‘Population and Social System’ is the work of, 96. Ethnocentrism can be seen as ________ phenomenon. The teaching demo is a critical part of the interview. o Specifying questions ‘What did you do then?’ ‘How did X react to what you said?’ o Interpreting questions ‘Do you mean that your leadership role has had to change from one of encouraging others to a more directive one?’ ‘Is it fair to say that what you are suggesting is that you don’t mind being friendly Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a usable hypothesis? Online career portal, Glassdoor advises job seekers to prepare, practice and rehearse responses to common questions to remain strong. The book ‘Main Currents in Sociological Thought’ is written by, 8. What are the factors involved in influencing the crime? 129. However you should be able to adopt a number of teaching styles that are appropriate for different learning situations. 133. Bombay crossed the one million mark in 1911, 3. What is the correct chronological sequence of the above measures? The varnas, as Senart observed in classical study, originally resembled feudal estate in certain respects. Name this trade, 121. 142. 93. 3. Symbols and language are___________ of a social system. 36. 23. Give us an example of effective communication with an administrator. What is the primary methodology of functionalists? 98. Who identified 5 stages or categories within which, economically, all societies could be placed? These provisions are referred to in. 139. 15. How best is the cultural value served by the following? In our society food was amply available, hospitality was the way of life. Freudian Theory about crowd behaviour has been criticised because it: (a) Has laid too much stress on constructive side, (b) Has stressed on destructive side of the group, (d) Believes that in a group people remain disciplined. 97. Who put forward a materialist variant of the evolutionary theory? Which tribal group considers ‘Ayak’ a benevolent god? ____ prescribes the detailed formalities to be observed on ceremonious occasions. Modernization of the Indian society is associated with –, (a) Changes in cognitive structural attributes of the society. 10. 35. Who has expounded the ‘Theory of the General Will’ as the origin of state? Who has said this? Which among the following tribal group name their youth dormitory as ‘rangbang’? 200 + Probable Questions on Sociology for Civil Services (IAS) Exams. _____________ method involves comparisons of various kinds of groups of people in order to find out the difference as well as similarities in their ways of life and thus to find out clues to man’s social behaviour. All Muslims, excepting matrilineal_______, are governed by Shariat Act of 1937. 1. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. My students have leveraged this exact question set to land jobs at Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and more. This is an example of: 85. 2 Based on: Top 10 agricultural interview questions and answers Updated To: Top 80 agricultural interview questions and answers On: Mar 2017 3. Walk into the teacher interview ready and calm and land that job! Which of the following are the characteristic features of sub urbanisation? 3. Which one of the following can be placed under the category of a primary group? 72. Who, of the following advocated the Synthetic school of thought? Ethnocentrism encourages admiration of behaviour: 83. According to Weber, in caste societies, it is the distinction of________ that is the basis of group formation. 3. In democratic society role of a leader is not: 42. Typical Academic Interview Questions These questions have been collected from feedback about real-life academic job interviews. 49. 84. Which of the following statements is / are correct? 90. __________ refers to a system in which the central element is an elected legislative body whose laws are carried out by an executive with the help of an organized bureaucracy, 8. ______ has classified the cultural system into sensate, ideation and idealistic. According to Marx which of the following best sums up the individual’s class positions in society? (a) Adaptation and assimilation is the process that brings about cultural diffusion, (b) Adaptation and assimilation is a historical process. Which is one of the primary means of social control through which different activities and relationships are coordinated to minimize conflicts on the social level? Why It Works: This statement is simple, straightforward, and easy to absorb.It takes a position, the classroom is a living community and everyone contributes, and conveys it well. Smith has cautioned sociologists to, (a) Pay attention to observable inequalities that are uninstitutionalized. In your answer show a clear understanding of your own basic teaching style. It seems trite and like a softball question, but don’t let that … The Book ‘Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’ is written by, 24. Describe how you develop a project team's goals and project plan? 141. 56. Population tends to increase in a geometrical ratio, whereas agricultural produce increases in arithmetical ratio. 153. Who has propounded the idea that we can treat social facts (phenomena) as things? Which among the following are the two orientations with regard to the two types of social movements as given by Yogendra Singh? Describe your teaching style. (d) One who has been initiated as a priesthood through rituals. 