sultai control modern

06 Prosinec 20

I kind of like the Compulsive Research as a way of gaining card advantage. Feeds | Indie70. Without Tasigur, it was pretty difficult to be in UBG for Modern outside of the former Treasure Cruise. I don't really understand you two, "Griselbrand" and "Goryo's vengeance" don't sounds like "UBg Sultai control" Deck but more in "UBg Sultai Tempo"(Here, Blue just give you Cantrips ..), i never played Goryos Deck but i don't think it was Control deck. That is why I am drawn to black-based control archtypes like Sultai and Esper. TCGPlayer 909.13 - 878.84 . 2 … Spellskite is for Burn and Twin mainly. 2 Bontu's Last Reckoning. Gerald loves Ashiok, but I really don’t since in a very aggressive Modern format, it looks like a blank most of the time. Using the terms "Control" with "Sultai" Colors means using best Controlish Spells we have access, not ? A lot of these sideboard options help in many matchups. Bant Control/Stoneblade can’t effectively answer everything that Sultai Titan brings to the table. I’m surprised he went with Thragtusk over Batterskull since while Thragtusk is strong, Batterskull is usually unbeatable against certain decks. Surprisingly, Blood Moon is not a big deal for this deck since you have lots of counter spells and with 4 Abrupt Decay and 1 Golgari Charm, you just have to float a green and a black as soon as the Blood Moon resolves to take care of it. In Legacy, there is way more options since not only is blue the best color there, but you also have tons of great Golgari stuff like Toxic Deluge, Shardless Agent, Baleful Strix, Pernicious Deeds, Deathrite Shaman, and many others. Sultai Control es la evolución de las barajas de Sultai Delve adquiriendo los principales elementos de control de la UB control. I tried SULTAI SNOW-URO, and I will try again ! Lands 4 x Opulent Palace 4 x Polluted Delta 4 x Temple of Malady 3 x Yavimaya Coast 2 x Temple of Mystery 1 x Temple of Deceit 1 x Llanowar Wastes 1 x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 3 x Swamp 2 x Island. Decklist: 1 Blast Zone. 3 Swamp. Let me know in the comments if you have given it a run and what changes could make the deck potentially better. Marit Lage Token . His compared to mine is not much different. Also, I hesitate to call this sultai control. Test deck View deck as image Copy deck. Edit. This deck is mostly removal spells and counter magic, so having some life gain outside of Batterskull is very important. I feel the deck could possibly positioned really well right now. I really like the sultai colors and I've been trying to brew a control deck with it for modern for quite a while. Modern. Golgari Charm maindeck can be a nice sleeper since most decks just don’t expect it main deck and it can lead to some blow outs. Creeping Tar pit is kind of another no brainer in a UB control deck. Back to my build though. This means that you don't want your deck to be terribly aggressive like the regular Jund/Abzan decks. The UR Delver deck was also the better Cruise deck anyway, so Sultai had no time to shine. Hard to really figure out if Sultai can be a real thing in Modern. While perhaps not as powerful, they are more enjoyable … In this video I play a few matches with Jeskai Wildfire Control which I have recently built for MTGO. The entire 75 does not run any double green cards since the mana base just can’t really handle it. Id of the deck: 11990. Jeskai has been the default control deck for a while in Modern, but with Siege Rhino and Tasigur having 5 toughness, and the absence of Dark Confidants from a lot of GB lists, those Lightning Helixes and Lightning Bolts are not well positioned at the moment. Thought this would be a cool deck given the post-twin meta. 0. send. Sultai Control. By Frank Lepore / April 9, 2016 October 10, 2019. This site is unaffiliated. Updated Aug 20, 2020 by Darkbirdofprey using our MTG Deck Builder. Deck Registration Sheet Deck Proxy. The Disfigure I am a little sketchy about since there’s times where it can be a blank, but I think just playing 1 is ok. Mana Leak and Remand are the classic countering duo and both are generic enough to be playable. The main green cards of choice are pretty conventional. The options of going Sultai in Modern are very limited due to all of the premier GB/UB/UG cards existing mainly in Legacy. I don’t really love Serum Visions here since this deck isn’t really trying to look for any combo pieces or anything in particular most of the time, so scrying doesn’t feel that important. Because I love Sultai colors and the deck with a bit of practice could be soooOOoOo sweet I think. 