In variations with scoring minimums, it is generally accepted that, barring improbable high-scoring hands (such as the Heavenly Hand described below, even if the winning hand is otherwise scoreless), at least one point must be from this set of criteria. The bonus can only be won by self-pick unless the discarded winning tile forms the pair, not any of the four melds. The classic competitive tile game using 4 players. Also note that generally speaking in Hong Kong mahjong, 13 fan is considered the absolute limit for fan. Mahjong is sometimes played in a gambling setting. It is popular amongst the older generation and remains an integral part of family gatherings and important celebrations in Hong Kong, such as the Spring Festival. A winning hand with 9 faan is worth 128 base points. But a variety of other materials has … Points are obtained by matching the winning hand and the winning condition with a specific set of criteria, with different criteria scoring different values. Prolonged playing of mahjong … The winner did not form a meld by discard, The winning tile is obtained from someone calling a Kong, a 12-piece penalty will be imposed on the player being robbed, The winning tile is either the last tile from the wall or the last discard, The winning tile is from a replacement tile due to a Kong or a Bonus Tile, Similar to 'Win by Kong', except that the tile used to make the Kong was itself an extra tile from declaring a Kong, Non-East player wins on East's first discard, 1 (base points) x2 (doubling for winning from wall) x2 (doubling for being east) = -4, 1 (base points) x2 (doubling for winning from wall) = -2, 2 (base points) x2 (doubling for being east) = -4, 2 (base points) x2 (discarding winning piece) = -4, 8 (base points) x2 (paying to east) = -16, 8 (base points) x2 (paying to east) x2 (discarding winning piece) = -32, 16 (base points) x2 (doubling for winning from wall) x2 (doubling for being east) = -64, 16 (base points) x2 (doubling for winning from wall) = -32, 1 (base points) x2 (doubling for winning from wall) = -32, 32 (base points) x2 (doubling for being east) = -64, 32 (base points) x2 (discarding winning piece) = -64, 64 (base points) x2 (paying to east) = -128, 64 (base points) x2 (paying to east) x2 (discarding winning piece) = -256, 48 (base points) x2 (doubling for winning from wall) x2 (doubling for being east) = -192, 48 (base points) x2 (doubling for winning from wall) = -96, 256 (base points) x2 (paying to east) = -512, 256 (base points) x2 (paying to east) x2 (discarding winning piece) = -1024, Discarder pays all losses for enabling winner to go out with Pure Hand after winner had already melded 3 sets (9 tiles) of the same suit, Winner goes out with Self-Picked Pure Hand after discarder has allowed them to meld a 4th set of the same suit; Discarder pays all losses, Discarder pays all losses for discarding a "fresh" (previously unseen anywhere on the table) tile when there are 5 or less tiles left in the wall, allowing winner to go out, In the case where a player wins by a discard (a player, In the case where a player wins by a draw (a player wins by. A set is a same-suit triplet (pong), a same-suit quadruplet (kong) or a same-suit straight (chow). In this case, the loser pays cash to buy back the chips from the winners and the game continues. East the prevailing wind and the key position since this player starts, scores double and pays double for the round. When drawn, Flower and Season tiles are declared and a substitute tile is drawn. A hand is considered a winning hand when it has 4 melds and a pair or is considered a special hand. The point translation function is, as stated above, typically an exponential function. It is possible to obtain the maximum Fan (13) from only bonuses. Once the game starts, each player takes turn starting from the dealer to draw and discard the tile in a … There are only 4 Mahjong Flower and Season tiles. If east player is a losing player he pays double the points to the winner. Note that bonuses for win from wall and all one suit will not be considered in this case. In Hong Kong Mahjong, the game is played with four rounds. The largest group of criteria concern the contents of the winning hand. "Old Hong Kong Mahjong" uses the same basic features and rules as the majority of the different variations of the game. Sets can be either a pung, a chow,or a kong. Many gambling movies have been filmed in Hong Kong, and a recent subgenre is the mahjong movie. Nowadays situation lets you to enjoy this game being on any part of the world, trying to get the rules very accurate. For these reasons Hong Kong mahjong is a suitable variation for the introduction of game rules and play and is the focus o… Donc commençons à rouler les boules (dans ce cas-ci, les des) et commençons a jouer mahjong. If a player has 3 faan then his hand is worth one base point. - When you have three identical tiles concealed within the hand, and an opponent discards the fourth, you may claim it (the same as you would pung a discard) and expose the completed kong. 3. Introduction. HKOS mahjong's gameplay and form is very similar to Chinese traditional mahjong. A mahjong round is complete when the banker position has rotated around the table four times. Learn how to play mahjong! There are a great number of ways to play, but let’s start with the most basic style: Cantonese mahjong. By Coco Marett. This page was last edited on 24 October 2020, at 19:13. In some circles, the match is immediately aborted, with the player furthest ahead in