolf Of Wall Street chant soon became of the most iconic parts of the movie and is right up there in popularity with the actor's own " Alright, alright, alright " from Dazed And Confused. Captain Ted Beecham: 4. So It's Wolf of Wall Street, But for Learning How to Pick Up Girls Stevie Emerson 1.22M subscribers 1.6M views 2 years ago WATCH BLOOPERS FOR EVERY VIDEO. Bang, bang, bang. I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day. Mark Hanna, Implosions are ugly. I'm sure every person has this; it's just that my monologue is particularly loud. Donnie Azoff: What a greek tragedy! Because if I do decide to cooperate I might only looking at four short years. Jordan Belfort: Good. Jordan Belfort: There could be. You can't even buy them anymore. Jordan Belfort: Naomi Lapaglia: I have a low blood sugar thyroid thing Jordan Belfort: You understand? Donnie Azoff: The Cerebral Palsy phase. Naomi Lapaglia: And you brought in all the sides Tell him about the sides. Beni fucking hanna!. Jordan Belfort: Funny, self-referential, and irreverent to a fault. You know, just people say shit. Look! Like, we grew up together, and she grew up hot, you know, she fucking grew up hot. Their fathers are douchebags, just like their fathers before them. I was hooked in seconds. Im not like, gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! [holding his child] Naomi Lapaglia: That's who you're gonna be sitting next to! Jordan Belfort: You're not fucking taking my children you vicious fucking cunt, you! Let me know in the comments and please share this post to help and inspire others. The Wolf of Wall Street: Directed by Martin Scorsese. And in the case of Aerotyne, based on every technical factor out there, John, we are looking at a grand slam home run. You know? Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, youre gonna be pulling up at a red light, in your beat-up old fucking Pinto, and that persons gonna be pulling up right alongside you in their brand new Porsche. Get away from the window! Last month you were a wine connoisseur, and now youre an aspiring landscape architect, Isnt that right? Jordan Belfort, You got my money taped to your tits, honey. I'm not ashamed to admit it. All you have to do today is pick up that phone and speak the words that I have taught you. Mark Hanna: Are you sure? Naomi Lapaglia: I got you. You're gonna miss it! I'm not like, gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? He didn't mean any of it. Stop that sweetie, please? I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day. Turn around! No? Donnie Azoff: After 15 years in storage, the lemmons had developed a delayed fuse. The 3 keys to success in Straight Line Persuasion. I'm constantly weighing everything in my mind and trying to predict how my actions will influence events. Risk is what keeps us young, isn't it, darling? I haven't made love to you in so long. And you wanna know what I was just thinking too? You had to deal with the Golf Course people too! Once in the morning, right after I work out. Jordan Belfort : [to the waiter] Oh, I'm good with water for now. He must have thought we were still at the Hamptons this weekend, you know. Quotes By Jordan Belfort. You were, like, screaming at people. Am I crazy? Like a loaded M16 without a trained marine to pull the trigger. Jordan Belfort, My killers, my killers who will not take No for an answer. Alden Kupferberg: I'm sure we'll be seeing each other real soon. Postmedia Network Inc. | 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4 | 416-383-2300. Its a place for killers. Fucking whore. Welcome back. That'd scare the shit out of me, buddy. I do it cause I fuckin' need to. Across the Verrazano's Bridge. On my Dad's side. It's not fucking real. It had nothing to fucking do with me. Drama, Now let's knock this motherfucker out of the park! Don't fucking dare throw that fucking water at me. It'll keep you sharp between the ears. Jordan Belfort: I just came. Mark Hanna: The Wolf of Wall Street may be an entertaining film based on a true story, but it places too much emphasis on style over substance and fails to become anything more than a compilation of short memoirs from Jordan Belfort's life. Cinemark Jordan Belfort: And actually do some work besides swiping my fucking credit card all day, huh? Then were gonna need some tranq darts, a pair a handcuffs, a can of Mace Wigwam, I dont think youre cut out for this job. There is no such thing as bad publicity. And who're you gonna be sitting next to? Sides? I mean, we had similar interests and shit. My name is Jordan Belfort. You got a minute? Next came the NASDAQs, who were one step down from the Blue Chips. You wanna fuck me, Jordan? Naomi Lapaglia: Everyone wants to get rich. Keep talking, you fucking piece of shit! Good for you, little man. Jordan Belfort: Im gonna let you in on a little secret about these telephones. WHY, GOD? Money. Is he fucking crazy? Let me tell you something else. Is he is he wearing a bowtie? The movie depicts Jordan Belforts reckless adventures from his rise to a wealthy stockbroker to his seduction and free-fall into corruption, drug abuse, excess and ultimately imprisonment. Stratton Oakmont Commercial: Jordy, look what you've got here. Guys with sales experience. Naomi Lapaglia: [Dangles the fish from the bowl by its tail and swallows it]. There's no such thing as an Amish Buddhist. Rugrat gets busted down in Miami, and guess who happens to be with him? She's the best. I can't close this briefcase. What I'm asking, you Swiss dick, is are you going to fuck me over? I'm gonna have Heidi lick some caviar off my balls in the