These are listed in Philip Lee Phillips' A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress (Washington, Govt. Wheat calls this "the best designed map that appeared in this era, [which] is notable for its clarity." Today separately published maps of individual consolidated systems and small-scale maps printed in timetables and atlases, such as Rand McNally's Handy Railroad Atlas of the United States (Chicago, 1973), continue to reflect the influence of mapping and printing styles developed in the 19th century. Chicago." (See entries 137-143.) 32 Rand McNally and Company, [Untitled booklet distributed to customers by the company, circa 1879]. From Fort Smith to the Rio Grande : from explorations and ... Telegraph and Rail Road map of the New England States. It became more widely utilized after Rand McNally introduced its wax engraving process in 1872. That same year, Rand McNally used the plates from the large map to produce its famous Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide, which is now in its 105th edition. and for various advertising purposes. The perfect clearness with which these maps are shown to be printed is a guarantee of the class of work turned out.33, Rand McNally's output in the late 19th century rivaled the volume of maps, guides, illustrated timetables, and atlases produced by Colton. French and J.F. 28Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean 1853-1856 (Washington, 1855-1859), published in a quarto set of 13 volumes and commonly known as the "Pacific Railroad Surveys," it contains narratives of the explorations and accompanying maps of the surveyed routes. Lt. Joshua Barney's "Map of the Country Embracing the Various Routes Surveyed for the Balt. (See entry 174.) 8 Alfred Runte, "Pragmatic Alliance, Western Railroads and the National Parks," National Parks 48 (April 1974):14. (See entry 508.). 24Memorial of Asa Whitney ... Praying a Grant of Land, to Enable Him to Construct a Railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean (28th Congress, 2d sess., Senate Doc. Before the 1850 land grant to the Illinois Central Railroad, indirect federal subsidies were provided by route surveys made by army engineers. Before 1840 most surveys were made for short passenger lines which proved to be financially unprofitable. Colton of New York, used copper plates through the 1860's and 1870's. Late 19th- and Early 20th … Scarce George Cram Railroad large 19th century double page continuous seam "tipped-in" map of Louisiana. 33 Rand McNally and Company, Railway Guide The Travelers' Hand Book, (Chicago, January 1873), p. xvii, and "A Tradition is Born ... Rand McNally's First Maps," Ranally World (December 1962):8. The system is supported by infrastructure, such as gas stations, along these routes. There are specific 19th century volumes for the DL&W (Taber), the Reading (Holton), Central Vermont (Jones). Most railroad histories cover the 19th century (of course, a history of the Penn Central would be an exception :-). The Southern Pacific Railroad was subsequently built along this parallel. to New Mexico and the Arkansas River. This roadbed was extended in 1831 to Frederick, Md., and, in 1832, to Point of Rocks. 6 Walter W. Ristow, "Lithography and Maps, 1796-1850" (Oral presentation, currently in press, given at the 3d Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr., lecture on the history of cartography, entitled "500 Years of Map Printing." Mex., to the Red River. 34Ranally World (February to June 1956), and Andrew McNally III, The World of Rand McNally (New York: Newcomer Society of North America, 1956). Theodore D. Judah, the engineer of the Sacramento Valley Railroad (see entry 552), became obsessed with the desire to build a transcontinental railroad. This line conclusively demonstrated the feasibility of transporting agricultural products and other commodities by rail for long distances at low cost. For the little Santa Cruz Railroad itself - as for many smaller railroads built in the late 19th century - its story was briefer. "31 An 1879 Rand McNally booklet confirms that, map 'designing' to other than a railroad official, might seem a peculiar phrase, but the majority of railroad maps have some 'peculiar designs' hidden under the careful pencil of the draughtsman. Numerous maps of the United States and individual states and counties were made which clearly indicated the sections of the granted land and the railroad rights-of-way. British railroads were first shown on a map in Philippe Vandermaelen's Atlas de L'Europe, published in Brussels in two volumes between 1829 and 1833. The first American "tramroad" or "gravity road" was erected in 1764 for military purposes at the Niagara portage in Lewiston, N. Y., under the direction of Capt. (See entry 1.) G. Woolworth Colton. From 1500's Ptolemaic maps, where mountains resemble snakes, to the first U.S. Atlas, 1795, to maps and prints of 19th Century railroads, to black ocean globes with copper airplane stands from the 1940's. 585-90. No other railroad dominated the New York City region like the Central. . Most are Town Plans which were surveyed at either five or ten foot to one mile scale between 1837 and 1896. Just as the earliest railroad surveys in the East in the 1830's influenced mapping activities, the great amount of data derived from the Pacific surveys similarly stimulated cartographic activities. The earliest printed map in the collections, based on government surveys conducted for a state owned railroad, is "Map of the