77. The barefooted Costa Rican worker riddled with intestinal parasites and weighed down by poverty, is proud of being a Costa Rican because he has been taught that his country is the most advanced in Central America. 31. It checks conflict and enables persons and groups to establish and maintain cooperation”. 149. Which of the following is not the cause of social standardisation? The basis of legitimacy of power in a primary state is rooted in its. 128. A moving average is calculated by using: 101. Who developed the term ‘role-set’ and why? 32. Which one of the following sociologist had classified the sources of social change as exogenous and endogenous? 89. Which one of the following does not apply in the case of complex economy of our times? 38. 78. 45. The number of people of non-working age in a population per 1000 people of working age is called. 88. Who has shown that a political authority in Asiatic societies has to be coupled with religious sanction in order to gain legitimacy? 2. State of relative isolation of the occupants of role that results from the tendency of persons occupying a given role is called. There are three types of open-ended interviews 1) Informal 2) semi-restrictive, and 3) Structured: Informal: In this interview questions, interviews do not prepare interview questions in advance rather than asking questions spontaneously. 20. Who advocated the ‘inverse deductive method’ in sociology? 26. school or college. Interview Questions about Parent/Teacher Communication 1. 40. Which among these is not one of them? 1. ‘Bow and arrow ceremony’ prevalent is among. Case for universal language is pleaded because it is felt that it will: (a) Result in better social understanding, (b) Be possible to have world political order, (c) Give the world one world economic order, (b) Cooley-society is a web of social relationships. The process of development of national identity is called, 135. The president can appoint a commission to investigate the difficulties under which the socially and educationally backward classes of the citizens and to make recommendations to remove such difficulties. 9. 76. Jobs for Teachers Outside of Education ... Sociology 101: Intro to Sociology. Type of trade, where prices whether in kind or in money, are fixed by political authority, is called, 124. Durkheim has propounded three types of suicide. 147. Who understood religion as ‘a propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and human life’? Which of the statements given above are correct? Experience. 49. 11. Which of the following types of conflict was not suggested by Gillin and Gillin? Which among the following societies depends on the raw labour power and the extraction of primary resources from nature? Hyderabad had become million city in 1951. 113. © 2017 SociologyDiscussion - All rights reserved, Interview Questions for Sociology Teachers, 150 + Sociology Teacher Interview Questions, 150 + Sociology Professor Interview Questions, 50 + Sample Sociology Questions & Answers for UGC-NET JRF Exam, Sociology Questions and Answers for IAS Exams, Sociology General Knowledge Questions (With Answers), 100 + Sociology Questions & Answers for MA Entrance Exams (2019,2020,2021), 100 + Sociology Questions and Answers for M.Phil Entrance Exams, 100 + Sociology Questions and Answers for Ph.d Entrance Examination, 101 Expected Sociology Questions and Answers for Civil Services Examination, 101 Expected Sociology Questions and Answers for UGC-NET. Which among the following is not true regarding advertisement? What is the ratio of graduate to undergraduate courses faculty teach? (a) The greater economic role of the government, 42. 56. 118. 19. Tribal Economy often has a market place but not a market system. Socialization is a process of converting a biological organism into-. A form of direct exchange in which some commodity – that is, some intrinsically valuable good – also serves as a medium of exchange, with fairly well recognised equivalence is called. 89. Sociology interview questions and answers. 130. Delhi and Madras entered into this category in 1921, 4. At research institutions, the teaching demo is usually separate from the interview and conducted in front of students (an actual class or a group invited just for that purpose). 66. 55. 7 teacher interview questions you should be well prepared for. When two or more variables are studied, it is called: 65. A population pyramid indicating a high proportion of children and rapid growth and which has a broad base is known as___________. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below: 13. 77. Which one of the under mentioned conflicts was suggested by Gillin and Gillin? 83. Who among the following has defined classes as occupational groups created by the division of labour and maintained by heredity? 2. Imposition of power by a small group of people over a large number of people is called, 134. Urban density for Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Assam lessened during 1961-71 decade, possibly because of. 7. 94. Describe an improvement you personally initiated. (A) They had a status based on a complex of rights and duties. 67. 117. 3. 23. The Bombay prevention of Hindu Bigamous Marriage Act 1947 enforced, 17. 119. A person with strong personal magnetism who attracts devoted follower is said to be, 32. To which school the thinker Sorokin belongs? 4. “Interaction without social contact” is, 114. Who is to perform what function is determined by, 115. According to________, the life of man was ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’. 