Ultimately, the level will depend on your turtle's growth. When your turtle is too big for the dock you can always get a rock big enough or stacked bricks I find is the best way. Razorback musk turtle with fish? For this reason we … These small turtles make great pets, including for beginners. Musk turtles make fantastic little pets with bags of personality, they’re a bit more complicated than fish to keep, but once you have you’re set up right then they can live a long and happy life, maybe up to 40 years. Is my razorback musk overfed? The Loggerhead Musk Turtle is one of several Musk Turtle species. Pretty branches are also a good option for more naturalness. The musk turtle can grow to 100mm (4-4'') long and needs a proportional amount of space to live happily. Males have a more massive head than females. Swampy areas with low current and rich vegetation. - Page 2. Gamer. As their name suggests, they have a very prominent keeled shell, and a hinged bottom. Hi, Im getting a baby Razorback musk turtle next Tuesday but just want to make sure the setup is correct before I collect it! My problem is, since he seldom leaves the tank it's hard to feed him dry food. Which paludarium for the Razorback musk turtle? See more ideas about Musk turtle, Turtle, Musk. This species will also accept duckweed. A good layer is thus necessary: count approximately 30cm / 12" of sand. guppy's don't lay eggs they give birth to fry no fish u put in ur turtle tank will survive even if the fish is bigger either one will be in danger of being eaten if u want fish get a smaller tank set up for just them i have a 10 gal sut up with guppy's they breed all the time n i always have a supply of feeders for my turtles In terms of quantity, a meal must represent the equivalent of the volume of the head (this corresponds more or less to the volume of the stomach). I set up a turtle island and a lamp for him, but he is either too shy or just likes to sleep in the corner...can't figure out which. I have a turtle dock, and a compact fluorescent R-Zilla UVB lighting(2x 9watt bulbs). Currently he is housed in a 20gallon tank with about half full water. Musk Turtle Fish Tanks Aquariums Turtles Hedgehog Lion Sculpture Creatures Statue Animals. You will need: - First of all, the aquarium: count 120cm / 47" of frontage for 50cm / 20" wide to accommodate your guests. Such a daily stress makes the specimen concerned very fragile and will end up being prone to diseases. More difficult to protect against would be the raccoon that can easily fish a musk … I have zebra and leopard danios with my musks, so far so good. A spotlight over their basking area will be utilized. Flattened Musk Turtle General Info. Answer: One group of North American freshwater turtles stands out in my mind as the most perfect kind to cohabitate in deep water without permanent land: musk turtles of the genus Sternotherus. Finally, install a net because some birds can make it their meal! Reptiles, Amphibians and Other Exotic Pets D. dangerhack Jack Dempsey. You will need the following: Provide 10 gallons of water for every inch of shell length. For a couple, they only tolerate each other during the reproduction period, that is to say 1 or 2 months. Diet: The Razorback turtle is mostly carnivorous in the wild feeding on aquatic invertebrates such as crayfish, clams, snails, crickets and underwater insects. You will therefore have to find the right balance between comfort and efficiency. This area can be in the form of a rock projecting from the water, or in the case of young specimens, floating aquatic plants are preferred. Shallow bottom dwellers, Razorbacks bask more than do most muds and musks. May 11, 2019 - Explore Marcela M.'s board "Frank" on Pinterest. Report. From gray to almost silver, or light brown to orange with spotted or streaked darker markings, they are one of the prettiest. For you pet Razorback Turtle however, they are various complete dried and frozen foods that contain all of the animals dietary requirements. You picked a fish species that is intelligent, slender and speedy, such as tetras, zebras or yellow cichlids. On average, each clutch contains between 1 and 7 eggs (more usually between 2 and 4 eggs). Press J to jump to the feed. Finally, you can install hiding places because the Razorback musk turtle loves to hide (be careful with the stability of your decor to avoid the rockslide or the risks that the turtle gets stuck at the bottom and drowns). So i decided to pick some musk turtles up! Member. As with mud turtles, these situations should be monitored closely. He is in a aquatic tank with African Cichlids. Therefore you’ll need an aquarium heater to maintain a comfortable temperature. A high, strong ridge or “dorsal keel,” is an identifying feature of this species. They only come onto land for nesting. These two hatchling turtles are a Razorback Musk Turtle, and a Diamondback Terrapin that was captive bred and born in freshwater. He's doing great except he almost never leaves the water. My new Razorback Musk hatchling exploring his 120 gallon tank. - Finally, the decoration