The four intralingual translations into Danish are the following in chronological order: A family picture Bible from 1973[7] (236 words), A picture Bible for very small children from 1991[8] (158 words), The Danish authorised version from 1992 (88 words), The New Testament in everyday Danish from 1985/2002[9] (89 words). In the practical and especially the didactic world, a too narrow definition of the field only sets an artificial boundary for translators and the jobs they see themselves as able to carry out. Unlike the other versions, the New Testament in everyday Danish has a preface in which the translators explain their strategy: You cannot blindly translate from source language to target language without disturbing the original meaning. The changes made centre around the difference in time between the two versions and the aim is to make a traditional, close translation/version gently brought up to date to make it more accessible to contemporary readers. The Economist, Nov. 23, 2010). Words are untranslateable because [they] do not exist in a flat, alphabetised dictionary style list, but rather in a richly structured taxonomy of meaning. An assistant who is asked to rewrite a report, make it more complex, insert expert terms, etc. Maria og Josef gav ham navnet Jesus, sdan som englen havde sagt de skulle. The content has remained constant both denotatively and connotatively. The target group is adults who find the authorised version too difficult or stilted. The parameter of culture refers to the need to explain cultural references in a text which time or general background knowledge prevent the target group from understanding even though the languages involved are the same; this is the case in the everyday version and in the childrens versions. However, I have never seen a detailed, empirically-based attempt to describe the general characteristics of intralingual translation and the strategies employed or compare it with interlingual translation. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Examples and Observations Intralingual translation - translation within the same language, which can involve rewording or paraphrase; Interlingual translation - translation from one language to another, and. The disturbances mentioned are under these two condition such as: interlingual interference (also known as transfer between languages) and intralingual interference (also known as transfer in one. Here the source text can be described in words and then 'translated' into an image or visual narrative that may release a similar message as the original words while also creating new meanings and associations. The translation may be purely intralingual and solely rely on a former version in the same language or the source text may consist of both a former version and the original text (as is the case with the 1948 and 1992 authorised versions, for instance), thus involving intralingual as well as interlingual translation[12]. Three levels of translation: intralingual. To further probe that assumption it is helpful to look at other types of translation that also involve transfer of meaning, though not between two different languages, as in translation proper, but within the same language (intralingual translation) and between different media or sign systems (intersemiotic translation). I *play the internet. Practically all information has been transferred, but the order of the information has been changed in quite a few instances and pictures have been added. If we accept that translation can only be accounted for in a meaningful way if we treat it as a cluster concept, it does not make sense to attempt a too finite description. That is, strategies applied within interlingual translation today in accordance with the skopos of the translation brief (e.g., a certain amount of restructuring or reduction) may 20 years ago have been considered unacceptable and beyond the tools available to translation proper. Newmarks definition (1999) is very narrow indeed; it includes only translation proper and strongly relies on the much criticised concept of equivalence (Snell-Hornby 1988; Zethsen 2004). If we know more about differences as well as similarities, the insights provided by both fields would be more useful. (PDF) INTRALINGUAL TRANSLATION AS A MEANS OF INTERGENERATIONAL COMMUNICATION: A LINGUISTIC APPROACH INTRALINGUAL TRANSLATION AS A MEANS OF INTERGENERATIONAL COMMUNICATION: A LINGUISTIC. It is largely used in film, theatre and the visual arts but also in image design and advertising. ), but the hypothesis will not be explored further in this article. However, it is not a mere linguistic transfer. Throughout the article the discussion will rely on an open definition of translation which reflects the many-faceted nature of the activity. The Source Text Postulate, The Transfer Postulate and the Relationship Postulate (Toury 1995: 33-35). Intuitively even laymen would know what a translation is and would probably define it in a way which corresponds to the prototypical translation proper in Jakobsons terminology. Nordquist, Richard. This strategy is clearly reflected in the translation. For example, any modern rendition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales had to be translated from Middle English (provided it is not a translation of a translation). Once Jakobsons seminal text with its very broad philosophical and hermeneutic definition of translation has served its purpose of defining translation, authors quickly move on to the field of translation proper, or to the restricted area of translation proper which has their particular interest. .." (Lawrence Venuti, The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation. In order to simplify, the text may also be heavily paraphrased or restructured. The analyses on which this article is based were carried out on a limited number of texts and the characteristics found cannot necessarily be generalised to all kinds of intralingual translation. Dans le prsent article, nous soutenons que la traduction intralinguale doit faire partie intgrante de la traductologie en raison de ses multiples similarits avec la traduction interlinguale. 