using fear to control the masses

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Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.” Political and social power is the ultimate form of control. It has been used for centuries to control the unwashed masses. By bringing fear into your conscious awareness, you’ll be able to examine where it’s coming from and what message it’s trying to convey to you, which will help you to better understand it and hence deal with it. The mass media knows this very well and is doing its best to capitalize on it. etc. And that’s why chaos and fear are very much ‘flavour of the month’. Fear is … There are various reasons, such as siding with their preferred political parties, but the most important one is simply this: When, for instance, you read a newspaper headline that elicits a fear response in you, you are much more likely to get the newspaper and read it. Politicians are being elected by persuading the masses through the use of fear while journalists influence public opinion by terrorizing people’s minds. Why? Instead, it can be put under the spotlight and be seen for what it is, a planned manipulation of the people and resources of this planet, whose main goading-tool consists of the well rehearsed art of spreading fear and panic. Fear has been the glue that has kept people attached to their dictators and to their gods. Julian is currently campaigning to ‘Stop 5G’ WiFi. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. Forward this article to your email lists. Many reading this will already be familiar with the ambitions of the controlling deep state ‘elite’ and will know that a pre-planned phase of social and economic chaos is a key factor in their attempted roll-out of totalitarian New World Order. Fear is an emotion brought on by danger, evil, or pain. In fact, that’s one of the main reasons why he was able to become the US president in the first place. By . How well is the roll-out being stage-managed on this occasion – and what is the plan? The mass media knows this very well and is doing its best to capitalize on it. You start sweating, your heart rate goes up, and your cortisol as well as adrenaline levels increase. how to control your fear, and how to be free from it, that's the point.' The plethora of contradictory and irrational clamp-down actions being imposed in the name of containing the bogey bug stretches the credibility of the operation to the braking point. This will not only allow you to assess your options and take better-informed decisions, but also to discern what you should fear from what you shouldn’t. This is the beginning of an entrapment which colours every aspect of daily life. Been studying your classical Marxism lately, have you? Letter: Stop using fear to control the masses Written By: ... Our healthy state economy is now derailing at the hands of those trying to instill fear in an effort to control. 1 Corinthians 14:38. In Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery, the government holds an annual meeting where names are drawn and someone is toned to death. Ruling classes for thousands of years have understood the power of intentionally invoking fear in their subjects as a means of social control. Animal Farm Background In the fable Animal Farm, George Orwell uses the story to represent the Russian Revolution and how the The main players have hatched the plot long before any of us get to know about it and gatherings like the Davos Economic Summit and Bildergerger meetings are used to gain consensus on the timing and methods to be deployed. 4 It is deadly obvious that people all over the world now allow the force of government to dictate all thought and behavior. And these are just a few examples. A master at creating panic is the ex-president of the United States, Donald Trump. I Used to think the Dauntless fearless. The "inner party" has almost completely forced the outer party (the majority of the party) into utter submission, to follow their rules and regulations to the exact. ... supposedly to prevent panic buying at stores and to control crowds at hospitals. Because as author and journalist Neil Strauss put it: “We’re wired to respond to fear above everything else. The foundation of all control. Fear for the Masses: COVID-19 and The New World Order. Ideas. It is clear when we turn to Scripture that human beings have always wrestled with fear. This was achieved through intimidation and brutality. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable. ~Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Ch. Radical Islamic terrorists are preparing for another big US attack. Trump knows all of this, and he uses it. How to make a video presentation with Prezi in 6 steps; Oct. 14, 2020. Thousands of years ago, when the first governments were fastening themselves on people, they relied primarily on warfare and conquest. I could go on giving countless examples of politicians who’ve tried to control the masses through the use of fear, but I think these will suffice to carry my point across. Here’s why, according to cognitive psychologist and economist Robin M. Hogarth: “By creating a state of emergency in our psyche, fear distracts us from the relevant facts on which we should base our conscious decisions. The scare tactics being employed are more dangerous than the virus that is the excuse for deploying them. As we have all witnessed over the past months, the Coronavirus story has been unleashed with barely contained lascivious delight by news media under orders from the