Country Embracing the Various Routes Surveyed for the Western & Atlantic Rail Road of Georgia, 1837." In the Library's collections are maps from the earliest era of railroad mapmaking, Henry Schenck Tanner's "Map of the Canals & Rail Roads of the United States," dated 1830, is an early general map, depicting "working lines" on the eastern seaboard and in Kentucky, Alabama, and Louisiana. It declined, slowly, after the peak of railroad building. This large map, at the scale of 1:316,800 and approximately 2 1/2 x 4 feet in size, is hand colored on tracing linen. Colton, 1863-64. Other map pages: [ Locations | Map themes & related | Cartographers] During the nineteenth century, folding travel maps were published for the use of wagon drivers, railroad passengers, and steamboat voyageurs in a new and rapidly developing country. (See entry 348.) It was not until 1848, however, that this company was organized to recover for the city of Alexandria some of the trade previously lost to Baltimore and Richmond. Published in 1838 were C.F. Some railroad maps cover the entire country or large portions of it and show the entire railroad network. The possibility of railroads connecting the Atlantic and Pacific coasts was discussed in Congress even before the treaty with England which settled the "Oregon Question" in 1846.23 Chief promoter of a transcontinental railroad was Asa Whitney, a New York merchant active in the China trade, whose obsession was a railroad to the Pacific. In the 1824 General Survey Bill to establish works of internal improvements, railroads were not specifically mentioned. The David Rumsey Map Collection Database has many viewers and the Blog has numerous categories.The physical map collection is housed in the David Rumsey Map Center at the Stanford University Library. Izard in 1832. Color to accentuate the many lines of intricate railroad networks, however, continued to be manually applied to many maps at the end of the century, including Rand McNally's elephant-sized maps of the 1890's, which are discussed in detail at the end of this essay. Philadelphia served as one of the nation's many capitals during the Revolutionary War, and the city served as the temporary national capital from 1790 to 1800 while Washington, D.C. was under construction. The 18th century was a boom time for building roads. 27 Gouverneur K. Warren, Memoir to Accompany the Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, Giving a Brief Account of Each of the Exploring Expeditions Since A.D. 1800, with a Detailed Description of the Method Adopted in Compiling the General Map (Washington, U.S. Congress, Senate, 1859), p. 78. The document was created as a result of a Colorado State Historical Fund grant awarded to Colorado State Parks for the purpose of preparing a historic context that would assist in evaluation and planning efforts related to railroad abandonments and potential rails-to-trails conversions. These and many other general maps, the U.S. Post Office's "Post Route Maps," and the earlier editions of the large-scale, topographical quadrangle maps, published by the U.S. Geological Survey since its establishment in 1879 but not listed here, provide excellent source material for the search of abandoned railroad lines. With these CDs, you will be able to trace the old railroads that made this country great in the 19th century and learn many interesting facts about the various railroad lines both from the provided descriptions and the detailed annotations found on many of the maps. 31 "Truth in Railway Maps," Railroad Age 84, no. 14 Henry Schenck Tanner, Memoir on the Recent Surveys, Observations, and Internal Improvements, in the United States... (Philadelphia: Published by the Author, 1829), p. 19. (San Franscisco: The Institute of Historical Cartography, 1957-63),2:187. These large-scale, hand-drawn maps were designed toward the end of the century by Frank H. Galbraith, an enterprising Chicago railway mail clerk. He stated that "the work of compilation . John Montressor, a British engineer, known to students of historical cartography also as a mapmaker. Map of the canals and railroads for transporting anthracite coal from the several coal fields to the … The industrial and commercial depression and the panic of 1837 slowed railroad construction. The acquisition of California following the Mexican War opened the way for other routes to the coast. To link to this object, paste this link in email, IM or document ... 19th Century American Sheet Music: A: Alfonso Elder Papers, 1927-1993: Archie Green Papers: B: The NY&N was a small operation, originally conceived in 1869 as the New York & Boston. . Today, I want to do a graphics intensive post. Geography and Map Division; Modelski, Andrew M., 1929- Others utilized both reproduction methods, and in some instances "engraving" was done on stone. Scarce George Cram Railroad large 19th century double page continuous seam "tipped-in" map of Louisiana. 