glossary of assessment terms

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As a student, you can ask for a review of a decision made by an Assessment Board or research degree examination team. This kind of assessment is usually summative, quantitative, and often high-stakes, such as the SAT or GRE exams. Evaluation: The use of qualitative and quantitative descriptions to judge individual, course, Plagiarism Plagiarism is when a student presents another person's work as their own, without properly acknowledging the source, with or without the creator’s permission, intentionally or unintentionally. ). standards, and benchmarks. Accountability: The demand by a community (public officials, employers, and taxpayers) for school Please do comment, suggest amendments or additions. The Subject External Examiner will be asked to comment on assessment processes, and on the standard, content and development of the modules within the subject. Assessment Terms and Definitions Accountability: Reporting to the public on educational process to show trends within and relationships among school data (e.g., institutions are held accountable for the use of public funds, institutions must demonstrate that they are efficient and effective in serving the needs of the state). The questions asked as part of a written exam may be essay, short answer, problem or multiple choice. Provisional marks Marks for an individual assessment within a module given to a student before the marks have been approved by the Assessment Board. Portfolios and instructor observation of students The assessment glossary is a work in progress by the Outcome Assessment Coordinating Committee and will develop more fully over time. Objective Test: A test for which the scoring procedure is completely specified and not subjective, For more information, see ‘7 steps to peer and self-assessment’. being norm-referenced. Grade and marking criteria Grade and marking-related criteria explain what a student needs to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment. student learning. Glossary of Assessment Terms Assessment is the process of gathering, describing, or quantifying information about performance. It is the tool used to implement part of a larger assessment plan. It is good practice to provide marking or grade criteria in a chart, where the expectations are set out at each level (for example, 2.1 and 2.2 ). Program Level Assessment: Program level assessment is aimed at understanding and improving student learning within a program. These would include activities such as projects, portfolios awarded compensation for a module that they have failed. Assessment for improvement can be formative and/or summative. The examiner will also be asked how standards of student performance at award level compare with similar awards in other UK institutions with which they are familiar. Feed-forward Feed-forward is information students can use to make improvements to current or future assessments. overall impression (see: holistic scoring). rubric) or an instrument developed by an external source corresponding to a point on a rating scale. abilities using concepts learned at the end of the program. demonstrate greater critical thinking skills-in the aggregate-than freshmen projects). assessment – The systematic process of determining educational objectives, gathering, using, and analyzing information about student learning outcomes to make decisions about programs, individual student progress, or accountability. Glossary of assessment terms A guide to help you understand the terms used in the assessment of taught programmes. or services. Portfolio: A collection of work, usually drawn from students' classroom work. Assessment . a standard or norm. do when a given learning task. A systematic process for gathering and processing information to describe the achievement of students with regard to identified learning outcomes (ILOs, PLOs, CLOs). Assessment Activities (methods): Mechanisms by which achievement of an outcome is determined. These are: Criterion-based assessment An assessment linked to pre-defined standards (for example, ‘create a population pyramid from census data’). Reliability: The measure of consistency for an assessment indicating that the assessment yields collected work. Subjective Assessment: An assessment where the impression or opinion of the assessor contributes to the determination of the score or evaluation of performance. In education, the term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students. Group work, problem, project and enquiry-based learning, Staff guidance to preventing academic misconduct including plagiarism, Teaching and learning guidance and resources, University of Plymouth Assessment Policy 2014–2020, help students to perform to the best of their abilities through assessment that is inclusive and enhance their learning and future employment success, encourage, motivate and involve students in extensive learning, provide a fair and reliable measure of students’ performance, knowledge and skills against the learning outcomes and style of teaching in your subject, help students develop, through timely and constructive feedback, and. Assessment - offence It is an offence if any part of university or programme regulations relating to assessment is not met, or the instructions issued in relation to an individual examination or piece of assessed work are not followed (regardless of the intention of the student concerned). Glossary of Assessment Terms Accreditation, Assessment and Learning | For a general understanding of student learning assessment terms, see the following: Glossary of Assessment Terms from IUPUI Beyond Confusion: An Assessment Glossary interviews, standardized tests, portfolios, juried performances, research data from attitudes and performance. Additional Glossaries can be found at: Assessment Commons. The original glossary, Assessment Terminology, was published in 1937, shortly after the founding of the National Association of Assessing Officers. If conducted Students’ assessment literacy can be developed through pre-assessment induction activities. are also alternative forms of assessment. *Attribution: The assessment accurately reflects the learning it was designed to measure. This excludes weekends, Bank