2. The parties may suggest persons, organizations or governmental units that should be requested to participate. The City Administrator may establish any additional conditions deemed necessary to ensure land use compatibility and to minimize potential adverse impacts on nearby uses, including, but not limited to, time and frequency of operation, temporary arrangements for parking and traffic circulation, requirements for screening/buffering, and guarantees for site restoration and cleanup following the temporary use. CONSTRUCTION SALES AND SERVICES. (g) If a subdivider is unable to meet the standards set out in subsections (d) and (e) above, resort may be had to one or more of the following alternatives: (1) Dedication by the subdivider of a unique area of natural beauty or an area possessing unique natural features or biologically valuable qualities; (2) The combination of two or more required dedications to form a single, viable park area; (3) Land dedication that would expand existing parks or recreation facilities; and/or. Notice of suspension or revocation of a variance or special use permit shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the permit holder of the variance or special use permit. F. Promote awareness and implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for purposes of water quality and land conservation. The multifamily district is intended to allow smaller and more financially-accessible dwelling units than the SF districts. The BOAs jurisdiction extends to and includes the following final actions: 1. The nature of the permitted uses and scale of buildings are intended to blend with adjacent and nearby properties without causing adverse visual or environmental impacts. Amending Plat. Renewable Resource. Liberty Hill is part of the Greater Austin Area. No such extension shall be granted unless fiscal surety, as set forth above, has been provided by the landowner or developer covering the extended period of time. 2. Side yard setbacks are measured from the side lot line with no vertical obstructions within the setback. Provision of a gross site area as well-designed and appropriately improved open space. I. Cluster Development. There must be a rough proportionality between the traffic impacts created by a new development and requirements placed on the property owner or applicant for new development to dedicate and improve off-site, abutting and internal street rights-of-way to City standards. The City of Liberty Hill has issued a $10 million wastewater treatment facility bond that will allow a major expansion and improvements to be made at The South Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant over the next several years. SUBDIVISION-RELATED APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS, DEVELOPMENT-RELATED APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS, Building Permit (Signs and Utility Permits Only). City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards Approval Criteria. SHOPPING CENTER OR MALL. Property Lines. Efficient movement is the primary function of arterial roads; hence private access and frontage should be controlled and limited to high-volume generators of vehicle trips. Such extension may be granted at any time prior to or within the twelve (12) months preceding the expiration date, but the extension period may not begin later than the original expiration date. 201. Absolute majority. Williamson County has established criteria for review and approval for an on-site wastewater permit application. COMMUNITY RECREATION. The following regulations shall apply to all applications. If the City Council finds, on the basis of substantial competent evidence, that the applicant has failed to comply with the terms of the Consent Agreement, the Consent Agreement may be revoked or modified by the City Council after a public hearing which has been noticed by publication, and for which written notice has been expressly provided to the Applicant. Downtown Commercial/Retail (C2). A. If the City Council determines there is a failure to comply with any term, condition, or requirement made a condition of the variance or special use permit, the City Council may revoke the variance or special use permit or take such action as it considers necessary to ensure compliance. The requirement for assessment of and improvements to the transportation network applies to existing and future transportation networks associated with land development activities, within the City limits and within the Citys extraterritorial jurisdiction. Standards for the placement and anchoring of manufactured housing apply in this district. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be sent by the City through U.S. mail to owners of record of real property within 200 feet of the parcel under consideration and within the City Limits of Liberty Hill, as determined by the most recent tax rolls from the Williamson Central Appraisal District. E. A nonconforming use shall not be extended or rebuilt in case of obsolescence or total destruction by fire or other cause. D. Additional information as may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission in order to determine compliance with this Code. The City Council may, from time to time, adopt by resolution specific forms and submission requirements. This section applies to general compliance issues related to development within the City of Liberty Hill. Lot Coverage. F. Copy of approved TxDoT Driveway permit, if applicable. 2. Only the same like, or better quality material as that being replaced shall be used as a face on or in the abandoned sign. The scoping meeting may occur during any required preapplication conference, but may also be scheduled after an initial preapplication meeting. All applications shall be completed and submitted to the City Administrator in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Manual. Outparcel. The date of issue of the building permit for any development, including new construction and substantial improvements, provided that the actual start of the construction or improvement was within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of permit issuance. Mobile Home Park.. Any site, lot, parcel, or tract of land that is improved, used, or intended for the accommodation of mobile homes that are used for living purposes. A finding that the proposed development is consistent with the Master Plan and the relevant provisions of this Chapter; viii. If the Comprehensive Plan is amended, the Code should also be amended if found to be necessary or advisable by the Planning and Zoning Commission. C. The City Administrator is responsible for final action. Abandoned Vehicle. Planning provides support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and other advisory committees by providing public information, reviews, recommendations, and preparation of reports. A sign relating to: a political party, the election of a person to public office, or a matter to be voted upon at an election called by a public body. Material which that [sic] is capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of individuals. Notification of the expiration of regulations shall be provided to the applicant as part of the notification of approval of the development-related permit. This Section shall apply to all Nonconforming Signs. B. to meet the open space requirements of the Ordinance Code [sic]; to provide a well site, to provide a sewerage disposal parcel,) or a tract of land that may meet zoning requirements for area, width, depth, etc., but is not intended for development due to environmental constraints, density restrictions or other legal encumbrances. A sign may be erected, placed, established, painted, created, or maintained in the City only in conformance with the standards, procedures, exemptions, and other requirements of the Section. Ownership is not a factor in this type of unit, and may be either rental or condominium. Both parties will equally share any costs associated with the alternative dispute resolution process, unless they agree otherwise in writing. Portable Sign. E. Procedures for City Council review and action will be developed and adopted by the Council when appropriate. Lot Width. 