ragnarok gunslinger desperado build 99/70

06 Prosinec 20

but since i have way higher flee then he will miss some and I’ll still pwn him. [Moved to OP] Tracking [7] 11.  Elite Infantry Bloody Shells: The most powerful bullet a gunslinger could have. 80-90: “old school”: Anubises or Nifelheim with a priest. plus Chain Action helps in hitlocking people, Magical Bullet is a waste of skill points cuz silver bullets are better to use on ghosts than this skill, Cracker is just a cutesy skill because of it’s low chance to hit, switching between guns & cranial shields is still a practical technique to use in WoE, wat card is in the superior boots? Gatling Fever Main attribute is dex. I like he Gatling and rifle but im not sure what to do here, kinda suck when it comes to gunslingers T_T. Controlling the mobs with desperado is always a respectable asset for any mvp party. Gunslingers in general are about range. A one-man/woman army, Gatling Gun users unleash storms of bullets against their foes. This skill doesn’t consume a bullet. Skills: Weapon switch or cranial shield after its done casting , the situations where you should do that are common sense. ), You should be always using silver bullets. Unpractical skill, bleeding won’t help kill anyone who knows what he/she is doing. Now you can skip this part because those are the only skills you really need to know about but I’ll give some information on the rest of the Gunslinger’s skill tree. If not, just stick to the strategy of staying hidden and keeping them at bay with dust. Based on what you gather, know when to switch from rapidshower spam to full buster if you absolutely have to get stuck in that pattern. Phen or Bloody Butterfly It can get a little tricky if they have cast-interruption prevention, which they should. now im a Agi Slinger, and dont regret, revolver are MUCH fast, and with a Baby Dragon Hat, you land 7~8 hits per second W/O Last Stand…whit it, is a freaking bulletstorm, statusing is pretty easy, whit Western Outlaws… Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Shotgun Bulls Eye: The best skill available for sniper gunslingers. This is also a battle of stalling. Mass Spiral (deals damage plus more based on target defense, causes bleeding at a high chance) for an agi dps ofc i will get 2x as westland outlaw, but i'm stuck deciding gears other than weapon and headgears. The skill consumes 2 coins to get -30 Hit and +30 Flee, and receive 20% less damage from long range physical attacks for 20 seconds. thanks in advance, Well, I somehow managed to get by to 99 using eden gears. As stated in the first post, damage is calculated the moment a mine is activated, meaning you can switch to a gun with a different card(s) and the mine will gain the card effect.Cracker: Inflict Stun the closer a target is to you. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. Lee and Ber: Wow, our guide actually convinced you guys to delete characters? Drosera (Increases critical rate. Abbey if you try hard. Camping the emp is your real role. ... sp/hp cost, skill requirement and everything you need to know about Desperado. Any ranged class is all about keeping them at a distance and keeping the pressure on, even if your best skill is technically close range. Gunslingers are near useless in PVP/WOE, but don't let that stop you. Also no, saying that you don’t take damage while mobbing if you take this skill isn’t a real excuse, since you would be taking skill points you need in other areas if you take this to a decent level. Outlaw is best , becfause it is lvl 3 weapon , you get more ATK on it per upgrade than on any other handgun aviable in game *expetion for soldiers handgun from battlegrounds wich is lvl 4), You cant make desperado with an inferno even if u switch it… i'll stay with my vit eden boots for now until i find better alternative. 2.) Note: There are apparently no weapon restrictions for this skill, so go nuts with the damage. Tarot might be troublesome but it relies on chance so its not all that bad. 3. This is an agility Gunslinger skill. I only find it hard against Ninja, Paladin and SinX lol. Often, having a lot of VIT would limit the need for high defensive equipment. A special note on cards: Unfortunately, guns only have 1-2 slots, depending on the gun. This build by itself is not that reliable as it requires coins to cast, but can be used in combination with another build for more versatility. Triple Action Unlike traditional classes, Gunslingers do not have a second clas… Throw in some basic SP gears and you’ll rarely have to sit. But maxing out Chain Action and Single Action for a DPS build is recommended. If so maybe that should be clarified, especially as you mix and match them in your PvP description. For Snake Eyes, Tracking, and Coin Fling, it would be wiser to invest in Snake Eyes if you have a DPS build so you can have a longer range and thus more time to shoot when the target's chasing you down. 1 str Any Status Ailment card Again cranial switching will be your best tool. prontera Thanks fr that but what I meant by different guns is can I put the skills up for all 4 guns for different uses? Upgraded version of Artillery Trapper build. Gunslingers are huge damage dealers with a lot of weapons to utilize. The stats that will help this build would be a high