Holidays and times when the University is closed such as the period between Christmas and New Year, but includes both term-time and student vacation periods. Standardized Test: An objective test that is given and scored in a uniform manner, often with scores Validity: The extent to which an assessment measures what it is designed to measure and that It includes tests (written or computer-based) of knowledge or interpretation that are not carried out under examination conditions. performance standard and not to the performance of other students. analytic scoring: A method of scoring constructed responses (such as essays) in which each critical dimension of a particular performance is judged and scored separately, and the resultant values are combined for an overall score. officials to prove that money invested in education has led to measurable learning. Level 4 will be normally weighted at 10 per cent. Standards: Statements of expectations for outcomes, which may include content standards, performance For further information, visit Technology Enhanced Learning. The main reason for anonymous marking is to avoid the risk of bias entering the assessment process and to make sure all students are treated equally. Summative Assessment : Provides a summary at the culmination of a course, unit, or program. Peer assessment is particularly effective for presentations, performance and posters. A synoptic assessment normally enables students to show their ability to integrate and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding with breadth and depth in the subject. frameworks Learning Assessment. influenced by extraneous conditions. Glossary of Assessment Terms. traditional paper and pencil testing. Glossary. the anchor. Assessment It is the tool used to implement part of a larger assessment plan. Anchor: A sample of student work that exemplifies a specific level of performance. The glossary of assessment terms is available for use by Rice faculty and staff. Self- and peer-assessment sheets need to contain assessment criteria and briefing information. Unit: The designation used for the instructional and non-instructional departments, programs, Glossary of Assessment Terms . has acquired. An assessment cannot A minimum of 10 per cent of scripts and fails are typically second marked. Forms of moderation include: Modified assessment provision (MAP) A modified assessment provision may include allowing a student more time, their own room, computer or laptop, scribe or reader (this is not a full list). Authentic Assessment: Involves asking students to demonstrate the behavior the learning is intended to Glossary of Assessment Terms. Moderation A process intended to make sure that an assessment outcome is fair and reliable and that assessment criteria have been used consistently. In an 'open book' exam, a student is allowed to use a selection of reference materials during the assessment. and is usually summative, quantitative, and standardized. Objectives They will be a member of the Subject Assessment Panel which confirms or modifies module marks and makes sure that the students are being assessed in line with the assessment programme and the learning outcomes for the subject modules. A Short Glossary of Assessment Terms. Curriculum-embedded or Course-embedded Assessment, College Wide Competencies and Supporting Outcomes. Capstone Experience: Holistic activities designed to assess students’ knowledge, skills, and problem solving During the design phase receiving information on all proven examination and assessment offences and confirming penalties recommended by panels and committees of investigation through subject assessment panels. Academic Assessment: The systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs and courses undertaken for the purpose of both improving student learning and instructional delivery. Norm-Referenced Assessment: An assessment where student performance or performances are compared to a norm group. Performance-Based Assessment: Direct observation and rating of an individual’s performance of an educational objective. Each element may contain more than one part of assessment (for example a number of multiple-choice tests or practical assignments), the results of which are added together to produce a single percentage mark or pass or fail assessment. Assessment usually includes a task for students to perform and a rubric by which their performance on the task will be evaluated. *Assessment: A synonym for evaluation. correctly, sampling results will be representative of the population as a whole. This glossary refers mainly to terms used in the assessment of taught programmes, not research degrees. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Refers to assessment that is carried out throughout Group members can receive an equal mark or a proportion of the group mark, supplemented by marks for individual work. Achievement Test: Standardized test designed to measure the amount of knowledge and/or skill a person For an extended assessment glossary, see Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). at specified points in time. would be used to score student work, usually comparing the student performance to for each area are scored and reported. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: The systematic collection, examination, and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative are sometimes treated as synonymous with outcomes. Assessment Board The Assessment Board is responsible for: Assessment brief and guidance Documents containing detailed information about the nature and format of an assessment. They will be a member of the appropriate Award Assessment Board which makes decisions on progression and awards on the basis of the module marks confirmed by the Subject Assessment Panel. Weighting - award level The weighting of module marks normally relates to the credit value of each module as a proportion of the total credit for a part or an award. This is a specific focus of student learning assessment The results of the assessments should be used to decide if changes are the outcomes in a single class meeting or a small number of consecutive class meetings. Competency Test: A test used to determine if a student has met established minimum standards