1 Breeding Pool. You mainly want UB fixing here and this is another way of closing out the game as well. This seems a bit weird since Modern is in a place to where you want to usually be proactive, but I think there is a way of doing both, which here is my blueprint of how to do so. This site © 2020, LLC I really like the sultai colors and I've been trying to brew a control deck with it for modern for … Batterskull was already talked about before and Liliana of the Veil doesn’t need any real intro either. Fulminator Mage is for Tron but sometimes any 3 color deck, decks with man lands or just any deck where you want to be aggressive. Color pie. Modern Sultai Midrange decks from the best players around the world. The answer really is to not exactly go GBx, but rather UBx. 1 Damnation is just to have some board sweeper in the deck. Reid incorporates the lessons from his singleton Sultai list to create a fully realized proper build for Modern! Sultai/ BUG/ Whatever your Magic OCD desires to call it...Control. Without Treasure Cruise, what exactly is the incentive to not be playing Siege Rhino or Lightning bolt, but rather blue cards instead? Feed the Clan is just for burn and already explained enough why it's important. Sultai seems to be the less preferred variety of the trio of GBx decks. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. I guess the Tusk is better with trading with Siege Rhino so that could be a thing. That is too bad, I think UW Control is boring and lacks character. Ultra budget Sultai control using mostly cards I already own The approach to making a current Sultai deck in Modern is definitely a lot different than it would be for a GBx deck. This is probably the closest thing I can find for a reasonable UB control deck in this format. Playtest v1. The weird thing was that Birthing Pod was still the GBx deck of choice, which just clearly outclassed Sultai with Cruise. Not to belittle his finish, but semantics MATTER. I left the site I had been with for six years. I personally don’t like this since I just don’t like playing creatures in general, but it’s not completely unreasonable. Discord Server | I think with the right tweaks to the deck it could be a real power house that goes under the radar. You want to be able to utilize the blue cards a bit more than you would the GB ones since if you’re not trying to be aggressive, that means you’re trying to be grindy and controlling. Edit Live Edit. You may be dissing the members and the figures, but these homies don’t play. Golgari Charm kills Eidolon of the Great Revel, most infect creatures, most affinity creatures, lingering souls, Splinter Twin, Amulet of Vigor and many other modern mainstream cards. Terms of Use | Gabriel Nassif is back for more MTG Modern Gameplay. There is only 2 Liliana in here since you don’t want to be always discarding, but it’s good to have since you may have cards you don’t want to throw away. 1 Serum Visions. Así, la baraja tiene lo mejor de cada casa, pudiendo hacer frente a todo tipo de emparejamientos, pues puede orientar las partidas hacia uno u otro camino. Average mana cost: Average mana cost without lands: Last edition: 27/07/2019. Black-based decks with Languish are the perfect response to the … Needs a valid e-mail. Head to for up-to-date Modern decklists. Privacy statement | Note: Arcum’s Astrolabe was banned in Modern on July 13, 2020. Sultai Control in Modern Looking for comments, haven't got around to testing this list yet cuz of monies. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. This is why I include a single Batterskull since this deck will be taking a lot of pain. There are 8 fetches due to fueling Tasigur. As I said before too, the mana could be tweaked better if you’re looking to avoid taking too much pain. This deck is mainly UB splashing for the more important Green cards. Again, why play a strictly worst Siege Rhino deck? Even with the limited UBG options, you still have some ways to go about playing this deck. Illegal cards. I think this is the best version I've brewed so far. I just did 4-1 in modern league and won other couple of matchs in my LGS and MTGO. You can be both reactive and proactive with the way this deck is built. *There is supposed to be a Tasigur in the sideboard but for some reason it's not on MTGOTraders yet. Contact | Death’s Shadow can sometimes end the game quickly with Temur Battle Rage , but Sultai Titan can easily punish the deck’s slower draws. Spellskite, Negate, Dispel, Fulminator Mage and Vendilion Clique are common in many modern sideboards and this is no exception here. Still, I think this deck sounds reasonable. Funny how our sideboards are very similar. Feed the Clan has been popping up more often (and honestly I was very surprised at first since I did not think in any universe it was really playable) and the other Tasigur is for any sort of grindy match up. With Blue, Black and Green we would have access to some of the most powerful spells in modern. Budget Sultai Control Modern* BUG (Sultai) Control Midrange. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Join him as he plays Sultai Control on MTG Magic online. Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. 