22. Increasingly, whether you've been training in distance ed or not, if you're a teacher, you may find yourself having to know more and more about how to facilitate e-learning. The extent to which a group can secure conformity to its norms depends on the-. 154. 74. 55. (c) Cultural contact has always been in operation. It is the compulsory unit which will be examined in Paper 1 of the AS exam and the A Level exam and include the Methods in Context question. This comes under Article. Calcutta was the only city with a population of over a million in 1901, 2. Have you ever used a class newsletter or a blog? Governor of a state have been given special powers in relation to Scheduled Tribes. (b) Sellers wish to exchange their goods because they need the money, (c) An individual in market exchange try to maximise other’s profit, (d) Fluctuation in price depends on supply and demand. 28. Who among the following has coined the term ‘Conurbation’? 148. Who wrote the books The Golden Bough and Totemism and Exogamy? What kind of load have you been teaching? Cross-cousin marriage is a form of_______. Recent writer on methodology among the following is. Community Answers "Describe an improvement you personally initinated." 85. The word ‘verstehen’ comes from the____ language. Role of authoritative group leader does not include one of the following. Which of the following trends in modern society has been largely responsible for not bringing about what Marx has predicted about the ultimate fate of the capitalism? 80. Which one of the following is NOT a disadvantage of joint family system? 69. Don’t get caught in your underwear! What is not correct about Cooley’s views about society? The intensity of this struggle varies with a vigour of the people, and its cessation if conceivable would be death”. A sharp increase in the urban non- agricultural uses of land, 2. 145. 18. Indian industry has progressed a lot due … Society is an abstract organisation which prevails, (a) where ever there is existence of social relationship, 13. 132. What are your qualifications? Which one of the following is not a cause of race prejudice? Tell us about your teaching methods, philosophy and goals. 74. 78. Who has written the book, ‘A System of Logic’? While dealing with the problem of social Stratification M.G. We have compiled a set of 150+ sociology interview question and answers that will help you get shortlisted for this job! 16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? FIT/DEPARTMENT Whether you’re finishing up your teacher certification requirements, or stressing because you have an upcoming interview for a teaching position, rest assured. ___________ may be defined as a hereditary, endogamous group having a traditional association with an occupation. 105. Which type of question(s) are investigated in exploratory research design? Sociometry is associated with the name of, 109. 73. 30. Who of the following has made distinction between Folk and Urban society? Culture is a sum total of the ideal patterns and norms of behaviour of a group. 50. Redfield’s ‘Style of Life’ has been compared with Lionel Thrilling’s-. Rural economy in India goes back to the. Unless you are applying for an entry-level position, you will likely be asked about your … Know what they’ll ask in advance. 72. “Fertility varies inversely with the density of population”, this was the view of. Inclusion of surrounding areas of towns within its municipal limit, 127. 93. Which among the following is not a feature of market exchange? Urbanisation accompanies economic development because economic development entails a massive shift of labour and other inputs from predominantly, rural sectors to those predominantly urban. (B) The possibility of upward mobility is there, (C) Strict concepts of purity and pollution, (D) Strict segregation of groups through endogamy. 79. Practice 25 Social Studies Teacher Interview Questions with professional interview answer examples with advice on how to answer each question. 107. 91. Who has mentioned five mechanisms of socialization, viz, reinforcement, extinction inhibition, substitution, imitation and identification? 86. Finding Travel Grants for Teachers; ESL Teacher Interview Questions Next Lesson. Prepare for the top interview questions for teachers with a time-tested approach. Essential characteristic of cultural lag is: 81. _________ is more idealistic than Custom. 95. In a simple society the people used to obey the monarch because: (a) the laws passed by him used to be for collective welfare, (b) he used to be the most powerful person in the state, (c) he was the representative of his people, (d) he enjoyed the support of the feudal lords. ______ is a term used to denote a state of social well-being. “A person who is overtly concerned with vocational security, excessively methodical, more concerned with rules than organisational goal and unimaginative in solving problems” is a/an, 14. Which among the following statements were true? Sociology, Questions, Interview Questions for Sociology Teachers. Book ‘Scheduled Castes in Indian Politics and Society’ is written by, 52. (i) Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande, 1937, (iv) Kinship and Marriage among the Nuer, 1951. In a secondary group relationship among the members is maintained through: 38. Who of the following has said that “A social group is a given aggregate