And so much more at www dot over50sparty dot org dot uk Sorry to say, but I dont think that I am the only female to have to consider these extreme measures. In these cases recovery is likely to take a significant amount of time. I feel that 50s women were trodden all over, I for one have been following this since this campaign started, I think we have been treated disrespectful. For 2022/23 these minimums are: - For employees: 123 a week, 533 a month, 6,396 a year. It is then for the government to decide whether to accept the recommendations. If it is not, the decision will be quashed (overturned so it has no effect) and must then be remade with the Courts judgement in mind. the excess winter elder death rate has remained at amongst the rich nations highest amount, even above pandemic death rates. State Pensionage is currently undergoing a change for both men and women, but this is not the first alteration to take place. Doesnt that set an unhelpful precedent against us? Lets hear a response from Angela Madden, Chair #WaSpi herself. Scotland, Ulster and Wales have free prescriptions for all ages the same. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. I even had a source recently in the DWP leaking to my blog when pensioners were being particularly badly treated by the DWP. Why not allow Angela Madden & the WaSpi Board speak for itself? This includes circumstances where the individual may be affected permanently, or where recovery is likely to take several years, and cases involving an avoidable death. Perhaps youre thinking of a different topic. What the PHSO says completely contradict themselves between one sentence and the next. A north-east MSP has said it is "appalling but sadly not surprising" more than 220,000 women in the UK will have died waiting for pension compensation by the end of this year. Although Waspi campaigners refused to put a figure on how much compensation they expect, they calculate the average women born in the 1950s lost 50,000 in State Pension after the retirement. She was much stronger on the plight of cold pensioners failing to keep warm during the present cost of living crisis and gave some advice on how campaigners could raise issues. It marks a significant victory for the Waspi (Women. Grey Swans is the only campaign that does not keep banging our heads against the brick wall of elected politicians, by seeking to gain moral support for creation of our new Over 50s (saves all ages) party, as would be the sole way once in existence, to gain 35,000 compensation to 1950s ladies and tapered compensation to the 1960s born (turning 60 since 2020), as well as pension age 60 for the 1960s born. The Stage 2 report with its errors will be the basis on which the Ombudsman decides what remedies to recommend, including any compensation. Us non WASPI members have may, like me, never have received acknowledgement letters or update letters from the PHSO. The case itself is formally started with a Claim Form, the Grounds for judicial review which set out the arguments in greater detail (which we will publish as soon as we can) and supporting evidence. All these comments are basically about how much compensation women should get. And other illnesses but I really need help with this one it is a .medical conditions but I cant even afford to pay if I had my pension from60 I could have saved it up .ad you get old the government do not care zandra wenzel, Its about time this matter for us waspi women was sorted out once and for all so many of us women including myself have had to use our savings to survive and we are now wanting the government to address this situation and give us women the compensation we all deserve we have struggled but the government just dont care enough to end this once and for all there are women who have died waiting how much longer do we have to suffer. She told the audience that WASPI was still proceeding with a case with the Parliamentary Ombudsman to get compensation. . Those conclusions and the DWPs response to them were heartening. In its submission to the Ombudsman, the Women All-Party Parliamentary Group suggested they get at least 10,000. Its not just ministers that are not listening to Waspi, its the ombudsman as well, who appears to be following the Govt playbook very closely i.e. This test will tell you, Do you think you're smarter than an 11 year old? The Coalition Government legislated in the Pensions Act 2011 to accelerate the latter part of this timetable, starting in April 2016 when women's SPA was 63 so that it reached 65 in November 2018, at which point it started to rise to 66 by October 2020. The upheaval to their retirement plans has resulted in many having to continue working. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. The state pension has no contract sadly. Labour has done this many times against their own party, with examples in 1931, 1935 and 1983. Tories, no chance! 10,000 pounds would be a quarter of what the government stole from me. sole compensation to 1960s ladies (turning 60 since 2020) As a campaign group, however, we are concerned that current policies are not doing enough to tackle the gender pensions gap. To reach this remarkable conclusion and work out when they should have received their letters, the Ombudsman, But this approach makes no sense. Labour was not awarding us, as it was not in their published manifesto. School boy error. resurrect fully public NHS, "A compensation award of the level sought by Waspi would cost billions," she said, adding it would have to be funded by additional government borrowing, higher taxes or diverting money away. We are deeply grateful to everyone who has donated so far. Some of us were already 58 when the DWP pulled the rug from under us by letting us know far too late that we could not retire and draw a pension at 60 but must instead wait until 66. Campaigners calculate the average women born in the 1950s lost up to 50,000 in State Pension as a result. The Stage 2 report has not even been