The answer is mini combos. A card we do keep in the mulligan every time is Spellwing. Quest Mage #349 Legend – blndr777 April 7, 2020 These reached high Legend by Pro Players. This involves Flamewaker, but I usually don't mulligan for this to happen. Hearthstone Wild deck site. Mini Combos is the soul of the deck. If we have quest + a 2-drop we might still go for that. But Luna is insane, Evocation doesnt make u lose the quest reward? New Updated Top Rated - Week Top Rated - Month Top Rated - Year Top Rated - All-Time. Ray of Frost is really good as well because it is the best spell way have and we need to play spells to win. However, being half a turn behind Arcane Intellect gets a bit slow. Hearth into the Wild. The Coin: Being on the coin is great for this deck. mage: 7,600: 7 days ago: 1: Quest Mage – #25 Legend (Soda) – Wild S79. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! I personally mulligan fairly standard in the mirror. And it is not discarded by Book of Specters, which is a big deal. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. So card draw is great. But we don't give those cards on the play. Flamewaker/Apprentice gets us tempo so we can survive for longer. You will find that the meta of Wild doesn't fluctuate as much as Standard does when a new expansion is released. Reno Priest: Another matchup where you just don't want to draw dead. That makes it a combo deck, and combo decks function in a specific way. ... Wild Hearthstone: Guide To Quest Mage! But keep in mind random spells are everywhere. Quest Mage is the Wild format's most well-known combo archetype, stocking up on cheap spells in the first few turns before using them in a massive swing turn. 2) Use Apprentice to cheat a lot of spells out in the same turn. Quest Mage: ¿Es realmente un problema? But they are not auto keeps on the coin. This is a great guide, well done. Ray of Frost is also great in this matchup, but not something I keep unless I have a really strong hand that synergizes with it. Tempo Quest Mage #1 Legend – Ramses__hs April 11, 2020. When Shaman is on the coin our 2-drops (particularly Questing Explorer that doesn't die to 2dmg) usually come down in time to contest a totem. All deck stats and win-rates are calculated using data submitted by players. I would say, the winrate is over 70%. We've got all the decklists and the latest guides. If we use all of our spells early we will sit with useless minions in hand. this is Hijodaikan's deck, isn't it ? On that turn we play giants and freeze their big guys. Mage; Quest Mage March-April 2020 +1. Los mejores mazos del formato Wild – Post Boomsday Project nerfs [Parte II] 10 noviembre, 2018 11 noviembre, 2018 ksr 0. Even Shaman: Even Shaman has two power spikes: early totems getting buffed, and a combination of Giants, cheap 5/5s, and a 4-drop. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. It is easy to be tempted to play to play your cards too quickly because you are playing minions on curve in the beginning of the game. The rest of our deck is full of cards that either draw to make sure we ave synergies or create additional cards that synergize with what we do. want to cycle through the deck as fast as possible, need to manage their resources so they have the cards needed to win in the end, but also survive until the end, Play early for tempo (or to not lose it), but not with the intention of pressuring the opponent to death, Flamewaker + Apprentice + Mana Cyclone + 1-mana spells, Luna + Apprentice (use Licensed Adventurer/Glyph/Magic Trick/Trade Spellwing if you draw a big guy), Mana Cyclone + Apprentice + 1-mana spells, Quest completion: Magic Trick, Primordial Glyph, Ray of Frost, Tome of Intellect, Lesser Ruby Spellstone, Draw: Arcane Intellect, Book of Specters, Research Project, Removal: Volcanic Potion, Flame Ward, Polymorph: Boar, Polymorph, Flamestrike, Blizzard, Shatter, Snap Freeze, Survival: Iceblock, Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Mirror Image, (Counterspell), other obvious single target removal, Giant generation: Simulacrum, Molten Reflection, Echo of Medivh, Conjurer's Calling. Subscribe to Comments; Follow User; Quest Mage March-April 2020. Luna/Flamewaker/Giants/Mana Cyclone all synergize with cheap spells, which that deck has a ton of. Published on Apr 21, 2020. Usually we win by getting a quest turn 0-1 turn after they build a huge board. But... this is Hijodaikan's deck, isn't it ? We've got all the decklists and the latest guides. Quest 2-drops are extra great, which means we throw more cards away to get them. Why is Spellwing in the deck if it isn't for turn 1? Random spells are a huge part of this deck. 1) generate more spells than you need from Mana Cyclone. Quest Mage is about completing your quest and assembling pieces in your hand that allow you to win over 2 turns. 