D-60054 Frankfurt, Germany. So let us continue. But if you have negative gravitational mass, all of that changes. So to begin you first need understand a couple bizarre phenomena that are the byproducts of quantum mechanics. Can we actually trust what we see? Anti-gravity is an example of something called a Parity signal. Kevin Murphy Anti Gravity Spray Hairspray is geschikt voor alle haartypes. Bob Lazar stated that the Element 115 used as the fuel and gravity source in the “Sport Model” Flying Disc was stable.On February 2, 2004, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia (JINR), announced that they discovered two new super-heavy elements, Element 113 and Element 115. September 2020 könnt ihr in Hochgeschwindigkeitsrennen mit bis zu 9 anderen Spielern auf PlayStation 4, Xbox One und… Recall that “like poles” of two magnets, either North Pole to North Pole or South Pole to South Pole, repel one another. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. So I’m adding this disclaimer because the physics is definitely wrong and I don’t want anyone to be mislead. Experiments for the synthesis of superheavy elements and the predictions of magic numbers are reviewed. what is your idea? ( Log Out / For craft using anti-gravity for flight, craft without wings. Zelf anti graffiti coating aanbrengen op kleinere oppervlakken? by Rémi Saumont. Deze spray is perfect om een flexibele geföhnde look te creëren en zal ook nog eens heerlijk naar lavendel ruiken. Besides, the aerogel has been demonstrated as a novel solar-driven, anti-gravity catalytic reactor toward high value-added chemical (e.g., 4-aminophenol) conversions with high efficiency by localizing heat on reaction sites. “We need to do better, and we hope to do so in the next few years,” Wurtele said. A waveguide is, then, installed at the top of the hemisperical dome and extends upward through the inside of the craft to the top of the sport model and extends a bit beyond the top of the hull as if it were an antenna. Henry William Wallace’s Patent provides the physical evidence giving credibility to Bob Lazar’s claims about Element 115 being used as the gravity source aboard extraterrestrial spacecraft. The detailed machining process to produce the Element 115 fuel wedge is provided on the “Element 115” Web Page and on Jon Farhat’s BobLazar.com Website. According to Bob Lazar, the reactor provides energy to the ship and to the gravity amplifiers by a matter anti-matter reaction. has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to We helpen u op weg! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Figure 5:Anti-Matter ReactorWith Hemispherical Dome Installed. A tremendously rich scenario of new nuclear structure emerges, with new magic numbers in the strangeness domain and new forms of nuclear clusters combined of p, n, \Lambda, \Sigma, \Xi, etc. Zero-point energy (ZPE) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have. I’m not going to link to it because, alas, the kid in the video ventures off into conspiracy theory land claiming that the government already has this technology etc, but it’s still intriguing. Recall that in the “Government Scientist Goes Public” article, it was mentioned that the fuel pellets were about the size of a 50 cent piece and weighed about 223 grams. Bob Lazar stated the hemispherical dome was about the size of a basketball or medicine ball. Bob Lazar worked at Area 51 (or Groom Lake) back in the late 1980’s on a back-engineering program that he claims began there in 1979. The Physics of Star Trek and Subspace Communication: Science Fiction or Science Fact? ). If it could artificially create gravity waves to create a distortion in the earth's natural gravitational pull, it would allow the thing to essentially "fall" towards the hole in the gravitation field it creates, which is … Element 116 is unstable and gives up anti-protons. Bob Lazar mentioned that the thermoelectric generators appear to violate the known laws of thermodynamics. The reactor also provides ample power for the three-year mission. My last invention MAGIC ENGINE The MAGIC Engine is a device by which rotating masses at a certain angle and a certain speed cancels 86% of the weight of the masses. If anti-gravity occurs in this fashion, then gravitational waves are nothing more than an occurrence of an anti-gravity event. The protons are directed into the fuel housing through the guide tube shown on the left side of the reactor housing seen in the Figure 4 photo. Escape Velocity. While scientists have created small amounts of antimatter, ranging from positrons, antiprotons, anti-hydrogen atoms, and even a few anti-helium atoms, they haven't been in significant enough amounts to power much of anything. 