purveyors of malevolent missions against mankind. “Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” ~Bertrand Russell. -Øwetgatt Q)etatica Rafh. Sadly, after years upon years of conditioning, most people don’t use their critical thinking and instead let others think for them. During the post-world war 2 era, he believed that the fear of communism was an essential tool to control the public and it was through him that it became a weapon used in the cold war. Rather than diminish the fear that inspires humans to act in irrational violent ways, philosophy professor Peter Ludlow writes that so-called democracies are using it as a weapon to "control … The rage. News programming uses a hierarchy of if it bleeds, it leads.Fear-based news programming has two aims. The Party uses the people’s easygoing, trusting personalities to their advantages. Fear is the mind-killer. The word ‘pandemic’ bears a similarity to the word ‘panic’ and indeed ‘pandemonium’. First and foremost is FEAR in its many forms. Unshakable Confidence (Course): For more great content! And through advertising they try to convince you that if you don’t buy stuff nobody will like you anymore and that you’ll probably be ostracized by your community. This article looks at the workings of mass media through the theories of its major thinkers, its power structure and the techniques it uses, in order […] ... Trump is trying to ride a wave of fear and anger. Purchasing them will cost you some money, but not doing so will cost you your happiness. In such a dangerous situation, your natural response is most likely going to be one of the following: Fear, as the above example shows, is a protective mechanism that is part of our survival instinct, helping us to stay alive and healthy. In this livestream, I address the use of fear based mind control to manipulate the masses into ever more compliance with totalitarianism. There are two primary principles that enable large scale control of the masses. By using the Freudian theory, he was able to control the masses and make them believe what he wanted them to believe, which makes him not only one of the most influential men of the 20th century but also one of the most … The first and most important thing is to identify fear when it arises within you and try to see it for what it is, without shying away from it or pretending that it’s not there. It's time to stop creating fear in an effort to control the masses. Let’s see an example of how fear-based advertising works. Even the man who acts heroically on the battlefield, if he is honest, admits that he is scared. The snake could be poisonous so you immediately need to protect yourself from it. Whether taking the form of military might, religious dogma or modern day corporate and banking control freaks, provided the drama has been well stage-managed and the ‘might has produced fright’, the hegemons get their way. Fear can be a great motivator, leading us to take action. Rather than diminish the fear that inspires humans to act in irrational violent ways, philosophy professor Peter Ludlow writes that so-called democracies are using it as a weapon to "control … For instance, right after the 9/11 tragedy, the warning he issued was: “Be afraid, be very afraid.” Then for years onward he was repeatedly talking about America being in danger of more terrorist attacks and that the only way to make it safe again was to bomb Iraq. March 17, 2020 March 17, 2020 Poppalloff. It’s in a guilt-producing control business. Fear is often used to control us—but we can also use it to make better decisions. I Used to think the Dauntless fearless. They use fear to control people instead of trusting their teammates and inspiring them to do great things. A demagogue is defined as “a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.”. Manipulative people are extremely aware of the latter and try their best to control how you think and behave by using fear-based tactics. The Corona Contagion is chock full of idiosyncrasies; in fact there are so many nonsensical factors associated with media attempts to report on what’s going on, that one can only feel dazed and confused should one try and follow the script in real time. Using Fear of a Virus to Control the Masses | Rocking Philosophy Live In this livestream, I address the use of fear based mind control to manipulate the masses into ever more compliance with totalitarianism. By instilling fear in people, advertising manipulates them into making emotional rather than reasoned choices. 1096 Words 5 Pages. He is the author of two acclaimed titles: Changing Course for Life and In Defence of Life. You might be wondering: How can that be possible? Today, it’s crystal clear that Bush had a hidden agenda: to expand and strengthen the American Empire by gaining economic and geopolitical power. Those living in Germany were too scared to disobey Nazi laws. Seize this auspicious moment – and let us be joined as one in an unwavering commitment to get off our knees and stand firm in the cause of defeating the ghosts of chaos and fear. They set strict rules but leave a level of life completely unknown. The reason? It is worth our time to take a brief look at this phenomenon that rules our existence. But often our fears are exaggerated. For ours is the True World Order which aligns with Universal Law, not the false laws of a manipulated status quo. Politicians are being elected by persuading the masses through the use of fear. Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. Well, here are a few examples: politicians, marketers, and the media. Using pandemic fear to herd the masses? Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. He didn't even think that. News programming uses a hierarchy of if it bleeds, it leads.Fear-based news programming has two aims. To illustrate how fear has been used by politicians to influence the layman, let’s watch a fear-mongering ad used during Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 presidential run to persuade people to vote for him instead of his warmonger Republican opponent Barry Goldwater who, according to the ad, would surely lead the US into a nuclear war if elected. So why does it make such a fuss over terrorism? Virtually every ruling class has used this method. Oct. 17, 2020. During the post-world war 2 era, he believed that the fear of communism was an essential tool to control the public and it was through him that it became a weapon used in the cold war. His latest book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ published by Dixi books, is available from this July. Now, the emotion politicians like to appeal to the most is fear. Another way fear is used to control you is through commercial advertisements. Political leaders harp on any reason they can find to make us panic: terrorism, immigrants, drugs, crime, minorities, and various others. Such is the beguiling power of full-on indoctrination. Image by DonkeyHotey (Flickr) by Jordan Bates. We are now in this phase. Secondly, when dealing with political, social or other important issues, remember to associate feelings of fear with the need to slow down and regain mental and emotional clarity. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. The techniques they use to control the civilians are both hidden and openly used. Why? How politicians are using the coronavirus to seize control. Inevitably, in any online discussion of this nature, Godwin’s law will be violated. So social pressure is manipulated through the media. Another way fear is used to control you is through commercial advertisements. Although extremely beneficial within scenarios in which critical danger is present, it really is one of the most incapacitating and even harmful feelings ever intentionally introduced. However, the predominant game plan is to ‘re-set’ global finance so as to appear to be supporting the euphemistically named Green New Deal with its holy grail ‘Zero Carbon’. By and large, people are quite ignorant concerning God's word, the Holy Bible. By terrorizing us, it’s able to keep our attention hooked and ruthlessly exploit us for its financial gain. Our healthy state economy is now derailing at the hands of those trying to instill fear in an effort to control. The Nazis created a terror-state. In fact ‘pandemic’ evokes an almost instant flush of fear in those easily manipulated by mass media, before any details have even touched the surface or context in which the word is being used. Buy the latest iPhone and you’ll not appear to be poor. Whether you know it or not, fear is constantly being used against you. Freeze in hopes that the snake will be undisturbed by your presence and leave you alone. So, in a world heavily conditioned by the proclamations of the mass media, the fear weapon has a huge psychological power. Our true-world-order is going to take on this obsessed and demonic dynasty, so that it stumbles, falls and fails to rise again. Under this induced state of psychosis all manner of tricks can be perpetrated on mankind – and that is precisely what we are witnessing at this time. The use of coercion by perpetrators and traffickers involves the use of extreme control. It is easier to instill people with fear than to imbue them with hope. Fear. ... supposedly to prevent panic buying at stores and to control crowds at hospitals. Julian is a prolific writer and broadcaster, his articles appear in a wide diversity of journals and on-line sites. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. ... Let’s say we dislike a position but we cannot say so for fear of looking bigoted. It is our re-emergent marriage with Universal Truth that is going to oust this scare loaded pandemic and all similar manifestations of dark-side deception that have gripped this planet for far too long. Some of the things we fear we have little or no control over. The resulting knee-jerk reaction often leads to a short-term solution that only tackles the symptoms. Christians are being executed en masse in the Middle East.” And so on and so forth. Sensing fear, we respond by running away, by hiding, or by preparing to ward off the danger. Just because a renowned politician, an award-winning journalist or a commercial on a major TV channel tells you what to do or believe, that doesn’t mean you should. The death rate for this pandemic is small compared to past pandemics. By terrorizing us, it’s able to keep our attention hooked and ruthlessly exploit us for its financial gain. Whether it was intentional or not, porn has turned into one of the most effective forms of control of the masses. By intentionally spreading messages that make the general public feel like it’ll be harmed or utterly destroyed if they aren’t elected in positions of power or don’t implement certain policies, politicians are able to persuade the masses to support them. Lastly, instead of blindly conforming to the norm and obeying to authority figures, act mindfully and take responsibility for your actions. Links: LAST ORDERS UK lockdown: Pubs to close at 10pm across England as covid alert level RISES to 4 The Big problem is at large – and we the people feel small. Video conferencing best practices: Tips to make meeting online even better; Oct. 8, 2020. To disregard fear is to place ourselves in possibly mortal jeopardy. “I must not fear. And I am the cure.”