Still, we must remember that the model is a starting point for the researcher, and due to this, it determines what causes might be investigated at the exclusion of other causes. Which of the following is NOT an example of diathesis in the diathesis-stress explanation of. 2.2.2. In Module 2, we first distinguished uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality and made a case that the latter was better to subscribe to. Models aid us with doing all of this. b. resistance. "What an individual views as abnormal behavior in public may be the only way to effectively interact with family members.". Infants tend to do things that feel good. This action MOST strongly suggests that the _____ is firmly in control of Nikolai. This newer type of cognitive-behavioral therapy emphasizes recognizing problematic thoughts as thoughts rather than judging them, acting on them, or fruitlessly trying to change them. d. neurotransmitter imbalances. Low socioeconomic status has been linked to higher rates of mental and physical illness (Ng, Muntaner, Chung, & Eaton, 2014) due to persistent concern over unemployment or under-employment, low wages, lack of health insurance, no savings, and the inability to put food on the table, which then leads to feeling hopeless, helpless, and dependency on others. According to Freud, consciousness had three levels (consciousness, preconscious, and the unconscious), personality had three parts (the id, ego, and superego), personality developed over five stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital), there are ten defense mechanisms to protect the ego such as repression and sublimation, and finally three assessment techniques (free association, transference, and dream analysis) could be used to understand the personalities of his patients and expose repressed material. a. psychodynamic b. multicultural c. cognitive d. humanistic. Multicultural psychologists assert that both normal behavior and abnormal behavior need to be understood in the context of the individuals unique culture and the groups value system. "That's all right. In 1895, the book, Studies on Hysteria, was published by Josef Breuer (1842-1925) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and marked the birth of psychoanalysis, though Freud did not use this actual term until a year later. Existential therapy is used to treat substance abuse, excessive anxiety, apathy, alienation, nihilism, avoidance, shame, addiction, despair, depression, guilt, anger, rage, resentment, embitterment, purposelessness, psychosis, and violence. One option to treat severe mental illness is psychotropic medications. The defense mechanism that BEST explains your behavior is: a. denial. Notice when you are having a maladaptive cognition, such as making negative predictions. Figure out what is the worst thing that could happen and what alternative outcomes are possible. In Panel A, food makes a dog salivate. The self-actualization motive plays an important part in human functioning, according to: A therapist who describes her client as someone who has yet to fulfill his or her full potential, rather than as someone with a disorder, is MOST likely what kind of theorist? Postconditioning, or after learning has occurred, establishes a new and not naturally occurring relationship of a conditioned stimulus (CS; previously the NS) and conditioned response (CR; the same response). Recent research has discovered that autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia all share genetic roots. Treatment starts with determining situations in which assertiveness is lacking and developing a hierarchy of assertiveness opportunities. 70. 154. The force that is in control in this example is the: a. id. Stimulants increase ones alertness and attention and are frequently used to treat ADHD. Brooklyn learns to turn on the TV by watching her older brother turn it on. Postconditioning. 133. Once the electrical impulse has passed from one segment of the axon to the next, the neuron begins the process of resetting called repolarization. Your first semester of college, you have several midterms you need to study for. b. is not led by a professional clinician. Simply: Figure 2.1. The Humanistic and Existential Perspectives. The pairing must occur more than once so that needless pairings are not learned such as someone farting right before your food comes out and now you salivate whenever someone farts (at least for a while. Mindfulness has been shown to be associated with improvements in which of the following? Behaviorally test your thought. b. hypotheses. Common antipsychotics include Chlorpromazine, Perphenazine, Quetiapine, and Lurasidone. 77. c. illogical thinking. d. case studies. Examples of secondary punishers include a ticket for speeding, losing television or video game privileges, ridicule, or a fee for paying your rent or credit card bill late. d. people who avoid responsibility for their lives and decisions live inauthentic lives. When a doctor strikes your knee with that little hammer, your leg extends out automatically. She could see the answers of the person next to her and briefly considered copying his answers. d. cognitive. 12. Attributions and cognitive errors. Regarding the finding that there are more seriously disturbed people within poor subpopulations, a multicultural theorist would focus on the way in which: a. personal responsibility is related to dysfunction. c. cognitive 126. Schemas and cognitive errors. d. understand how beliefs and values are related to behaviors. This might even affect how you interact with them. Infections can cause brain damage and lead to the development of mental illness or exacerbate existing symptoms. Based on related research, we would expect this person to have a _____ number of offline friends and to _____ share information with them. There is no firsthand experience by the learner in observational learning, unlike enactive. The psychologist credited with paving the way for psychologists to practice psychotherapy is: The psychologist who is said to have made it possible for psychologists to do psychotherapy is called "the pioneer." b. Chief among these are neurotransmitter imbalances. A boy believes that he is deserving of love only when he earns good grades. They also have not developed much in the way of theory, and the perspectives tend to work best with people suffering from adjustment issues and not as well with severe mental illness. b. Rogers. A person who is isolated and lacks social support or intimacy is more likely to: a. develop depression when under stress. Which of the following is NOT a weakness of the biological model of abnormal behavior? c. result of childhood trauma. c. emphasize health. d. They are the brains attempts to understand abnormal electrical activity. 