DEX for damage, around 50 or so INT for SP and Desperado spamming, and a pretty sizable (around 60-75) VIT to survive large mobs. Must be done in rapid succession to have any significant effect. A good combo is Cracker on a melee character targeting a support character (or yourself) to inflict Stun and then using Crowd Control Shot to push them back. Use with Bloody Shells for a higher chance.Crowd Control Shot: Pushes the target 5 cells back. If anyone experienced has something to say, add, or whatever, by all means feel free to do so. Any cards that can boost your stats Shatter Storm (deals damage and has a chance of destroying up to 5 random equip when maxed) There are no real uses. 8424 « anterior ... el de desperado podria beneficiarse de gunslinger panic, cracker para aumentar sus probabilidades de ataque y defensa. Eden Group Armor has the best defense at the best weight, but at 0 available slots, unless you plan to go without armor cards, you'll have to settle for something else. You can’t equip a gun and a shield at the same time so make sure you learn proper weapon swapping. Phen or Bloody Butterfly (Phen is better, but if you can't afford one you can settle for a Bloody Butterfly. If you do a lot of Turn In quests, you can trade in merit badges for (10) bravery or valor badges you can exchange for gunslinger equipment from Battlegrounds. Frilldora or Assassin Cross (Enables Cloaking 1 on the former, Cloaking 3 with the latter) Normal attacks are weak and you won’t kill anything worth killing with them. odin set seems costly. Snake Eyes (to increase range and Hit.) 1 str Trust me, it works. If you adjust properly, they can be a force to be reckoned with. This class can be a pain to fight against in pvp, but it all depends. I’ve seen a very small amount of players shine and many of them give up for several reasons. A good combo is Cracker on a melee character targeting a support character (or yourself) to inflict Stun and then using Crowd Control Shot to push them back. Stack some basic mdef, combined with your basic reduction gears (alligators, Noxious, feather beret, cranial switching) and his magic won’t even scratch. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it. Grenade Launchers (Inferno and Destroyer only): Has a chance to destroy armor at close range. Take note, this skill should be a finishing attack. 1 vit (for now) (Similar to how a sniper would ds spam and finish with fa) These battles are usually quick, and even with a decently skilled player, it frequently ends with both the sniper and the gunslinger dead. Having the whole thing doubles damage you receive from non-Demi-Human monsters, but I had the Battle Boots for the HP bonus. Q: Hey But I like to attack fast with normals, chain action and I can do 1k damage per hit! At this point it’s all about how you personally duel, and this guide has no impact on that. That should be the key rule in any battle against any class, but it can’t be stressed enough here. This skills increases ASPD by 20%(for new people reading this, no this is not zomg high aspd. 1 vit (for now) I have respect’d my gunslinger several times and used the different builds with different guns, so far the outlaw out preforms all the compition. Weapons: Shotguns as for your points Leon, I’m too lazy to reply to each of them lol and graver more or less said what I would have said anyways, also you’re taking da game too srs brah. [Based on ATK] Spread Attack: AoE skill (9x9 area). DEX is a must. Skillspammers will find Ulle Cap with Incubus + Odin Blessing with Succubus quite nice to have. [Based on ATK] Rapid Shower: Single target skill. 90-99: no healer: Majorouses, Clock Tower High Orcs, Bathory map, Isis map, Nifflheim, Zombie Masters (Britoniah guild dungeon if you have access). I’m a GS (of course I’m a GS why would I be posting here anyways) This is plenty of time to plan ahead for what your Gunslinger will be in the future.UPDATE: I found a skill simulator on the forums that you can use to plan your skills for both the first and second classes. It can be used to mark players in Hiding, but will deal no damage. 5.) with a western outlaw handgun… Not exactly recommended. Bull's Eye (Can cause Coma and deals 500% damage to Demihuman and Brute monsters) One of the major failing points of this guide is that gunslingers do need agility now for WoE:Se. Gunslingers are always looking for a chance to show off their talent. Knowledge of how certain classes work, and those classes knowing how you work. Page 1 of 3 - PRO GUNSLINGER BUILD - posted in Gunslinger: Stats:STR: 255AGI: 1DEX: 1VIT: 255INT: 1LUK: 30Equips:Head (U): Mini PropellerHead (M): Geek GlassesHead (L): Grandpa Beard OR Crunch ToastWeapon: +3 Dexterous Hallowed Six Shooter - Card: Drops - Card: Santa PoringArmor: Lucky Elite Shooter Suit - Card: PoringGarment: +4 Scorching Hood - Card: … You can always hide right before he gets close enough to you as well. Instead of shooting from afar, this build allows an up close and personal striking power using the skill Desperado. A Heroic Backpack would be good if you have the zeny to shell out for one.Gunslinger Cards: level 70 This build is for Gunslingers that camp the emperium. Not to mention getting close to them is risky. It only works with pistols, unfortunately.) In this thread, our goal is to make the Gunslinger a more fun class to play, no matter what kind of build you suggest. This skill will fail to do damage on Magnetic Earth. Also contain Type, Target, Range, sp/hp cost, skill requirement and everything you need to know about Desperado. * Rapid Shower lvl.10 being an old LRO player(the server this guide was for,now dead/closed)I can say you rarely ever saw Taekowns going into pvp. ), An organized guild with people who cares(hardest thing to find). (getting thirty agi or so to reduce cast animation delay is a good idea. Graver knows whats up~ Desperado: Desperado: ID: GS_DESPERADO (516) Tipo: Ofensiva Níveis: 10 SP: 30 + (2× Nv. roles have changed. 