of skills The results of the assessments Anonymous markingA process where an assessment is marked without the student’s name or identity being made known to the marker. data about student learning and the use of that information to document and to improve You must be able to demonstrate that you have grounds for making such a request. Educational Objectives: Objectives that describe the knowledge, skills, abilities, or attitudes students A test of the ability to Part of our mission in the OIE is to assist faculty and staff gain a working knowledge of assessment terms and methods. Primary Trait Rubric: A scoring rubric constructed to assess a specific trait, skill, behavior, or format. High-stakes test: Assessment that is used to make critical decisions with consequences for one or more stakeholders in the assessment process; an admissions test that determines the course of a student's academic future and a test used for accountability and linked … Rounding of results Creating a whole number from one that has one or more decimal places. Glossary of Assessment Terms Assessment is the systematic, reported evaluation of student outcomes for demonstrating effectiveness and improving offerings. Feedback Comments given to students either orally or in writing about their performance and progress to support their learning and academic development. Glossary of Assessment Terms The following terms are used in the Union College assessment plan, as well as in documents that deal indirectly with assessment such as the strategic plan. Portfolio Assessment: Reviewers assess student work on meeting outcomes by use of a portfolio and established Subject Assessment Panel The panel is responsible for: Summative assessment A form of assessment used to certify that students have achieved an appropriate level of performance. defined level. program and institutional effectiveness. This There are 76 terms below, including many question types. The object of analysis of assessment a review of marks, where there is a significant difference between several assessment marks, within or between parts of a programme, which indicate the marks may need to be reconsidered. or service. Glossary of Assessment Terms . The assessment accurately reflects the learning it was designed to measure. to be fundamental to the student’s progression, enter ‘NO’ in the This demand is met through measured learning and outcomes assessment. Note: Assessment is not and should not be associated with evaluation.The object of analysis is the program, activity or service, not the individual. It can help to test a student's capability of applying the knowledge and understanding gained in one part of a programme to increase their understanding in other parts of the programme, or across the programme as a whole. . give our stakeholders confidence that a student has achieved the necessary standards giving a reliable and consistent basis for the award. Rubric Rubric: A scoring guide that defines the criteria of how an assignment or task will be assessed. Glossary of Assessment Terms Artifact: An object produced to indicate mastery of a skill or component of knowledge. Multiple-choice questions (MCQ) MCQ is a form of assessment in which students are asked to select the best possible answer (or answers) out of the choices from a list. of the course, program, service or institution to improve student learning, programs, Assessment Tool: Instrument used to measure the characteristic or outcome of interest. Capstone Course is an upper division class designed to help students integrate their knowledge. to be analyzed by quantitative methods.Quantitative assessment: Provides data that can be analyzed using quantitative methods. Evaluation of Faculty & Staff: A process where employee performance is measured at an institution. Course Embedded Assessment: Activities selected by faculty members, who teach a course, to determine if students Multiple-choice exams are designed to test knowledge and can be used to test how quickly students can answer the questions. The assessments occur in the classroom setting, where tasks or tests Synoptic Assessment An assessment that encourages students to combine elements of their learning from different parts of a programme and to show their accumulated knowledge and understanding of a topic or subject area. Rather than choosing from a set of responses, students are asked to accomplish It can measure how well a particular task has been undertaken against the student’s average attainment, against their best work, or against their most recent piece of work. Brief Details of the work required for assessment (it may also be referred to as an assessment brief or assignment brief). Outcome (Student): A measurable activity, product, or performance that involves students. For project management, assumptions are hypotheses about causal linkages or factors that could affect the progress or success of an intervention. An anchor Assessment - inclusive We aim to give all students fair and supported assessment. Curriculum-embedded or Course-embedded Assessment: Assessment that occurs simultaneously with learning and as a natural part of the of new york. Marking – second This is where an assessment is independently assessed by more than one examiner. criteria of performance. The assessment of some unit, such as a department, program or entire institution, which is used to satisfy some group of external stakeholders. Criterion-Referenced Assessment: Assessment comparing an individual's performance to a specific learning outcome or Marking The process used to assess a student’s achievement of learning outcomes and the academic standards in a given assessment component and to award a percentage mark or pass or fail grade. This file explains how they are used in that context and in the context of Middle States’ expectations for assessment. These terms assist in the development of assessable outcomes and program expectations. Assessment literacy Being ‘assessment literate’ means staff and students have an understanding of the purpose and processes of assessment. Assessment criteria provide the minimum requirement expected of students. Inclusive assessments will: See the '7 steps to inclusive assessment'. The formally approved module record defines how much of the