of people playing inter-related roles and recognised by themselves or others as a limit of interaction”? of the research evidence you have used to support your ‘position. The middle class of medieval times mostly comprised of. 11. Who gave the single theory of social change? For Marx, estranged or alienated labour involves four aspects. What type of people do you work with most effectively? Pick that up. Towns or urban areas have certain limitation in accommodating population, providing civic amenities or catering to such needs as schooling, hospital, etc. Explain how this was effective. Sociology, Questions, Sociology Teacher Interview Questions, © 2017 SociologyDiscussion - All rights reserved Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us. 54. (c) Only wife and daughter are female heirs. Reciprocity and redistribution create the integrative patterns prevalent in tribal economy. Which among the following does involve conflict? (b) Processes in society are living and glowing, (c) There is always interaction in society. According to Weber, __________ action stems from an individual’s emotional state at a particular time. Whose opinion is this? In tribal India, a young man is permitted to live with his sweetheart in her father’s house for weeks together, after which, if they so decide, they marry each other. (a) there is a trend towards industrialisation, (b) there is a system of international trade, (d) there is divorce of industry and social needs. One of the first questions generally asked of sociologists is how they perceive the difference between sociology and psychology. Tarawad consists of all the descendants in the, (d) Only affinals of both male and female line. 47. ‘No great and permanent divisions of class appeared so long as a peaceful mode of life was maintained’. 37. ______ refers to an individual whose behaviour in a particular role provides a pattern upon which another individual bases his behaviour in performing the same role. A good interview is one of the most critical steps in landing that dream job/internship. According to________, “status is a position held in general institutional system, recognized and supported by entire society spontaneously evolved rather than deliberately created, rooted in the folkways and mores.”, 46. o Probing questions: following up what has been said through direct questioning. The practice of human sacrifice existed in which among the following Central Indian tribe? What Are The Effects Of Globalization On Indian Industry? When the Old Testament, prophet Abraham was commanded by God to slay his son, his role as a father conflicted with his role as god’s servant. 45. In group, membership is_________ whereas in case of society it is________. Which one factor is not included in geographical environments in relation to social variability? The coefficient of variation is always: 62. The term is used to describe the passage, societies make from high birth and death rates to low ones. Revision Plans Blank Knowledge Organisers This unit is work 50% of the AS and 25% of the A Level. In view of this statement it cannot be said-, (b) That it is for the good of the individual, class or institution, (d) That cooperation provides for the conflict. 28. Which among the following is not true? Those folkways that persist over relatively long periods of time so as to attain a decree of formal recognition and so as to be passed down from one generation to another are called: 53. Which of the following statements are apt to define cultural relativism? 140. This statement may be attributed to. (b) Kluckhon-Implicit and Explicit Elements, (d) Medium through which man achieves his ends, 35. We have compiled a set of 100+ sociology interview question and answers that will help you get shortlisted for the job! In which stage of demographic transition is children ceased to be an economic asset? When a father relieves his aggression by beating the child ________ finds expression in disguised form. (A) Max Weber to connote a sense of collectivity in society, (B) Karl Marx and F. Engels to describe production process in capitalist societies, (C) T. Parsons and R. Merton to connote the complement of role relationships which persons have by virtue of occupying a particular social status, (D) R. Linton and S. F. Nadel to connote a sense of solidarity among persons of equal status. Worse, they may end up asking illegal interview questions.Structured interview questions are job-related. 10 Tips for Nailing Your Teaching Interview. The concept of ‘Ethos and Eidos’ has been given by ____________. 96. Providing emotional support to the individual at the time of individual or societal crisis is known as, 16. 3 This ebook consists of two parts: - Part I: Top 80 agricultural interview questions and answers (pdf, free download) - Part II: Top 12 tips to prepare for agricultural interview 4. Which among the following appears to be the most plausible explanation for the sex ratio in India? For many teachers, this will mean applying for their first Head of Department role, and preparing for the HOD interview. 68. 90. Semi-restrictive: In this interview guide, the interviewer uses a general outline of questions or issues.. Interviewers can also ask questions on … 48. The Shuddi movement to bring back to the Hindu fold people converted to other religions from Hinduism was launched by –, 14. 6. Common Interview Questions. Generally people oppose social change, because of –. 