21Report of the Engineers, on the Reconnoissance and surveys, made in reference to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road (Baltimore: Printed by W. Wooddy, 1828). Centennial American Republic and Railroad Map of the United States, and of the Dominion of Canada," published in 1875. After a while, crude roads were built and then canals. Other maps among the more than 5,000 railroad maps in the Geography and Map Division include progress report surveys for individual lines, official government surveys, promotional maps (some of which, such as entry 425, were geographically distorted to exaggerate the size and routes of one line), Pacific Railroad Surveys, maps that show the extent of railroad land grants, maps locating rights-of-way, and route guides published by commercial firms. It is also interesting to note that in the report the commissioners believed "that horse power will be most expedient for application to the uses of this road." Canals and inland waterways - Canals and inland waterways - United States: In the United States, canal building began slowly; only 100 miles of canals had been built at the beginning of the 19th century; but before the end of the century more than 4,000 miles were open to navigation. (See entry 59.). (See entry 5. The total grant amounted to some 42 million acres for a line from Springfield, Mo. After Gunnison's death at the hands of hostile Indians, Lt. Edward G. Beckwith continued the survey along the 41st parallel. (See entry 215.). With Robert Fulton's steamboat, the Clermont, and a boat built by John Stevens, the use of steam power for vessels became firmly established. Many railroad maps were among the cartographic items which constituted the Library's collection when a separate Map Division was formed in 1897. In 1849 Whitney published a booklet to promote his Project for a Railroad to the Pacific. In January 1845 he petitioned Congress for a charter and a grant of a 60-mile strip through the public domain to help finance construction.24 Whitney suggested the use of Irish and German immigrant labor which was at the time in great abundance. Other map pages: [ Locations | Map themes & related | Cartographers] During the nineteenth century, folding travel maps were published for the use of wagon drivers, railroad passengers, and steamboat voyageurs in a new and rapidly developing country. During the Middle Ages most heavy or bulky items were carried by water wherever possible. The system is supported by infrastructure, such as gas stations, along these routes. These surveys showed that a railroad could follow any one of the five routes and that the 32d parallel route was the least expensive. These separately issued maps were sold to a huge population of Americans on the move. Founded by George Pullman, the Pullman company was the premier manufacturer of railway rolling stock and was based in Chicago, Illinois. 16 Ristow, "Lithography and Maps, 1796-1850," p. 49. 1899 Railroad Map of Montana| 19th Century Montana State Railway Plan Print| Montana Old Map| Old Map Wall Art| Wall Decor Old Map HunnapPrintHouse. Wheat, Mapping the Transmississippi West 5 vols. To satisfy Americans' keen interest in the routes of railroads, cartographers have shown rail lines on maps since the first tracks were laid in the United States. The geographic inaccuracy in railroad maps led George H. Heafford, general passenger agent for the Missouri Pacific, to note in 1878 that, "If this World could be made over according to some of our ideas, I have not the faintest doubt but that the railroads we represent would all be the straightest and shortest lines between every prominent city in the country. Map showing the route and connections of the Wheeling and ... Map of rail road surveys from Worcester to Baldwinville & N.H. ... Map showing the line of the Connecticut & Western Railroad and ... Tunison's railroad, distance, and township map of New York from ... Railroad map showing the lands of the Standard Coal and Iron Co.... Mitchell's new traveller's guide through the United States, ... Map of the central portion of the United States showing the ... Rail road & township map of Massachusetts, published at the ... Geography and Map Reading Room, Guide to the Collections. In 1858 William H. Rand, a native of Boston, established a printing office in Chicago and employed as a printer Andrew McNally. "20 In his Congressional History of Railways, Lewis H. Haney credits these surveys as being the first to receive federal aid. The first revision of the map, drawn by Freyhold, was engraved on stone by Julius Bien of New York. It was on this line that the famous "Andrews Raid" of April 1862 occurred when Union soldiers disguised as railroad employees captured the locomotive known as the "General. The surveys were made under the direction of Lt. Col. Stephen H. Long, chief engineer, who 10 years earlier had surveyed the routes for the Baltimore and Ohio,21 (See entry 332.) Some firms, like G.W. The largest decline is noted in individual promotional maps and surveys as lines became abandoned or consolidated. Lt. John G. Parke resurveyed along the Gila River between the Pima villages and the Rio Grande. For the UK railway map, the colour identifies the owning company pre-grouping (circa 1923). (See entries 449-501.) General railroad maps, depicting the continental United States - and using the basic style developed in the previous century, continued to be popular until the beginning of World War II. 1:193,000. (Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1908 and 1910; reprint ed., New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1968), 1:400. John W. Gunnison was to explore the route along the 38th and 39th parallels, or the Cochetopa Pass route, advocated by Senator Benton. Railroad lines are marked in color with the operators to correspond with the list (railroad freight companies are noted next to name). Strengthened by other proposals, including those of Hartwell Carver in 1849 and of Edwin F. Johnson in 1853 (see entry 24), such leading statesmen as John