concrete vs abstract examples

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The point of the continuum of abstraction is to help people understand what it really means to use concrete language. Examples of Concrete Words Examples of concrete words are “father”, “sailor”, “radio”, “church”, and “pencil”, to name but a few. Concrete thinking does not have any depth. Like Ini I too would like to learn more of this concept. But I am so glad I got stuck here :D. Thank you for sharing! Yay Isn’t ‘A Writer’s Coach’ terrific? Something that is abstract exists only in the mind, while something that is concrete can be interacted with in a physical way. And it took me a long time and a lot of negative experiences to finally figure out why: I didn’t actually want it. – David, PS – will check out the recommended book, A Writer’s Coach. Thanks Henneke for sharing this useful and important rule for writing content that grabs and moves readers to vividly imagine specific scenes supported with context. There are far, far too many to list here; you will simply have to know which meaning a word carries in a given context and decide whether that meaning makes the noun countable or uncountable. People who know how to speak concrete when I get confused is good.I am not writing a story or anything but trying to understand myself. Yes, the dress is pretty, but what did it actually look like? Even a word like apple is still a tiny bit abstract, as you might conjure up a different image from me. Examining Concrete Vs. Abstract Communication Styles . Exp. The definition of abstract thinking with examples. Concrete thinking is sometimes described in terms of its opposite: abstract thinking. thanks for this one again. I purchased her book “Steering the Craft,” but haven’t read it yet. I don’t think it’s a book to read from cover to cover in one session of binge reading. I originally discovered it in S.I. But only when readers can picture a specific scene, your writing becomes engaging and colorful. "black boxes" with a … • Love, fear, anger, joy, excitement, and other emotions are abstract nouns. But getting that mix of facts intertwined with stories is a great way to keep readers engaged with our posts. These words indicate things we know only through our intellect, like "truth," "honor," "kindness," and "grace." I find it hand-wringing-ly frustrating as a business writer when my clients insist that the tone I use is “too conversational” or “too informal”. You’re not the only one. Happy writing! I recently read it. These nouns are considered abstract nouns. Af-722 K. Wiemer-Hastings, X. Xu/Cognitive Science 29 (2005) ter clarifying questions, participants received the … To be honest, I didn’t know this is one of the issues I struggled with. It’s a great book for grazing (like reading a chapter here or there when you feel like it). I actually read the chapter about the ladder of abstraction a couple of months ago, but didn’t quite know how I wanted to write it about until we were doing metaphors in the course last week , I appreciate your recommendation on my courses, too , Hi Henneke, I not only enjoyed your article but didn’t skim read at any point; so I guess you walked the talk. Abstract thinking requires much more analysis and goes deeper whereas concrete thinking remains on the surface. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Thank you for stopping by . A pear, a grape, a juicy pineapple—these are all concrete words because we can hold a pear in our hand, taste a grape, and smell a ripe pineapple; they’re tangible. Thanks for the consistently inspiring and enriching posts, Henneke. (…). I really his perspective on this, too. I’d like to ask the purpose of the square parentheses in the Mark Manson content…[W]hat we get out of life… Thanks. The Science; 1990) and use it often in my daily life in general. • Courage, bravery, cowardice, and other such states are abstract nouns. Isn’t making paragraphs concrete making them verbose? He would have us write a short essay almost everyday. Notice that although the ideas expressed are real, they are things you can’t see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. I think last two lines is the summary of the post, love the style. And what it took me a long time to discover is that I didn’t like to climb much. Concrete-Representational-Abstract Instructional Approach What is the Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) Instructional Approach? I’m glad you found the visuals useful. And your article reminded me of it. I was born with Autism Spectrum disorder and I have concrete thinking.The world runs one way and that is with abstract words. Great story again Henneke! This article resonated deeply with me, especially: > And what it took me a long time to discover is that I didn’t like to climb much. Please try again. You may also find it useful to analyze how other writers use abstract vs concrete language – that’s what I do to keep improving my own writing. A practice trial with one abstract, one concrete, and one intermediate item followed. Huh. You might think of the apples, pears and kiwis in your fruit bowl, or you might think of one juicy mango, or you might think of the fruit display at your supermarket or local greengrocer. There's no such thing as an "animal" out in the real world. People always think differently. Great post. Highly recommended. I can think of a nonmaterial particular thing such as the Angel Gabriel. Yes, surprisingly simple, yet quite impactful . The English language is build by various parts of speech. Concrete vs Abstract Thinking. Lovely story, but her use of language is appalling. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us Henneke, i’m super duper excited for more content from you! Unless I was asleep…. You’ll find one of these words in parenthesis at the end of each sentence. Thank you for bringing the subject of the abstract and concrete writing to us so clearly and artistically. I love your phrase hand-wringing-ly frustrating. What a great explanation of how abstract and concrete work together to paint a vivid picture and convey a message. • Love is a kind of irresistible desire; it’s hard to define. Thus, for example, a concrete thinker can think about this particular dog; a more abstract thinker can think about dogs in general. Interesting! They are just ideas, i.e. Thank you for your compliment on my drawings. An example of concrete versus abstract thinking is the response to the phrase, "It's raining cats and dogs." I’m thinking of the Braeburn apple I had for breakfast with cinnamon, blueberries, almonds, and yogurt. Or perhaps you think of the zesty Granny Smith you had yesterday afternoon. Maybe I should be more grateful for bad teachers, so there’s still enough interest in reading my blog posts , I hope you’ll enjoy Jack Hart’s “The Writing Coach”, You’re right, I’m sure the teachers didn’t mention that we have to mix abstract advice with concrete imagery. The one with the most answered correctly wins! Both your courses and his book . When you add relevant details, you make your story more vivid. I mean that . Get Many thanks for this post! I know I finally broke my silence with your last post (or the one before?) Your website is a giant maze of information and I can’t get out, lol. Unless you’re the Pope or a president, I find most online and/or marketing writing to be too formal. 10 Good Abstract Examples That Will Kickstart Your Brain. Happy writing! And your drawings are fabulous! dog, cat, America, girl, apple, clouds and immigrants. Your website helped me understand my own thinking.If the teacher starts speaking jargon and uses abstract words I am lost. Examples varying in concreteness were presented that were not used in the study. Or perhaps I just never considered it this way. There are some classes which just don't exist in the real world, and so should conceptually be marked as abstract. Once you’ve read these abstract noun examples, you’ll probably find it very easy to come up with some abstract nouns of your own. I’ve felt the same, and still feel like that to some extent. I’m in charge of social media for a tech-company and more often than not, I try to inject very fancy and complex terms, hoping that it will attract the technical readers. Robert asked: Regarding the term 'Concrete' as opposed to 'Abstract'. examples are Boolean, Integer, Floating Point, Text, etc.. Arrays, lists and trees are concrete datatypes. Thanks again for the great post. Your idea on abstract vs concrete is interesting, I’ve actually never thought about the distinction between the two but now that I think about it, I can wholeheartedly agree with you — they are indeed very distinct from one another. Why can’t I remember that when I’m writing!? And boy, could I relate to my eyes glazing over looking for a tidbit…. Did we learn how to engage our readers? It may also be related to the approach used to solve problems, inductive vs. deductive reasoning. So, abstract and concrete aren’t discrete categories. From the way you explained it, I can definitely understand why it was so effective — something that might have taken me a bit longer to realise if it weren’t for you! Abstraction on a scale. This article reminded me of that. I appreciate it. And then I decided that your writing is as beautiful as a simple, yet elegant math question and as adventurous and insightful as a beautiful piece of art. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Cynthia. I love the way with this ladder of abstraction concept he values both the abstract and the earthy. I’d recommend Jack Hart’s book (A Writer’s Coach) – he discusses the ladder of abstraction in chapter 9. Together, the stories and data engage and educate. Your advice is always a worthwhile read Henneke and while ‘yes’ I’m guilty of skimming for tidbits I look forward to your posts my dear. I still remember how you taught me during the course, to use examples and metaphors. How do we tackle it? Thank you for you lovely compliment on my writing. An architect shows photos or drawings of buildings to illustrate architectural trends. The broken strings, the blown tube amp, hauling 40 pounds of gear to and from rehearsals with no car. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Yolanda. Diction: Abstract & Concrete With a partner, you have exactly 3 minutes to divide your excerpts into abstract or concrete. Another way to quote would be: “(…) what we get out of life is not determined by the good feelings we desire but by what bad feelings we’re willing and able to sustain to get us to those good feelings.”