200 Spare parts and 2 energy cells are required to craft 3x anti-gravity pack. It’s a cool story that would have made a great science fiction novel. You would simply wrap the centrifuge in a superconductor basically turning it into an electric motor and accelerate the superfluid to some high percentage of the speed of light. If anti-gravity occurs in this fashion, then gravitational waves are nothing more than an occurrence of an anti-gravity event. Your tax dollars at work. If antimatter is anti-gravity – and they cannot rule it out – it doesn’t accelerate upward with more than 65 Gs. United States. See more ideas about Anti gravity, Sacred geometry, Nicolas tesla. Het product is vrij van parabenen. The problem is that when you put a stick in a superfluid and attempt to stir it, it doesn’t actually stir. The Figure 1 and Figure 2 photographs, above, show the model of the Matter Anti-Matter Reactor opened up with the Element 115 fuel sitting on top of the conical shaped fuel housing. Anti-gravity Chamber: This is my "Anti-gravity Chamber ". Der Superstar lieferte zahlreiche Hits und brach unzählige Rekorde. Die Startlinie für R8 Games explosiven Anti-Gravity Combat-Racing-Titel Pacer ist zum Greifen nahe: Ab dem 17. The first is superconductivity. At this point the reactor energizes. Reply. This presentation briefly reviews how this anti-gravity occurrence happens in nature. A cylindrical cap is installed onto the top of the conical shaped housing, analogous to installing a bottle cap onto a bottle as indicated by the Figure 4 photograph, above. I thank Bob Lazar for taking the time to explain the design and operation of the Anti-Matter Reactor aboard the Sport Model Flying Disc to me and I appreciate the photographs of his model of the Anti-Matter Reactor he provided for my Website. Michael Jackson: Er ist der King of Pop. Figure 1:Element 115 Wedge On Topof Anti-Matter Reactor Model, Figure 2:Close-up of Element 115 Wedge On Topof Anti-Matter Reactor Model. The Zero Gravity Research Facility is NASA’s premier facility for ground based microgravity research, and the largest facility of its kind in the world. Now there’s another type of fluid called a ferrofluid which is essentially a magnetic fluid: If it were possible to either discover or possibly create in a cryogenics lab a superferrofluid, that is a magnetic superfluid, then you should be able to spin it using electromagnetism. We have interpreted prophecy with the hope of predetermining our future. Bend space type shit. Note: This is the first clear video available that shows one of the United States Space Fleet docking with the Space Station. Yoga Inversion Swing - Anti-Gravity Aerial Trapeze - Flying Hammock Purple Product Description Polyester Taffeta 【Professional Design】An 8 feet U shaped seat piece in the middle, the complete set of 2 yoga swing arms with 3 foam handles in both sides, and … Anti-gravity (also known as non-gravitational field) is a hypothetical phenomenon of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity.It does not refer to the lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, or to balancing the force of gravity with some other force, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift. Measuring about 12in across, the device is said to reduce significantly the weight of anything suspended over it.The claim - which has been rigorously examin… Putting The US Postal Service Out Of Its Misery, Bitcoin Mining Explained Like You're Five: Part 2 - Mechanics, Bitcoin Mining Explained Like You're Five: Part 1 - Incentives, Bitcoin Explained Like You're Five: Part 3 - Cryptography. The fuel element is installed into the conical housing of the reactor with the conical pointed top of the isosceles triangle oriented downward into the conical housing as demonstrated in the Figure 3 photograph, above. OLIEVRIJE VOLUMISER EN SETTING LOTION Houd je perfecte look onder controle met ANTI.GRAVITY. This is a property of certain metals that when cooled below a critical temperature conduct electricity with zero resistance. An object moving at the speed of light would imply infinite mass. With that said I want to turn our attention to an idea for creating an anti-gravity drive that, at least to me, sounds like it could plausibly work. Refer to my “Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory” Chapter XI, “Properties of the Strong Nuclear Force, Nuclear Properties of Bismuth, and the Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory” for the explanation of the physics of the “Strong Nuclear Force” of Bismuth and Element 115. There appeared to be no superfluous equipment or items installed for aesthetics. The only “sharp corner” on the craft is the horizontal edge of the disc on the outside. The anti-protons are directed downward from the wedge and annihilate when they come in contact with protons and produce energy. He also claimed that gravity waves are just like sound waves in that they can be amplified. Figure 4:Capped Anti-Matter Reactor Model. The Truth Is The Military Has Been Researching "Anti-Gravity" For Nearly 70 Years It sounds like science fiction, but the military began working to overcome and harness gravity in the 1950s. In real theory, anti-gravity propulsion systems will never be able to reach the speed of light, the minimum requirement for today’s humanity’s objectives. The theory that the craft's reactor works by using anti-gravity. Bob Lazar mentioned that he tried to hit the reactor hemispherical shell with a golf ball. Bob showed me a scale model of the Matter Anti-Matter Reactor aboard the “Sport Model” Flying Disc. Chris Pacia But just watch this video to get a glimpse of this phenomenon in action: Now if that video didn’t blow your mind consider this — a