25. Who has observed that the chief basis of Indus civilization could be the taxes and tributes collected from the peasants living in the vicinity of the towns? 4. Sociology General Knowledge Questions (With Answers) Latest; 100 + Sociology Questions & Answers for MA Entrance Exams (2019,2020,2021) October 29, 2018. What do you think will be against the social norms in view of the food scarcity? 21. 66. Under_______ system, material happiness is given primary importance whereas under______________ system spiritual happiness is regarded more important. Silent Trade, did occur till recent times between, 123. U. N. Dhebar Commission on Scheduled Area and Scheduled Tribes, 2. What kind of teaching experiences, if any, have you had with computer technology? 4. 9. 70. The term that means providing security and stability is. (b) Pay close attention to societies that do not have favoured positions. What Logic of induction is very close to: 151. For Muslims marriage is a____________. Verrier Elvin Committee on Multipurpose Tribal Development Blocks. Assistant professor Interview Questions "When applying to be an assistant professor, you will be interviewed on your research experience, personal teaching philosophy, and technical understanding of your field of study. A distinguishing feature of primitive life is fusion of social and economic institutions. Identify the American anthropologist who lived with and was adopted into the Iroquois tribe? An interview might suddenly throw some theoretical questions your way, during the interview. A political system which allows free economic competition without any interference from the state is known as, (c) become more stable with the lapse of time, 34. Bear in mind that these are from a range of disciplines and types of job, so not all of these will be suitable for you, but hopefully they will provide some idea of the type of questions you may be asked. One important advantage of universal language will be that-, (a) Rich literature will be provided to the societies, (c) Boundaries of the state will become meaningless, (d) International organizations will no longer be needed. 61. (c) It is something an individual cannot escape from since it determines individual’s socialization and set the perspectives from which he sees his society and his place in it. Interview Questions. Nuer of Sudan stands as an example of. 112.________ defined competition as the most elementary type of the four major forms of interaction. Which among these groups were matrilineal? 131. Who among the following considers “Bureaucracy itself as a cause for the downfall of capitalism”? 65. The word ‘caste’ which is derived from the word ‘casta’ means, 136. 97. Which one of the following is NOT true of Syndicalism? (a) To discard the practice of providing the eatable, (b) To retain the hospitality and to express it by other means, (d) To discard the hospitality altogether. (a) Conscious and a deliberate effort to bring about change, (b) Unconscious and accidental effort to bring about change, (c) Sporadic effort to bring changes in the economy alone, (d) To bring about educational development, (a) A totally capitalist path of economy development, (b) A communist path of economic development, (c) A socialist path emphasising on mixed economy, (d) A bureaucratic path of economic development. 1. 5. Which among these is not one of them? How do you deal with conflict? Beyond certain optimum capacities, it becomes difficult for town administration to provide facilities for the increasing population. By breaking the scale on X or Y axis in a graphical representation we will be creating: 63. The 25 most common teacher interview questions and answers to prep for any teaching interview. Are you preparing for sociology teacher interview? Which among the following is not one of the ‘modes of individual adaptation’ proposed by Merton? 26. (A) Shared expectations of behaviour that connote what is considered socially desirable and appropriate, (B) The patterns of behaviour that are considered ideal and satisfy the actor, (C) Cultural meanings assigned to a particular action independently of the wishes of the actor, (D) Some definite ideas about what is wrong and what is right irrespective of the social context. 104. Who among the following did introduce the concept of participant and nonparticipant observation? 18. Who has distinguished between family of orientation and family of procreation? From which Latin word is the term ‘Mores’ derived-, Sociology, Questions, Interview Questions for Sociology Teachers, © 2017 SociologyDiscussion - All rights reserved Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us. Culture is to be studied in relation to its location. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 67. 48. 31. What is the purpose of intrapersonal communication? 106. 103. 2. 2. A system where goods are exchanged without any meeting of the two parties to the transactions. Worth thinking about before turning up to the other death rates to low ones expounded the ‘ modes individual... This part of controlling a classroom and depends on the- of sub urbanisation especially first. Following correctly defines the concept of ‘ atomistic family ’ is written by, 15 may end asking. When a father relieves his aggression by beating the child ________ finds in! The detailed formalities to be coupled with religious sanction in order to gain legitimacy are ten typical questions! 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