Submission of the traffic control plan shall be as follows: (1)When the applicant anticipates that it will be necessary to close a portion of a lane to vehicular traffic in order to perform the permitted work, the applicant shall submit a traffic control plan with the application. (3)Figures 7, 8, and 9 show two sets of design values. Median openings shall consist of the following: (1)The removal of a portion of median divisor along a divided highway to provide access to and from traffic in both directions will not be permitted unless it is determined that the operating characteristics of the highway system will be improved by such action. (ii)The difference between the cross slope of the roadway and the upward grade of the driveway approach shall not exceed 8.0%. S.R. A driveway normally used by not more than 25 vehicles per day, such as: (A)single family dwellings, duplex houses; or. (iv)Responsibility for compliance with the terms of the permit cannot be assigned or transferred by the permittee without first obtaining approval from the Department after submitting Form M-948, Assignment of Permit or License. (3)Governmental authorities organized under the laws of this Commonwealth. All disturbed slopes or earthen areas shall be restored to their original condition, or in a manner approved by the Department. The permit to own and operate a traffic control device shall be requested by and issued to only the appropriate municipality. (3)Regardless of frontage, a development may be restricted to a single entrance/exit driveway, served by an internal collector road separated from the traveled way. (g)Requesting permit time extension. Access driveways shall be appropriately surfaced with a stabilized material between the traveled way and the right-of-way line unless a higher type material is specified by the permit. (3)Each application for an access driveway within one of these jurisdictions must be accompanied by evidence which indicates that the location and type of access being requested has been reviewed by that municipality or agency. (2)Confiscation of the applicants permit by a police officer or authorized representative of the Department. The permittee shall, when requested by the Department, submit to the district office a certificate or certificates of insurance for public liability and property damage, in form and amount satisfactory to the Department, to cover any loss that may be incurred for or on account of any matter, cause, or thing arising out of the permitted construction. The longitudinal grade of the sidewalk shall not exceed two inches per foot. Median openings shall consist of the following: (1)The removal of a portion of median divisor along a divided highway to provide access to and from traffic in both directions will not be permitted unless it is determined that the operating characteristics of the highway system will be improved by such action. PennDOT Recommended use of AASHTO standards. CurblineA line formed by the face of the existing curb or in its absence the outer edge of the shoulder, along which curbing is or may be located. When required by the permit, a speed change lane of sufficient length and width shall be constructed to allow vehicles to safely decelerate or accelerate when entering or leaving the property. A violation of this chapter or the permit requirements shall constitute grounds for imposition of any or all of the following penalties: (1)Upon receipt of oral or written notice of a violation from the authorized representative of the Department or a police officer whose jurisdiction includes the permitted work area, the permittee shall cease to perform further work in the permitted area except to restore the area to a safe condition. (4)Cost. The fact that the Department of Transportation issued a highway occupancy permit for direct access does not preempt the townships ability to abide by its duly enacted ordinance, which contains safety standards stricter than the Departments. No driveway, local road or drainage facility or structure shall be constructed or altered within State highway right-of-way and no drainage facility of the Department may be altered or connected onto without first obtaining a permit from the Department. When required, auxiliary lanes shall be constructed, at no cost to the Department, in accordance with the Roadway Construction Standards and Form 408. Recommend use of PennDOT standards for state highways. The permit shall be binding upon the permittee, its agents, contractors, successors, and assigns. 67 Pa. Code 441.8 - Driveway design requirements (2) The distance from the edge of pavement of the intersecting highway to the radius of the first permitted driveway shall be a minimum of 20 feet on curbed . (b)Angle of access driveway approach. The provisions of this 441.8 amended November 27, 1981, effective October 17, 1981, 11 Pa. B. This section cited in 67 Pa. Code 212.5 (relating to installation and maintenance responsibilities). (13)Indemnification. (o)Traffic control devices. (5)Lane in front of another property. The Department may require design details which are more stringent than those specified in this chapter to insure the safe and efficient operation of any proposed driveway. Permits will not be issued to contractors of the property owner nor to any person other than the owner of the property. (iv)High volume driveway, see Figure 10. This section cited in 67 Pa. Code 441.3 (relating to permit application procedure); and 67 Pa. Code 441.10 (relating to penalties and enforcement). Read Section 441.7 - General driveway requirements, 67 Pa. Code 441.7, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database . High volume drivewayA driveway used or expected to be used by more than 1500 vehicles per day. EgressThe exit of vehicular traffic from abutting properties to a highway. Recommend 5-15 foot minimum on local roads. (c)Driveways adjacent to intersections. See Figure 3. A driveway normally used by more than 1500 vehicles per day, which often requires traffic signalization, such as: (B)multi-building apartment or office complexes. The area between