14 Minions; 16 Spells; Deck Type: Arena; Deck Archetype: Quest Mage; Crafting Cost: 6940; Created: 3/28/2020 (Kael'thas Patch) View in Deck Builder WoW Classic. Either directly or because the Book will usually draw us combo minions. Developers’ note: In order to enable the ability to trade to eligible looters within 2 hours of looting the Qiraji hilts, drapes, and rings, we've removed the ability to stack multiples of them. And that is harder if you throw your resources too quickly. We know that we need spells and combo minions to go off. And because we are facing less pressure on turn 3 we should also consider keeping Luna/Flamewaker, but only with a 2-drop, and don't do it vs classes that have a lot of removal for 2/4s. Find the best decks all top ranked players are using. Druid: A matchup where you have to go fast. ... (@blisterguy) August 12, 2020. The best Mage decks in the current meta. I will not go into much detail about it because it is quite easy to understand. I'm Sipiwi94. Since u full u hand with random spells. it gives you a ton of time and you often win the game if the can't cheat out another one. So how do we survive against these decks? 6700. — KremePuff (@KremePuffHS) August 4, 2020. 5. It depends on the other cards we are offered, as well as being on the coin or not. However, the card can be game winning against aggro. Legendaries. Otherwise Bufoon. CN #1 挽风丨丶唯’s Quest Mage 2020.06.08. Format: wild - Season: season-80 - Player: foomax. It is interesting to see that our only 1-drop is not on the list. So many of our cards synergize. If we play our minions on curve we will have useless spells in hand. Secret Mage #72 Legend – wook_82 April 11, 2020. hi is there any replacement for licensed adventurer? Enjoy. Arcane Intellect is a great 3-drop on the play because we are rarely facing a ton of pressure on our turn 3. Has anyone got any tips for playing this deck better? Quest Mage is an archetype which utilizes a hard cycle package in conjunction with cheap spells to complete the Quest, Open the Waygate, as fast as possible. - Duration: 37:31. jrhsk8 4,744 views. 11 hours ago @KremePuffHS recommended Max Minion Quest Mage in Wild, and thanks to ye olde 11x and KP's great list I made it easily. Quest Mage also needs to cycle a lot. So keep in mind along the way that you could die before you kill them if you are not able to contest their board in early turns. However against most decks the damage is not as important, but it shouldn't be underestimated as the lower their hp is the fewer combo pieces you need to win. List is updated daily. But if you are looking at a decent hand already then they could be great to make sure we have things to do at turn 4-5. So when we are on the coin we really like Spellwing and play it on turn 1, so we can kill totems with a ping on turn 2. All we ever wanted. Another great card that doesn't make the cut in our mulligan is Sorcerer's Apprentice. The combination of strong Secrets from the past and a few new tools, most notably Cloud Prince and Aluneth, allow a deck that can rely heavily on burn- but also survive the aggressive meat grinder that is the Wild meta via board control, and draw enough to pull it all off. Our Highlander/Reno Mage deck list guide features the best deck list for Season 77 of Hearthstone (August 2020). What should i say... Got Diamond 5 after 1 hours and now got Legend after hard trying on Diamond 1. Check out popular Highlander Mage Decks (December 2020). Both of these cards means spells get more value. We just mulligan for card draw and 2-drops so we can chip armor away early. Sometimes we are offered the opportunity to go in and burst them super low before the Darkest Hour combo. This generally only happens if one Standard deck in particular is very dominant. We are also looking for Advertising Partners or offer to share your sponsored articles! Sometimes one part just gets destroyed, but a lot of games are interesting, and they can swing quickly because of mini combos, random iceblocks, and Time Warp. Highlander Mage … It is also decent if we have Mana Cyclone and it is clear from our hand that we can set up a big Cyclone combo (this should only happen on the coin and if we have a double spell as well or Book of Specters). We are also interested to share guest articles for Hearthstone, simply contact us! So to win we have to not get overrun by totems early, and not have a dead game in the midgame. POSTED BY: Fenom | PUBLISHED: November 13, 2019 | DUST COST: 21280 CLASS: Mage | Format: Wild | Era: Saviors of Uldum Thank you for this deck. Another reason to remember it is that we are setting these combos up during the game. Hi everybody. It will also be a keep often if you are offered Mana Cyclone and maybe even a spell. Thanks for your guide. Aggro/Tempo Mage Deck List Guide - Madness at the Darkmoon Faire November 2020 Last updated on Nov 19, 2020 at 13:00 by Kat 11 comments Tempo Mage decks have been developing for a long time in Hearthstone, and although they take a different form in each … It is unreliable and not great vs Sense Demons deck. Your name sounds familiar, we might have played against each other in legend ( or somewhere along the way ). What is the deck about? First of all you are playing a lot of cheap minions that you jam on curve. Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Cards List & Guide. Our 2-drops are not great because cannons shoot them down, but we still keep them in the mulligan. Wild Quest Mage. Best Priest Decks for Scholomance Wild. Against slow decks the issue is to get to a state where Time Warp wins as we mentioned earlier. A last point in this matchup is that when we are lucky and they get a 1/1 totem early we usually ping it down or at least play a Spellwing into it. And it also has to replace 1 or 2 cards in the current list. Research Project is just such a huge downside and we already have the draw we need. The old method required two copies of Sorcerer's Apprentice and … Alternative cards are Chenvaala, Banana Bufoon, Vargoth, and Research Project. Keep in mind that general guidelines are always inaccurate so don't just follow them blindly. 13 abril, 2019 13 abril, 2019 ksr 0. And then we have Primordial Glyph and Mana Cyclone that will often give us quite expensive spells. It depends on which totem they get and which 2-drop we have (2/3 is best as mentioned earlier). Completing the quest is split into two parts. The curve of the deck is low, which means you can burn your hand so quickly if you want to. So these cards will be stronger (Luna vs control, Flamewaker vs aggro, Apprentice depending on the amount of spells in hand). When we are on the play we really want a 2-drop, but spellwing on turn 1 is still good, so we keep that. Then i tried this deck. Tyler Esguerra - November 25, 2020 A slew of League champs make it on Patch 10.25 buff list, including Lee Sin, Yasuo, and Yone Andreas Stavropoulos - November 30, 2020 But the goal of the deck is mainly to not die before you get to your combo turns. © 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. Random Polymorphs are obviously great and vs Darkest Hour Warlock random burst spells will sometimes win a lost game. Would really love to hear them! The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! These plays will not always be wrong, but they could be and we will float mana quite often with this deck to play it optimally. Check out popular Reno Mage Decks (December 2020) for wild format. I will start in general and then get into more details. Examples are: we play a flamewaker on turn 3 and it dies to a removal spell, we play Flamewaker + Apprentice and a few spells and later topdeck Cyclone. And if you play too much into Spreading Plague it will slow you down dramatically. Find popular Hearthstone decks for every class, card and game mode. Patches means that there will be a lot of 1-hp targets, so our 1/1 trades well and it gives us Arcane Missiles that also works well. Hijo’s Quest Reno Mage Edit Deck. They can get out of reach with too much armor. Let's try to kill more wild. I am not completely decided yet, but I would only consider keeping it vs aggro on the coin. Quest Mage is different when it comes to tempo. I had a few games where the 5/5 didn't really win the game and it cost a lot of resources. Legend 8 times in Wild: December 2019 (Mech Paladin) March 2020 (Darkest Hour Warlock) April 2020 (Highlander Quest Mage) June 2020 (Mech Paladin) July 2020 (Discard Warlock) August 2020 (Discard Warlock) September 2020 (Odd Rogue) October 2020 (Secret Mage) November 2020 … Even more hard with additional minions to block Flamewaker/Missiles. In Mage, Quest Mage, Wild Decks; The list is the same as … And it would be even more inaccurate with this deck. All decks | Demon Hunter decks | Druid decks | Hunter decks | Mage decks | Paladin decks | Priest decks | Rogue decks | Shaman decks | Warlock decks | Warrior decks CThun Druid 1.1 Added on December 1, 2020 Quest Mage has decent minions early to slow the game down, but against any aggro deck we will lose the board around turn 3. The last 2 are NEVER in the list. Apart from some braindead games, this is a really challenging deck, in particular in some mirror matches. These are the reasons why the mulligan is exceptionally complex AND exceptionally important. As it is a spell (it shouldn't be, but that is a different story) it helps complete the quest. Therefore the card is usually not good until later in the game. Am not a fan of giving lists of cards to keep in mind that guidelines! Book of Specters is stronger Mage # 1 Legend – Ramses__hs April 11, 2020 generate! 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