how to handle misbehaving students

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Remember, effective classroom management shouldn’t feel hard. They talk it up first thing in the morning (or period) and save it until the end. Step 3: Wait.. I spent the class period explaining my class management plan and I did modeling (very funny and detailed and exaggerated) for I am a teaching assistant who sees each class in a school once a week. Here is an article that explains how: Losing Control . Although I don’t recommend “do this and get that” incentives or rewards for regular education teachers, I do for subs. Effective classroom management is knowledge based. It will be published on another website in a few weeks. The teacher proactively provides behavioral reminders just when the student needs to use them. I feel like for the first time, your teachings will have a real and beneficial long term effect on my ability to be a better classroom manger.Thank you! Rules and consequences. No it wasn’t: It was him! As I go down the lists, I check off all the things that I’m doing and find that I’ve done them all. 2. thanks ! Proven Teaching Strategies to Stop Misbehaving Students. In some cultures, for example, it is prohibited to look adults in the eye. I’ve been reading through your articles, and they’ve all been very informative. Stay tuned! Somehow students have mistaken wait time for “she doesn’t care if we talk”. Hi Michael , I have taken time away from recess or cancelled it completely, and am now taking time away from their holiday party they are supposed to have later this week. I’ll let readers know and will link to the article when it gets posted. We can be forceful without sounding aggressive. There is no classroom without flare-ups and tantrums, so your ability to handle them will reduce misbehavior significantly. If I understand what you’re asking, I wrote an article for art, music, and PE teachers on The Art Of Education website. They have gotten over on you, dumb teacher! The majority of the children sit and wait for instructions, but the problem i have is that two or three boys will wander or start attacking another one physically, so i have to get up and deal with that behaviour and then another group starts up again. Remember that fair is not treating every student the same. Nip it in the bud!!!!! Thank you in advance for your help, and thank you for your website and books. Dangling the lure of incentives to students often gives them that push to, not only steer clear of rule infringements, but put their best foot forward. I’d be happy to discuss it during a personal coaching session—if, that is, you have other pressing questions or issues you’d like to tackle as well. Yes, in December. In nearly all cases of whole-class misbehavior, the students simply don’t know well enough or exact enough what is expected of them. If a student is becoming dangerous, you may need to separate him or her for the safety of others. I teach four seventh grade math classes. How you deal with each child’s behavior should be determined by what that child needs. I’ve tried all the tricks in countless articles with temporary improvement. You can also make classroom activities so engaging that students don’t want to disrupt what is happening. While you’re at it, be sure to explain why what they did is wrong and the negative consequences of such actions. I use the “count 5 method” to get attention when the class is moving in the wrong direction — they understand because they count with me, move to their seats, and get quiet but not even one minute later they’re talking over me, begin random roaming around the room, throwing things, harassing other students, breaking classroom supplies on purpose, etc. Thank you Dr. Wong. Obviously I’m a big joke. There are more than a few strategies at work, so we don’t have the time and space to unpack it here. It really feels like the students and I are considered equals, and it’s the word of one against the others. . This is only my second week with them, but I am already extremely frustrated with them. All I need right now is an encouraging word to keep doing what works. Separate a student from the rest of the class. It’s an excellent question, and I know I’ve addressed it to some degree in the past (can’t recall the article(s)). The primary cause of student misbehavior is the lack of clear expectations. This should give you the base you need to regain control. Hi, I am really struggling with 5 classes which are 4th-6th graders as a first year PE teacher. As much as possible, standardize each activity and transition for your students. Step 1 – Clear expectations. But, so much of the time, misbehavior is a cry for help—a cry that we, as parents and adults, need to … I am a first year teacher teaching 3rd grade. What Happened to Common Sense in Education? Here’s the link: The Art Of Ed. Done right, and with experience, this type of incentive can be very effective. Thank you very much for all the excellent articles. I am really struggling with my class. It’s always the same advice; practice routines and procedures. Sometimes the issue will be out of the scope of what a teacher can handle, so coordinating the student with a professional may be necessary. So, when the class left I contacted the principal and the parents and later in the day conferenced with the outgoing teacher and the students who were embarrased and ready to be given another chance. Be patient and never let your frustrations get the better of you. 10 of the 11 students in this class are behavior issues in all their classes most every day. Besides having clear policies or rules in place, you should be the first to practice what you preach. These could be TV time, dessert, lessons or athletic practices, rides to school when they can take the bus instead, etc. In terms of my questions – I would say I have a wonderful group of students (all 550 of them, as I am a specialist). Should You Keep Misbehaving Students Out Of Fun Activities? I feel like with these 5 classes it takes forever if ever within my 30minutes I have with them to get their attention. I just asked him to stop.” Etc., etc. Rudeness can be the most troubling behavior. It’s as if all their other teachers have decided to ignore these kids, but it’s MY JOB to help these kids improve. You can find the article in the classroom management section. That means no talking.”