module’s assessment is made up of each element. It might involve, for example, observations, interviews, or other kinds of information. Affective Domain Outcomes of education involving feelings more than understanding; likes, pleasures ideals and/or values. They will understand the concepts of assessment, assessment criteria and standards, have the skills to assess themselves and other students and members of staff, be familiar with different approaches to assessment, apply marking criteria to their own work and be able to choose and apply appropriate approaches and techniques to assessment tasks. apply knowledge in a real-life setting is an example of performance-based assessment. and knowledge. If a module pass is crucial learning are often represented by samples of student work. decide whether the module is compensatable or not. Assessment criteria Assessment criteria explain what a student needs to demonstrate to achieve the learning outcomes. evaluate fairly students’ ability to meet module and programme learning outcomes and academic and professional standards, provide every student with an equal opportunity to demonstrate what they have achieved, support student involvement, learning, progression and retention and meet the needs of our diverse student population, offer students relevant and meaningful tasks that replicate challenges in the real world through effective programme design, and, dissertation (an extended piece of written work, often the write-up of a final-year project), portfolio (a collection of work that relates to a given topic or theme, which has been produced over a period of time), project output (output from project work, often of a practical nature, other than a dissertation or written report), and. course, program and institutional changes for improvement. The purpose of assessment is to: Assessment - alternative Alternative assessment helps students to meet learning outcomes and assessment criteria using a different assessment approach. be designed to assess student progress, effort, and/or achievement, and encourage in order to meet the programme learning outcomes and/or professional body the opportunity to get comments on a draft or outline, and so to take account of these in the final version, the option of a practice test (for example, getting feedback on how well students answered multiple-choice questions), and. Assessment of group work A process of collective assessment often used for project work and developing team working. Assessment - peer and self An assignment which involves assessing students’ own work or that of other students. Different subject areas may follow different conventions in relation to producing dissertations. The definitions in this glossary were derived from several sources, including: Glossary of Useful Terms Related to Authentic and Performance Assessments. It can take the form of : Dissertations are typically second marked. From a student's perspective, this can refer to the extent to which assessment results are repeatable and fair from one candidate to the next, and from one occasion to the next or with a different set of candidates. within a course. Provisional marks must be accompanied by a statement that they are provisional and depend on the approval of the Assessment Board. Sampling Most commonly used in the process of moderation. Extenuating circumstances Extenuating circumstances are circumstances which are outside the control of a student and which affect their ability to attend or complete assessments, can be confirmed by independent evidence and which occurred during or shortly before the assessment in question. Competencies: Knowledge, skills, or behavior that a student can perform or demonstrate. MAPs give equal access to students who, because of a disability or dyslexia, may be disadvantaged when assessed under time constraints. of a rubric or scoring guide to provide for objectivity. are meeting the learning outcomes for that given course. Glossary of Assessment Terms Part of our mission in IEPR is to assist faculty and staff to gain a working knowledge of assessment terms and methods. Specific offences are set out in the Examinations and Assessment Offences regulations. enabling agreement of the correct answer among different scorers. Reliability provides an indication of the consistency of scores over time and across Depending on the level, evaluation information The standard module pass mark is 40 per cent for undergraduate level study and 50 per cent for postgraduate level study. It is often stored for future use. reviewing the standard of assessment in the subject, and making sure the appropriate academic standards in modules are maintained, confirming or modifying module marks (once marks have been confirmed by the panel they must not be altered by an Award Assessment Board unless an error in transcription or an omission is found), discussing any problems with assessments (not individual students), making recommendations on the form of referral for individual modules, receiving information from panels and committees of investigation on proven examination and assessment offences, and. determination of the score or evaluation of performance. Reliability of assessment Reliability refers to the fairness and consistency of assessment. Sampling may be based on checking borderline marks of any kind, or testing that assessment criteria have been applied consistently across the assessment of students in the group. is used for making decisions about individual performance review, student grades and test. External Examiner (Award) The Award External Examiner acts as the ‘critical friend’ of the Award Assessment Board, to make sure that decisions on progression or awards for students are made in line with the assessment regulations, and that justice is done to the individual student, taking account of any recommendations resulting from extenuating circumstances or assessment offences. The statutory assessment rate Authentic assessment: an objective test that is given and scored in a uniform manner often... Progress to glossary of assessment terms their learning, sampling results will be assessed by one more... Pass a competency test be able to demonstrate that money invested in is! 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