levitating superconductor can lift 70,000 times its own weight. While scientists have created small amounts of antimatter, ranging from positrons, antiprotons, anti-hydrogen atoms, and even a few anti-helium atoms, they haven't been in significant enough amounts to power much of anything. Likely from search engines. All my friends think its the Ironman heart (Arc Reactor) which has some similarities. All equipment in the craft was installed simplistically and for its specific function. Het is een gewichtloze spray die volume geeft en het haar versterkt. He also says that the Government has knowledge about these extraterrestrial visitors. I like your writing style. In documents preserved in ancient Sanskrit in ancient India for over 15,000 years, an anti-gravity propulsion method is presented us: a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull. The Gravity Amplifiers focuses this mysterious gravity wave to cause space and time to bend / warp, similar to the intense gravitational field of a black hole. [DISCLAIMER: This post is many years old by now. The Truth Is The Military Has Been Researching "Anti-Gravity" For Nearly 70 Years It sounds like science fiction, but the military began working to overcome and harness gravity in the 1950s. The theory that the craft's reactor works by using anti-gravity. Dr. Walter Greiner, Professor of Physics, Institut für Theoretical Physics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, has been deeply involved with research in the generation of anti-matter from nuclear collisions with super-heavy elements: Institut für Theoretische PhysikJ. De haarspray geeft glans en meer body aan het haar. "However, the positron reactor offers the same advantages but is relatively simple," said Smith, lead researcher for the NIAC study. Like superconductivity there is another bizarre state of matter called superfluidity which is where fluids flow with zero viscosity. The U.S. Patent Number is 3,626,605 and the title is “Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field.” Henry William Wallace’s Patent provides the physical evidence that Earthbound materials are available to support development of a spacecraft used for interstellar space travel. The golf ball appeared to be striking a repulsive force field. This is very cool news in the world of science. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I had the opportunity to talk to with Bob Lazar during the Memorial Day Weekend, 2000. Is anyone working on an anti gravity device We all know that all mass has gravity so would the answer be anti mass or negative mass in order to build a usable device The Element 115 fuel is machined into a long isosceles triangle shaped wedge with a conical point at the angle adjacent to the two equal length sides of the wedge for use as fuel in the reactor. BOB LAZAR’S GRAVITY GENERATOR. If it could artificially create gravity waves to create a distortion in the earth's natural gravitational pull, it would allow the thing to essentially "fall" towards the hole in the gravitation field it creates, which is … Henry William Wallace patented a mechanical device that can generate a secondary gravitational force field using a rotating Bismuth disc on December 14, 1971. This involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field. but how to make. Inside the reactor, protons are bombarded into the nucleus of the Element 115 atom, transmuting it to Element 116. Figure 3:Element 115 Wedge Installedin Anti-Matter Reactor Model. This element would then rapidly decay, releasing antiprotons in the process. That energy is directly converted into electrical energy through thermo-electric generators that are also located below the reactor in the square housing. If any of you have ever watched any of the alien shows on the discovery channel or “science” channel, you may recall some guy named Bob Lazar. Plasma reactors can generate electricity for the cars of the future, fully electrified. If it never slows down due to friction, in theory, that implies we should be able to accelerate a superfluid to the speed of light. As well as atoms and molecules, the empty space of the vacuum has these properties. It could increase or decrease the effect of its fall. Anti Gravity is coming back to our modern times through the help of inventors around the world trying their very best to make anti gravity a reality. If antimatter is anti-gravity – and they cannot rule it out – it doesn’t accelerate upward with more than 65 Gs. When he threw the golf ball at the shell, it would bounce off before even physically striking the surface of the dome. Instead the individual atoms just spin on their axes. An 'antigravity' propulsion system will be proposed at the Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF) in Albuquerque on Febuary 14 by Dr. Franklin Felber. Anti Gravity Crew & SHINPHAMM xin giới thiệu bộ sưu tập mới với 5 mẫu sản phẩm mới toanh. That old rocket technology would be un-necessary if flying almost anti-gravity engines were available. The Ironman heart did have an electromagnet inside but was mainly a power s… It provides researchers with a near weightless environment for a duration of 5.18 seconds. 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