127. In Module 3, we will discuss diagnosing and classifying abnormal behavior from the perspective of the DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, Text-Revision). Which statement about couple therapy is MOST accurate? PSYC 1101 Review for Chapter 12 - c. superego. This should sound much like what you just read about in terms of Thorndikes work. d. show unconditional positive regard for the clients statements. In terms of what is being reinforced, we will either reinforce responses or time. Often, proponents of a given model find themselves in disagreement with proponents of other models. It leads us to adopt our parents values as we come to realize that many of the ids impulses are unacceptable. In terms of operant conditioning, strategies include antecedent manipulations, prompts, punishment procedures, differential reinforcement, habit reversal, shaping, and programming. _____ theory focuses on observable and conscious behaviors, whereas _____ theory focuses on unconscious processes. Finally, assertiveness training aids the client in protecting their rights and obtaining what they want from others. According to Freud, another term for the symbolic meaning of dreams is: a. positive transference. The persons true intentions or thoughts and feelings are not readily available to us, or are covert, and do not make for useful empirical data. Which example BEST describes conditions of worth? Thoughts, as well as overt behaviors, are acquired and modified by various forms of conditioning. Similarly, the overproduction of the hormone melatonin can lead to SAD. For more on the role of genes in the development of mental illness, check out this article from Psychology Today: Which of the following is an argument of critics of the evolutionary perspective? a. Figure 2.9 shows that that are two main components that make up a reinforcement schedule when you will reinforce and what is being reinforced. The procedure is still the most controversial available to mental health professionals due to its effectiveness vs. the side effects, the objectivity of ECT experts, and the recent increase in ECT as a quick and easy solution, instead of long-term psychotherapy or hospitalization ( Briefly outline how communication in the nervous system occurs. Evaluate the usefulness of humanistic and existential perspectives. c. neurons. In science, the perspectives used to explain events are known as: Figure 2.8. Rogers stated that the humanistic therapist should be warm, understanding, supportive, respectful, and accepting of his/her clients. Modeling techniques change behavior by having subjects observe a model in a situation that usually causes them some anxiety. 130. d. psychotropic treatment. a. existential therapy b. free association c. mindfulness meditation d. gestalt therapy, 98. There are times when we learn by simply watching others. 101. The pituitary gland is the master gland which regulates other endocrine glands. Each is unique in its own right and no single model can account for all aspects of abnormality. Integrative behavioral couple therapy helps partners: a. accept behaviors that they cannot change. c. working to change unacceptable thoughts. A theorist who believes that the multicultural perspective is the correct way to think about abnormality comes from which paradigm? Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. Men with mental illnesses are also less likely to have received mental health treatment than women in the past year. d. behavioral. c. axons. Which model is MOST likely to suggest using free association to uncover unconscious processes? A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to: a. prevent feelings of anger and acts of aggression. Treatments related to the biological model include drugs, ECT, and psychosurgery. Mental illness itself occurs from the interaction of multiple genes and other factorssuch as stress, abuse, or a traumatic eventwhich can influence, or trigger, an illness in a person who has an inherited susceptibility to it ( b. multicultural. The hope is that the client will engage in self-examination with acceptance and honesty. We should also note the existence of non-associative learning or when there is no linking of information or observing the actions of others around you. 61. d. hormone therapy. Gender is not a cause of mental illness, though differing demands placed on males and females by society and their culture can influence the development and course of a disorder. A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a(n) _____ theorist. During a therapy session, a client is told to pretend the therapist is her parent and to tell her parent why she is angry. How so? b. classic Freudian psychotherapy. Hence, we advocate for a multi-dimensional and not a uni-dimensional model. c. enmeshed. Primary refers to reinforcers and punishers that have their effect without having to be learned. Which of the following is NOT influenced by the paradigm to which an investigator subscribes? Both groups were frustrated when deprived of the coveted toy. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. With regard to assessing the effectiveness of the various models of abnormality, which model BEST lends itself to laboratory testing? A boy believes that he is deserving of love only when he earns good grades. Notice that preconditioning has both an A and a B panel. They act as the instructions to make proteins, and it is estimated by the Human Genome Project that we have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes. In terms of the biological model, neurotransmitters, brain structures, hormones, genes, and viral . c. prejudice and discrimination faced by women. Evaluate the usefulness of the cognitive model. Also of importance to the neuron is the myelin sheath or the white, fatty covering which: 1) provides insulation so that signals from adjacent neurons do not affect one another and, 2) increases the speed at which signals are transmitted. A therapist pays close attention to what their client has to say and then makes an effort to show accurate empathy and sincerity in their responses. Figure 2.10. What is that factor? We will explore a few of these factors in this section. Humanists and existentialists both agree that: a. psychological dysfunction is caused by self-deception. The effectiveness of biological treatments cannot be objectively evaluated. The contents of the unconscious could move from the unconscious to preconscious, but to do so, it had to pass a Gate Keeper. d. early life experiences shape one's later behavior. If a person is used to receiving reinforcement every time they perform a particular behavior, and then suddenly no reinforcer is delivered, he or she will cease the response immediately. as part of their daily life and this can lead to disordered behavior (Lo & Cheng, 2014; Jones, Cross, & DeFour, 2007; Satcher, 2001), though some research suggests that ethnic identity can buffer against these stressors and protect mental health (Mossakowski, 2003). 141. 53. Though not neurons, glial cells play an important part in helping the nervous system to be the efficient machine that it is. What is it? This thought is an example of: Which statement is NOT an appropriate criticism of the sociocultural model? Second, transference is the process through which patients transfer attitudes he/she held during childhood to the therapist. The three parts of personality generally work together well and compromise, leading to a healthy personality, but if the conflict is not resolved, intrapsychic conflicts can arise and lead to mental disorders. Watson believed that the subject matter of psychology was to be observable behavior, and to that end, psychology should focus on the prediction and control of behavior. d. bipolar disorder. How does the existential perspective approach psychopathology? A behavioral psychologist would say that the temper tantrums result from: Which form of therapy helps clients recognize errors in logic and try out new interpretations of events?