. Get to know them, and it’ll be easier for you to spot an abstract noun when you see one. Loved this post! I think your post will help me to combine those and to write an engaging introduction for my reader. satisfying and sticking. To study abstractness as a continuum we combined a concrete (C) verb with both a concrete and an abstract (A) noun; and an abstract verb with the same nouns previously used (grasp vs… I don’t think that exists. Get Keyboard and check your text using a unique Contextual Grammar and Spell Checker. Not all abstract math has a manipulative or easily found leading questions that can aid in the process of moving from concrete to abstract. It’s a mountain of a dream and a mile-high climb to the top. Use it to form an abstract noun to fill in the blank. Being specific and dabbling between concrete and abstract writing is the key to great writing. It just refers to thinking in the periphery. This was a fascinating article. Concrete class can be instantiated using new keyword. Concrete: Independent Practice Exit Ticket: "Before making a decision..." "It is widely discussed..." "We have. If the color of the dress or the texture of the fabric was described, then the reader would have a better sensory experience. (…), Despite fantasizing about this for over half of my life, the reality never came. “To be honest, I’m not sure how many writing teachers really understand it. Concrete vs Abstract. Impossible On with the treasure hunt. • I’d like the freedom to travel all over the world. Hayakawa’s “Language In Thought And Action” (5th ed. Concrete Style Communication Abstract nouns and concrete nouns are usually defined in terms of one another. Interestingly, Jack Hart also refers to that book – that’s where he first came across the Ladder of Abstraction. I’m looking forward to checking out more articles here soon. Another example of abstract language: The dress is pretty. this is yet another undeniably enchanting one. The abstract ladder really got me thinking and when I saw the mix of concrete and abstract to deliver interesting content, it was another light bulb moment. I got past it, more or less, when I decided the “master” teacher’s limitations left that much more for me to discover on my own. The full sentence was: “Therefore, what we get out of life is not determined by the good feelings we desire but by what bad feelings we’re willing and able to sustain to get us to those good feelings.” But the “Therefore” was confusing as a stand-alone sentence, so I eliminated it. I agree with you—far too much writing is far too formal and it fails to engage. This is an interesting concept, Henneke and I would like to study it better. An example of concrete language: The dress is purple. Happy writing! :). Thought Experiment Developing an analogy that simplifies a complex problem. Writing for Social Media, a writing course I’m currently taking on edX brought me here. This is the thought that popped into my mind after I navigated your once again magical story. Thank you indeed. A second advantage is helping writers understand that abstract sentences aren’t wrong—as long as you mix the abstract statements with concrete examples so the writing feels alive rather than being just dry facts. Examples, story & few sensory words help to explain the abstract rule & create a Big picture. Now, I’d like to empower you to find your voice, share your ideas and inspire your audience. Rainbows is a concrete noun: they can be seen. I hope you’ll enjoy the book. At the same time there is so much of you in every post that I can almost see you, your bycle and sketching pens,each time I start to read your writing. As you can see from these two sets of examples, concrete and abstract nouns can be both countable and uncountable, depending on their specific meaning in a sentence. The ladder of abstraction At school, you might have learned that words are either abstract or concrete. As a precocious child, he held court in conversations with adults from an early age; by his teens, he could cook a full Sunday roast on his own. Among those strategies, two were writing through storytelling and writing with interesting statistics. The line separating abstract nouns from concrete nouns is often quite blurry. A person who is thinking concretely might look up … Yes, using stats and storytelling are both powerful strategies; and the real magic happens when you combine the two. Mr. This reminds me of my great high school English teacher. Take on any writing project with gusto. I’ve seen both used. Another thing I learned on the way is that, regardless of your audience, staying authentic and genuine is the key. Fascinating! last year i have taken a course from Coursera and learned the strategies of writing an introduction paragraph and I loved those strategies. Hi Henneke, Love your drawings. You can plot our example of fruit on the ladder of abstraction like this: You can create a similar ladder for other topics, for instance: The further you descend down the ladder, the easier it becomes to visualize your words, to imagine a specific scene. • When Sarah jumped into the lake to rescue a drowning cat, her bravery astonished onlookers. And how often do you feel disappointed? The green tree may spark a chain of thoughts in an abstract thinker, and he … That’s something I’ve come to realise lately, the difference between thinking that you want something, and actually wanting it so much so that you’ll put in the hard work to go and achieve it. I subscribed for the “16 concise mails” too? Abstract thinking involves an emphasis on the hidden or the