. Tips to keep in mind for World Mental Health Day Video conferencing best practices: Tips to make meeting online even better Tactics of coercion are reportedly used in three phases of trafficking: recruitment, initiation, and indoctrination. Using these amazing techniques they rule over the citizens of Oceania with and iron fist. Because it’s the emotion that warns us about potential threats to our survival and urges us to protect ourselves from them. How to make a video presentation with Prezi in 6 steps; Oct. 14, 2020. Sometimes our fears are completely unfounded (some call these False Events Appearing Real). Letter: Stop using fear to control the masses Written By: ... Our healthy state economy is now derailing at the hands of those trying to instill fear in an effort to control. And what was the solution to all those issues? To break free from that conditioning, be sure to doubt — and not mindlessly accept — any “truth” that’s being thrown at you by someone else, regardless of who that person might be. Using as an example the current U.S. Administration and the election leading up to it, we are and have been amid a fear campaign in which those that we elect to lead us and the organizations that report on them are using fear as a marketing tool. Sometimes the threat is real and sometimes it can be imagined. Follow It’s cheap. As Henry Hazlitt ([1976] 1994) observes, Losers who were not slain in the conquest itself had to endure the consequent rape and pillage and in the longer term to acquiesce in the continuing payment of tribute to the insistent rulers—the stationary bandits, as Mancur Olson (2000, 6-9) aptly calls th… ~Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Ch. Fear, the manipulative tool of kings, tyrants, religious leaders and modern-day politicians … think global warming and covid-19. The death rate for this pandemic is small compared to past pandemics. Our home for bold arguments and big thinkers. In the battle now raging for ‘who controls the world’, some of the largely hidden or disguised controlling agents of planetary life – are now appearing on the surface. World; Project Fear: A Definition of Sanctioned Institutional Terrorism – ‘Using Fear as a Tool to Control the Masses’ LONDON - England - We have witnessed the daily terroristic assaults of Project Fear by the government in this EU Referendum. Fear leads to self-censorship, and self-censorship leads to a stifling of the political debate that is at the very core of a democratic society. Pumped-up to maximum volume and dispersed globally, the deliberately designed fear message has the instant effect of making the majority of people feel powerless. In point of fact it’s a farce; but a farce which involves actual deaths and the support of a police state, cannot simply be laughed-off. -Øwetgatt Q)etatica Rafh. Well, they do, much of the time, but rarely when they are gripped by fear of a threat, whether real or imagined. Every one of us whose knees have not turned to jelly and whose brains have not turned to mind controlled pulp, must take this moment to declare ourselves, boldly and resolutely with these four words “We do not consent”. One of the most pervasive and useful to the rulers is the FEAR of being “an outsider” and not accepted. I nod. Blog. Instead of succumbing to impulsive reactions, take the time to educate yourself on the issue at hand. Panicked and confused, millions of Americans couldn’t understand what was really going on and blindly consented to the so-called War on Terror. But the mainstream media doesn’t seem to care about those. 4 It is deadly obvious that people all over the world now allow the force of government to dictate all thought and behavior. And if you have Heaven as a place where you’re rewarded for you goodness, and Hell is a place where you’re punished for your evil, then you sort of have control … A person who is walking through a dark alley in the middle of the night may experience fear because they do not know whether or not it is safe to continue on. It’s success depends upon a large body of people following the instructions passed down by the political puppets of the deep state and by the cowardly repetition of these instructions by the main stream media. Those who plan the major moves on the chess-board of covert human control know that by leading with the word ‘pandemic’ they have an instantly effective weapon at their disposal to psychologically weaken the resistance of individuals vulnerable to irrational and impressionistic mind sets. March 17, 2020 March 17, 2020 Poppalloff. the probability of death due to inflight terrorism, acknowledging an emotion and explicitly identifying fear. The reality, however, is that you are way more likely to die from a multitude of other causes than terrorism, including heart disease, cancer, obesity, suicide, workplace accidents and contaminated food. how to control your fear, and how to be free from it, that's the point.' about     newsletter     contact    disclaimer     DMCA / removal notice   privacy policy. Yet interestingly enough, they all seem to have some comment on this Bible that they've never read through one time. The word ‘pandemic’ bears a similarity to the word ‘panic’ and indeed ‘pandemonium’. Afraid and insecure, most people blindly do what they’re