epr bullet generator

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Wikipedia Article on the Enlisted Performance Report. Air Force EPR bullet examples for the Followership and Leadership block on the AF Form 910. Afeprbullets.comWelcome to the first open Public Bullet Database focusing on Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR), Officer Performance Reports (OPR) and Air Force awards. Anything beyond that is garbage. The most up-to-date version of the site can be seen here. Air Force E-Publishing. View Terms and Conditions of Use.Terms and Conditions of Use. All rights reserved. Air Force E-Publishing. Back to EPR Bullets. Back to EPR Bullets. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. The strongest bullet you can write is one that demonstrates the accomplishment of the mission assigned to you or your unit. For example, if someone said "4.0 GPA!" AirForceWriter's EPR Bullets Page. Simulated Bullet section for tweaking words: includes a small text box that has the thin space character in it by default for copy/pasting; Thinnify button will replace ALL normal-space in the Simulated Bullet box with thin space; Embiggerate button will replace ALL thin spaces with normal spaces. If someone put Airmen of the Quarter/Year award he'd want proof. Result:  Significance to the Air Force/Unit/Mission/Warfighter, Action Verbs:​Accomplished Achieved Acquired Acted Activated Actuated Adapts Adhered Adjusted Administered Advised Agitated Analyzed Anticipated Applied Appraised Approved Aroused Arranged Articulated Assembled Asserted Assessed Assigned Assisted Assured Attained Attend Authorized Averted Bolstered Brought Build Calculated Capitalized Catalyzed Chaired Challenged Clarified Collaborate Collected Commanded Communicated Compared Compelled Competed Compiled Completed Composed Comprehend Computed Conceived Concentrated Conducted Conformed Confronted Considered Consolidated Consulted Contacted Continued Contracted Contributed Controlled Cooperate Coordinated Created Cultivated Delegated Demonstrated Deterred Developed Devised Displayed Dominated Drove Elicited Embodied Emerged Emulated Encouraged Endeavored Energized Enforced Enhanced Enriched Ensured Escalated Established Exceeded Excelled Expanded Expedited Exploited Explored Fabricated Facilitated Focused Forced Formulated Generated Grasped Helped Honed Identified Ignited Impassioned Implemented Improved Initiated Inspired Insured Invigorated Kindled Launched Maintained Manipulated Motivated Organized Originated Overcame Oversaw Performed Perpetuated Persevered Persuaded Planned Practiced Prepared Produced Projected Promoted Prompted Propagated Propelled Quantified Rallied Recognized Rectified Refined Reformed Regenerated Rehabilitated Rejuvenated Renewed Renovated Reorganized Required Resolved Revived Sacrificed Scrutinized Sought Solved Sparked Spearheaded Stimulated Strengthened Strove Supervised Supported Surpassed Sustained Transformed Utilized, How To Caculate a Value to Your Time For Bullets:Grade           Annual          Rate Monthly          Weekly          Daily           HourlyO-10         $302,868.00       $25,239.00          $5,824.38      $841.30        $105.16O-9           $308,255.00       $25,687.92          $5,927.98      $856.26        $107.03O-8           $289,290.00       $24,107.50          $5,563.27      $803.58        $100.45O-7           $262,661.00       $21,888.42          $5,051.17      $729.61        $91.20O-6           $227,989.00       $18,999.08          $4,384.40      $633.30        $79.16O-5           $194,358.00       $16,196.50          $3,737.65      $539.88        $67.49O-4           $171,435.00       $14,286.25          $3,296.83      $476.21        $59.53O-3           $142,736.00       $11,894.67          $2,744.92      $396.49        $49.56O-2           $118,415.00       $9,867.92            $2,277.21      $328.93        $41.12O-1           $92,940.00         $7,745.00            $1,787.31      $258.17        $32.27     TOTAL AVERAGE $154,544 $12,878.67 $2,972.00 $429.29 $53.66 CADETS     $17,794             $1,482.83             $342.19        $49.43           $6.18, E-9           $146,843.00       $12,236.92          $2,823.90      $407.90         $50.99E-8           $123,464.00       $10,288.67          $2,374.31      $342.96         $42.87E-7           $110,712.00       $9,226.00            $2,129.08      $307.53         $38.44E-6           $97,026.00         $8,085.50            $1,865.88      $269.52         $33.69E-5           $82,434.00         $6,869.50            $1,585.27      $228.98         $28.62E-4           $67,651.00         $5,637.58            $1,300.98      $187.92         $23.49E-3           $53,507.00         $4,458.92            $1,028.98      $148.63         $18.58E-2           $48,947.00         $4,078.92            $941.29         $135.96         $17.00E-1           $42,756.00         $3,563.00            $822.23         $118.77         $14.85TOTAL AVERAGE $77,988 $6,499.00 $1,499.77 $216.63 $27.08. Thanks for your contributions! AirForceWriter's EPR Bullets Page. Air Force EPR bullet statement examples for Primary and Additional Duties. Air Force EPR Bullet Examples This website is dedicated to completing that portion of Life saver volunteered as designated driver provided safe rides home Now TFB has received ten M80A1 cartridges so I decided to dissect one of them Epr bullet safe 2020 . he'd want proof. Bullet Tracker and Calc - New EPR version: Bullet tracker for the new EPR (AF910 & AF911) (xls) Career Job Reservation (CJR) Program Calculator: Name says it all. Thanks for your contributions! Wikipedia Article on the Enlisted Performance Report. : AirForce. Eprbullets.comGenerator Maintenance/Support EPR Bullets Generator, -86 or -60 - Org'd 2 trng day agendas; scheduled 8 events/cert'd 16 pers on 38 tasks--upgraded 2 mbrs early/boosted flt's quals 22%, Eprbullets.comAir Force EPR Links. The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. Bullet Formats Learn components used to create a bullet Action; Impact--Result (AIR) • Commonly used in the Air Force today Accomplishment--Impact (AI) • Published in Air Force Handbook 33-337, The Tongue and Quill, Air Force guide to writing Contact Us; Links; Home . ... Reddit.comGiving blood is a good bullet for a slick sleeve thru Amn, volunteering at a blood drive like signing people in can be written as an ok A1C and SrA bullet. From the Senior NCO's point of view, what counts is mission accomplishment. Have you ever been so close to that perfect bullet, just to be a letter over? Back to EPR Bullets. EPR Bullets by AFSC. Log In Sign Up. Consider the quality, quantity, results, and impact of the Airman's knowledge and ability to accomplish tasks. HELP! Bullet Structure:Action; Impact--ResultAction: What did you do? Its a weak bullet. Demonstration of how to search the WantsCheck.Com OPR/EPR Bullet Database for performance report fodder ideas, and how to add bullets that may help others. Thanks! 3. From the very first Air Force evaluation in the wonder years of the late 1940’s to today’s latest EPR form, many have been bested by the arduous task of taking life itself, amplifying it’s quintessence, whittling large narratives and compartmentalizing facts into… Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. Advice - I once XO'd for a Colonel that wanted proof of every bullet that was on every EPR. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Air force bullet generator keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, ... Really good EPR bullet examples. If someone wrote anything other than "improved morale/espirit de crops!" Back to EPR Bullets. The intend of the bullets within are to inspire and help active duty, guard and reserve Air Force supervisors (Civilian, Enlisted & Officers) build better bullets. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/a7n9h1/anyone_make_a_bullet_out_of_giving_blood/, Afmentor.comNew web database consisting of Air Force EPR, OPR and Award bullets: Enlisted Performance Reports From AETC - Basic information and hints to EPRs (PPT) EPR/OPR/PRF/LOE Writers Guide (AMC) Good guide provided by AMC touching on Performance Feedback, Deployed Letters of Evaluation (LOE), OPRs, PRFs, and EPRs. If so, that wing likely has a writing guide. The intent of the bullets within are to inspire and help active duty, guard and reserve Air Force supervisors (Civilian, Enlisted & Officers) build better bullets. NOTE: This site has no longer being actively updated. 1 year ago. Thanks! Eprbullets.comAir Force EPR Bullet Examples This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. Reddit.com Community for current, future, and past members of the US Air Force. to piggy-back on this- does the AF member u/Travyplx is writing on belong to an AF wing somewhere? 8 months ago. Volunteer EPR Bullets » Volunteer Epr Bullets Today. Cough up some EPR bullets, you slackers! If someone put a metric "96% SAV grade!" Whole Airman Concept. Eprbullets.com- Reviews/Processes Air Force Aid Loans/Grants as needed for Active Duty and Retired Air Force personnel. Awards and Decorations - Primed flt f/performance awards; graded 18 qtrly pkgs/BTZ board prepped 1 mbr--banked 3 qtrly wins/mbr won BTZ - Directed Sq quarterly awards review boards; improved 8 packages/mentored 4 SNCOs--groomed unit top performers - PAFRA key prsnl; worked 12 hrs at local benefit rodeo & … Mar 05 (1.3M doc) thanks Carter, http://afmentor.com/afwriting/writing-guides.htm, › Beachfront homes for sale mazatlan mexico, › Click on google chrome and nothing happens, ® 2016 Keyword-Suggest-Tool.com | Email: [email protected], Beachfront homes for sale mazatlan mexico, Click on google chrome and nothing happens. Maintainer. Organizing a blood drive is a good SrA ok Staff bullet. I’m just here to get the juices flowing. When you've almost finished a great bullet, and you just needed to add one more letter. Impact:  What your action did? HELP! If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. If there are special circumstances, that can change (mass casualty in a deployed location). Study Air Force Handbook 1. 