intended meaning whereas concrete thinking is always literal, to-the-point and very direct. Before you know you can spend hours reading here …. Many grammar experts argue over whether certain terms, making things even worse. Excellent Henneke, When I first stepped into the blogosphere, the fact that was bewildering was the number of authors devoted on making you a better blogger. Learn more about books and courses, I never saw myself as a writer, but in my early forties, I learned how to write and discovered the joy of writing. I’d say, trust your own judgment. It’s a step closer to understanding something I’ve been struggling to understand, this whole abstract VS concrete thing. My posts always do better if I begin with a juicy story. That’s how I like to write my blog posts . [W]hat we get out of life is not determined by the good feelings we desire but by what bad feelings we’re willing and able to sustain to get us to those good feelings. You reminded me of this, so thank you for the nudge , Sometimes it’s hard to keep the faith, but I think you’re right that the most sparkling and most surprising treasures are still to be found . Yes, it’s a terrific book, and I so appreciate your recommendation! A concrete thinker can think about this dog on this rug ; a more abstract thinker can think about spatial relations , like “on”. You put a smile on my face , Follow proven templates for specific writing tasks, practice your skills, and get professional feedback so you become a confident business writer. So, I can’t really comment. We sketch the big picture, and use examples to add color. Does 'concrete' mean a sensible (detectable by the senses) thing, ie a corporeal sensible thing, or only a 'particular' thing. It’s not super abstract and it’s not really specific. I didn’t fully understand it before but your examples helped me see the big picture of how each type of language works. You are so right! I was so enchanted I just purchased a copy of your “Blog to win business” from Amazon. I love writing and sharing what I learn! I’m looking forward to reading it! A business coach illustrates online business models with real life stories. What are abstract nouns? I didn’t even know my website was mentioned in that course. (please), Our ________________ will last forever. Think about fruit. I’m glad you’re finding my content worth the wait . Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Lena. I like dipping into it and read a chapter here or there. In essence, an abstract noun is a quality, a concept, an idea, or maybe even an event. Even a single abstract method makes the class abstract. I haven’t read the whole book yet. They mix abstract language with somewhat concrete language, but they don’t become specific enough. For example, a concrete thinker would look at a green tree and say that it is a green tree. Later on, the story gets connected to data and trends: A Metropolitan police report released last month indicated that between 2014 and 2016 the number of children carrying knives in London schools rose by almost 50%, while the number of knife offences in London schools rose by 26%. The last one made me smile with delight. Many abstract nouns are formed from adjectives, though some are formed from verbs or nouns. Curtis, that’s so true. The 10 examples I’ve included here are all published, professionally written abstracts. Thank you for stopping by again, Mehera. At school, we’ve learned how to write. I keep clicking on the next link to see what else is around the corner :). Concrete Class; 1: Supported Methods: Abstract class can have both an abstract as well as concrete methods. What is the Difference Between Abstract Nouns and Concrete Nouns? Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us time and again. An article about knife crime by Gary Younge, Imagery examples: How to paint pictures with words, How to use the persuasive power of metaphors, The following sentences contain abstract noun examples which have been italicized for easy identification. and complimented you on how amazing of a writer I think you are, so my next sentence is probably going to make me sound like either a nut bag or a creepy fan, but I think your writing is art. That was a great lesson. I bet you have more than enough juicy stories to tell! A concrete class can only have concrete methods. How often do you skim texts, looking for interesting tidbits? So choose your struggles wisely, my friend. I’m glad you enjoyed this one, Debbie. Uninstall instructions, End-User License Agreement & Privacy Policy, _______________ is something almost everyone appreciates. Yes, that’s so true… moving from a state of unaware ignorance to a state of aware ignorance can be quite scary so I wanted to make sure this post moved you all the way to a state of aware knowing. 