2 Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Wow, 2016 has been a heck of a year. Jace is in a good spot at the moment due to Lingering Souls being a key player in the current meta. The problem with Sultai in Modern is the lack of playables for these colors. I Top 8’d the Pro Tour. If you want the mana to be a bit more stable, you could cut the double black cards like the Lilianas and maybe Damnation to make it run a bit smoother. This still leaves the unproven Sultai gang. From SCG Cincinnati on January 2nd, 2016 Check out the rest of the playlist here! Modern. This deck can turn on the jets when it needs to or hold back and grind a game out when that is necessary as well. social. The options of going Sultai in Modern are very limited due to all of the premier GB/UB/UG cards existing mainly in Legacy. 4 Island. Part One opens with the winning decklist that inspired many of his current builds, and offers an in-depth analysis of many cards that routinely cycle in and out of This is the early game suite. The formula is very similar to a Jeskai control deck since most Jeskai decks are UW splash Red or sometimes UR splash W. Main difference here is that the mana is a bit wonkier because we are heavy on both blue and black while green is the splash. See apostle's blessing. It cleans up everything with no questions asked, including a Thrun that the opponent may have tapped out for. Tokens. Playtest v1. Negate is for Storm, Twin, any control MU and same with Dispel. Tectonic edge is another obvious inclusion since it’s basically the wasteland of modern and in a world of Tron, colonnade, various 3 color decks and other man lands, it’s a necessary evil. There would be options with Obstinate Baloth, Garruk Wildspeaker and Creeping Corrosion, but I don’t think this deck needs any of that. No but really, burn is a hard match up for this deck. Last weekend Ali Aintrazi introduced a new build of Sultai Control that is packed with Eldritch Moon cards! Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. DMCA requests | It's actually kind of sweet. Tasigur gives Sultai both the ability to have a closer and gain card advantage. [Modern] Sultai Control. Upvote 0. Sultai Control vs. UR Delver. This is a little different than the build that Gerard Fabiano won the SCG open with. Sultai Control, Updated Eric Froehlich, Top 75 at PT Eldritch Moon Lands 1 x Choked Estuary 4 x Evolving Wilds 4 x Hissing Quagmire 1 x Lumbering Falls 4 x Sunken Hollow 2 x Yavimaya Coast 3 x Forest 1 x Island 6 x Swamp 4 Thoughtseize. Attention! He makes affinity and infects lives harder, but he is strangely also good against Twin since they can only combo off with Pestermite since Deceiver Exarch only has 1 power, which Jace reduces to 0. Sultai control modern Modern* ozomoto. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Overgrown Tomb. Abzan seems to be the most popular, while Jund is still reasonable but not as preferred. Upvote 0. I like the idea of this deck since you have lots of great removal, good planeswalkers, reasonable mana and almost everything you need to deal with anything at your disposal. Jeskai has been the default control deck for a while in Modern, but with Siege Rhino and Tasigur having 5 toughness, and the absence of Dark Confidants from a lot of GB lists, those Lightning Helixes and Lightning Bolts are not well positioned at the moment. A lot of familiar faces we have here. Help | Snapcaster is a staple in most blue decks, so he needs no real explanation here. Fabiano went with more of an aggressive Sultai deck. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Golgari decks seem to be the top dog of Modern at the moment. Sultai Control vs. Abzan Aristocrats. Modern as a whole is more aggressive/combo centered, which calls for a more generic removal type strategic over a damage based removal one. 2 Field of Ruin. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. 1 Creeping Tar Pit. I feel like every time I do Modern videos, I end up playing against a deck that I showcased a week or so prior. sultai charm can't hit inkmoth--it's an artifact creature, which is colorless. ... and Modern Monday. So this is a UB splash green deck. For a reasonable UB Control deck he needs no real explanation here Sultai ) Control a commonly... Really, burn is a staple in most blue decks, so he no. Its good enough to main deck as he plays Sultai Control in Modern but it still seems reasonable enough do. With it for Modern outside of Batterskull is very important 10, by... The GBx deck of choice are pretty conventional did 4-1 in Modern, they think Azorius make deck. Be dissing the members and the figures, but he also does some weird stuff against certain decks deck using... About the green cards that don ’ t play 1 Damnation is just for burn and explained... For a more generic removal type strategic over a damage based removal one no brainer in good. 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