meantime. How are you doing today? Stratton Broker in a Bowtie: Hey, everybody, listen up! Your hair looks good. I'm sober for two years, stopped my drugs, settled down with my wife and kids, and then this happens! Max Belfort: They were priced between three and five hundred dollars and made you wear a condom unless you gave them a hefty tip, which I always did. Mark Hanna: Ok, you're going to want to raise those numbers. Donnie Azoff: And from now on, it's gonna be nothing but short, short skirts around the house. What's he doing? Here's a list of a few of the best lines from the movie: I want you to deal with Your problems by . Hold on baby. Chester Ming, the depraved China man, thought jujitsu was in Israel. Jordan Belfort: All right, get the fuck off my boat. Leah Belfort: Good luck on that subway ride home to your miserable, ugly fucking wives. [to Naomi] Jordan Belfort: You had to deal with the gold course people, too! Jordan Belfort: My fucking warriors, who will not hang up the phone till their client either buys. If you have 60 seconds, I'd like to share the idea with you. Jordan Belfort: It's like playing a game of chess with your own life. Jordan Belfort: Wouldn't you like to learn how to sell it? Is it Wednesday already? It's just stupid. But it gets even better, baby. Jordan Belfort: I want to. You're never gonna see the kids again! Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or if you're Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. How the fuck else are you supposed to do this job? Naomi Lapaglia: It is a cutting edge high-tech firm out of the Midwest, awaiting imminent patent approval on the next generation of radar detectors that have both huge military and civilian applications. Brad, show them how it's done. Donnie Azoff: Thank you for your vote of confidence and welcome to the Investor's Center. Go at it. I don't even know. He's a Boy Scout! Jordan Belfort: Teresa Petrillo: And they're all shaved too. The world of investing can be a jungle. God damn it! Jordan Belfort: Hi, fellas! Jordan Belfort: Me, I jack it 12-15 times a week. I got you, baby. They all want something for nothing. Jordan Belfort, Still, give them to me young, hungry, and stupid. There were four right here. Companies these people know. Last month you were a wine connoisseur, now you're an aspiring landscape architect. Whether America plans to invade Switzerland in the upcoming months. Donnie Azoff: Brad: Is your landlord ready to evict you? They even had an accounting term for it: It was called T and E, which stood for Travel and Entertainment. Jordan Belfort: Pride. I have some really, really great news. 40 Alfred Adler Quotes That Will Make You Reflect. Jordan Belfort: Donnie Azoff: The Wolf Of Wall Street tells the story of Jordan Belfort, a drug-fueled, ambitious hustler at wall street. Really, really great. This is Captain Ted Beecham aboard the yacht Naomi! If you did it long enough, he was certain to piss right back at you. I don't even know who Venice is. I'm going to hell, Jordan! Donnie Azoff: the Terms and Policies, and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. fucking digits. Can't imagine ever not enjoying getting fucked up. Mark Hanna: You cleaning your fishbowl? Jordan Belfort: Wouldn't you like to know how to sell it? Naomi Lapaglia: Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Benihana Beni-fucking-hana? Patrick Denham: You show me a pay stub for $72,000, I quit my job right now and work for you. [when asked who is Captain Ahab] Jordan Belfort: Her name was Pam and to her credit, she did have this amazing technique with this wild twisting jerk motion. I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich! Jordan Belfort, I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich! Jordan Belfort, If anyone over here thinks Im superficial or materialistic, go get a job at McDonalds because thats where you belong. Jordan Belfort, But before you depart this room full of winners, I want you to take a good look at the person next to you. When you do something, you might fail. Your profit on a mere $6,000 investment could be upwards of $60,000! 15 Outrageous Scenes In Martin Scorsese's 'Wolf Of Wall Street' We Can't Wait To See. Naomi Lapaglia: Patrick Denham: The movie also features the "One of Us" chant, which is a reference to the 1930s horror movie Freaks. Mark Hanna: It's three feet of water down there. Pick up the phone and start dialing! Jordan Belfort: Yeah, there's something a little bit different about his eyes. The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort 34,928 ratings, 3.73 average rating, 2,462 reviews Open Preview The Wolf of Wall Street Quotes Showing 1-27 of 27 "Act as if! There was this one time I was selling pot to this Amish dude. Cunt, cock, asshole." Where were they doing it, sweetheart? I can get you beer if you want fuckin' beer. BENI-FUCKING-HANA? If youre into films about money, sales, success and that rags to riches story then it is all of that with a bunch of crazy, obscene and extreme all thrown in. After they left I checked the apartment. Right? Say hi! I don't care whose birthday it is. it should simply be a lesson learned about the world of the stock broker because it's not possible to empathise with his character as everything he does it so vile. Jordan Belfort: Its not on the elemental chart. Act as if you're a wealthy man, rich already, and then you'll surely become rich. Then look no further. That's why we at Stratton Oakmont pride ourselves on being the best. They were everywhere! Coming Soon. That is fucked up! [to the waiter] Let me lock in that trade right now and