C. Calhoun, Stephen A. Douglas, and Jefferson Davis declared their support for linking the country by rails. Because steampowered railroads had stiff competition from canal companies, many partially completed lines were abandoned. ), Following the consolidation and rapid growth of American railroads after the panic of 1873, many commercial maps were produced to show the spreading network. All time periods, at once, on the same map. The most northerly survey, between the 47th and 49th parallels, was under the direction of Isaac Ingalls Stevens, governor of Washington Territory. On the verso are timetables and ticket information and a small "Map of the Business District of Chicago" which locates railroad depots. . A collection of mainly 19th century maps of almost 150 cities, towns, and villages in the Republic of Ireland. (See entry 567.) The maps were not published but were rented, on a fee basis, to practicing or prospective postal workers. . As early as 1868 most western railroads established profitable land departments and bureaus of immigration, with offices in Europe, to sell land and promote foreign settlement in the western United States. Proposed lines also extended from St. Louis to San Francisco and from Independence, Mo. Scale ca. Poor, 1870), p. xxviii. This line, constructed to connect with the B & O at Harpers Ferry, was designed to divert Shenandoah Valley wheat from the city of Alexandria and stimulate the growth of Baltimore. This annotated list reveals the scope of the railroad map collection and highlights the development of railroad mapping in 19th-century America. Excluded are photocopies, facsimiles, atlases, and maps which are included in annual railroad company reports or which illustrate volumes classed elsewhere in the Library of Congress. The remainder were produced by enlargement of the 1/2500 maps … Modelski, Andrew M. 1975. 19 Fairfax Harrison, Landmarks of Old Prince William; A Study of Origins in Northern Virginia (Richmond, Va.: Old Dominion Press, 1924). Two years after the successful launching of Lake County 's first rail line, the St. Johns and Lake Eustis Railroad Co. in 1879, a group of entrepreneurs thought … Work on the 138-mile Georgia route from Atlanta to Chattanooga started in 1841, and by 1850 the line was open to traffic. The Columbia Railroad of Pennsylvania, completed in 1834, and the Boston and Providence, completed in June 1835, were other early lines. 9 "Single Rail Railway," [With lithograph plate by Pendleton. It requires a faculty only aquired by experience and a perfect knowledge of the railroad system of the country, to 'design' a good railroad advertising map. 13 Henry Varnum Poor, History of the Railroads and Canals of the United States of America (New York: John H. Schulz & Co., 1860), p. [vi]. Discovery of gold, the expanding frontier, and success of the eastern railroads increased interest in building a railroad to the Pacific.26 Railroads were also needed in the West to provide better postal service, as had been developed in the East in 1838 by designating railroad lines "post roads." In his Mapping the Transmississippi West, Carl I. 69, Serial 451, Jan. 28, 1845). Because he failed to get John Charles Frémont appointed to head this expedition, Benton promoted two well-publicized, privately financed ventures in the same year, one headed by Edward F. Beale and the other by Frémont. Off., 1901). Township and railroad map of Minnesota published for the ... Williams' commercial map of the United States and Canada with ... A correct map of the United States showing the Union Pacific, ... A map of the Virginia Central Railroad, west of the Blue Ridge, ... General map of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road & its ... Map showing the Port Royal Railroad and its connections. (See entry 147a.) This idea, derived from the government land-grant maps, may have been perpetuated by the mapping of the Illinois Central Railroad after it was granted land along its path in 1850. Within two years after William and John Pendleton established the first important lithographic printing house in Boston in 1825, their firm was printing railroad surveys and reports for the earliest New England railroad companies.9, Even after lithographic printing in map production became common, engraving continued in use for many years for finer and more limited works. By the use of specially prepared paper and ink, an illustration or a newly drawn map could be transferred directly to a stone or a zinc plate. (See entry 346.) 18th and Early 19th Century Mapping of Wales. "13 Indeed, Colton's maps from the early 1850's to the last decade of the century, most of which were subtitled "Colton's Railroad and Township Map," surpassed in quality and quantity other maps published in the 19th century. Numerous maps show rail lines within one state, county, or geographic region. The expansion of the transcontinental railroad in the 19th century was followed by the development of an Interstate Highway System in the 20th century, as motorized vehicles became more and more popular. To fill requests for special-purpose maps, the new printing methods contributed greatly to the volume and variety of railroad maps. Establish works of internal improvements, railroads were not specifically mentioned became abandoned or consolidated status of major mergers also... By coach to Culpeper by 1852 and to Gordonsville 19th century railroad map 1854 ever been produced in newspapers. 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