. To fix the problem, you have to go back to the beginning. student is a student with a disability, consult the student’s special education case manager or the 504 Plan manager. . I feel I made a tiny tiny incremental improvement, but am nowhere near where I want to be with this talking over me. It may make you feel better, but it doesn’t help. You’re also at the mercy of the regular teacher and how effective they are. Hello Michael, I am formulating a plan, but on my second time in my new class that I’m taking over from the teacher who had no structure and no rules, all heck broke loose. It’s prudent you talk to the mentoring student and explain to him/her what you aim to accomplish and what he/she can do to help. Before you straight away label any action as bad behavior, first get to the root of the matter. What’s your advice in this situation – This is where you can get your leverage–especially after you cement a reputation with the students at a particular school. Email me your address and I’ll send you a copy of my new book. Some of the experiences I’ve had make teaching look like one of the worst jobs a person could have, but I know it could be different. Only students who follow the rules of the day (given by you) are allowed to play. Tracey nailed my same issues!!!! Can you please email me? You can do this! Is the student distressed by a death, divorce, new baby, learning... Help yourself manage negative feelings by reflecting on a past situation in your life where a similar conflict occurred. Okay. Although because of the age they may look different than the rules and consequences recommended on this site, you still must have and enforce a classroom management plan. Make a point to have a one-on-one conversation about a subject of interest to the student. I want him taken out of the classroom.” Of course, though, about half of the class would be considered guilty of willful disobedience if I had a regular classroom teacher’s position, because I have a rule about getting up without permission. Everything that can have a routine, should have a routine. One of their classes is first thing of the day, and I will start meeting them all outside to begin with next week (some are in the gym area and halls due to already being there for team practices). But could our habits as teachers lead to more student misbehavior? I don’t know how to stop the constant talking, singing, rapping, pinching, giggling, seat-dancing, etc. Better yet, a copy of The Classroom Management Secret contains everything you need to transform your class. I’ve been following your site and have your book for specialist teachers and have been enjoying lots of success with most of my classes. They usually get more agitated if we redo things, so maybe I need to explain the reason for re-doing as well. i hv to teach 6class daily i feel exhausted, what can i do. Lisa W. Your question is what we do here at Smart Classroom Management. The issue is probably a firewall or a security feature, not uncommon for school district email or internet use. I won’t give up on these kids! I am contacting parents on a routine basis and have pulled in the ninth grade administrator. The problem I have is getting the entire class to listen all at the same time on the carpet when we sit for circle (i have a kindergarten group in a daycare). I am so frustrated !!! I have 31 students, 10 of which are major behavior problems. One question that came up though: what should the teacher’s expression be during those 30 seconds of ‘wait time’ after you’ve got their attention? Assure them that you’re doing your part to help turn the behavior around. I am not permitted to have consequences outside of my 45 minute period. I promise! Rather, ask him/her to see you after the lesson, when you can look to find out the underlying reason behind the behavior. I think I remember one of your articles where teachers should explain the ” why ” of doing things – do you think this is what this age group needs? This generally involves filling out a standardized form referring the student to the principal, vice-principal, or another … Rather, talking it out at the appropriate time is. They don’t seem too worried about any of the consequences – even phoning parents. Student behaviour isn’t always about misbehaviour, more frequently its just annoying behaviour. Teachers need to work at this because the more positive attention students receive, the less apt they are to look for attention negatively. Although this website can be helpful to substitute teachers, it is primarily a site for full-time classroom teachers. I don’t know where to turn or what to do next. I tried this technique and it can work wonders. You will get pushback because it will take awhile for students to believe you. We’re currently considering offering personal coaching, but because I’m still teaching full time it’s not yet in the works. No matter how friendly and accommodating you may try to be, sometimes a misbehaving student needs the shoulder of a peer to lean on. (Sigh.) I found this page while I was searching for ways to manage children’s misbehaviours. What do I do if the whole class misbehaved for a substitute? I’ve also tried building out of class relationships while I’m in cafeteria duty, hallways, club sponsor, after school events. I read the articles like they are my raft in the middle of a storm. The but? It’s on the list of future topics. In a classroom setting, you’ll often find that the noisemakers and stubborn elements tend to sit at the back of the class, which offers anonymity and gives confidence to misbehave. They don’t even seem to understand that talking over others is wrong. Calling out students in front of the class rarely proves helpful. Sometimes I can get them to participate and they show improved understanding. I’m so sorry to hear of your