His investigations of linguistics and psychology would prove particularly revelatory, offering a distinctive window through which to newly understand the nature of meaning and the limits of human conception. Some schools of thought are still represented in contemporary philosophical thought while others have been left dormant for over 2000 years. Chinese teacher, writer, and philosopher Confucius viewed himself as a channel for the theological ideas and values of the imperial dynasties that came before him. To find philosophers by core area, field, major philosophical tradition, ethnicity, or time periods, see the subheadings further below. He is a philosopher who introduces his thought through literary works like the philosopher who, at the same, received a Nobel Prize in literature: Sartre, Camus, Bertrand Russell. His most important contribution to Western thought is the concept of natural theology (sometimes referred to as Thomism in tribute to his influence). His ideals have been particularly embraced by progressive movements, and he allied with many during his lifetime. His ideas have significantly shaped Western culture. Favored perspectivism, which held that truth is not objective but is the consequence of various factors effecting individual perspective; Articulated ethical dilemma as a tension between the master vs. slave morality; the former in which we make decisions based on the assessment of consequences, and the latter in which we make decisions based on our conception of good vs. evil; Believed in the individual’s creative capacity to resist social norms and cultural convention in order to live according to a greater set of virtues. The site thus covers the main philosophical traditions, from the Presocratic to the contemporary philosophers, while trying to bring a philosophical reading to the cultural field in general, such as cinema, literature, politics or music. His ideas also remain central to theological debate, discourse, and modes of worship. The result was an enormous sphere of influence for Aristotle’s ideas, one that only began to be challenged by Renaissance thinkers nearly 2,000 years later. Modern philosophy got its start in Western Europe during the Seventeenth Century. Accused and convicted of corrupting the youth, his only real crime was embarrassing and irritating a number of important people. The website, Famous Philosophers, is an attempt to highlight all philosophers and their contributions who … Born in Geneva, then a city-state in the Swiss Confederacy, Rousseau would be one of the most consequential thinkers of the Enlightenment era. He contributed a lot towards the development of western philosophy that is still studied today and governs many of our actions. Aristotle is among the most important and influential thinkers and teachers in human history, often considered — alongside his mentor, Plato — to be a father of Western Philosophy.” Born in the northern part of ancient Greece, his writings and ideas on metaphysics, ethics, knowledge, and methodological inquiry are at the very root of human thought. As a member of the Dutch States Army, then as the Prince of Orange and subsequently as Stadtholder (a position of national leadership in the Dutch Republic), Descartes wielded considerable intellectual influence over the period known as the Dutch Golden Age. As Buddhism became the dominant spiritual force in China, Confucianism declined in practice. Know first of all that there is no single answer to this question. Wrote on the importance of subjects such as self-reliance, experiential living, and the preeminence of the soul; Referred to “the infinitude of the private man” as his central doctrine; Was a mentor and friend to fellow influential transcendentalist Henry David Thoureau. He contributed a critical body of work to the school of thought called liberalism, an ideology founding on the extension of individual liberties and economic freedoms. First described the concept of angst, defining it as a dread the comes from anxieties over choice, freedom, and ambiguous feelings. The list of the greatest philosophers is incomplete without Aristotle. And of course, it also gave him direct sway over the mind of a man who would one day command an empire stretching from Greece to northwestern India. This idea in particular would remain an important component of the existentialist and surrealist movements that followed. Here are the famous philosophers whose teachings and theories create the shape of modern philosophy. In contrast to rationalists such as Descartes, Hume was preoccupied with the way that passions (as opposed to reason) govern human behavior. He was focused on creating a “naturalistic science of man” that delves into the psychological conditions defining human nature. Together, they devised an assessment of class, society, and power dynamics that revealed deep inequalities, and exposed the economic prerogatives for state-sponsored violence, oppression, and war. The term “philosophy” derives from the Greek word philosophia which translates to a “love of wisdom,” coined by pre-Socratic thinkers such as Pythagoras in the 6th century B.C. While some became lightening rods for controversy, all of these thinkers had an impact on the field of psychology. The 30 Most Important and Famous Middle Age Philosophers The Philosophers of the Middle Ages were Prominent men who thought of the world, of society, of the divine, or of the cosmos, and of which many of his teachings and reflections remain valid or served … Important Philosophers and Their Works. Discards belief in all things that are not absolutely certain, emphasizing the understanding of that which can be known for sure; Is recognized as the father of analytical geometry; Regarded as one of the leading influences in the Scientific Revolution — a period of intense discovery, revelation, and innovation that rippled through Europe between the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras (roughly speaking, 15th to 18th centuries). Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli is at once among the most influential and widely debated of history’s thinkers. More broadly speaking, his examination of power and social control has had a direct influence on the studies of sociology, communications, and political science. He is known for his theory of rationality and for his concept of modernity. Some of these thinkers were also philosophers, educators, and therapists. His belief system would help to inform the future movements of utilitarianism and logical positivism, and would have a profound impact on scientific and theological discourse thereafter. Our rankings include programs students can only find online. Aristotle was one of the most famous and eminent philosophers and a pioneering figure in the history of philosophy. One among the greatest philosophers of those times was Plato, a student of Socrates. Aristotle. He is also well known in the fields of early biology and geography. The-Philosophy.com - 2008-2019, Presocratic Philosophy of Heraclitus and Parmenides, Stuart Mill Philosophy: Interest, Economics and Politics. For his own part, as a member of Parliament, Mill became the first office-holding Briton to advocate for the right of women to vote. Seventeenth Century Philosophers (1600's) Sir Francis Bacon English (1561-1626) Sir Francis Bacon advocated the use of inductive reasoning (as opposed to the deductive reasoning used by the … He focused on the importance of the individual’s subjective relationship with God, and his work addressed the themes of faith, Christian love, and human emotion. This proliferation was a major force in helping existentialism take root in the 20th century. The 10 Most Important Mexican Philosophers and their Contributions Some of the Mexican philosophers more important have been Leopodo Zea Aguilar, Alfonso Méndez Plancarte or Gabino Barreda. The alphabetical list of philosophers is so large it had to be broken up into several pages. And because 20 philosophers are indeed just a small sampling from the whole history of human thought, stay tuned for another round of influential thinkers in the not-too-distant future. His writing coincided with, and contrasted, the sweep of fascism through Europe, the rise of authoritarian regimes, and the spread of Nazism. Mill was also a proponent of utilitarianism, which holds that the best action is one that maximizes utility, or stated more simply, one that provide the greatest benefit to all. This orientation provided a newly concreted framework for considering questions of ethics, politics, knowledge, and theology. Historian, social theorist, and philosopher Michel Foucault, born in the riverfront city of Poiltiers, France, dedicated much of his teaching and writing to the examination of power and knowledge and their connection to social control. Argued that Athenians were wrong-headed in their emphasis on families, careers, and politics at the expense of the welfare of their souls; Is sometimes attributed the statement “I know that I know nothing,” to denote an awareness of his ignorance, and in general, the limitations of human knowledge; Believed misdeeds were a consequence of ignorance, that those who engaged in nonvirtuous behavior did so because they didn’t know any better. The columns of the site are open to external contributions. The Greek word for philosophy (philosophia) translates to the “love for wisdom” in English. Suggested that Man was at his best in a primitive state — suspended between brute animalistic urges on one end of the spectrum and the decadence of civilization on the other — and therefore uncorrupted in his morals; Suggested that the further we deviate from our “state of nature,” the closer we move to the “decay of the species,” an idea that comports with modern environmental and conservationist philosophies; Wrote extensively on education and, in advocating for an education that emphasizes the development of individual moral character, is sometimes credited as an early proponent of child-centered education. In addition to being a philosopher, Aristotle was also a scientist, which led him to consider an enormous array of topics, and largely through the view that all concepts and knowledge are ultimately based on perception. Famous Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle, made significant contributions to various fields of science and arts of his era–logic, biology, politics, economics, ethics and aesthetics. This, Hume argued, predisposed human beings to knowledge founded not on the existence of certain absolutes but on personal experience. Any list of famous astronomers has to include a varied collection of great scientists from the Greeks to the modern era, big thinkers who tackled … They stand as major philosophers and to this day are still read by philosophy students because of their contributions to the field and history of philosophy. A quote by British philosopher Alfred North Whitehead sums up the enormity of his influence, noting “the safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.” Indeed, it could be argued that Plato founded political philosophy, introducing both the dialectic and dialogic forms of writing as ways to explore various areas of thought. This orientation played a major part in his theology as well. But we think it’s worth the risk to give you a quick shot of knowledge while you prepare for your exam, tighten up your essay, or begin the research process. We hope this was enlightening for you. His philosophy is said to have figured prominently into the formulation of the Declaration of Independence that initiated America’s war for independence from the British. Expressed the view, often referred to as Platonism, that those whose beliefs are limited only to perception are failing to achieve a higher level of perception, one available only to those who can see beyond the material world; Articulated the theory of forms, the belief that the material world is an apparent and constantly changing world but that another, invisible world provides unchanging causality for all that we do see; Held the foundational epistemological view of “justified true belief,” that for one to know that a proposition is true, one must have justification for the relevant true proposition. However, in most traditional tellings, Lao-Tzu was the living embodiment of the philosophy known as Taoism and author of its primary text, the Tao Te Ching. He was also in a unique position to prevail directly over thinking throughout the known world, tutoring a young Alexander the Great at the request of the future conqueror’s father, Phillip II of Macedon. Lao-Tzu espoused an ideal life lived through the Dao or Tao (roughly translated as “the way”). His writings, and Aquinas himself, are still considered among the preeminent models for Catholic priesthood. He is credited as being the first known writer on philosophy because the first surviving lines of Western philosophy were written by him. Below you will