told, thus wasting their hard-earned money buying things they don’t really need and which only provide them with a temporary, superficial sense of belonging and emotional gratification. Trump’s rhetoric went like this: “Illegal immigrants are pouring drugs and violence into America. In fact, the use of fear as a tool has ancient roots. Religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. (The lesser of two evils is still evil.) In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. I would say that the stage-management is pretty poor this time around. Email. Owing to the trans-planetary link-ups that take place today, the ‘master plan’ is no longer a regional or national affair, but a global one. Adolf Hitler didn't say that the best way to control a people is to "take a little of their freedom at a time." How politicians are using the coronavirus to seize control. Blog. The fact that China has likely been the initial bio-weapon target, does not detract from a more widespread aim to disrupt the world economy as a whole. Fear is an easily activated emotion. Our healthy state economy is now derailing at the hands of those trying to instill fear in an effort to control. The vast majority of politicians are demagogues. Using Fear to Control the Masses. Companies are selling their products by manipulating consumers’ insecurities in advertising. This act-first-think-later approach, however, doesn’t address underlying causes.”. But maybe what I saw as fearless was actually fear under control. You can see this in the herbivore men of Japan who consider it easier to sit at home and wank instead of finding a wife or achieving great things. For example, the roll-out of 5G microwave modulated WiFi; a digitalised smart grid and ‘internet of things’; a robotic transport system; facial recognition population surveillance programmes; new strains of genetically modified organisms and vaccines, and so forth. It's time to stop creating fear in an effort to control the masses. In 1987 and 1998, he led a campaign that saved unpasteurised milk from being banned in the UK; and, with Jadwiga Lopata, a ‘Say No to GMO’ campaign in Poland which led to a national ban of GM seeds and plants in that country in 2006. You might not be consciously aware of it, but corporations are heavily using fear-based advertising to make you buy their stuff. This practice is common to religion, politics and business and can facilitate the approval or disapproval or indifference to a person, policy, or product. You are What You Buy. By not rebelling in the face of such treatment – but instead  by complying with it – a mute populace establishes the basis of its own debasement and slavery. Fear and terrorism are interconnected, therefore, we should discuss their connection in order to understand their impact on our behavior, and their use to control people. The ‘order’ is to follow and consists in the emergence of a peace maker – or peace plan – that involves the lead croupiers raking the chips off the roulette board and cashing them in to their temporary satisfaction. In fact ‘pandemic’ evokes an almost instant flush of fear in those easily manipulated by mass media, before any details have even touched the surface or context in which the word is being used. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. One of the obvious ways that the elite control the populace is through the threat of violence. Fear or fear mongering tactics are among the highest potent humanistic emotional states. Bio. Immediately fear kicks in. The original source of this article is Global Research, Copyright © Julian Rose, Global Research, 2020. The media is infested with this words that cause fear, nuclear weapons, war, terrorism, deadly technologies, radical ideologies of hate, threats, terror, global war. For example, a study estimates that at least a thousand additional lives were lost in US road accidents the year after the 9/11 attacks. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research. It’s effective. Fear and state terrorism. to control the masses!" Video conferencing best practices: Tips to make meeting online even better And this, in turn, to undermine the rational and common sense based gift which we have all been blessed with from birth, and which – when in good order – can clearly see through the facade and hold the line of reason and truth. As sociologist and author Barry Glassner put it: “[Donald Trump’s] formula is very clean and uncomplicated: Be very, very afraid. That is h they seemed anyway. Most of humanity has undergone a process of education which depends for its effectiveness on the perceived power of some ‘authority’ to exert an unquestioned controlling influence over the general direction of the life. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. Living in Fear: Politicians Are Using Fear to Control the Masses Date: January 21, 2008 Author: Jackie Schenone One only has to have lived during the Cold War to remember the indoctrination we received as Children regarding Communism. If we miss an opportunity for abundance, life goes on; if we miss an important fear cue, it doesn’t.”. S say we dislike a position but we can also use it to pass over me through! Politics, says a UBC professor tool of kings, tyrants, religious leaders and modern-day …... Their products by manipulating consumers ’ insecurities in advertising ’ t address underlying causes. ” to... Stop creating fear in an effort to control people instead of trusting their and. 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