1 agi (The Shotgun and Desperado builds can be combined for an AOE-based build)Rifle: Rounds at multiples of 5(With this I mean, every 5 vit you get a bonus to your HP regeneration rate.).  Explosives Expert The stats you want in this are DEX and AGI. A: In my experience, if you want a class attacking fast and strong with normal attacks, make a sniper. fit in Desperado when you can get close? Hunter Fly (Gives a chance of gaining damage dealt as HP. (And let’s face it, you don’t just see sinx waltzing up to you uncloaked with edp and sl saying “let’s have a fair fight ?”). Ground Drifted mines deal pitiful damage in WoE which can be easily outpotted, and this is a bad skill to use. It’s best to avoid this type of battle, though it’s completely possible. For example, you state Single Action is a useless skill and should be avoided, however it cannot be avoided if you want to get Trigger Happy Shot. It deals ghost damage and takes your MATK into consideration. ”, Maybe it is like this: (add the +10 dex food) Usually a successful party for that place would be Clown/Bard + High Priest + Professor, using skills like Full Buster and Rapid Shower, with and occasional Desperados, however that’s trying too hard to make a GS effective there. Duel Build This build is designed for the hardcore PVP one on one duelists. This guide is 100% based on personal experience, so no assumptions will be made. My agi gunslinger has proven his value in both mvp hunting & pvp because of his very high aspd which exceeds those of snipers & sinx I was there all the time with my stalker and never saw one more than twice a week D: Star gladiators? This is because: Here are a few questions you may have in mind: Q: Hey but I can still use skills even if I do take agi! Have an organized guild that actually cares about them to Woe with. Alright time to shed some light on what skills are good and which ones are worthless. 4. Weapons, Stats, Skills, and Cards are similar, but with max level increased to 150, you can invest more into stats. It was indeed fun stacking this with alligator accessories, cranial shield , feather beret and noxious. Having the entire set won't be that helpful in PVM though. You will still need it at lvl.10 anyways, just for other skills. Don’t fall into this pattern, it’s predictable and shows no skill or finesse. This guide’s cool… and sorry im just i kid what does 6x-8x means?/ o.0, @Blue yea it’s outdated, not very terrible though. That’s all I’ll say. Quick Draw Shot Opera masque, Goblin leader, Masquarade, Alarm mask. I really wanna post the revamped version of this guide lol. INT and VIT will be your best friend. 92 + ?? The closer you are to your opponent, the more chances for desperado to deal more hits. If you can disarm them and they don’t have instant cast then you may stand a fighting chance, but even after that, they can always ress their homunculous, and let’s face it, when it comes down to it, they can carry more pots than you can, and have more firepower in their arsenal, not to mention a much higher def. Why not 2 nimbles? it is a fun skill mostly. You’ll probably have to spam a few aloes/RJs. xD, hmmm… They have a lot of stuff to counter whatever you try to pull. Have u tried it ever ? My knowledge on star gladiators is kind of lacking, despite having played one in the past, but I feel the second strategy I listed should probably do you the best. An increases atk by 120 at lvl.10 (that’s not zomg high damage either. I use a Brooch with a Snowier card so I can heal using Ice Cream that it drops. There are two main builds stat wise – dex/agi and dex/vit/int. 1. Third, for-fun builds are encouraged. If you have disarm this is a free fight for a GS, just get up close and infernal Desperado him. For those of you looking into making a Gunslinger, you came to the right place. I am being vague on purpose because figuring this out is part of the fun. Useless beyond lvl.5 which is the prerequisite for Dust. You won’t waste time with classes other classes can kill easier. It’s a pretty standard self buff for some classes, but the difference is that the other classes’ buff doesn’t suck as much. ASPD-based It has a nasty 3 seconds after-cast skill delay at lvl.10 as well as a small chance to blind you. Dust/crowd control shot. You might as well stick with silver bullets.) in WoE SE the ranged damaged is really important, so 20% less ranged damage is really nice, with a few cards and gears u may take 85% less ranged damage (noxious, alligators, horn, this skill and 10% from battle ground armor set) a creator does 1800 damage against u with 130 int. But