score declared the winner, while in others, a player out of scoring chips continues to play without risk of further losses. Arts The Best Christmas Markets In Hong Kong For 2020. Play Hong Kong Mahjong in full screen. This table is similar to simplified but allows payments for hands of less than 3 faan. Poker chips are used for keeping score only. Hong Kong: This version also uses 136 tiles, but it has some different scoring rules from the Chinese classic version. If a player has 3 faan then his hand is worth eight base points. In the most extreme of styles, there is no limit - every point doubles the score. In a traditional Mahjong game, 4 players start the game with 13 (14 for dealer) tiles each. A common English term is double, as the point-to-score translation is typically exponential with a base of 2. Losing players must give the winning player the value of these base points. Thus, a. Individual players must double the amount of base-points owed for the following: This table is based on play where 3 faan is the minimum needed in order to win with a legal hand. Because they diverge from the criteria for a normal winning hand, it is inherently risky to attempt these hands: effectively all pieces need to be self-drawn since melds are not useful to these hands. Chow - last tile thrown (by preceding seat) is taken to complete a consecutive meld (run), Pong - last tile thrown (by any person) can be taken to complete a triplet meld [can be done on any discard], Kong - can complete a triplet if the fourth one is self drawn, or discarded by another player if the triplet in question is concealed, draw a tile from the end of the final wall, and discard a tile to continue play. Hong Kong Mahjong (with the acronym HKOS which stands for Hong Kong Old Style) is probably the most popular variation of mahjong played in China. Hand in any one suit consisting of 1112345678999, must be totally concealed. Flower(s) or Season(s) that correspond to the winning player's wind may increase the score. Copyright © 2020 Do not focus on the special hands, and instead focus on achieving the base requirement of 1fan in your winning hand. 3 sets combined with a pair, would make a winning hand having a total of 14 tiles. HKOS mahjong's gameplay and form is very similar to Chinese traditional mahjong. The rules can be found here . The function itself is subject to variation, typically to set an upper bound: The faan value of a hand is converted into base points which are then used to calculate the money (or "points") the losers pay the winner. 食糊 (sik6 wu2) - Winning off another player's discard. Mahjong Variants. Now, this game is available online and for free play for you and your friends. Map. In 2010, the Mahjong Council of Hong Kong ruled that Self Triplets (四暗刻) no longer counts as a limit hand. A winning hand in Mah Jong has four melds, which are a particular pattern made from three pieces. Although the game play in general is similar in all of the versions of mahjong , the game pieces and scoring , however, slightly differ depending on the regional variations. With the latter, it is called "winning from the wall". At the beginning of each game, each player is given a fixed score, usually in the form of scoring chips. kong. If a player has 3 faan then his hand is worth eight base points. How to play Hong Kong Mahjong? This form of Mahjong uses all of the tiles of the most commonly available sets, includes no exotic complex rules, and has a relatively small set of scoring sets/hands with a simple scoring system. 叫糊 (giu3 wu2) - A "ready" or "waiting" hand, one tile away from winning. If the former happens, it is referred to as "winning by discard". Arts Neighbourhood Guide: Where To Eat, Drink And Shop In Causeway Bay. A declared kong cannot be split, therefore, it may be advantageous not to immediately declare In many cases, there exist other modifiers to the score. Before the game starts, all players must agree upon how much one set of chips (100 unit) is worth. In the case where a player wins from a high-risk scenario (see below), the player who performs the discard pays for the other two losing players (in addition to the normal double share). Have you ever heard of an original, firstborn Hong Kong Mahjong Chinese game? Pung, Chow and Kong Combinations ... Arts Hong Kong Social Distancing Rules For Covid-19: What You Can And Can’t Do. Each rule set also has a number of special hands that allow Mahjong or score better than usual. Since Mahjong is a zero-sum game, when one player loses all his chips, his chips are distributed among the other winners. In the more modern style, which expands on the traditional style, a second limit (i.e. The English terms for each limit is typically titled, In the parlor style, named for mahjong parlors (officially mahjong schools) in Hong Kong, the translation function is constant. When gambling with mahjong, these scores are typically directly translated into sums of money. Hong Kong Mahjong Rules Hong Kong Mahjong Game Objective The objective of the Hong Kong Mahjong game is to put together a complete set (or "hand"), which contains four sets of threes (either three of a kind of the same suit (or "pung") or a sequence of the same suit (or "chow") and a pair, for total of 14 pieces. Prevailing Wind When the mahjong round starts the Prevailing Wind starts at the East position. Typically, a hand that is more improbable will score higher than one that is more common, but this may not be the case. There are many highly varied versions of mahjong both in rules and tiles used. This table is based on play where 3 faan is the minimum needed in order to win with a legal hand. The following is a list of the different terms describing the progress of one's hand: These hands are not standard hands, but can be used to win nonetheless. Individual players must double the amount of base-points owed for the following: For Small Winds, some variations have a further restriction with the prevailing wind or the seat wind disallowed as the pair. The players seat themselves according to this draw in the clockwise order N - W - S - E. Notice that these are NOT the standard compass positions. There are three suits, which run from one to nine. You'll start this online mahjong, with $ 20 000 fictitious and face three other players controlled by the computer. 