4. The act of exploring for or recovering stone, soil, peat, sand, gravel, limestone, coal, granite or other mineral resources from the ground for sale or for use off the property where it is recovered; it does not include removal of loose, surface stone, excavation related solely to agricultural activities or preparation of individual building sites. The standards also serve to implement selected goals and policies identified in the City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan. If the accessory building is two hundred (200) square feet or less in area and eight (8) feet or less in height, then it shall be set back a minimum of three (3) feet from the property line. Recommendations regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments may be by [sic] made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. All City officials and employees with the responsibility or authority to issue a permit, certificate or license are prohibited from issuing a permit or license for any use, building, or purpose that conflicts with any provision of this Code. Ingress/Egress Sign. As used herein, utility shall include, but not be limited to, electric, gas, or telephone companies and water and sanitation districts. The applicant shall present sufficient evidence and have the burden to justify a reversal of the action being appealed. These documents shall clearly indicate the location of all improvements including the location of above-and-below ground utilities. The Commission discussed the recent submittals of requests for qualification for the City of Liberty Hill's new . A historic district includes all property within its boundaries, and may overlay any zoning district. All new roadways shall be built in accordance with any the Transportation Plan Element of the City of Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan, the Citys thoroughfare plan as may be adopted by the City Council, and any TxDot standards that may apply. Gross Site Area. The subdividers professional engineer certifying the plans is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the documents and the soundness of the designs as submitted for review and actual construction. A project developed pursuant to a subdivision or site plan, proposed to be developed in sections. The regulations and restrictions of the Board of Adjustment (BOA) for the City of Liberty Hill will be pursuant to the provisions of applicable statutory requirements of the State of Texas. In reliance upon properly issued permits or approvals the applicant made substantial financial commitments or assumed substantial financial obligations within the purview of the activities authorized by said permit or approvals; and, 2. Vehicle. Duplex. (h) When an area is required to be dedicated, the city may require a cash payment in lieu of dedication or parkland. A. F. Public/Community Facility (P). Base Flood (Elevation)(BFE). If greater than fifty (50) percent and less than the total, the City Council, may grant a permit for repair after public hearing and having due regard for the property rights of the persons affected when considered in the light of the public welfare and the character of the area surrounding the designated nonconforming use and of the conservation and preservation of property. A. The City Administrator may waive the requirement for installations of a bench mark for subdivisions smaller than 50 acres when at least two benchmarks are located within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision boundaries. Any permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building or extending from a facade, along and projecting beyond the wall of the building, generally designed and constructed to provide protection from the weather. A street which, in addition to providing access to properties abutting thereon, carries traffic to an activity center or higher classification street. This includes a sign that uses traveling lights, traveling lighted messages, or flashing lights. Typical uses include stockyards and animal sales in auction yards. F. Approval Criteria. The use of a site for three or more dwelling units, within one or more buildings. See Section 6.11 [6.13] of this Code for lighting standards. Dwelling. The complaint shall also include a description of the property on which the violation occurred and the names and addresses of the parties involved. Repair of automobiles[,] noncommercial trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, recreational vehicles, or boats, including the sale, installation, and servicing of equipment and parts. CONDOMINIUM RESIDENTIAL. These signs may not be posted earlier than three days before and must be removed within one day after the sale; 7. June. A library, museum, or similarly registered nonprofit organizational use displaying, preserving, and exhibiting objects of community and cultural interest. 2. Compliance with any additional site plan approval criteria required under Chapter 5 [6] of this Code, or any additional approval criteria for overlay districts, or any site plan approval criteria adopted as part of a neighborhood or special area plan. Texas Department of Transportation, TCEQ. (TECQ). Liberty, South Carolina, is a city of 3,200 people, located in Pickens County in the northwestern corner of the state. It shall be unlawful for any person to perform any work on the site pursuant to the site plan unless and until a new application for site plan approval has been filed and processed in accordance with the provisions of this Code and the City Council grants approval of a new final site plan that remedies the violations of the original site plan. Consideration of development or permit applications shall be sequenced so that when an approval occurs, it will provide any requisite requirement for a subsequent related approval. Any street, avenue, boulevard, highway, sidewalk, alley, drain, or similar place which that [sic] is owned or controlled by a governmental entity. Submission requirements for the final plat will be developed by the City Administrator. Any sign located or proposed to be located at any place, if otherwise permitted by this subchapter, within the property boundaries for the business or other activity identified on such sign.