find a comprehensive list of great philosophers and links to their philosophy, their quotes, or their major philosophical works. This ontological approach is among the central premises underpinning modern Catholic philosophy and liturgy. Philosophy is complicated stuff. (Last Updated On: May 15, 2018) Some of the most famous psychologists in history made important contributions to our understanding of the human mind and behavior. Greek philosopher and teacher Plato did nothing less than found the first institution of higher learning in the Western World, establishing the Academy of Athens and cementing his own status as the most important figure in the development of western philosophical tradition. Julien Josset, founder. What perhaps most distinguishes Kant is his innate desire to find a synthesis between rationalists like Descartes and empiricists like Hume, to decipher a middle ground that defers to human experience without descending into skepticism. A necessary inclusion by virtue of his role as, essentially, the founder of Western Philosophy, Socrates is nonetheless unique among entrants on this list for having produced no written works reflecting his key ideas or principles. We will highlight their main contributions and analyze their role in the history of ideas. As the pupil of Socrates and the mentor to Aristotle, Plato is the connecting figure in what might be termed the great triumvirate of Greek thought in both philosophy and science. Before being a field of study, it is above all a way of seeing the world, of questioning it. Famous Greek Philosophers Imagine the genre of philosophy without Aristotle, Socrates, Thales, Pythagoras or even Epicurus? Without any further delay, let’s take a look. Part of the movement of British Empiricism alongside fellow countrymen David Hume, Thomas Hobbes, and Sir Francis Bacon, Locke is regarded as an important contributor to the development of the social contract theory and is sometimes identified as the father of liberalism. Socrates was the big-city philosopher in ancient Athens. The classical Greek thinker is best known through Plato’s dialogues, which reveal a key contributor to the fields of ethics and education. Here are 10 Greatest Philosophers who ever lived 1. Advocated strongly for the human right of free speech, and asserted that free discourse is necessary for social and intellectual progress; Determined that most of history can be understood as a struggle between liberty and authority, and that limits must be placed on rulership such that it reflects society’s wishes; Stated the need for a system of “constitutional checks” on state authority as a way of protecting political liberties. But what follows is your introduction, a rapid-fire look at 20 Major Philosophers, their Big Ideas, and their most important written works. This event would, however, also make it possible for his most important ideas to find a popular audience. These premises always have a common or middle term to associate them, but this binding term is absent in the conclusion. Independent from any institution or philosophical thought, the site is maintained by a team of former students in human sciences, now professors or journalists. He founded the Academy in Athens that was the western society’s first institution of higher learning. The discipline dates back to ancient times with some of the greatest philosophers being Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The method is usually regarded as a set of questions that are tests of logic. From its ashes would rise a new socialist system, a classless society where all participants (as opposed to just wealthy private owners) have access to the means for production. A writer, public office-holder, and philosopher of Renaissance Italy, Machiavelli both participated in and wrote prominently on political matters, to the extent that he has even been identified by some as the father of modern political science. It’s the search for meaning, for greater understanding, for answers to the questions surrounding our existence, our purpose, and the universe itself. Though occasionally serving to raise issues regarding human rights abuses as an outside observer, he praised the Soviet Union’s attempt at manifesting Marxism. This gave him access to an extensive body of writing and artifacts, which he synthesized into his own poetry and prose. Moreover, during his life, he wrote voluminously but published only a single manuscript. They laid down some of the primary fundamentals of … Below is a list of the greatest thinkers of all time along with their most important theories about human nature and other ponderings of the world. In fact, his involvement earned Sartre two near-miss bomb attacks at the hands of French paramilitary forces. Since 2008, The-Philosophy.com acts for the diffusion of the philosophical thoughts. Socrates' greatest contribution to philosophy was the Socratic Method in which discussion, argument, and dialogue are used to discern the truth. His service as an international diplomat on behalf of France also influenced his understanding of social constructs throughout history and how they have served to enforce racial, religious, and sexual inequality. This and other ideas found in Mill’s works have been essential to providing rhetorical basis for social justice, anti-poverty, and human rights movements. We’ve sorted the philosophical schools of thought by period (Antiquity / Middle Ages / Modernity / Contemporary) for easier visibility on and clearer understanding of the currents in the history of philosophy. He was the first person to come up with an authentic and logical procedure to conclude a st… Defined the “Categorical imperative,” the idea that there are intrinsically good and moral ideas to which we all have a duty, and that rational individuals will inherently find reason in adhering to moral obligation; Argued that humanity can achieve a perpetual peace through universal democracy and international cooperation; Asserted that the concepts of time and space, as well as cause and effect, are essential to the human experience, and that our understanding of the world is conveyed only by our senses and not necessarily by the underlying (and likely unseen) causes of the phenomena we observe. Let us know if there are any you’d like to see covered. Jurgen Habermas (born 1929) is a German sociologist and philosopher in the tradition of critical theory and pragmatism. 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