of the aquarium: at the bottom, fine aquarium sand for the comfort of this walker. Caution is advised when maintaining any musk turtles together with their own kind or closely related species. In colder regions where winters are longer, it is better to bring it in during this period. Indeed, when the water drops below around 18’C most turtles will stop eating. They normally spend their time walking about on the bottom seeking food, and only rise every five or more minutes to breathe. Musk turtles will eat minnows, guppies, ghost shrimp, snails etc. See more ideas about Turtle, Musk turtle, Pet turtle. On the other hand, it is the champion of resourcefulness! The presence of plants such as Vallisneria, Echinodorus, Anubia or Egeria will also be appreciated. Aggression between rival males, or with unreceptive females often results." The Flattened Musk Turtle is one of five species of Musk Turtles that include the Razorback Musk Turtle, Loggerhead Musk Turtle, Stripe-Necked Musk Turtle, and Common Musk Turtle.As is the case with all other Musk Turtles, this animal will release a foul smelling liquid when frightened, so care needs to be taken to ensure your pet will feel safe and at ease. Food Razorback Musk Turtles … Put hiding places for the fish to hide and relax from your turtle. Be careful, some fish should be avoided because they are bad for the health of turtles (antivitamin B1) such as herring, sardines, smelts or red fish... - chicken or beef liver, rich in vitamin A (occasionally), - Lemna Minor, Salvinia, Pistia... available in the aquarium. We do not sell fresh hatchlings! In particular, the species from rivers draining into the Gulf of Mexico, such as the loggerheads (S. minor) and razorbacks (S. carinatus) are excellent swimmers that can surface for air as needed. This species of turtle grows to be around 6” when fully matured making them great pets to keep as a 30 gallon tank can house one for its entire life. Vollen Schutz genießt du außerdem bei allen Artikeln mit eBay-Garantie und Zahlungsabwicklung über eBay. To satisfy this need, place a wide and deep box in place of the emerged bank. (5-6 inch shell = 50- 60 gallons of water.) The razor-backed musk turtle is frequently kept in captivity, and is regularly captive bred. With such a group, male/female cohabitation may be feasible). In the wild they occupy a wide variety of depths some reports of up to 9m deep. I set up a turtle island and a lamp for him, but he is either too shy or just likes to sleep in the corner...can't figure out which. In the wild, this species hibernates for up to 4 months (from December to February), usually hidden or buried in the sand. Make a cuttlefish bone available at all times in order to provide the aquatic turtle with the calcium it needs (this is mandatory for its health). Remove Advertisements . I have lost 2 Neon Tetra because I noticed my Diamondback Terrapin chasing after them so he may have gotten one of them. I feed it daily with variations of sanyu turtle sticks and hikari sinking cichlid excel. He begs for food all the time! The budget for such an installation can quickly rise. Gently collect the eggs (be careful not to turn them!) What kind of behavior does the Razorback musk turtle have? r/turtle: This subreddit is a friendly place to post all things turtle-related. This species prefers streams and river systems in middle Texas, southern Oklahoma, Arkansas and southern Mississippi with gravel or sandy substrate and dead wood for basking and hiding. or it just a no no. Along with the basking dock or rocks, you will need a heat lamp and also a UVA/UVB lamp. Thus, if you try to cohabitate, keep in mind that things can degenerate, and that a second installation of the same type as the first will then be necessary to separate incompatible turtles. My problem is, since he seldom leaves the tank it's hard to feed him dry food. Plan to install a platform so that it can emerge at will. Browse more videos. what type of fish would be best? Avoid pairing up turtles and goldfish or any other tropical fish species. The razorback musk turtle can be kept in a tropical fish aquarium of an appropriate size, but be prepared to lose fish. Whatever your choice, the emerged part should represent about 25% of the aquarium's surface. The temp is set to about 78degres. Dimorphism. Razorbacks are much lighter in color than most muds and musks. To complete, install roots and large stones for the turtle to lean on. Aquarium either glass or acrylic. - The Razorback musk turtle, even though it is mainly aquatic, needs to get out of the water to rest. - The water temperature should be around 24-25°C / 75-77°F, so an immersion heater is necessary. Housed in our huge fish warehouse here in San Diego, California, with thousands of other fish species. Has feeder fish and shrimps in the tank. food is Hikari sinking gold and new Hikari sinking gold excel both are cichlid food. This is because they will need fully submerged sections without risk of warping or leaking. The young arrive after 80 to 100 days of incubation. This lamp must produce enough heat to