struggles. My best advice is to spend time in our archive learning and then applying our principles and strategies. how do I handle this please without flouting the school rule of no hitting a child in school. I’m starting mid-year for four students who were pulled from their original classroom into my self-contained first grade classroom. Getting a child to behave when expected can be quite a challenging task. Otherwise, students will be inclined to follow your examples instead of your words. I am thinking of trying a voice level chart and adding the rule to raise your hand to speak. Using the peer tutor technique, you pair the well-behaved student (the “tutor”) with one not so well-behaved. Victory, they feel. If it was during independent work, literature circles, centers, or whatever, model what you expect during that particular activity. The only thing you can do is start over with teaching your plan and expectations. If I do, I’ll be sure to link to it. I feel pressure to push forward with the curriculum and they’re continually being pulled for their additional services that I don’t have the time to model much because they have limited stamina to do anything on their own. As a “basically” first-year teacher, staying after school isn’t to prove I’m better than anybody else, it’s to survive. But this completely out of control class is a challenge I’ve never faced before. They swear, talk back and never do their work. “You have a warning! You could tackle that with a real-life example of how acting out in class is not the best solution. She even bolted out of the classroom yesterday because they were so out of control, leaving me, an observer, wondering how I’m going to do anything with this class that I have the rest of the year. Thanks. I feel like a failure, because I even had to have a whole class sit down quietly for 3 minutes. Thanks in advance for your reply! After giving the facts of the incident/behavior, let the parent know how you’re taking care of the problem at school. They aren’t bothered by it. I KNOW I’m not better than anybody else. You give me hope. If you go ahead and give a consequence to EVERYONE in the area, then the cry is “Foul! Also, when they know why you’re doing what your doing, it won’t feel like a punishment. Sorry, but I work as a substitute teacher, and I have NO IDEA how to get control of some of the classes whose teachers I sit in for. Also, be clear with your students regarding the noise/talk level you expect, then model and practice thoroughly. I want to be sure I understand both your situation and the specifics of your question. Include what rule (s) the student broke and how he or she will be held accountable. I’ve never felt this way before. This isn’t an uncommon scenario, but it’s one I haven’t written about yet. It is very easy to focus on the misbehaviour in the classroom and ignore all the good stuff. I have five weeks of teaching before the end of the year exams and I know that I can’t continue like this. Instead, take a step back and observe. But you’ll have to make (mostly) obvious adjustments for kindergarten students. That’s just it. The link works on our end. I hope you’ll check it out. You can effectively reduce student misbehavior by giving effective single-action commands. Stay tuned! But over the years I always seem to have at least one class where his advice just doesn’t help at all. They are constantly talking when they shouldn’t, they don’t come in and sit down and do their work that is listed for them to do on the board, etc. You don’t have the time to build rapport and leverage like a regular education teacher, making things much more difficult. Knowing how to handle misbehaving students means being unwilling to negotiate. Resist the urge to jump in and stop the misbehavior right away. “I said to get out your writing journals quietly! I am an elementary school librarian and see every class in the school (550 students) one time per week for 45 minutes. Questions that boil down to how one manages an unruly classroom are addressed in the 230+ articles on the website. However I have had some classes in which you would not have been able to achieve that without some kids throwing the objects they’re meant to be putting away and others making farting noises, swearing, hitting each other, going under the tables etc. This year my kindergarten inclusion class is full of very interesting personalities that we have worked very hard with to create a respectful community.They do a great job for the most part when I am there. You may also feel judged—and blamed—by teachers and other parents for what your child does at school. Meet with the student before class and ask them to help you with a special job. When you have 10 kids doing that it’s pretty difficult to handle as a sub. Fair is meeting the needs of every child. The truth is, when more than a few students are misbehaving at the same time, warnings and reminders aren’t going to cut it. I had 13 assigned lunch detention today and 4 write ups. Im looking for someone who can help me with new ideas. They’re just getting to know you. Of course, following my advice doesn’t mean that your children will never misbehave, or that all of their problematic behaviors are a response to stress. How To Handle Students Who Make Classmates Laugh, How To Handle Students Who Don't Do Any Work, 5 Teaching Practices I'm Kicking to the Curb | Cult of Pedagogy. They don’t give a d*%$#. Should you start furiously writing names on the board or turning behavior cards over? Because you teach one period a day to these students, my best recommendation is to read Classroom Management for Art, Music, and PE Teachers. Yes, I got your article on don’t stay after school. One day while we were discussing the class she finally admitted to me that I was given all the lowest performing and most behaviorally challenged ninth grade students in one classroom (hum, really?). Gives me hope, but I have 31 students, both well and badly.. Have pulled in the meantime, yes, this type of incentive can be quite challenging... 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