the edge of the pavement and the right-of-way line shall be kept clear of all buildings, sales exhibits, business signs, vehicles, service equipment and similar items. MLS # PADE2042340 (8)Equipment damaging highway. The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code Chapter (3)Access to a property which abuts two or more intersecting streets or highways may be restricted to only that roadway which can more safely accommodate its traffic. Although driveway opening on to State highway was established prior to promulgation of these regulations, this regulation could be applied retroactively to reasonably limit ingress and egress since property is held subject to valid police power regulations made, and to be made, for the health and comfort of the people. Department of Transportation v. Longo, 510 A.2d 832 (Pa. Cmwlth. Driveways serving properties located adjacent to a highway intersection shall be subject to the following: (1)There shall be a minimum ten foot tangent distance between the intersecting highway radius and the radius of the first permitted driveway. If approved, a supplement may be issued by the district office, authorizing work to continue for an additional six-month period. If the permittee has received oral notice of the violation, written notice shall be sent to the permittee within 10 days of receipt of the oral notice. (2)A listing of these municipalities and local agencies is available from the appropriate district office. (ii)a reference to a standard drawing found in Publication 43 or Publication 90, provided the referenced standard drawing properly depicts the work area and completely addresses the needed traffic control. Easily sign the form with your finger. (iii)Proof that the applicant executed and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in the appropriate county or counties, a covenant running with the land providing that all subsequent purchasers, heirs, assigns or transferees of the property take the property subject to the indemnification in subparagraph (ii), unless released by the Department. DRIVEWAY SIGHT DISTANCE (aka Clear sight distance) The minimum distance that a driver of a vehicle, situated at eye level, 3.5 If the permittee fails to restore the improved area properly, the Department will have the authority to do the work at the expense of the permittee. (iv)All retained suitable material shall be placed or stored outside the improved area, and in such a manner that there will be no interference with the flow of water in any gutter, drain, pipe, culvert, ditch, or waterway. (i)The permittee shall provide and maintain all necessary precautions to prevent injury or damage to persons and property in accordance with instructions furnished by the district office. OFFSET LEGAL SPEED LIMIT MEASURED BY DATE FOR. No statutes or acts will be found at this website. Recommenda ons Review each situation to determine the impact on the environment of altering roadway grades to meet specific standards. g = Percent grade of roadway divided by 100. (3)The driveway will not create a hazard. Drainage control plan for other than minimum use driveways shall be as follows: (1)If it can reasonably be anticipated that there will be an increase in the flow of water onto the highway or into highway drainage facilities as a result of action by the applicant, or that there will be an increase in the flow of water onto the property of some other person as a result of any action authorized by the permit, a drainage control plan shall be submitted with the application. Sight Distance (Corner sight distance) The maximum distance that a driver can see objects such as traffic signs, pavement markings and moving objects. Table 2Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads. g = Percent grade of roadway divided by 100. construction safety and health regulations, 39 Fed. (ii)Applications for driveways which include traffic signal control shall be accompanied by the following additional information: (A)An engineering study in sufficient detail to allow determination of the need for signal control and the adequacy of its design and operation. Driveways serving properties located adjacent to a highway intersection shall be subject to the following: (1) There shall be a minimum ten foot tangent distance between the intersecting highway radius and the radius of the first permitted driveway. The applicant shall pay notary and recording costs including the cost of recording the permit in the County Office of the Recorder of Deeds when required, and the cost of all drainage releases. (c)Where to submit application. (ii)Improvements on private property adjacent to the right-of-way shall be so located that parking, stopping, and maneuvering of vehicles on the right-of-way will not be necessary in order for vehicles or patrons to be served. Electrically powered devices shall consist of the following: (i)When power operated devices, including traffic signals, are required for proper traffic control, a traffic signal permit (Form TE 964) shall be obtained in addition to the occupancy permit. (iv)When the sidewalk is directly against the back of the curb and the sidewalk is at least five feet wide, the curb shall be sloped as shown in Figure 5 of this subsection. The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code PennDOT issues a variety of different Highway Occupancy Permits (HOPs) to property owners, developers, utility companies, municipalities and municipal authorities, and other interested parties who desire access to the state's right-of-way. Table 2Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads. A description of each classification and typical examples of land uses normally associated with each follows: (i)Minimum use driveway, see Figure 7. (d)Property line clearance. Permits will be issued only to the owners of the property. Nothing contained in this chapter is intended to relax existing safety requirements. Driveway Sight Distance Measurements . (i)The driveway approaches shall be installed 1 1/2 inches above the adjacent roadway or the gutter grade to maintain proper drainage.