keep the temperature between 28 and 30°C or 82 and 86°F (play on the distance platform to bulb to adjust your temperature). musk turtle diet AND what fish can go in the same tank! Can I give them pellets? The common musk (stinkpot) is much less so, but can be a tail nipper with other turtles. Wann gilt der eBay-Käuferschutz?. Note that this turtle stops feeding when the temperature is above 35°C/95°F or below 13°C/55°F. I love mine though he lives alone now and is thriving. Apr 11, 2018 - Explore Jill Ludwig's board "Musk Turtles", followed by 250 people on Pinterest. Another video of our razorbacks, this time in 1080p HD (make sure play in high quality mode!). In warm regions, it can stay there all year round. The cloaca is closer to the edge of the carapace in females than in males. So here he is! The razorback musk turtle can be kept in a tropical fish aquarium of an appropriate size, but be prepared to lose fish. But bear in mind that any fish that you put in the tank will likely become supper - the fish get along with the turtle just fine, but the turtle just thinks of them as a tasty snack! Note that this species can live in an outdoor pond if all conditions are respected (low water level, dead leaf mats...). Marie Wyatt, Fresno, Calif. Like all turtles, this species does not like to be manipulated. Males have a longer tail than females. He's doing great except he almost never leaves the water. maybe not 2 but i know 1 could because Razorback Musks grow 5 - … The head is bulbous with a sharp beak. Advanced Aquaria Discussion Forum. 4:10. Their tail is also longer and wider at the base than females. There is always a risk that the cohabitation goes badly even if we put all the chances on our side (question of character of each individual, and that, we can do nothing!). User account menu. They also eat fish, bloodworms and earthworms. - For more comfort, you can connect your 2 lamps to a timer that you will have set to 11 hours of lighting per day. I have a 5 inch Razorback Musk Turtle for three weeks now. i was thinking is it okay to have cleaner fish(cat fish) in the tank with turtle? First of all, never associate two males together, the cohabitation of two females is more likely to work. r/turtle. They will have to be fed every day. now a diet for a musk turtle first. Tip: Point the filter's discharge pipe against a wall to reduce the current in the aquarium. Original poster. The razorback musk turtle can be kept in a tropical fish aquarium of an appropriate size, but be prepared to lose fish. Davon profitierst du immer dann, wenn du mit PayPal, Kreditkarte oder Lastschrift zahlst. Turtles are old enough to reproduce when they are 4 to 8 years old depending on the individuals (from 8-10 cm / 3.2-4"). Sometimes, too extreme dominations lead dominated turtles to prostrate themselves in a corner, sometimes going as far as to stop feeding. It’s worth noting that there have been very few reports of Musk turtles releasing their musk in a captive situation. 12. I have a turtle dock, and a compact fluorescent R-Zilla UVB lighting(2x 9watt bulbs). See more ideas about Musk turtle, Turtles for sale, Turtle wallpaper. Razorback Musk Turtles (Sternotherus carinatus) are a small freshwater turtle, very similar to the common Musk Turtle . Jun 20, 2019. The water is quickly polluted and the filtration must be powerful enough to keep pace. What kind of turtles an what size? However, you should be aware that, when these animals become extremely stressed, they will end up releasing a yellowish liquid from glands that are found beneath the carapace rim. Razorback Musk Turtle Feeding/Update clip - Duration: 8:22. My Razorback Musk Turtle … I know not goldfish becuase they could carry parasites. In captivity, offer mostly fresh food. So i decided to pick some musk turtles up! The Flattened Musk Turtle is one of five species of Musk Turtles that include the Razorback Musk Turtle, Loggerhead Musk Turtle, Stripe-Necked Musk Turtle, and Common Musk Turtle. Like tropical fish, musk turtles require warm water to thrive. Who can live with the Razorback musk turtle? The temp is set to about 78degres. The solution? The water will be partially renewed every 2-3 days (1/5 of the total volume is sufficient). Finally, all turtles benefit from natural sunlight, and common musk turtles do well in outdoor, backyard turtle ponds. If you are keeping your musk turtle in a natural pond that has fishes and some aquatic life too, don’t worry, the turtle won’t eat them. Put hiding places for the fish to hide and relax from your turtle. Small fish are the most vulnerable, but as the turtle grows, don’t be too surprised to find even larger fish with pieces missing out of their fins. Razorback Musk Turtle habitat setup. You have a turtle that is less interested in eating fish, such as mud and musk turtles. It moves by walking rather than swimming. As is the case with all other Musk Turtles, this animal will release a foul smelling liquid when frightened, so care needs to be taken to ensure your pet will feel safe and at ease. I kept my musk Bentley with fish and it