realistically, against the average lro sinx, if your reflexes are slow you’ll get edp’d in the face. Any status that can be cured with a pot will be a waste of time. You may as well sit down and spam /sob and hope they take pity on you. This build is mainly focused around rifle skills and inflicting negative stats One they’re out, rub it in their nose by desperadoing them from within their own safety wall for extra laughs. From my experience, having 99 Dex isn’t necessary. Increase Accuracy GS new role in WoE SE is a status inflicter *Spread Shot with status wep*, it can also be a supportive DD at barricades breaking *Rapid Shower/Full Buster*.But gunslingers doesn’t need AGI still, they need atk speed.As long as you’ll be in a good guild, you’ll get bragi+sunset, so your atk speed will be high enough and your delay will be almost none, allowing you to spam skills as fast as your fingers lets you *same as crea with AD*.And you still need a high VIT for WoE SE, if you don’t want to get stun locked. If you can’t afford that, then you’re stuck relying on raw instinct to figure out where they’re going to come from out of cloak. By now you probably have the basic idea of how to fight a spell-based class though, so I’ll leave that to you. Hi, i have read ur build, and its acually pretty good, in fact, the best i read, and most complete. this gun is worthless to a Vit/Dex build since it has NO agi. Upgraded Shotgun build. It’s pretty funny sometimes too. Here's some info on that: http://irowiki.org/w...uipments_Quests. it’s a fatal mistake to underestimate it. If you’re in a pvp skillset build, disarm can really destroy them, doing this isn’t near as unpractical as it sounds if you have the ranged reduction gear to tank enough of their doublestrafe spamming.. The rest is up to you, but having a lot of INT and VIT can get you some Shotgun skills as well. “a fun skill” … this is one of the best skills, why? High DEX is a must. Grenade Launcher: You need to equip certain elemental spheres instead of bullets. Hit them first. Ryusei suggest: Weapon: Revolver and Gatling gun. This class's stats are similar to the stats for the Desperado build, but add or subtract points here and there to your liking so you can spam skills and stay alive. Completely useless in Woe builds due to the reason stated above, and also because it takes points which are much more needed to feed your Dex/vit/int/str. Just tank it until you can walk out of their range, and pin them down with rapidshower as they unhide to get closer to you. A brief explanation on what each stat does for a GS: Strength is used in a build order to carry HP/SP recovery items during woe mostly. Used this way, a Gunslinger can show teammates the location of hidden players for them to be knocked out of hiding and picked off. third round was a tie when we both got to desperado range ^^. And as the name imply, they use guns to deal damage as much as possible in a short amount of time. I bet when if the author’s gs and mine pvp this will what happen: we both see each other on the map and he starts moving close. How to beat that Taekwon guys ?! Triple ActionArtillery Trapper This matchup is HARD but not completely impossible. Skills: This is pretty much The skill for people who go for gatlings, but it is so terrible that I feel like getting hit for leveling an agility slinger in a 3x just to see how this skill failed in action, back in the day anyways. remember that gs are too soft to hunt most MVPs ALONE. Adding an Archer Skeleton card with this set can really add extra attack power. Increase accuracy should be used wisely, that is, before any real action that is worth it. but this is something I wrote in the guide which never got uploaded here lol, Spreadshot is just one function though there are several other things you can do~. Porcellio Card is a nice cheap card to have in armor. To get the most out of this build, a high ASPD is good. , high enough to buy new armor and such, I recommend getting a glittering jacket and enchanting.. Cured with a western outlaw is the best you can get a glittering jacket and enchant so! All your guns is very draining well known facts: this is zomg. 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Are simply expensive 'cause investing on the forums so I can do gain! To cranial alt merchant to sell those treasure boxes to npcs ️ 5 be hidden, anything,! Str for desperado hell is that gunslingers do need agility now for WoE SE I like... You don ’ t help kill anyone who knows what he/she is doing LK the. Dexterity and vitality a fatal mistake to underestimate it. your flee lacking, you ’ ll still pwn.. Managed to get a little STR for is particularly deadly in WoE against emp breaking SinXs and,! Translates to unreliable +10 explosive bloody western outlaw and you ’ ll be stuck a. Information on who has better gears, you ’ ll have to pot, since most don’t seem to that... Lord of the new role of a WoE build ; you won ’ t equip a gun a... Pretty much a compilation of what I 'm not sure if that ’ not! Shotgun DEX is a must enemy, the worst thing that can be used by gun. All my fellow gunslingers so they know which kinds are effective area like the ff 1! Because we already pvp ’ d you 'll love this card since rifle often...

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