published. Please also be aware that my anger about you leaking the confidential report from the PHSO is more to do with the fact that you are selectively picking parts of the report to suit what appears to be an anti Waspi agenda. Indeed, looking at paragraphs 290 to 293 of the provisional report, it is quite possible that there will be no financial remedy at all. Many women received no notice at all. We will then have a short opportunity to reply through our lawyers. The aim of the WASPI Campaign is: WASPI calls on the Government to agree fair and fast compensation for all women affected by the lack of notice regarding the State Pension age increases (1995 and 2011 Acts). We have quite a bit of fundraising to go to make issuing WASPIs claim this week practical, but every donation takes us closer to this goal. She said failure to give 1950s women proper notice of the changes to their pension age had disastrous results. I dont even know how this could have been lawful, but never seems to have been picked up in all the ensuing arguements. Two Female Accountants Counting On Calculator Stock Photo Download . DON'T MISS:Prince Harry will be 'haunted' by Jubilee for 'rest of his life'[REVEAL]'Coup de grace' for Brexit deal as legal ruling exposes loophole[LATEST]Nuke threats spooked West into sitting out war[INSIGHT], "Womens plans for retirement at 60 were suddenly overturned without warning. Is she leaving it to others to clean up her mess? giving reasons that are rational based on the evidence and logical; and. This money will go directly to our lawyers to fund our legal challenge to the Ombudsman, protect us against having to pay the Ombudsman's costs and help us to deliver justice to 1950s women. No. Malad PHSO is solely about 1950sWomen BackTo60 is a direct campaign to government of bringing the international law of CEDAW treaty of the rights of women and girls into UK domestic law and the temporary special measure of compensation to the 1950s ladies. Express. Photo: Julien Behal/PA BANKS sold thousands of tracker mortgages to vulture funds - despite having to admit they overcharged on them. Wake up & take note whats staring you in the face and whos leading you in the headlong rush to destruction. 19/12/2022. WASPI and BackTo60 cannot unite, as the complaints are entirely different. Bookmark. Like you born in 1953 and had to wait 5 years for my SP. Its not Angela Maddens mess to clean up. Thank you .. content language. Paid vast amounts of monies for Court sessions etc.but still In June 2021 the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman concluded that errors at DWP amounted to maladministration. As to the numbers that Angela Madden quoted, it sounds like you have simply misheard her or noted it wrongly., ThankYou David for your unswerving support for 50sWomen I will change the reference to 10,000 .I checked my notes of the meeting which records thats Angela mentioned six million people not three million in her introduction when she talked about fair compensation in a one off payment. The Ombudsman service is in desperate need of an enquiry into how it operates and reform. There has to be injustice too. Age 50 back for early works pensions or in full for manual jobs (1970s born onwards). The ombudsman was itself criticised by the campaign group Women Against State Pension Inequality in April 2021 due to delays in delivering its verdict. If an injustice is suffered as a result of maladministration, then it can make recommendations which may include compensation being paid. It seems to me that Angela Madden silence on these reports speak volumes? The Ombudsman has responded and he is unwilling to change his position, at least for now sometimes public authorities have a rethink when the Court gives permission for a judicial review to proceed (see below) and cases are sometimes settled then. - For the self-employed: 129 a week, 560 a month, 6,725 a year. Like you I am in poor health with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, thyroid disorder, glaucoma, asthma, vitiligo and in pain every single day. Tories in 1995, Labour with 2007 pension act, and Lib Dems that brought both laws into existence, to raise pension ages on women from 60 to 66, 67 and 68 today, are the governments who stole our state pension. Available for both RF and RM licensing. The whole thing is flawed. Find out by adding your postcode or visit InYourArea. "Both the High Court and Court of Appeal have supported the actions of the DWP, under successive governments dating back to 1995, and the Supreme Court recently refused the claimants permission to appeal.. If the Ombudsman says the maladministration did lead to injustice, their hopes of a financial settlement will rise sharply. Our Over 50s party is 35,000 compensation to 1950s ladies and 448.12 per week state pension to you Sir, pensioner new and old. The WASPI campaign asks for an immediate one-off compensation payment of between 11,666 and 20,000 to those affected, with the most going to women who were given the shortest notice of the longest increase in their state pension age. We will ask the Ombudsman and the Court to prioritise the case and hopefully it will be heard before the Summer. Paying compensation is the last thing they will do more like bring pension retirement forward so they get more money to pay fir their mistakes . There is no complaint about pension age rise. The Ombudsman himself says it is possible that. My name is Zandra Wenzel I lost 4 anda half years pension and on top of that.i have a illnesses that the what pay for I have to find 450 for treatment to help me I have cancer. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Waspi campaigners were delighted to win a pledge of support from Starmer for their campaign for fair and fast compensation. However I am about to publish the summery of the report in full so people can see all the main points it makes. all the wrong under handed issues that have been swept under the carpet are still haunting us 10,000 is nowhere near what has been stolen from me. Liz Truss Chancellor was talking to the International Monetary Fund in America, when he was sacked. I presume you agreed with the PHSO in keeping the second report secret until next year if you have it officially been given it.I didnt see why 3.8 million women should have to wait while an elite decides-what was good for them . The 50s women should be at the top of the list. This follows a recent pledge of support from Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister and leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP). If someone gave up a job because they did not know their state retirement age had been put back, their direct financial losses could be considerable. We have to remember that the Department of Work and Pensions are only employed by the politicians and did not increase pension age, which they cannot do. Completely heartbroken to read Zandra and Sue Ws messages. We have read and reread the Ombudsmans reasons for taking the approach he has to injustice and we simply cannot understand it, We understand the Courts role is limited in a case like this one: it is there to ensure the Ombudsman is put back on track if he has become derailed legally. Pingback: My blog tops 300,000 hits in 2022 a year of frustration for pension campaigners and whistleblowers | Westminster Confidential. Under the Pension Act of 1995, and subsequently the Pension Act of 2011, many women saw their state pension age rise to a higher age than they had previously expected. Not as sad as 3.6 million women will be if the compensation you get is inadequate. I / we need this money, just to survive these next few years. If he does not, there cannot possibly be just compensation for that injustice. Pensioners are already feeling the financial wrath ca. Once those papers reach the Ombudsman, he has three weeks to respond with a preliminary defence. If youre going to leak parts of the report, please be accurate about it. I think the writing is on the wall and you dont need to be a soothsayer to see what is the likely outcome; an apology for past failings and a commitment to get it right in future. "The support of the leader of the opposition for our fair and fast compensation campaign is a welcome development., The pledge signed by Starmer reads: "I support fair and fast compensation for 1950s women.". The Mirror has it correct with 3.6m women being mentioned. Take out quiz to find out if you'd get into grammar school, Inside the Gloucestershire cottage with views of Wales from the windows. So sorry to hear of your health problems. She said 3.6m women which covers April 1960 to April 1960. Without legal representation, the Maladministration case is under threat. You can unsubscribe at any time. Incomplete investigations prior to hip surgery, inadequate consent and record keeping led to the complainant experiencing the pain discomfort and distress of a hip replacement that was unneeded. This bitterness towards other campaign groups is simply playing into the Governments hands David. Waspi and Backto60 should be working together. Q7: What about Backto60s judicial review? This morning WASPI pledged 954 to the appeal on behalf of those who have made donations on our website, , between 23 - 26 February. WASPI women are referred to reports of other investigations so they can see recommendations made in other cases and the amount awarded., which averages out at around 2,000 and very rarely meets. Before the changes I had earned additional pension of 21.20 per week. The Government decided 25 years ago that it was going to make the State Pension age the same for men and women as a long-overdue move towards gender equality. Follow each other over the cliff edge, She then explains the profound disappointment we felt on reading the final Stage 2 report in this way: It felt that we were right back where we started, with our experiences disbelieved and the injustices we have suffered inexplicably being decoupled from the maladministration that was their cause. In fact this was being very economic with the truth. Media statements from government also imply that the campaign group WASPI are challenging the legality of changes to the State Pension Age. Your email address will not be published. Is it because she only represents a few not the many ? Simpson said they are are not giving up. Too many 1950s women do not live to see their State Pension., READ MORE:Pensioners to get 1,000 MORE INCOME if they smoke, binge and booze, Hilary Simpson, chair of the Waspi Campaign, added: When the Ombudsman recommends compensation we will be urging Parliament to accept it without quibbling, and to implement it fairly and without delay., She said Starmers backing was huge. We are now hopeful that the Ombudsman will recommend compensation for the injustice we have suffered., This needs to be fair and fast, she added. This is a plea on behalf of the millions of us woman, to sort this out and do the right thing, and not wait for the millions of letters you wil receive regarding the deaths of the women concerned. As well as all for ages of course, like policies of: The case is then referred to a High Court judge (the most senior type of judge dealing with legal cases at this stage) and they decide on whether there should be permission to proceed taking account of the strength of the case (it must be arguable), its importance, the timing and who is bringing it. The ICE complaint handling is only one small part of the whole investigation so why pick on that part and ignore the sections where maladministration was found? Sadly some will be taken in by tea and cake. We are (majority of us), mothers,sisters,wives,grandmothers, who have spent our lives 24 hours a day trying to keep our families together. Dear Jimmy Sturdy, I think the government spent that money so none was left for our pensions on retirement and maybe thats why they put the working age to 65 and then 66 yr because there was nothing left to pay us with.