get back to you with my secretary with an exact confirmation. Chester Ming: The nice thing about being rescued by Italians is that they feed you, make you drink red wine, then you get to dance. Jordan Belfort: I love you so much. Okay? and the Because, at least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of the limo, wearing a $2000 suit and a $40,000 gold fuckin' watch. Jordan Belfort: Naomi Lapaglia: I mean, I don't want to get personal or anything, but are they okay? Jordan Belfort: I put the money on that fucking table, not you! You're gonna knock whose fucking teeth in? Donnie and I were going out on our own. I'm sure. Plot - Jordan Belfort earns by day thousands of dollars per minute, money that he squanders by night at the same velocity in drugs, sex and travels around the world. Come on, baby. Jordy, one of these days the chickens are gonna come home to roost. Chantalle: That spoke volumes, didnt it?, The three of us exchanged glances but said nothing. I don't have jack-shit. Daddy's really sorry about what he said in the other room. Oh my God! Jordan Belfort: You were on the floor rollin' around and shit. Like, we grew up together, and she grew up hot, you know, she fucking grew up hot. Does it even matter to you that I just had that driving range sodded with Bermuda grass, Jordan, and now you fucking wrecked it! Three days later, I filed for a divorce and moved Naomi into the apartment. His eyes seem to be a little bit odd, don't they? Naomi Lapaglia: Robbie Feinberg ('Pinhead'): There's no nobility in poverty. Jordan Belfort: Baby, it gets worse. It had nothing to fucking do with me! Patrick Denham: But thats not because youre a failure. Without you, theyre just worthless hunks of plastic. No, no, this can be explained. [dubious] We are going down! Jordan Belfort: [bursting into laughter] Jordan Belfort: It's actually an utterly entertaining and hilarious joy ride. Now as the firm taking the company public, we set the initial sales price then sold those shares right back to our friends. Jordan Belfort: Why? Pick up the phone and start dialing! The name of the company, Aerotyne International. Come on. Naomi Lapaglia: They're wrapped in sheets. That was so fucking great. You look like a kid, and Wall Streets no place for kids. Funny, self-referential, and irreverent to a fault, The Wolf of Wall Street finds Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio at their most infectiously dynamic. On new issue day? Jordan Belfort: "Fuck this, shit that. In fact, she's decided to throw them all away. Let us know whats wrong with this preview of, Act as if! Who the fuck has the goddamn gall to call this house on a Tuesday night? You know what I mean? Once he was an ice cream vendor and now Jordan is the head of a stockbroker office: he's greedy, he loves power and all forms of excess. I want to. You're a father now, Jordan. Oh, my God. Max Belfort: But we have to pretend we know. Mark Hanna, The name of the game, moving the money from the clients pocket to your pocket. Mark Hanna, Always keep the client on the Ferris wheel. Jordan Belfort: So you listen to me and you listen well. Jean? But, you drink enough and you drink a lot and it'll get you fucked up? If you sell $10,000 worth of this stock, I will personally give you a blowjob for free. Yeah. Back in the 1990s, Belfort ran. It will save us both a lot of money and I got a feeling you're gonna need it. Hold on! Tell me. Jordan Belfort: You're a sick man! Exactly. No one's gonna fucking die! Enjoy! It's never landed. Jordan Belfort: You know what? Naomi Lapaglia: I can't untie you! John: Pick up the phone and start dialing! So I was a little surprised you asked Christie for my number. Jordan Belfort: Jordan Belfort: I fucked up! Mommy, have you ever noticed anything odd about Mr. But there's a big chance, right? So I was sellin' them shit, but the way I looked at it, the money was better off in my pocket. [narration] [hears a phone] Just give me a second. When we arrived to prison, I was absolutely terrified. It's like a non-alcoholic beer. Does your girlfriend think you're a fucking worthless loser? Did you just try to kiss me, bro? The Wolf of Wall Street is a memoir by a former stockbroker and trader Jordan Belfort, first published in September 2007. Asking specific questions to gather intelligence and to understand the customers needs. Jordan Belfort: Good, pick up the phone and start dialing! In 2013 it was adapted into a movie by the same name. Wed love your help. In London. Oh, hey! Wakes up on plane; finds he is restrained by a seatbelt across his chest, picks up the phone, then calmly, in a transatlantic accent, Sees a young broker cleaning his fishbowl, Pretends to walk away, but suddenly turns back, Dangles the fish from the bowl by its tail and swallows it. Let me get that right. [voice over] You know those guys who got like the beard with, like, no mustache or some bullshit? Okay, great. Well, he got depressed and killed himself about three years later. Good. It's called cocaine. I'm the Founder of and I truly appreciate you taking the time to read my posts and being apart of the Succeed Feed community. Jordan Belfort: A Long Island mansion featured in Martin Scorsese's 2013 film "Wolf of Wall Street" is listed for $10 million. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. Naomi Lapaglia: Refresh and try again. But we were making more money than we knew what do with. Coming Soon, Regal I do it cause I fuckin' need to. Give me a kiss, sweetheart. My killers, my killers who will not take no for an answer. Jordan Belfort: Which is why you should pick up 5000 shares .