3099067 titre de comparaison, il est propos une description gnrale de la traduction interlinguale et de ses caractristiques sur la base de cinq versions danoises diffrentes dune mme section de la Bible et dune analyse des micro-stratgies loeuvre dans chacune de ces versions. Les similarits aussi bien que les diffrences entre reformulation et traduction proprement dite seront discutes, la conclusion tant que les diffrences entre traductions intralinguale et interlinguale semblent tre une question de degr plus que de nature. Nothing has been added and nothing has been paraphrased. There he was, warm and comfortable like his mother in the stall. some kind of relevant similarity exists between the source and the target texts. On the basis of these insights, I attempted to set up an alternative definition of translation which is able to contain a wide range of translational phenomena, including that of intralingual translation, but which is still narrow enough to be meaningful to the field of translation studies. Interlingual translation - translating verbal signs into other signs of a different language. We have seen that descriptions of translation claim that meaning can be carried across between languages, however dressed up or repackaged it is, and we have begun to question the assumption that meaning remains unchanged during this process. Translation studies is engaged in the academic study of translation and it is therefore common that works on translation devote chapters or paragraphs to a definition of translation as a concept. Arguing against the classical theory of categorisation, which involves shared properties as conditions for category membership, strictly objective conditions for category membership and clear boundaries between categories, i.e., no borderline cases (in logic the specification of necessary and/or sufficient conditions is used to determine category membership, to provide precise definitions), Wittgenstein introduced the very pragmatic and empirically-based (that is, not on formal logic) open concept of family resemblances (also called the cluster concept) and argued that this is what unites the category of game, for instance (Wittgenstein 1953/1958: section 66-67). We do have classifications such as Jakobsons, which alert us to the possibility of such things as intersemiotic and intralingual translation, but we do not make any genuine use of such classifications in our research. Accessibility Statement. for at lade sig indskrive tillige med Maria, sin trolovede, som var frugtsommelig. Intralingual vs. Interlingual translaiton - a comparative analysis of strategies in text production In translation studies, a distinction can be made between interlingual translation and intralingual translation, depending on whether translation occurs between two languages or in one language. This is evident, for instance, when looking at the everyday Danish version and the childrens versions and is presumably the driving force in the majority of intralingual translations. The authorised versions in Danish which have been produced through the times are translated from Greek (New Testament) and Hebrew (Old Testament), but the translators quite naturally consult translations into e.g. It also seems that the strategy of simplification is driven by one of the four parameters knowledge (e.g., layman words and expressions and simple active syntax substituted for expert terms and complex syntax, whereas syntactical changes in interlingual translation are often called for on the basis of structural differences between two languages), time (e.g., contemporary words and expressions and syntax substituted for obsolete words, expressions and syntax), culture (e.g., American words, expressions and syntax substituted for British words, expressions and syntax) or space (e.g., superfluous text omitted or explanatory text added) and that it takes many forms. (Jakobson, Citation1959:233) Thus, translation, together with interlingual translation and inter-semiotic translation, has formed a semiotic system which can interpret all human activities and productions, however noble or humble, static or dynamic. Examples An example of Interlingual Translation would be the Bible. Based on her intralingual translation Eileen Chang later translated this book into English which was unearthed among her papers at the University of Southern California, where she moved to from Shanghai since 1956. This suggests that generally the difference in strategies between intralingual and interlingual translation is a question of degree and motivation rather than kind. Close attention has been paid to the authorised version, no major additions or paraphrasing have taken place, though some explicitation has been made (objective additions). In the English-speaking world the authoritative version is the King James Bible from 1611 (basically unrevised from that date if spelling and punctuation is discounted, see Nicolson 2003/2004) and in Denmark the first authorised version of the New Testament translated from Greek came in 1907 though the most influential work in Danish Bible translation is the resen-svanningske translation from 1647 on which the authorised version is based (Jeppesen 1990: 18) (the 1907 authorised version has since been revised in 1948[4] and 1992[5]). However, in intralingual translation two codes are also involved; not the codes of national languages, but of different genres or target groups. These separate definitions do of course not mean that both types cannot be at play in the same text or instance of translation an element of intralingual translation may well be part of the skopos of an interlingual translation (see examples in Zethsen forthcoming). Cookies at Vi erkender derfor vort ansvar i den redaktionelle bearbejdning af grundteksten Oversaettelsen er sledes en fri oversaettelse, ikke en ord-for-ord oversaettelse, ej heller en parafrase.. We believe learning should be an enjoyable, social experience, so our courses offer the opportunity to discuss what youre learning with others as you go, helping you make fresh discoveries and form new ideas. Intralingual translations instigated by the parameter of culture (intercultural translations) could typically be an American version of an English book (as is the case with Harry Potter, for instance, which has been published in a special American edition replacing cultural words like biscuits, football, Mummy, rounders and sherbet lemons with cookies, soccer, Mommy, baseball and lemon drops [Hatim and Munday 2004: 4-5]).