獨聽 (duk6 teng1) - Known in English typically as a, 雞糊 (gai1 wu2) - Also known in some circles as 推倒胡 (tuī dǎo hú/teoi1 dit3 wu4) or 雞胡 (ji hú/gai, 詐糊 (zaa3 wu2) - Known in English literally as a. Rules and components follow Old Hong Kong Style. HKOS uses a progressive scoring with doubles (fan). In the interest of changing Mahjong from an illegal gambling game to an approved ‘healthy sport’, a new set of rules were published in 1998, now referred to as International Tournament rules. Each player starts with 13 tiles. Because points and score are two distinct concepts, this article will adopt the use of the term score unit to refer to a point in a player's score. If the hand was won by discard, the discarder doubles the amount he owes the winner, If the winner is east all losers double the basepoints. 13 Tile Mahjong according to Hong Kong Style rules set has 136 pieces, which contains 36 distinct kinds of pieces (4 of each kind). You also need what are referred to as the eyes, … In many cases, only the winner scores, with the winner's gain being deducted from the three losers' scores (that is, the losers pay the winner). Individual players must double the amount of base-points owed for the following: If two of these criteria apply to any player...then the player must double and then redouble the points owed to the winner. Although the game play in general is similar in all of the versions of mahjong, the game pieces and scoring, however, slightly differ for Hong Kong style rules. The criteria mentioned below are by no means exhaustive or common to every variation, but are common to many 13-tile and 16-tile variations. The objective of the Hong Kong Mahjong game is to put together a complete set (or “hand”), which contains four sets of threes (either three of a kind of the same suit (or “pong”) or a sequence of the same suit (or “chow”) and a pair, for total of 14 pieces. In the traditional style, there is a four-point maximum: a hand worth more than four points pays exactly the same as one worth exactly as a four-point hand. a KONG, the banker position rotates to the player to the right (counterclockwise) of the banker of the previous game, otherwise the banker remains the same. Hong Kong Mahjong scoring rules are used for scoring in Mahjong, the game for four players, common in Hong Kong and some areas in Guangdong. The bonus fan of self-pick will be awarded but not for the bonus fan of winning from the wall. Mahjong is a Chinese game of skill, which involves four players. By Annie Simpson. This consists of the 13 tiles plus the extra tile you can acquire by stealing it when another player puts it down in the discard pile or when it is gotten from the wall. is a thriving online e-sports community where players from all over the world compete in skill-based competitions — either for prizes or for free. The rules vary across Asia, but in Hong Kong, each player starts with 13 tiles and the goal is to develop a 14-tile hand using every tile in a combination of pongs, eyes and runs. Depending on variation, there may also be the additional requirement of winning by self-pick, in which case, this is known as men qing zi mo, or purely concealed self-drawn hand. Losing players must give the winning player the value of these base points. If the winner wins from the wall the base points is doubled. 1 . Hong Kong Mahjong is essentially a payment system of doubling and redoubling where winning from the wall adds great value to the final payment and where the dealer is highly rewarded or penalized if he or she wins or loses. Some gamblers do away with chips and pay cash after each round depending on local laws regarding legality of gambling. The Dead Wall tiles are reserved to be used as replacements to be drawn if a In order to claim victory, you must have 14 tiles. Mah-Jong (pronounced with a soft “J” and variously known as Mah-Jongg or Mahjong) is a charming Chinese game played with engraved tiles. At you can play online games and tournaments in 20 multiplayer games of skill. Hand containing Pongs/Kongs of Ones and Nines only. The terminology of point differs from variation to variation. Cantonese variants will use the term 番 (pinyin: fān / jyutping: faan1). Instead, it now rules as a regular winning hand. Losing players must give the winning player the value of these base points. The rule principles are: no gambling – no drinking – no smoking. If you have an exposed pong then you can add the forth tile to produce a kong. 2. The following is the Old Hong Kong simplified table, for other tables see Hong Kong Mahjong scoring rules. It’s the quickest version to learn and the easiest way to play. Due to the fast growth of exponential functions the constant for a zero-point hand is set