119 Bullet Categories: 0 Bullets added in Last Week: 8211 Total Bullets: 0 Bullets added in Last 30 Days: 47320 Members (Bullet Contributor List)754 Bullets Added Between 2012-01-01 to 2014-01-30 (Recent Contributors) Coronavirus Bullet Bank; EPR SZN 2020-2021. The type of accomplishments that belong in an EPR are those that support your unit's mission. We need more examples. Air Force EPR Links. It has been designed and developed mainly by Framatome (part of Areva between 2001 and 2017) and Électricité de France (EDF) in France, and Siemens in Germany. Press J to jump to the feed. - Partnered with federal LEO/intel agencies; recovered missing sensitive equip prevented foreign acquisition - Completed post-grad Denial/Deception cert; earned Distinguisted Grad, LoR to HAF/A2 certified by FDDC - Lead Medic/Boston Marathon Bagram; … If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Consider Overall Performance. Afeprbullets.comThe first open Bullet Database focusing on Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR), Officer Performance Reports (OPR) and Air Force awards. We need more examples. (300k XLS) # Days of Supervision *external link: Great site to utilize when determining the "number of days" of supervision for EPR/OPRs (thank you AML) EPR OPR Supervisor Calculator : The Executive Officer Guide: A good … Simulated Bullet section for tweaking words: includes a small text box that has the thin space character in it by default for copy/pasting; Thinnify button will replace ALL normal-space in the Simulated Bullet box with thin space; Embiggerate button will replace ALL thin spaces with normal spaces. BY ORDER OF THE AIR FORCE HANDBOOK 33-337 SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE 1 June 1997 Communications and Information THE TONGUE AND QUILL Supersedes AFH 37-137, 31 August 1994 Certified by: ACSC/DEX (Lt Col Kermit Phelps) Study Air Force Handbook 1 Thanks! Spearheaded National Emer; Quarterbacked FEMA response; Coord AF response to COVID-19; Legendized Base quarantine; … Impacts vary per AFSC. Eprbullets.com Air Force EPR Bullet Examples This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. U.S. Air Force EPR Bullets. And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. 2 years ago. Eprninja.comHow To Caculate a Value to Your Time For Bullets: Grade Annual Rate Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly O-10 $302,868.00 $25,239.00 $5,824.38 $841.30 $105.16, Eprbullets.comExamples of U.S. Air Force Training EPR Bullets. Performance in Primary Duties . Discussion. Get ahead of the game! The intent of the bullets within are to inspire and help active duty, guard and reserve Air Force supervisors (Civilian, Enlisted & Officers) build better bullets. EPR bullet examples for the Additional Rater block. Importantly, its weaker than normal volunteer stuff, since you dont actually do anything. Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet… The EPR is a third generation pressurised water reactor design. Now you can fix this and create enough room to add that last letter. When you've almost finished a great bullet, and you just needed to add one more letter. Air Force EPR bullet statement examples for the Remarks block of the AF Form 910. Archived. Posted by. Discussion. Air force epr bullets generator keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website, We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with air force epr bullets generator on Search Engine. Close. Ah, the art of bullet writing. HELP! Coronavirus Bullet Bank; EPR SZN 2020-2021. Understand the three part bullet system With the ushering in of the new enlisted performance report forms, Air Force forms 910 and 911, and the complementary Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheets, the Air Force hopes to better rate an Airmen’s behavior and actions based on the Whole Airmen Concept, including personal and professional development, esprit de corps and community … Someone said `` 4.0 GPA! the quality, quantity, results, and past members of the assigned. Just needed to add one more letter of Use.Terms and Conditions of Use you 've almost finished a great,! Site can be seen here someone put a metric `` 96 % grade..., epr bullet generator you dont actually do anything EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets the. The easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR This and enough... And past members of the Quarter/Year award he 'd want proof Propulsion Training! Of view, what counts is mission accomplishment organizing a blood drive is a good SrA ok bullet... 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