worked out for awhile. It also feeds on fish and carrion. Has feeder fish and shrimps in the tank. Females can lay eggs 2 or 3 times a year. A much lighter turtle with … In captivity, hibernation is not mandatory (unless you wish to reproduce it). A note of caution: Musk turtles eat fish and almost anything else they can catch. Razorback's are the largest of the musk turtles. a mini diet sheet would be great, i will be getting two hatchling turts. Its relatively small size, hardiness and ease of care makes it a more attractive choice as a pet turtle for many keepers, than the more commonly available red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). I have one in a 27 gallon tub right now, i plan on getting another or two not sure yet, but hes really cute and cant wait until he gets big! Check out our MORPHS page to see all the different possibilities. I read the following on a Razorback Care Sheet: "Caution is advised when maintaining any musk turtles together with their own kind or closely related species. Since the filter clogs quickly, you can plan to clean it once a week. Beware of the small gravel that the turtle can ingest and cause intestinal occlusions. This is especially important to give them a resting place where it’s possible to simply raise their snout for gulps of air. You can also follow their wild diet and provide your turtle with snails, mussels and aquatic insects, as well as non-toxic aquatic plants like duckweed. Once they get used to you they may feed from your hand and will recognise you, as the source of food if nothing else. The Razorback musk turtle is very territorial (like all aquatic turtles), which is why it has no problem living alone. I have a razorback musk that ambushes the fish. Monk In Myanmar Takes In Pythons, Other Snakes Rescued From Black Market, Baby Alligators Can Regrow Severed Tails, Study Says, Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Save Eggs From Road-Killed Carpet Python, New Philippine False Gecko Species Discovered In Bicol Region On Luzon Island, Toads Introduced On Mauritius and Réunion Islands Smaller Than Native African Populations. Heartsoothe. Posts: 1,925 Fast moving fish you dont mind getting eaten. The other 2 will be available end of November. I have a 5 inch Razorback Musk Turtle for three weeks now. The rest of the time, they must be separated in separate facilities. When the water goes below 10°C, the turtle buries or hides to hibernate. The UVA/UVB lamp is a must for shell, bone, and digestion health in turtles. Razorbacks are omnivores, taking pellets, fish, crustaceans, insects, meat, worms and aquatic plants. Please let us know if you have any questions before deciding to purchase by emailing us at sales@aquariumfishdepot.com.. Order Online to ship anywhere in the USA 5 years ago | 1 view. Ordering your Albino Razor Back Musk Turtles. from what i read turtle food (the sticks you can buy) are fine and they can live on just these is this rite? The razor-backed musk turtle is frequently kept in captivity, and is regularly captive bred. Supplement the commercial diet with feeder fish, crickets, roaches, mealworms, bloodworms, and earthworms. Put the male and two females in contact (see "cohabitation") and after several matings, separate them. Whether you’re looking for a large group or a pair, you will always receive the same quality from us. This breed is rare in the pet trade, so it might be difficult to find one. Instead, we take the time to get them feeding and strong before offering them for sale. Razorback Musk turtles, in HD. Just keep in mind that they are a food source for the turtle. I won’t go into bloody detail but once he got full grown it no longer worked. Their tail is also longer and wider at the base than females. However, they must be protected from mammalian predators, notably roaming neighborhood dogs if you live in a portion of the country, as I do, where leash laws are unfortunately often ignored. Razorbacks are omnivores, taking pellets, fish, crustaceans, insects, meat, worms and aquatic plants. - Then the filter. The Razorback musk turtle being quite slow, cohabitation with a few fast fish (guppy, southern platyfish) is possible as long as the volume of water is sufficient for the chosen fishes and the aquarium is well maintained. Currently he is housed in a 20gallon tank with about half full water. It also feeds on fish and carrion. Other Pets. He is in a aquatic tank with African Cichlids. So an immersion heater is necessary to plan a rather important installation predators.: 1,925 fast moving fish you dont mind getting eaten and common musk turtles ( Sternotherus carinatus ) a! The roof shape of its shell, bone, and earthworms diet and what fish you! Shell has a brown carapace with black markings at the base than females, soil and.! It daily with variations of sanyu turtle sticks and Hikari sinking razorback musk turtle with fish.. To bring it in during this period ’ s worth noting that have! Of air it has no problem living alone decided to pick some musk turtles keep! 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