very low, and a minimum point value (typically three point) is imposed, as lower scores are often considered to be game spoilers. Home HKOS Scoring HKOS Hands and Values Mahjong Online Hong Kong Mahjong (with the acronym HKOS which stands for Hong Kong Old Style) is probably the most popular variation of mahjong played in China. Make melds and score points for advanced hands, to win against your opponents. Pour cet article, nous couvrirons Les Règles du style Hong Kong ou du style International Officiel, qui ont gagné la reconnaissance comme le 255ème sport par la Commission Sportive d'Etat de Chine en janvier de 1998. Hong Kong Mahjong Rules Mahjong is a Chinese game of skill, which involves four players. That means that each player will play 16 hands and will take the position of the dealer four times. A Guide to Mahjong (Chinese / Official International Rules) 12 THE DEAD WALL Counting from the breaking point of the Wall, to the right is the Dead Wall (also known as the Kong Box) and to the left is the Live Wall. The Goal in Hong Kong Mahjong For every hand, the goal is to become the first player to get a hand composed of any combination of four sets (see below) and a pair. What does it take to win a hand in Mah Jong? Some criteria may also be in terms of both points and score. In Canada, the most popular is Cantonese or Hong Kong style Mahjong, and we recommend starting with this. In some styles there is a rule stating that if a hand is worth one point or less it scores nothing. 1 /7 Brunello Cucinelli Mahjong Set . This is because gambling, with the exception of bets placed with the. Mahjong Hands A Mahjong hand normally consists of four sets of three or four tiles and one pair. Hand containing four concealed (unmelded) Pongs. Sam Hui wrote Cantopop songs using mahjong as their themes, and Hong Kong movies have often included scenes of mahjong games. There are many variations of Mahjong rules. Hong Kong Mahjong scoring rules are used for scoring in Mahjong, the game for four players, common in Hong Kong and some areas in Guangdong. Traditionally, the tiles have been made from ivory or bone dove-tailed into bamboo. Hong Kong Mahjong is for fans of the real game of mahjong, playing with 4 players in which you must complete various combinations (Melds, Kong, chow, eyes). Different rules have different norms for how a concealed kong is to be displayed (all face-down, or the two end tiles face-down, for instance). It is not uncommon for players to define minimum fan requirements for declaring a winning hand (typically 1 or 2), and at times a maximum fan cap or ceiling (for example at 7 or 8 fan). SeatingOne of each of the the four wind tiles are placed face-down, shuffled and each player takes one. 13 tiles to play, 14 tiles to Mahjong. The core function of Hong Kong Mahjong Tycoon is the traditional mahjong match, which adopts the authentic Hong Kong mahjong rules, in addition, players can experience more novel and interesting contents, including the acquisition and cultivation of rich characters, global mahjong tournament, winning trophies, and so on. For the each subsequent round, the positions change in one of two ways: 1. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles lacking sources from December 2007, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Melds of 2 dragons and a pair of the 3rd dragon, 13 (10 +3 for mixed one suit, which is a must in this case), Melds of 3 winds and a pair of the 4th wind, One of each one, nine, wind, and dragon, and a 14th tile (any other terminal or honor tile). Japanese: The Japanese version is a popular one, as many artists use this version to depict the game’s beauty. Thus, a seven-point hand is worth double that of hands that are between four and six points. The points obtained may be translated into scores for each player using some (typically exponential) function. A common set of modifiers (for which this article will call the standard payment variations) include: There is no universally followed rule determining when a player runs out of score units. A winning hand with 9 faan is worth 4 base points. doubling) is set at the seventh point, and optionally, a third limit at the tenth point. Some of these criteria may be subsets of other criteria (for example, having a meld of one dragon versus having a meld of all of them), and in these cases, only the criteria with the tighter requirements are scored. A winning hand with 9 faan is worth 32 base points. This is Cantonese style using Hong Kong scoring. For example, a player draws the second last tile from the wall, declares a Kong and win on the replacement tile. If you have ever played the game gin rummy, then you will be familiar with some of the concepts of mahjong. About Us. If a Mahjong isn’t called and the tiles run out, the round is usually considered to be a draw. HKOS uses a progressive scoring with doubles (fan). Hands, and optionally, a seven-point hand is worth 4 base points mahjong uses. A player draws the second last tile from the wall the base requirement of 1fan in winning. Let ’ s beauty players controlled by the computer only bonuses to simplified but allows payments for hands of than! Bonus can only be won by self-pick unless the discarded winning tile forms the pair would. Are declared and a substitute tile is drawn need what are referred to as `` winning by discard.... Worth 32 base points how much one set of chips ( 100 )... It take to win with a base of 2, there is no limit every. 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