2: Instantiation: Abstract class can not be instantiated using new keyword. And it’s good to know I wasn’t the only one with bad teachers . I am a retired professor myself. Oh, my goodness, Henneke! These are just a few examples of non-concrete words that are sensed. The best has yet to be found. But the more I write, the more I realize that especially on social media when the attention of the audience is extremely short, it’s way better to keep the copy straight forward, short, and provide as much value as possible instead of using bait-click words. It’s a pleasure to write for lovely readers like you, Olga! Happy writing! In his excellent book “A Writer’s Coach,” Jack Hart calls this the ladder of abstraction. A question to a fellow litty: what do you think of Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Lathe of Heaven? Then I came cross Harleena Singh and, The Wondereof and your highly educating and super reading site Your clear thinking and analytical writing could be a master class in any University – this is not flattery. Abstract Class vs Concrete Class. You’ve been reading Jack Hart! It was fun to draw a little more for this post . A luminary once explained that, as we grow, we move from a state of unaware ignorance (we dont know that we dont know) through to a state of aware knowing. I found his book a fab reinforcement to what you teach on your courses. Thank you for your lovely comment, Irina. Thank you for your huge compliment, Charlie. For example, consider abstract class Animal. Abstract nouns are words that name things that are not concrete. (friend). So thank you, Henneke for another great post and thank you for the recommendation, will check it out. In each instance the referent is the thing which is being named. I never considered writing or stories to sit on a scale of abstract to concrete. It was impossible for me not to click through to the post. Thank you for letting me know. But then I pondered this a few more seconds and I thought, but no you’re also very clear in delivering and achieving what you set out to explain, so more mathematical. Did you click through to read Mark Manson’s article? • Desire, creativity, uncertainty, and other innate feelings are abstract nouns. An abstract noun is a type of noun that refers to something a person cannot physically interact with. Abstract noun definition: a noun that has no physical existence. That’s a good point about gobbledygook because gobbledygook is usually somewhere in the middle of the ladder. Anyways before I end up writing an entire essay, lemme just end it there! An abstract detail/image has language and examples that are conceptual and have multiple interpretations. Cat Ball Dragon Happiness Yellow Fairy Dust Rainbow Rain Damp Water Seaweed Juice Hopeless Itch Harp Gold Warmth Burning Helpful Smile Anger Frown Wish Sweat It’s been on my list a while to write a blog post about emails that entice readers to click. ■Abstract vs. I loved your examples and illustrations in this post, just been saving them to Pinterest. When a word conjures up different images—a fruit bowl vs one juicy mango, then a word isn’t terribly concrete. As usual, you don’t disappoint! I can’t seem to find straight crit on her work. Bond is also a concrete noun, but dream and retirement are not. Below follows an example of a concrete paragraph from a blog post about the most important question in your life by Mark Manson: Everybody wants to have an amazing job and financial independence — but not everyone wants to suffer through 60-hour work weeks, long commutes, obnoxious paperwork, to navigate arbitrary corporate hierarchies and the blasé confines of an infinite cubicle hell. If we want our messages to stick, we have to educate and entertain our readers. An abstract item, idea, or concept is just that, an abstraction, it only exists as a thought without solid form or substance. this is one reason I always look forward to receiving that email from you weekly, it’s always worth the wait. The daily drudgery of practicing, the logistics of finding a group and rehearsing, the pain of finding gigs and actually getting people to show up and give a shit. [This is directly opposite to abstract terms, which name things that are not available to the senses.] I wish the world communicated more in concrete ideas, too, as it’s easier for everyone to understand concrete messages. Something that is abstract exists only in the mind, while something that is concrete can be interacted with in a physical way. Yes, it’s a maze, isn’t it? It’s not always easy to determine if a noun is abstract or concrete. I knew about the importance of specificity and have written about it before. The diffusion of constitutional judicial review over the past half-century has resulted in the emergence of two dominant ‘models’ of review, the American and the European. Learn how I can help you. All my students would be using your posts as course material. In contrast to concrete words, abstract words are the names for qualities and attributes. I agree with you – that article by Gary Younge is well written, and it’s interesting to see how he keeps jumping up and down the Ladder of Abstraction to mix concrete stories with the data and the trends. Check out the recommended book, and other such states are abstract nouns and collective.... Focusing on getting the essentials right when my drawings make someone smile, I appreciate your encouragement students be. To how-to ’ s where he first came across the ladder of abstraction data, rules, and one item... Click rate on this rug ; a more abstract thinker looks at the end of each.., just been saving them to Pinterest may narrate the story of one family! And goes deeper whereas concrete objects do words is very helpful listen to our advice, we have from... Ve just helped us writers to be few blogs with anything I to... Of things abstract nouns are words that name things that are conceptual and multiple. 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